Olympus PT 021, X-350 User Manual

Instruction Manual
Underwater Case
For the digital camera CAMEDIA X-350
Thank you for buying the Underwater Case PT-021.
Please read this instruction manual carefully and use the product
Wrong use may cause damage to the camera on the inside from water leakage, and repair may not be possible.
Before use, perform an advance check as described in this manual.


Unauthorized copying of this manual in part or in full, except for
private use, is prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited.
OLYMPUS CORPORATION shall not be responsible in any way
for lost profits or any claims by third parties in case of any damage occurring from unsuitable use of this product.
OLYMPUS CORPORATION shall not be responsible for damage, lost profits, etc. caused by loss of image data because of defects, disassembly, repair or modification of this product by people other than third parties specified by OLYMPUS CORPORATION, or for other reasons.

Please read the following items before use

This Case is a precision device designed for use at a water depth
within 40 m. Please handle it with sufficient care.
Please use the Case correctly after sufficient understanding of the
contents of this manual in regard to handling of the Case, checks before use, maintenance, and storage after use.
OLYMPUS CORPORATION shall in no way be responsible for
accidents involving immersion of a digital camera in water.
OLYMPUS CORPORATION shall not pay any compensation for
accidents (injuries or material damage) at the time of use.
Before use, be sure to read the precautions printed on the package.

For safe use

This instruction manual uses various pictographs for correct use of the product and to prevent danger to the user and other persons as well as property damage. These pictographs and their meanings are shown below.
This indicates contents for which the possibility of human death or severe injury in case of handling under disregard of this indication can be assumed.
This indicates contents for which the possibility of human injury or the possibility of material damage in case of handling under disregard of this indication can be assumed.
1. Keep this product out of the reach of babies, infants, and children.
There is the possibility of occurrence of the following types of accidents.
Injury by dropping onto the body from a height.Injury from parts of the body getting caught in parts which open and
Swallowing of small parts. Please consult a physician immediately
if any parts have been swallowed.
Triggering of the flash in front of the eyes may cause permanent
vision impairment etc.
2. Do not store with a battery in the digital camera housed in this product. Storage with a battery inserted may lead to leakage of the battery liquid and fire.
3. If leakage of water should occur with a camera installed in this product, quickly remove the battery from the camera. There is the possibility of ignition and explosion from generation of hydrogen gas.
4. This product is made of resin. There is the possibility that injuries may be caused when it becomes broken because of strong impact with a rock or other hard objects. Please handle with sufficient care.
5. The silica gel and the grease for silicone O-rings for this product are not edible.
1. Do not disassemble or modify this product. This may cause water leakage or trouble. In case of disassembly or modification by persons other than those appointed by OLYMPUS CORPORATION, the guarantee shall not apply.
2. Do not place this product at locations with abnormally high or abnormally low temperatures or at locations with extreme temperature changes. The product may deteriorate.
3. Opening and closing at locations with much sand, dust, or dirt may impair the waterproof characteristic and cause water leakage. This should be avoided.
4. This product has been designed and manufactured for use at a water depth within 40 m. Please note that diving to a depth in excess of 40 m may cause permanent deformation or damage to the Case and the camera inside the Case or may lead to water leakage.
5. Jumping into the water with the Case in your pocket or in your hand, throwing the Case from a boat or ship into the water, and other rough handling may cause water leakage. Please handle with sufficient care, when handing it over from hand to hand etc.
6. If the camera on the inside should become wet because of water leakage etc., immediately wipe off all moisture and confirm the operation.
7. Please remove the O-ring when traveling by air. Otherwise air pressure may make it impossible to open the Case.
8. For safe use of the digital camera in this product, please read the "Instruction Manual" for the digital camera carefully.
9. When sealing this product, take sufficient care that no foreign matter gets caught at the O-ring and the contact surfaces.


Use either one lithium battery pack CR-V3 (LB-01 made by
Olympus) or two AA alkaline or nickel-hydrogen batteries as the batteries for the camera.
Alkaline batteries can be used only for a small number of photos,
and their performance also drops with use at low temperatures. Avoid use of alkaline batteries, as they may become exhausted during a dive.
Take care that the battery electrodes do not become wet. This may
cause trouble or accidents.
Carefully read the instruction manual for the camera about other
cautions regarding batteries.

For Prevention of Water Leakage Accidents

When water leakage occurs while this product is being used, repair of the camera housed in this product may become impossible. Please observe the following cautions for use.
1. When sealing this product, make sure that no hairs, fibers, sand particles or other foreign matter stick not only to the O-ring, but also to the contact surface (flat part of the front cover). Even a single hair or a single grain of sand may cause water leakage. Please check with special care.
<for foreign matter sticking to the O-ring>
Hair Fibers Grains of sand
2. The O-ring is a consumption product. Please replace it at least once a year by new one. Also perform maintenance for every use.
3. Deterioration of the O-ring will progress according to the use conditions and the storage conditions. Immediately replace the O-ring by a new one if it is damaged, shows cracks, or has lost its elasticity.
4. At the time of O-ring maintenance, clean the inside of the O-ring groove and confirm the absence of dirt, dust, sand, and other foreign matter.
5. Apply the specified silicone O-ring grease to the O-ring.
6. The waterproof function is not effective when the O-ring is not installed correctly. When installing the O-ring, take care that it does not project from the groove and that it is not twisted. Also, when sealing the Case, close the lid after confirming that the O-ring has not come out of the groove.
7. This product is an airtight construction made of plastic (polycarbonate). When it is left for a long time in a car, on a boat, at the beach, or at other places reaching a high temperature, or when it is subjected for a long time to uneven external force, it may be deformed and the waterproof function may be lost. Pay sufficient attention to temperature control. Also do not place heavy objects onto the product during storage or transport, and avoid unreasonable storage.
8. When the O-ring contact surface is pressed strongly from the outside of the Case, or when the Case is twisted, the waterproof function may be lost. Take care not to exert excessive force.
9. Please use the Case after performing the advance test and the final check.
.If you should notice drops of water or other signs of water leakage
while taking pictures, immediately stop the dive, remove any water from the camera and the product, test according to the item "Final check", and confirm whether leakage has occurred or not.

Handling the Product

Use or storage of the product at the following locations may cause defective operation, defects, trouble, damage, fire, internal clouding, or water leakage. Always avoid these locations.
Locations reaching high temperatures such as those under direct
sunlight, in an automobile, etc.
Locations with open fireWater depths in excess of 40 mLocations subject to vibrationsLocations with high temperatures and much dust or with severe
temperature changes
Locations with volatile substances
This product is made of polycarbonate resin with excellent impact resistance, but it may be damaged by scraping against rocks etc. It also may break when it hits hard objects or is dropped.
This product is not a case to soften impacts to the camera inside the product. When this product with a digital camera inside it is subjected to impacts or heavy objects are placed onto it, the digital camera may become damaged. Please handle the product with sufficient care.
When the product is not used for a long time, the waterproof performance may drop because of deterioration of the O-ring etc. Before use, always perform the advance test and the final check.
Do not apply excessive force to the tripod socket.
When a flash is used while the Case is being used, shadows may
appear at the edges of the picture. This is especially notable when taking pictures in macro mode on the wide-angle side. Please use a flash after image confirmation.
Do not use the following chemicals for cleaning, corrosion prevention, prevention of fogging, repair or other purposes. When these are used for the Case directly or indirectly (with the chemicals in vaporized state), they may cause cracking under high pressure or other problems.
Chemicals which cannot be used
Volatile organic solvents, chemical detergents
Anticorrosion agent
Commercial defogging agents
Grease other than specified silicone grease
Do not clean the Case with alcohol, gasoline, thinner or other volatile organic solvents or with chemical detergents etc. Pure water or lukewarm water is sufficient.
Do not use anticorrosion agents. The metal parts use stainless steel or brass, and washing with pure water is sufficient.
Do not use commercial defogging agents. Always use the specified desiccant silica gel.
Use only the specified silicone grease for the silicone O-ring, as otherwise the O-ring surface may deteriorate and water leakage may be caused.
Do not use adhesive for repairs or other purposes. When repair is required, please contact a dealer or a service station of OLYMPUS CORPORATION.
Do not perform operations other than specified in this instruction manual, do not remove or modify parts other than specified, and do not use parts other than specified.
Any troubles in taking pictures or with the equipment resulting from
the above actions shall be outside the guarantee.
OLYMPUS CORPORATION shall be in no way responsible for accidents involving immersion of a digital camera in water.
OLYMPUS CORPORATION shall not pay any compensation for accidents (injury or material damage) at the time of use.
When the enclosure of the balance weight breaks, the metal on the inside may corrode. Take care not to damage the enclosure.
After use, wash the balance weight with pure water and wipe off all moisture sufficiently.


Introduction Please read the following items before use For safe use Batteries For Prevention of Water Leakage Accidents Handling the Product
E-1 E-1 E-1 E-3 E-4 E-5
Check the contents of the package. Names of the parts Install the strap. Master the basic operation.
2.Advance Check of the Case
Advance test before use
3.Install the digital camera.
Check the digital camera. Loading in the Case
Holding the Case How to Press the Shutter How to Use the Zoom Lever
Which digital cameras can be loaded? Open the lens barrier. Check the operation of the camera. Open the Case. Load the digital camera. Insertion of silica gel Check the loading status. Seal the Case.
Install the special balance weight. Installation and Removal of the LCD Hood Mounting and Removing the Lens Cap
E-10 E-11 E-11 E-11 E-12 E-12
E-14 E-15 E-15 E-15 E-15 E-16 E-16 E-17 E-17 E-18 E-18 E-19 E-19
4.Taking Pictures Under Water
HowtoUsetheStrap Takepicturescarefully.
ConfirmthepictureontheLCDmonitor Quietlypresstheshutterlever. Cautionswhenusingtheflash
E-20 E-20 E-21
E-22 E-22 E-22 E-22 E-22
5.Handling After Shooting
Takeoutthedigitalcamera. WashtheCasewithpurewater. DrytheCase.
Maintaining the Waterproof Function
Removeanysand,dirt,etc. InstalltheO-ring.
HowtoApplyGreasetotheO-ring Replaceconsumableproducts.
Q&AontheuseofthePT-021 After-saleService Specifications
E-23 E-24 E-25 E-25
E-26 E-26 E-27 E-27 E-28
E-29 E-34 E-35 E-35

1. Preparations

Check the contents of the package.

Check that all accessories are in the box. Contact your dealer if accessories should be missing or damaged.
LCD hood
(on the body)
LCD hood strap
(Check that the O-ring is normal.)
Instruction manual (this manual)
デジタルカメラ CAMEDIAX-350用
■このたびは、防水プロテクタPT-021をお買上げいただき、ありがとうご ざいます。
■この説明書をよくお読みのうえ、安全に正しくお使いください。また、 この説明書はお読みになった後、必ず保管してください。
■誤った使い方をされると水漏れにより中のカメラが破損し、修理不能 になる場合があります。
Case body
Pick for O-ring removal
本保証書は、本記載内容で無料修理を行うことをお約束するものです。 お買い上げの日から下記期間中、万一故障が発生した場合は、本契約書を添付ご持参の上 お買い上げ販売店、または当社サービスステーションにご依頼ください。
期  間
Thisisalimitedwarrantyfor 1yearfromyourdateof purchase.Usefulonlyin
年 月  日
住所 Address
氏名 Name      性別(男・女)、年齢(  才)
            TEL   (   )
Dealer's nameand address
型名 防水・防塵 プロテクタ
保証責任者 保証履行者
〒192-0032 東京都八王子市石川町2951
       03(3292)1931        
Information disc
Silicone grease
Hand strap
Balance weight
Diver's insurance guideWarranty card
Silica gel

Names of the parts

Palm grip Buckle lock lever Buckle hook Diffuser and diffuser cover O-ring
Shutter lever Zoom lever
Hand strap ring Hand strap Tripod seat
Lens ring
The Case operation parts marked by❈corresponds to the operation parts
Lens window
Play back button
OK/Menu button
Shooting mode button
Flash mode button
Macro button
Selftimer button
Rear lid Front lid Loading guide rail LCD monitor window
Grease for silicone O-ring(white cap)
Silica gel
Balance weight
Pick for O-ring removal
LCD inner hood
LCD hood
LCD hood strap
Shade hood
Buckle opener
Lenscap strap
of the digital camera. When the operation parts of the Case are operated, the corresponding functions of the digital camera will operate. For details of the functions, refer to the instruction manual for the digital

Install the strap.

Installation explanation
Hand strap
Hand strap ring
Finished installation
Good example Bad example
Install the strap on the Case body.
Please install the strap correctly as shown above. OLYMPUS CORPORATION shall bear no responsibility for damage etc. caused by dropping the Case because of incorrect installation of the strap.

Master the basic operation.

Please master the basic operation of the Case before taking pictures.

Holding the Case

Hold the Case securely with both hands, keep your elbows close to your body, and hold the Case so that you can confirm the picture on the LCD monitor of the digital camera through the LCD monitor window of the Case.
: •
Note: • Use the LCD monitor to confirm your picture. The optical
Do not exert excessive force onto the lens window or the lens ring.
• Take care not to put your fingers etc. over the lens window and the flash diffuser.
viewfinder cannot be used.
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