Take the pictures of your lifetime.

It’s called Live View and it
did more than help me take
her picture. I
captured her personality.
Photographs aren’t just images.
They’re visual history.
Echoes from the past.
A record of lives lived.
It’s why people carry cameras.
So moments aren’t missed.
Photos aren’t just photos.
They’re who you are.
There isn’t always time to
use a viewfinder. Sometimes shots
are so spontaneous, you have to get them
instantly or they’re gone. That’s where Live View
helps. For example, I had been shooting all day
and was resting with my E-510 in my lap. The
biker rode by the arch. I grabbed the camera
— there’s a really comfortable grip — and
looked through the big screen. A second later,
I had the shot. Live View gives me more shooting
versatility and the camera travels well.
My photo collection keeps growing.

The lower the light,
the trickier the shot.
Blurriness will usually show its ugly
head. But image stabilization helped me
capture this shot clearly. All the details
are here — right down to the sense of wonder
in the child’s face. Even if I can’t
keep the camera still and my subject is
moving, I can still get a good, clean shot no
matter what lens I’m using. Getting the hard
photos right has never been so easy.
Take more pictures.
Take them on bikes.
On horseback.
From cars.
Shoot in the dark.
Get all the tough shots.
Take more pictures.
You’ll be glad you did.

Perfect light.
Perfect composition.
Perfect color.
A perfect memory.
A photo you’ll keep forever.
And a camera that keeps it spot free.
Changing lenses in a windy,
dirty place can be scary.
A speck of dust on the imager and
you’ve got problems. My E-510 gets rid of
dust. I can stop worrying, change lenses
and make the very most of my SLR.
This car looked like something out of an
old movie. The dust storm behind it was
part of the charm. The scene has
incredible detail. And the dust is in
the photo, not all over it.