user manual | oPus | melodY
• Once the MELODY is on, you’ll be using the 5 navigation keys to get around the menu
screens, and the play keys to control the actual playback like on any CD-player. Then
there’s the ON/OFF key, that’s about it.
Tip 1: Use the remote control just like the keys on the MELODY – while sitting down. It
doesn’t get much easier than that.
Tip 2: The touchscreen feature allows you to more directly point to what you want the
MELODY to do, the logic of the menu screens stays the same.
Tip 3: The menu screens start with the main menu. Then navigating to the right you get to
the music. To get back is to the left again. With the double panel display you can easily tell
where you are going and what options are available. Holding the left arrow allows to jump
back to the top menu (“Home” on the remote control).
Tip 4: The main musical genres are color coded to easily tell them apart. Some of the
information that is shown on the track detail screen is different per genre to allow you to nd
out more about what you are listening to.
Tip 5: The lower part of the display consists of a status bar that allows you to quickly view
play mode (pause, repeat, shufe, etc.), alarm or timer set, track progress, volume level,
background progress and network status.
To put your MELODY to sleep, just press the ON/OFF button shortly. When you press it again the
MELODY will turn on again and return to the spot where you left off.
Note: Within this user manual we will refer to screen menu options in CAPITAL letters for easier