OKI’s High-Performance CMOS 32-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller
The ML670100 is a high-performance 32-bit microcontroller combining a RISC based, 32-bit CPU core the ARM7TDMITM - with memory and such peripheral circuits as timers, serial ports, and analog-todigital converter. This combination of 32-bit data processing, built-in memory, and on-chip peripherals
make it ideal for controlling equipment requiring both high speed and high functionality. An external
memory controller supports direct connection to memory and peripheral devices for adding even more
Operating Voltage2.7 to 3.6V
Operating Frequency 25MHz maximum(3.0 to 3.6V)
On-chip memory-ROM: 128 kilobytes
-RAM: 4 kilobytes
I/O FunctionI/O ports: 8 bits x 9, I/O directions are specified at the bit level
Timer-Flexible timer (16-bit multi-function timer with six channels)
Choice of operating modes: auto-reload timer, compare output, PWM
and capture
-Time base counter with WDT function
Serial Port-One asynchronous serial port (UART) with baud rate generator
-Two clock synchronous serial port
A-to-D Converter-8-bit resolution A-to-D converter with eight analog input ports
External Memory
Clock Generator-Built-in crystal oscillation circuit and PLL
Package144-pin LQFP ( LQFP144-P-2020-0.50-K)
-Support for 28 interrupt sources: 9 external and 19 internal
-Choice of eight priority levels for each source
-Direct connection to ROM, SRAM, DRAM and peripheral devices
-Support for four banks: two for ROM, SRAM and I/O devices plus two for
-User-configurable bus width (8/16 bits) and wait control and other
parameters for accessing memory and external devices
-Choice of divider ratio (1/1, 1/2, 1/4) for adjusting operating clock frequency
to match the load of processing
ARM POWERED logo is the registered trademark of ARM Limited. ARM7TDMI is the trademark of ARM Limited.
The Information contained herein can change without notice owing to product and/or technical improvement.
The signal name of negative logic is being changed to nXXX from XXX in this data sheet.
BusnCS0OutputThis output is the chip select signal for bank 0.
XA23 -
XA15 -
XD7- -XD0 Bidirectional These are bits 7-0 of the external data bus.
nCS1OutputThis output is the chip select signal for bank 1. It represents a
nRDOutputThis output is the read signal for SRAM banks (0 and 1).
nWRLOutputThis output is the Write Enable Low signal for SRAM banks (0
nWRHOutputThis output is the Write Enable High signal for SRAM banks (0
nWREOutputThis output is the Write Enable signal for SRAM banks (0 and
nLBOutputThis output is the Low Byte Select signal for SRAM banks (0
nHBOutputThis output is the High Byte Select signal for SRAM banks (0
nRAS0OutputThis output is the Row Address Strobe signal for bank 2.
nRAS1OutputThis output is the Row Address Strobe signal for banks 3.
nCASLOutputThis output is the Column Address Strobe Low signal for
nCASHOutputThis output is the Column Address Strobe High signal for
nWEOutputThis output is the Write Enable signal for DRAM banks (2 and
nCASOutputThis output is the Column Address Strobe signal for DRAM
nWHOutputThis output is the Write Enable High signal for DRAM banks
nWLOutputThis output is the Write Enable Low signal for DRAM banks (2
nXWAITInputThis input pin controls insertion of wait cycles. It represents a
I/O Direction Description
OutputThese are bits 23-16 of the external address bus. They represent
secondary functions for I/O port PIO0[7:0].
OutputThese are bits 15 - 0 of the external address bus.
Bidirectional These are bits 15-8 of the external data bus. They represent
secondary functions for I/O port PIO1[7:0].
secondary function for I/O port PIO2[6].
and 1).
and 1). It represents a secondary function for I/O port
and 1).
and 1). It represents a secondary function for I/O port PIO2[5].
It represents a secondary function for I/O port PIO2[2].
It represents a secondary function for I/O port PIO2[4].
DRAM banks (2 and 3). It represents a secondary function for
I/O port PIO2[1].
DRAM banks (2 and 3). It represents a secondary function for
I/O port PIO2[3].
3). It represents a secondary function for I/O port PIO2[0].
banks (2 and 3). It represents a secondary function for I/O port
(2 and 3). It represents a secondary function for I/O port
and 3). It represents a secondary function for I/O port PIO2[0].
secondary function for I/O port PIO2[7].
/ 274
TypeSignal Name I/O Direction Description
signals nBACKOutputThis output is an acknowledgment signal to a bus request signal
Timers TMIN[5:0]InputThese pins function as capture trigger input pins for Flexible
nBREQInputThis input is a bus request signal from an external device.
It represents a secondary function for I/O port PIO7[6].
from an external device. It represents a secondary function for
I/O port PIO7[7].
nEFIQInputThis input is an external fast interrupt request (FIQ). When
accepted, the request is processed as an FIQ exception.
nEIR[7:0]InputThis inputs are external interrupt requests. They represent
secondary functions for I/O port PIO3[7:0].
Timer channels 5-0 in capture mode. They represent secondary
functions for I/O port PIO4[5:0].
TMOUT[5:0] OutputThese pins function as output pins for Flexible Timer channels
5-0 in compare output or PWM mode. They represent
secondary functions for I/O port PIO4[5:0].
TMCLK[1:0] InputThese pins function as Flexible Timer channels 1 and 0 clock
input pins. They represent secondary functions for I/O port
ASI_TXDOutputThis output is the transmit data for the Asynchronous Serial
Interface. It represents a secondary function for I/O port
ASI_RXDInputThis input is the receive data for the Asynchronous Serial
Interface. It represents a secondary function for I/O port
CSI0_TXDOutputThis output is the transmit data for the Clock Synchronous
Serial Interface 0. It represents a secondary function for I/O
port PIO5[2].
CSI0_RXDInputThis input is the receive data for the Clock Synchronous Serial
Interface 0. It represents a secondary function for I/O port
CSI0_SCLK Bidirectional This pin accepts/provides clock signal for the Clock
Synchronous Serial Interface 0. It represents a secondary
function for I/O port PIO5[0].
CSI1_TXDOutputThis output is the transmit data for the Clock Synchronous
Serial Interface 1. It represents a secondary function for I/O
port PIO5[5].
CSI1_RXDInputThis input is the receive data for the Clock Synchronous Serial
Interface 1. It represents a secondary function for I/O port
CSI1_SCLK Bidirectional This pin accepts/provides clock signal for the Clock
Synchronous Serial Interface 1. It represents a secondary
function for I/O port PIO5[3].
/ 275
converter AI[7:0]InputThese are analog signal input pins for analog-to-digital
interface TDOOutputThis output is the serial data output for the debugging scan
I/O ports PIO8[7:0]Bidirectional These form an 8-bit I/O port. I/O directions are specified at the
VREFInputThis input is the reference voltage for the analog-to-digital
TDIInputThis input is the serial data input for the debugging scan circuit.
nTRSTInput"L" level input to this pin resets the debugging scan circuit.
TMSInputThis input selects the mode for the debugging scan circuit.
TCKInputThis input is the serial clock input for the debugging scan
DBGENInput"H" level input to this pin enables the CPU's debugging
DBGRQInputThis input is a debugging request signal from an external
DBGACKOutputThis output is an acknowledgment signal to a debugging
PIO7[7:0]Bidirectional These form an 8-bit I/O port. I/O directions are specified at the
PIO6[7:0]Bidirectional These form an 8-bit I/O port. I/O directions are specified at the
PIO5[7:0]Bidirectional These form an 8-bit I/O port. I/O directions are specified at the
PIO4[7:0]Bidirectional These form an 8-bit I/O port. I/O directions are specified at the
PIO3[7:0]Bidirectional These form an 8-bit I/O port. I/O directions are specified at the
PIO2[7:0]Bidirectional These form an 8-bit I/O port. I/O directions are specified at the
PIO1[7:0]Bidirectional These form an 8-bit I/O port. I/O directions are specified at the
PIO0[7:0]Bidirectional These form an 8-bit I/O port. I/O directions are specified at the
I/O Direction Description
converter channels 7-0. Connect it to VDD.
converter channels 7-0.
It represents a secondary function for I/O port PIO8[7].
circuit. It represents a secondary function for I/O port
It represents a secondary function for I/O port PIO8[5].
It represents a secondary function for I/O port PIO8[4].
circuit. It represents a secondary function for I/O port
function. It represents a secondary function for I/O port
device. It represents a secondary function for I/O port
request signal from an external device. It represents a secondary
function for I/O port PIO8[0].
bit level.
bit level.
bit level.
bit level.
bit level.
bit level.
bit level.
bit level.
bit level.
/ 276
OSC0InputThis pin is for connecting a crystal oscillator. If an external
OSC1OutputThis pin is for connecting a crystal oscillator. If an external
CLKOUTOutputThis output is the internal system clock signal.
FSELInputConnect this pin to VDD or ground to indicate the frequency
PLLENInputConnect this pin to VDD to enable the built-in phase-looked
VCOMInputThis input controls the oscillation frequency of the PLL's
nRSTInput"L" level input to this pin produces an external system reset for
DBSELInputDuring a system reset of this LSI, this input specifies the width
nEAInputDuring a system reset of this LSI, this input controls the use of
TESTInputDuring a system reset of this LSI, this input controls the initial
VDDInputThese pins are this LSI's power supply pins. Connect them all to
GNDInputThese pins are this LSI's ground pins. Connect them all to
AVDDInputThis pin is the analog-to-digital converter's power supply.
AGNDInputThis pin is the analog-to-digital converter's ground pin.
clock is used, supply it to this pin.
clock is used, leave this pin open.
range for the basic clock.
loop. If the PLL is not used because an external clock with a
guaranteed duty is available, connect this pin to ground.
voltage-controlled oscillator. Connect it to ground.
this LSI. "H" level input then causes execution to resume from
address 0x000000.
of the external data bus for bank 0. Connect this pin to VDD for
a data bus width of 16bits and to ground for 8bits.
the internal ROM. Connect this pin to VDD to enable the ROM
and to ground to disable it.
pin functions for the I/O port 8 pins(PIO8[7:0]). Connect this
pin to VDD to initialize the port for its secondary function, the
debugging interface, and to ground for I/O.
Connect it to VDD.
Connect it to ground.
/ 277
I/O Ports
The I/O ports consist of nine 8-bit ports: PIOn(n=0 - 8). I/O directions are specified at the bit level. When
configured for input, the pins use high-impedance input.
Flexible Timer
The flexible timer consists of six 16-bit timer channels. Each channel offers independent choice of four
operating modes and of eight count clocks.
-Timer operating modes
- Auto-reload timer
- Compare output
- Pulse width modulation (PWM)
- Capture input
-Timer synchronization
- Timer channels can be started and stopped in union.
-External clocks
- Timer channels 0 and 1 accept external clock signals.
Time Base Generator
The time base generator consists of the time base counter, a frequency divider which derives the time base
signals for the on-chip peripherals from the system clock signals, and watchdog timer, which counts time
base clock cycles and produces a system reset signal when its internal counter overflows.
Asynchronous Serial Interface
The asynchronous serial interface is a serial port that frames each character of information with start and
stop elements. Parameters control transfer speed (using a dedicated baud rate generator), character length,
number of stop bits and use of parity.
-Built-in baud rate generator
-Character length: 7 or 8 bits
-Stop bits: 1 or 2
-Parity: none, odd, or even
-Error detection for receiving: parity, framing and overrun errors
-Full duplex operation
Clock Synchronous Serial Interface
The clock synchronous serial interface are two channels of serial ports that transmit 8-bit data
synchronized with internal or external clock signals.
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Analog-to-Digital Converter
The analog-to-digital converter is an 8-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converter with
eight input channels and four result registers. It offers two operating mode: scan mode, which
sequentially converts the inputs from the selected set of four input channels, and select mode, which
converts the input from a single input channel.
-Resolution: 8 bits
-Eight analog input channels
-Four result registers for holding conversion results
-Operating modes
- Scan modes: Sequential conversion of the analog inputs from the upper or lower set of four
input channels
- Select mode: Conversion of the analog inputs from a single input channel
Interrupt Controller
The interrupt controller manages interrupt requests from 9 external sources and 19 internal ones and
passes them on to the CPU as interrupt request (IRQ) or fast interrupt request (FIQ) exception requests. It
supports eight interrupt levels for each source for use in priority control.
-The interrupt controller supports 9 external interrupt sources connected to nEFIQ and nEIR[7:0] pins
and 19 internal interrupt sources, including the serial ports and the flexible timer channels.
-The interrupt controller simplifies interrupt priority control with a choice of eight interrupt levels for
each source.
-The interrupt controller assigns a unique interrupt number to each source to permit rapid branching
to the appropriate routine.
External Memory Controller
The external memory controller generates control signals for accessing external memory (ROM, SRAM,
DRAM, etc.), and other devices with address in the external memory space.
-Support for direct connection of ROM, SRAM and I/O devices
- Strobe signal outputs for a variety of memory and I/O devices
-Support for direct connection of DRAM
- Multiplexed row and column addresses
- Random access and high-speed paged modes
- Programmable wait cycle insertion
-Memory space divided into four banks
- Two banks for ROM, SRAM and I/O devices
- Two banks for DRAM
- Address space of 16 megabytes for each bank
- Separate data bus width (8 or 16 bits), wait cycle, and off time setting for each bank
-Single-stage store buffer permitting internal access during a wait cycle to external memory or device
-Arbitration of external bus requests from external devices
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