POS Printer OPOS Control that control Label Printer "LD670" is OPOS Controls conforming to
OPOS 1.13 POS Printer Devise. When using OPOS Control, refer to "OLE for Retail POS
Application Programmer's Guide Instructions The 1.13 Version" (OPOS-APG V1.13), too.
In this guide, "OPOS Control" means same as "OPOS OCX".
1.1. Subject Scope of this document
These instructions (Application Programmer's Guide) aim for the main reference of programmers
who develop the application for the use of OPOS Control, and describe the following contents
necessary for that.
- Installation way of OPOS Control
- Usage of OPOS Control
- Restrictions of OPOS Control
- Interface (Property/Method/Event) Remarks of OPOS Control
- Item Setting Remarks of OPOS Control
1.2. OPOS Control Outline
1) OPOS Control Configuration Drawing
OPOS Control co
nforms to ActiveX specifications and provides Property, Method, and Event to
application. Control cannot be seen on UI in application execution. Only application, which uses it,
requests to process through Method and Property. Application receives processing result through
Method return value, parameter, Property, and Event. This OPOS Control is implemented as
in-process server.
<Serial, Parallel, USB Interface>
Control Object
Service Object
OS / Device Drive
Serial Interface
Parallel Interface
USB Interface
<LAN Interface>
POSPrinter Control
POSPrinter Service
DLL used to communicate
with printer in LAN
OS / Device Driver
LAN Interface(10Base-T, 100Base-T)
Driver supports the control of Serial/Parallel/USB/LAN Interface Printer.
*Multiple numbers of interface and printers can be set to the driver. For details, refer to
Chapter 8 "Using Multiple Printers."
* In case of LD670, OPOS Driver doesn’t support drawer connection.
* In case of LAN Interface, OPOS Driver doesn’t support drawer connection.
*This OCX works with Thread Model of STA(Single, Thread or Apartment). To work with
several processes, the setting value of "Apartment" in Registry should be set as "1".
*Regarding LAN interface, Network Connection corresponds to 10Base-T, 100Base-T.
2) Terminology
a. Control Obj
According to each device class, it provides application with the set of Property, Method, and Event.
This Document explains these API.
b. Service Ob ject (Service Object; SO)
It executes the function which is called from Control Object and which is prescribed by OPOS for
each device.
ect (Control Object; CO)
1.3. Restrictions
Followings are restrictions.
1) POS Printer
s on OPOS specifications]
All the interfaces of OPOS POS Printer Device are provided, but there are the following
a. It does not support property setting concerning journal printing and journal.
b. It does not support property setting concerning slip printing and slip.
c. It does not support functions of Italic, custom color, shading printing, and cartridge.
d. It does not support change of receipt printing character font. (Printing font change)
e. The following methods always return OPOS_E_ILLEGAL(106) after enabling.
(Limitation of Cable disconnection and connection)
There are conditions for disconnection and connection of LAN cable under printer
"enable" status:
1)When LAN cable is disconnected from PC, printer cannot support any actions. When the
cable is disconnected during "enable" status, OCX may fail to be "enable" even though the
application restarts.
2)When LAN cable is disconnected from Printer, and while OCX and printer is connecting,
printer cannot support any actions even if "disable" is sent. If "disable" is sent in above
situation, even though the application is restarted, OCX may fail to enable.
When the LAN cable is disconnected, connect the LAN cable again, and switch off and on
the power of Printer.
2) Common Restrictions on POS Printer
The OPOS Control is not
different thread, unexpected result may occur. In the multithread environment,
implementation of exclusive processing for the critical sections is required for accessing
the property and executing the method in order to avoid the method and property are
executed at the same time.
3) Setting of Apartment ="0" with connecting LAN interface cable
ment is set as "0" in Registry setting, one process can control several printers. But
the several processes do "Open" OCX (LAN Interface) at the same time, unexpected
results may happen.
4) Setting of Apartment ="1" with connecting LAN interface cable
Apartment is set as "
In this case, the number of printers (LAN interface) should be guaranteed that one process
should be less than one unit. If more than 2 printers per one process were used, unexpected
results might occur. The following chart shows the examples of the case that Apartment
="1" can work, and the case that Apartment ="1" cannot work. (OCX uses LAN interface.)
thread-safe. When the method or property is accessed from the
0" in Registry setting, several processes can control printers.
examples of the case that Apartment ="1" can work
examples of the case that Apartment ="1" cannot work---1
5) About the "Found New Hardware Wizard" in Windows
When the printer is connected to PC in USB or Parallel interface and "Found New
Hardware Wizard" was displayed, set it in the following procedures.
For Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2
1. The message "Installing device driver software" is displayed in a balloon(lower right corner of the
2. After a while, the message "Device driver software was not successfully installed" is displayed.
This is not a problem.
For Windows Vista / Server 2008
1. The "Found New Hardware" is displayed, select [Don't show this message again for this device].
* When "User Account Control" screen is displayed, select [Continue].
For Windows XP / Server 2003 / WEPOS / WEPOS2009
1. The "Found New Hardware Wizard" screen is displayed. Select [No, not this time] and then click
2. When "What do you want the wizard to do?" is displayed, select [Install from a list or specific
location] and then click [Next].
3. Select [Search for the best driver in these locations], clear all checkboxes and then click [Next].
4. When "Cannot Install this Hardware" is displayed, click [Don't prompt me again to install this
software] and then click [Finish].
For Windows 2000
1. The "Found New Hardware Wizard" screen is displayed, click [Next].
2. When "What do you want the wizard to do?" is displayed, select [Search for a suitable driver for my
device] and then click [Next].
3. When [Locate Driver Files] is displayed, clear all checkboxes and then click [Next].
4. When "Driver Files Search Results" is displayed, select [Disable the device] and then click [Finish].
6) About parallel interface
LD670 has not parall
el interface. So LD670 do not support parallel interface.
1.4. Connection Way to POS Printer
Set the POS Printer to the following settings (in gray highlight). Rest of the values can be set in the
registry or the setting program attached with installer.
No. Setting Item Setting Contents
1 POWER ON STATUS *Set form the registry
4 AUTO LINEFEED Not available at any time
5 DSR (#6) RESET Not available
6 INT (#25) RESET Not available
7 INT (#31) RESET Available
9 COVER OPEN Auto Recover
10 BUSY CONDITION Bufferfull
Customize Value
No. Setting Item Setting Contents
3 PAPER WIDTH *Set from the setting program
4 PRINT LEVEL *Set from the setting program
5 PRINTING COLOR *Set from the setting program
7 PRINT SPEED *Set from the setting program
8 POWER SAVE *Set from the setting program
*Set from the setting program
No. Setting Item Setting Contents
1 ACK PULSE WIDTH 1 microsecond
2 CUTTER MOVEMENT *Set from the setting program
3 BM SENSOR *Set from the setting program
4 CUT FOR POSITIONING *Set from the setting program
7 PNE DETECTION *Set from the setting program
8 FONT B Mode 1
9 USB Printer
10 BUZZAR It depends on the printer setting.
11 BATCH PRINT Disable
2. Installation
OPOS Control can be installed just like in the following procedures.
2.1. Installation Condition
Operation Environment
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 2003Server, Vista, WEPOS, POSReady2009 Windows7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2
CPU: Pentium3 550MHz and more is recommended
RAM: 128MB and more is recommended
HDD: Space 2MB and more
*To install on WEPOS, "Local Management Support" must be installed in the minimum
configuration of WEPOS.
* To install on POS Ready 2009 using Batch Installer, "Command-line Application" component
must be installed on POS Ready 2009.
When OPOS control (POS PRINTER OPOS OCX) is already installed,
please install this OPOS control aft er uninstallation of OPOS control.
Please refer how to uninstall to 2.4. uninstallation procedures.
2.2. Installation Media
Installation media is provided as CD.
Configuration of CD is just the following.
\(root) \Drivers\OPOS
\ Driver........................ The root folder of the Installer (x32)
- setup32.exe : Installer for 32bit OS
- setup64.exe : Installer for 64bit OS
\Driver_x32................. The folder of the driver (x32)
* Use this when you do not use the installer for 32bit.
\Driver_x64................. The folder of the driver (x64)
* Use this when you do not use the installer for 64bit
2.3. Installation Procedure
Installation using installer
1. Set the installation Media CD to the Drive. After that, start "My Computer" or "Explorer"
and refer to the Drive.
In case of CD: Open \Driver folder, and if OS is 32bit, double click Setup32.exe. If OS
is 64bit, double click Setup64.exe
2. After the dialogue below is shown, Setup Program starts.
click "Next"
3. Installation
[System Drive]:\OPOS\Okidata\PT\
starts. Installation folder is:
click "Next"
click "Install"
click "Finish"
4. Start setting
If the [User Account Control] dialog box is displayed,
【For Windows 7 / Windows Vista】
1) Click the button indicated with the Windows logo
2) Go to [All programs] →
【For Windows XP / Windows Server 2008 R2 / Windows Server 2008 /
Go to [Start]→[All programs] →
[Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2]
click [Yes].
[Windows Vista / Server 2008]
click [Allow].
[Okidata]→[OPOS]→[Printer OPOS Setup].
Windows Server 2003 / WEPOS/POS Ready 2009】
[Okidata]→[OPOS]→[Printer OPOS Setup].
at the left bottom of the
【For Windows 2000】
Go to [Start]→[Program] →
[Okidata]→[OPOS]→[Printer OPOS Setup].
*As for how to use setting program, refer to 2.6. Setting Pr ogram Usage.
5. After setting, installation finishes.
Installation using batch file
* If OS is 32bit, us
Installation method for Windows Vista or Windows 7
1. Copy driver folder ("\Driver_x64" or "\Driver_x32") onto an arbitrary folder.
2. The button that attaches the Windows logo under the left of a desktop screen is clicked.
3. Select [All Programs]->[Accessories]->[Command Prompt], and right-click in the icon of
the [Command Prompt], click "Run as administrator (A)", and execute the command
prompt by the administrator authority.
4. Change the current directory of the command prompt to the directory that copied by 1, and
execute the batch file "Install.bat".
5. The Registry Editor and additional confirmation message to the registry is displayed, and
click [yes]. The additional completion message to the registry is displayed when the
addition to the registry is completed, and click [OK].
6. The driver is installed in the folder "C:\OPOS\Okidata\PT\".
7. Please execute "C:\OPOS\Okidata\PT\OPPrinterSetup.exe", and execute the setup.
*As for how to use setting program, refer to 2.6. Setting Program Usage.
e batch file of \Driver_x32 folder. If OS is 64bit, use batch file of \Driver_x64
8. After setting, installation finishes.
Installation methods except Windows Vista and Windows 7
1. Driver folder ("\Driver_x64" or "\Driver_x32") onto an arbitrary folder.
2. The button that attaches the Windows logo under the left of a desktop screen is clicked.
3. Select [All Programs]->[Accessories]->[Command Prompt], and execute the command
4. Change the current directory of the command prompt to the directory that copied by 1, and
execute the batch file "Install.bat". (Use "Install_Win2k.bat" for Windows 2000.)
5. The Registry Editor and additional confirmation message to the registry is displayed, and
click [yes]. The additional completion message to the registry is displayed when the
addition to the registry is completed, and click [OK].
6. The driver is installed in the folder "C:\OPOS\Okidata\PT\".
7. Please execute "C:\OPOS\Okidata\PT\OPPrinterSetup.exe", and execute the setup.
*As for how to use setting program, refer to 2.6. Setting Program Usage.
8. After setting, installation finishes.
2.4. Uninstallation Procedure
Uninstallation when installing it with installer (Setup32.exe or Setup64.exe)
1. Follow the steps blow to display the uninstalling screen.
【For Windows 7 / Windows Vista】
・Click the button indicated with the Windows logo
・Go to [Control Panel]→[Uninstall program] or [Uninstall a program].
【For Windows Server 2008 R2】
・Go to [Start]→[Control Panel]→[Uninstall a program]
【For Windows Server 2008】
・Go to [Start]→[Control Panel]→[Programs and Functions].
【For Windows XP / Server 2003 / WEPOS】
・Go to [Start]→[Control Panel]→[Add or Remove Progra ms].
【For Windows 2000】
・Go to [Start]→[Settings]→[Control Panel]→[Add or Remove Programs].
at the left bottom of the
2. Select "POSPrint
3. The dialogue to confirm Uninstallation is displayed. Click [Yes].
4. Uninstallation is executed.
er OPOS OCX" and click "Uninstall" or "Remove".
5. Sometimes there are some files that could not be deleted by uninstaller in Installed folder
([System Drive]:\OPOS\Okidata\PT), so please delete manually.
That is all of uninstallation.
Uninstallation when OPOS is installed with batch file
1. The button that attaches the Windows logo under the left of a desktop screen is clicked.
2. Select [All Programs]->[Accessories]->[Command Prompt], and right-click in the icon of
the [Command Prompt], click "Run as administrator (A)", and execute the command
prompt by the administrator authority.
3. Execute batch file "uninstall.bat" with the folder of "C:\OPOS\Okidata\PT\".
4. Delete "C:\OPOS\Okidata\PT" folder manually.
5. It is an end.
Uninstallation methods except Win dows Vista and Windows 7
1. The button that attaches the Windows logo under the left of a desktop screen is clicked.
2. Execute batch file "uninstall.bat" with the folder of "C:\OPOS\Okidata\PT\".
3. Delete "C:\OPOS\Okidata\PT" folder manually.
4. It is an end.
ation method for Winodws Vista or Windows 7
2.5. Installation File List
File groups of POS Printer OPOS-OCX Control are arranged just like the following.
[System Drive]:\OPOS\Okidata\PT\
OPPOSPrinterCO.ocx POS Printer Control Object
OPPOSPrinterSO.dll POS Printer Service Object
OPPrinterSetup.exe Setting Program
oposdef.ini OPOS display string definition file
OPSharedPort.exe Shared Port Program
SxJcp32.dll DLL used to communicate with printer in
The module to be ins
File Version
Copyright "Copyright (C) 2011 Oki Data Corporation"
Special Built Information(Not written specially)
Private Built Information(Not written specially)
Company "Oki Data Corporation"
Language "English (U.S.)"
Trademark (Not written specially)
Formal File Name (Object File Name of the subject)
Product Version Same as File Version
Product Name "OPOS POSPrinter"
Inside name (Formal File Name without extension)
talled has set property according to the following standard.
Item Remarks
OPOS Version (for each release, the third and the
forth characters are incremental numbers of version)
In case of files except CO/SO, successive increment
- In case of CO; "POSPrinter OPOS Control Object
- In case of SO; "POSPrinter OPOS Service Object
- The other cases; "[exe file name part without
extension] XXX (any wording)".
(Not written specially; If necessary, written
2.6. Setting Program Usage
Operation Conditions
OPOS must be installed
Screen and function
Setting Program is executed as the following procedure.
1. Execution
If the [User Account Control] dialog box is displayed,
[Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2]
click [Yes].
[Windows Vista / Server 2008]
click [Allow].
【For Windows 7 / Windows Vista】
1) Click the button indicated with the Windows logo
2) Go to [All programs] →
[Okidata]→[OPOS]→[Printer OPOS Setup].
【For Windows XP / Windows Server 2008 R2 / Windows Server 2008 /
Windows Server 2003 / WEPOS/ POS Ready 2009】
Go to [Start]→[All programs] →
[Okidata]→[OPOS]→[Printer OPOS Setup].
【For Windows 2000】
Go to [Start]→[Program] →
[Okidata]→[OPOS]→[Printer OPOS Setup].
at the left bottom of the
2. Selecting Pri
Select “POS Printer” and “Interface”, and then click [OK].
When LAN interface is selected, Searching printers screen is displayed.
When other interface is selected, POS printer detail setting screen is displayed.
3. Searching printers
nter and Interface
- Printer
- Batch Setting Of Printers
- Printer Setting
When POS printer is selected in the list, "Setting printer" shows own IP address, then
press "Printer Setting" button for moving to POS printer detail setting screen page.
Double click on a printer in the list for jumping to POS printer detail setting screen page
When "Print
name of the found POS printer is displayed. When Device name is "Unsetting", Printer is
disabled on OCX control. There are 2 solutions to enable Printer on OCX control. One is
to set all Unsetting POS printers to default setting by "Batch Setting Of Printers", and
another one is to entry Unsetting Printers one by one by "Printer Setting".
When "Batch Setting Of Printers" button is pressed, OCX gives "Device name" to every
single "Unsetting" printer. In that case, registry setting value will be the same as "5.
Registry Used by OCX ". IP address and Device name is set depending on each printer's
er Detection" is pressed, the list of IP address, MAC address and Device
4. POS printer
detail setting
When an error occurred with [OK] clicked, the following messages are displayed.
Confirm an error factor, and setup again.
<An error factor>
A cable is not connected.
The printer is not switched on.
A cover opens.
There is not paper.
A port is already used in others.
A communication condition does not accord with a printer. (Serial connection)
Serial number input is wrong. (USB connection)
1) Device Name
Specify the device to be set which may differ depending on the OCX installed. The items to
be displayed is as follows:
Device Name Interface
LD670SERPRT For Serial Interface
LD670PARPRT For Parallel Interface
LD670USBPRT For USB Interface
LD670SER2PRT For Second Serial Interface
LD670PAR2PRT For Second Parallel Interface
LD670USB2PRT For Second USB Interface
LD670LANPRT_xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx For LAN Interface
2) Port Name
(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx : IP Adress.)
For XXXSERPRT or XXXSER2PRT, the port can be selected from "COM1" to "COM9"
and for XXXPARPRT or XXXPAR2PRT, from "LPT1" to "LPT9." The port number other
than above can be entered into the Dropdown list. "COM1" or "LPT1" is set as the default
setting after installation.
3) IP Adress
IP address of the set device is displayed.
4) Serial Number
For XXXUSBPRT or XXXUSB2PRT, select the serial number of the printer from "Serial
Number" by all means.
When the serial number of the printer is set by "123456", please select "123456" from
"Serial Number".
5) Baud Rate
Perform the baud rate setting. This setting is available only when XXXSERPRT or
XXXSER2PRT is selected in the “Port Name”. Set the baud rate set in the Printer.
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