This document is the DICOM Conformance Statement of the Print Service
Class Provider (SCP) software installed on OKI DICOM printers.
This Oki Data Corporation product: OKI C911 DICOM PRINTER SERIES
implements the necessary DICOM services to facilitate the Print (SCP)
Imaging Management in the healthcare departments, managing Print
imaging over a network on LED Imaging Printer Systems. It enables the
capabilities to capture images at any networked DICOM modality and then
print them anywhere they’re needed in the medical facility.
Furthermore, before sending the images to be printed the OKI C911 DICOM
PRINTER SERIES will apply image processing, using presentation
parameters and LUT to improve the image presentation quality and
consistency. Moreover, it will manage the printing presentation format and
the Printer queue and Configuration.
Table A.1-1 provides an overview of the network services supported by OKI
This document describes OKI Print SCP (hereinafter referred to as “Print
SCP”) conformance to the DICOM 3.0 standard.
It contains a short description of the applications involved and provides
technical information about the data exchange capabilities of the equipment.
The main elements describing these capabilities are the supported DICOM
SOP Classes, Roles, Information Object Definitions (IOD) and Transfer
Syntaxes. It should be read in conjunction with the DICOM standard and its
This statement is conformant with the recommended format as described in
PS 3.2 of the DICOM standard. Print SCP acts as a SCP for the following
SOP Classes:
The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in this document:
- ACR: American College of Radiology
- ANSI: American National Standards Institute
- DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
- DIMSE: DICOM Message Service Element
- DIMSE-C: DICOM Message Servi ce Element – Composite
- DIMSE-N: DICOM Message Servi ce Element – Normalized
- NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- PDU: Protocol Data Unit
- SCP: Service Class Provider
- SCU: Service Class User
- SOP: Service Object Pair
- TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- UID: Unique Identifier
1.2.1 Terms and Definitions
Informal definitions are provided for the following terms used in this
Conformance Statement. The DICOM Standard is the authoritative source
for formal definitions of these terms.
Abstract Syntax – t he information agreed to be exchanged between
applications, generally equivalent to a Service/Object Pair (SOP) Class.
Examples : Verification SOP Class, Modality Worklist Information Model Find
SOP Class, Computed Radiography Image Storage SOP Class.
Application Entity (AE) – an end point of a DICOM information exchange,
including the DICOM network or media interface software; i.e., the software
that sends or receives DICOM information objects or messages. A single
device may have multiple Application Entities.
Application Entity Title – the externally known name of an Application
Entity, used to identify a DICOM application to other DICOM applications on
the network.
Application Context – the specification of the type of communication
used between Application Entities. Example: DICOM network protocol.
Association – a network communication channel set up between
Application Entities.
Attribute – a unit of information in an object definition; a data element
identified by a tag. The information may be a complex data structure
(Sequence), itself composed of lower level data elements. Examples:
Patient ID (0010,0020), Accession Number (0008,0050), Photometric
Interpretation (0028,0004), Procedure Code Sequenc e (0008,1032).
Information Object Definition (IOD) – the specified set of Attributes
that comprise a type of data object; does not represent a specific instance
of the data object, but rather a class of similar data objects that have the
same properties. The Attributes may be specified as Mandatory (Type 1),
Required but possibly unknown (Type 2), or Optional (Type 3), and there
may be conditions associated with the use of an Attribute (Types 1C and
2C). Examples: MR Image IOD, CT Image IOD, Print Job IOD.
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG ) – a set of standardized
image compression techniques, available for use by DICOM applications.
Media Application Profile – the specification of DICOM information
objects and encoding exchanged on removable media (e.g., CDs)
Module – a set of Attributes within an Information Object Definition that
are logically related to each other. Example: Patient Module includes
Patient Name, Patient ID, Patient Birth Date, and Patient Sex.
Negotiation – first phase of Association establishment that allows
Application Entities to agree on the types of data to be exchanged and how
that data will be encoded.
Presentation Context – the set of DICOM network services used over an
Association, as negotiated between Application Entities; includes Abstract
Syntaxes and Transfer Syntaxes.
Protocol Data Unit (PDU) – a packet (piece) of a DICOM message sent
across the network. Devices must specify the maximum size packet they
can receive for DICOM messages.
Security Profile – a set of mechanisms, such as encryption, user
authentication, or digital signatures, used by an Application Enti ty to
ensure confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability of exchanged DICOM
Service Class Provider (SCP) – role of an Application Entity that provides
a DICOM network servic e; typically, a server that performs operations
requested by another Application Entity (Service Class User). Examples:
Picture Archiving and Communication System (image storage SCP, and
image query/retrieve SCP), Radiology Information System (modality
worklist SCP).
Service Class User (SCU) – role of an Application Ent ity that uses a
DICOM network service; typically, a client. Examples: imaging modality
(image storage SCU, and modality worklist SCU), imaging workstation
(image query/retrieve SCU)
Service/Object Pair (SOP) Class – the specification of the network or
media transfer (service) of a particular type of data (object); the
fundamental unit of DICOM interoperability specification. Examples:
Ultrasound Image Storage Service, Basic Grayscale Print Management.
Service/Object Pair (SOP) Instance – an information object; a specific
occurrence of information exchanged in a SOP Class. Examples: a specific
x-ray image.
Tag – a 32-bit identifier for a data element, represented as a pair of four
digit hexadecimal numbers, the “group” and the “element”. If the “group”
number is odd, the tag is for a private (manufacturer-specific) data
element. Examples: (0010,0020) [Patient ID], (07FE,0010) [Pixel Data],
(0019,0210) [private data element]
Transfer Syntax – the encoding used for exchange of DICOM information
objects and messages. Examples: JPEG compressed (images), little endian
explicit value representation.
Unique Identifier (UID) – a globally unique “dotted decimal” string that
identifies a specific object or a class of objects; an ISO-8824 Object
Identifier. Examples: Study Instance UID, SOP Class UID, SOP Instance
Value Representation (VR) – the format type of an individual DICOM
data element, such as text, an integer, a person’s name, or a code. DICOM
information objects can be transmitted with either explicit identification of
the type of each data element (Explicit VR), or without explicit identification
(Implicit VR); with Implicit VR, the receiving application must use a DICOM
data dictionary to look up the format of each data element.
Digital Imagi ng an d C om mun icati ons in M edi cin e
DICOM standard:
NEMA PS 3.1 to 3.14 and Supplements
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) – Publication Sales 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 1847
Rosslyn, Va. 22209, United States of America
1.4 Intended audience
This Conformance Statement is intended for:
Potential users
System integrators of medical equipment
Software designers implementing DICOM interfaces
1.5 Note to the reader
This document is written for the people that need to understand how OKI
C911 DICOM PRINTER SERIES will integrate into their healthcare facility.
This includes both those responsible for overall imaging network policy and
architecture, as well as integrators who need to have a detailed
understanding of the DICOM features of the product.
This document contains some basic DICOM definitions so that any reader
may understand how this product implements DICOM features. However,
integrators a re expected to fully understand all the DICOM terminology,
how the tables in this document relate to the product’s functionality, and
how that functionality integrates with other devices that support compatible
DICOM features.
Comparison of this Conformance Statement and the Conformance
Statement of another device may show that the other device conforms to
this Conformance Statement.
In that case, the other device may be interoperable with this product, but
no guarantee is given.
DICOM only deals with communications; it is not a standard that specifies
what is needed for certain applications to run on a device.
Print SCP is a DICOM printing solution that can receive images from DICOM
modalities and render the images on paper by using Print SCU capabilities.
The Print Server is receiving the Images with the Presentation information,
it Apply it on the images and creates a print-job within the print queue,
containing one or more film pages composed from images selected by the
client Print SCU. Furthermore, it also manages the Printer Status and