Installation instructions are included for both USB and
parallel connections. Oki Data recommends using a USB
connection, as your printer is performance optimized for a
USB interface.
Printer Drivers Available
Which Printer Driver?
Your printer comes with Windows drivers for PCL and
Postscript. You can install either driver or both, depending
on your application.
When to Use the PCL Driver
If you use TrueType fonts and you do not print PostScript
graphics (including “.eps” files), choose the PCL driver.
This will be more efficient and give good results.
When to Use the Postscript Emulation
If you use PostScript fonts or you will be printing PostScript
graphics, choose the Postscript emulation driver.
Performance will be faster and graphics will be printed at
their best quality.
□ Macintosh Install: Software......................20
• OS 8.6 to 9.1 ....................................................20
• OS X.1 and X.2................................................22
When to Install Both Drivers
If your applications vary, you could choose to install both
drivers, then select the one you plan to use most to be your
Windows default driver. Choose the alternate driver from
within the print dialog when you need to.
If you install both drivers, simply select the same printer
port (LPT1 or Network Port) during the installation.
Readme File
Please refer to the readme file on the Drivers CD
supplied with your printer for the latest information on
printer drivers.
Network Install: Hardware
Note: No Ethernet
cable is supplied with the printer. Use an Ethernet cable with two twisted wire pairs and an RJ45
□ Turn off the printer.
□ Remove the plug from the Ethernet port (1), then connect your Ethernet cable to the port.
□ Connect the other end of the cable to the network port.
□ Turn on the printer and wait for the print server’s STATUS light (2) to stop blinking.
□ Press the TEST button (3) on the print server. The Network Information configuration sheets print. Keep these
sheets handy: they contain information you need to set up the printer on your network.
Network Install: Software
Note: Installing a printer on a network is best handled by
someone familiar with networks (such as a network
For more detailed information on the OkiLAN
8100, see the OkiLAN 8100 SoftNIC User’s Guide
on the Publications CD supplied with your printer.
Install the Drivers
The IP Address
An IP address is required to install the drivers. If you are
using DHCP, the IP address will automatically be detected.
If you are not using DHCP, you need to obtain the IP
Address from your network Administrator and enter it using
the front panel:
• Press + until you see NETWORK MENU on the display, then
• Press + until you see IP ADDRESS SET, then press ENTER.
• Press + to change the setting to MANUAL, and press
• Press + (IP ADDRESS APPEARS), then press ENTER.
• Use the + and – to set each set of digits in the IP Address,
• Press BACK, then press ON LINE.
To Install the PCL Driver
□ Insert the Drivers CD supplied with your printer into the
CD-ROM drive.
The License Agreement appears
□ Click Next.
The Menu Installer window appears.
□ Click the Printer Driver Installer button.
The Local or network printer screen appears.
□ Select Network Printer. Click Next.
The Connection type screen appears.
□ Select Directly to the network ... and click Next.
The TCP/IP Connection screen appears.
ENTER to go to the next set of digits.
□ Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the
To Install the Postscript Emulation
Use the Add Printer wizard:
□ Insert the Drivers CD supplied with your printer in your
CD-ROM drive.
□ Click Next, then click Cancel.
□ Click Start→Settings→Printers→Add Printer.
The Add Printer Wizard appears.
□ Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: When prompted to select a port, select LPT1
The Postscript emulation driver is located
under \drivers\network\2000_xp\ps.
□ Click Finish.
Install the Oki LPR Utility:
Note: If you have installed the PCL driver using
the steps above, skip the next three steps and
launch the Oki LPR utility (
□ Relaunch the Drivers CD. When the Menu Installer
screen appears, click Network Software.
□ Click Installation/Config., then click Oki LPR and
wait for the utility to install.
□ When the installation is complete, click Finish to
launch the Oki LPR utility.
Use the Oki LPR Utility to discover the printer:
□ Click Remote Print, then click Add Printer.
□ Select your printer model from the list, then either enter
the IP Address manually, or click Discover and wait
for the printer to be discovered.
□ Click OK.
Start →
Network Install: Software
TCP/IP (cont.)
Network Client Distribution
If you are installing the software on a network for network
clients, the software must be installed on all clients’
workstations. The Network Installer utility automatically
notifies client users by email when a new printer is added to
the network.
To install and use the Network Installer utility:
Install the Network Installer Utility:
□ In the Menu Installer, click the Network Software
□ Click the Administration Tools button.
□ Click the Network Installer button and follow the
on-screen instructions
Set up existing server email accounts in
Network Installer.
Install the printer drivers:
□ Install the printer on the network as a shared printer.
The client drivers for the printer are automatically
copied as well.
□ Register the printer in Network Installer.
When the printer has been registered, Network Installer
sends an email to clients that were set up using the Network
Installer utility, informing them that the printer is available
on the network. Each client can install the appropriate driver
as follows:
Configuring the Print Server via
the Embedded Web Page
Note: For more detailed information, see the OkiLAN
8100 SoftNIC User’s Guide on the Publications CD
supplied with your printer.
□ Activate your web browser (Netscape Navigator
version 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft
version 4.0 or higher), then enter the IP Address for the
printer (this will be found on the Network Information
configuration sheets generated when you press the Test
button on the back of the printer).
□ From this page you can
• Enable / disable protocols.
• Change the IP address, Subnet Mask and
default Gateway to meet the requirements for
your particular network environment.
□ When done, save and submit your changes to the print
server to make them permanent. When prompted, enter
the following:
• User Name = Root.
• Password = Last 6 digits of the MAC Address
(this will be found on the Network
Information configuration sheets generated
when you press the Test button on the back of
the printer).
Internet Explorer®
• Windows 2000, XP, and NT 4.0 clients can install drivers
by opening the connectme.exe attachment to the email.
• Windows Me, 98, and 95 clients can install the drivers by
launching the Add Printer Wizard and following the
network administrator’s instructions for locating the
appropriate driver.
Network Install: Software
TCP/IP (cont.)
Activating the Duplex Unit,
Internal Hard Drive and
Second Paper Tray Options
If your printer has an optional duplex unit, internal hard
drive or second paper tray installed, you must enter the
driver and activate it.
To Activate in the Postscript Emulation
□ Click Start→Settings→Printer.
□ Right click the Postscript emulation printer icon, then
click Properties.
Windows 2000, XP and NT 4.0:
□ Click the Device Settings tab.
□ Scroll down to Installable Options.
□ Click Duplex, then click Installed. Do the same
thing for Hard Disk. If you have the optional
paper tray installed, click Available Tray and
select 2.
To Activate in the PCL Driver:
□ Click Start→Settings→Printer.
□ Right click the PCL printer icon, then click Properties
(Windows 2000/XP/Me/9x), or Document Defaults
(Windows NT 4.0).
□ Click the Device Options tab.
□ Select Duplex Option Unit, Printer Hard Disk, and/or
set Available Tray to 2.
□ Click OK, then close the Printers dialog box.
Windows Me, 98 and 95:
□ Click the Device Options tab.
□ Select Duplex Option Unit, Printer Hard Disk,
and select the optional second paper tray if
□ Click OK, then close the Printers dialog box.
Network Install: Software
Note: Installing a printer on a network is best handled by
someone familiar with networks (such as a network
For more detailed information on the OkiLAN
SoftNIC internal print server, see the OkiLAN 8100 SoftNIC User’s Guide on the Publications CD
supplied with your printer.
This utility installs, configures, and manages Oki network
print server devices.
□ Insert the Drivers CD supplied with your printer into
your CD-ROM drive. The CD will AutoPlay. (If it does
not AutoPlay, click Start
to your CD-ROM drive and double-click Install.exe,
then click OK.)
□ The Software License Agreement appears. Click Next.
□ The Menu Installer Software Installation screen
□ Click the Network Software button.
□ Click the Installation/Config button.
→ Run → Browse. Browse
Install the Printer on a Novell®
Note: Novell Client for Windows must be loaded, the
Admin Manager software must be running, and you
must be logged in to NDS.
□ Run Discover.
□ Select Setup from the menu.
□ Click Create a NetWare Queue.
□ Select NDS Mode. Click Next.
□ Select the container. Click Next.
□ Select Print Server Mode. Click Next.
□ Select or create a queue. Click Execute.
Launching the Utility
To launch the utility click Start → Programs → Oki Setup
→ AdminManager.
□ Click the Admin Mgr / Quick Setup button.
□ Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the
Note: You can either install the software while running the
utility off the CD, or you can choose to install the
utility on your computer and then launch it from
Activating the Duplex Unit,
Hard Disk Drive and Second
Paper Tray Options
If your printer has an optional duplex unit, hard disk drive,
or second paper tray installed, you must enter the driver and
activate them. See page 5 for instructions on how to do this.
Local Install: Windows USB Port
Computer Connection: Windows 98/Me
Note: No USB interface cable is supplied with the printer.
Use a USB cable that is compatible with USB specification 1.1 or 2.0.
• A USB interface will only operate using Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, and Windows 98.
Windows 95 and NT 4.0 do not support USB.
• Printer operation is not assured if another USB compatible device is connected concurrently with it.
• If a USB hub is used, it must be connected directly to the computer.
□ Turn off the printer, then connect the USB cable to the computer.
□ Reboot the computer.
□ Connect the USB cable to the white USB port (1)—not the black Ethernet port!—on the printer.
□ Turn on the printer.
Local Install: Windows USB Port
Computer Connection: Windows 2000/XP
Note: No USB interface cable is supplied with the printer.
Use a USB cable that is compatible with USB specification 1.1 or 2.0.
• A USB interface will only operate using Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, and Windows 98.
Windows 95 and NT 4.0 do not support USB.
• Printer operation is not assured if another USB compatible device is connected concurrently with it.
• If a USB hub is used, it must be connected directly to the computer.
□ Turn off the printer, then connect the USB cable to the computer.
□ Reboot the computer.
□ Connect the USB cable to the white USB port (1)—not the black Ethernet port!—on the printer.
□ Turn on the printer.
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