OCEAN OPTICS USB2000, USB4000, HR2000, HR4000, Jaz User Manual

External Triggering Options Instructions
Ocean Optics USB2000, USB2000+, USB4000, HR2000, HR2000+, HR4000, Jaz, Maya, QE65000, NIR Series, NIRQuest Series, S2000, and S1024DW Spectrometers provide several methods of acquiring data (see table below). In the Normal mode, the spectrometer is “free running.” That is, the spectrometer is continuously scanning, acquiring, and transferring data to your computer, according to parameters set in the software. In this mode, however, there is no way to synchronize the scanning, acquisition, and transfer of data with an external event. However, trigger pulses for synchronizing an external event with the spectrometer are available.
To synchronize data acquisition with external events, other modes of acquiring data are available. Each mode involves connecting an external triggering device to the spectrometer and then applying an external trigger to the spectrometer before the software receives the data. The length of the integration time and the source for the integration clock depend upon the mode chosen. All other acquisition parameters are set in the software.
Also see the
HR4000 and USB4000 Shutter Mode Performance in Hardware Trigger Mode for more
information on external triggering with these spectrometers.
Triggering Mode Description Applicable Spectrometer(s)
Normal Spectrometer acquires spectra continuously. All
External Software Integration time is set in the software. Software
receives a trigger event and transmits spectra obtained in the data acquisition cycle in which the trigger occurred.
External Hardware Integration time set via chip in spectrometer (USB
Series/Jaz/HR Series/S2000 D Series) or jumpers (S2000 series). Spectrometer waits for a sharp rise in voltage on the trigger input pin, and then acquires spectra until the voltage is removed.
External Synchronization
Spectrometer acquires data from an external trigger event (such as a push button) until the next time the trigger is activated, at which time the spectrometer ceases spectral acquisition and begins a new acquisition. Integration time cannot be set, since the trigger can fire at random intervals.
USB2000/USB4000/Jaz/ HR2000/HR2000+/HR4000/ S2000/S1024DW
USB2000+/USB4000/Jaz/ HR2000/HR2000+/HR4000/ S2000/S1024DW
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External Triggering Options Instructions
Triggering Mode Description Applicable Spectrometer(s)
Quasi-Real Time Acquisition Mode
The integration clock is set to 4ms, which is the time required to completely read out all the pixels. When the software (user) requests a spectrum, the integration clock waits for the current period to expire, changes to the desired integration time set via software commands, and then returns to 4ms. With this approach, the start of the integration period will always be within 4ms of the time when the request for a spectrum is issued. No trigger signal is required to operate in this mode.
QE65000, Maya2000, Maya2000 Pro
IMPORTANT: Voltage Regulation
The maximum recommended voltage on the Triggering Pin is 5.5 V. If your triggering device exceeds this voltage, you must regulate or condition the signal (via transistor buffering, transformer isolation or opto-isolation, for example) or isolate the signal from the spectrometer.
To use one of the External Triggering options, you must know the specifications and limitations of the triggering device. The design of the triggering device may prevent you from using one of the external triggering modes as it is described in these pages.
Consult the following images and table for information on which pin to connect to the triggering device when using each triggering mode on the spectrometer.
Pinout Diagrams for Ocean Optics Spectrometers
J2 (D-SUB-15) Accessory Connector on NIR Series, S2000 and S1024DW Spectrometers
Pinout Diagram of 22-pin Connector on USB2000+, USB4000, Jaz and HR2000 Spectrometers (be sure to also use Ground Pin 6 when triggering)
Pinout Diagram of 10-pin Connector on USB2000 Spectrometer
Pinout Diagram of 30-pin Connector on HR2000+, HR4000, JazNIRQuest Series, and QE65000 Spectrometers
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External Triggering Instructions
Trigger Input Pin Information for Ocean Optics Spectrometers
Trigger Input Pin
Trigger Mode
External Software
External Synchronization
External Hardware
S2000 S1024DW
8 10 7 10 8
Not Available
Not Available
USB2000 USB2000+ USB4000 HR2000 Jaz
Not Available
7 10
HR4000 HR2000+
Not Available
NIR Series NIRQuest Series
Not Available
Not Available
Asynchronous Mode ­Integration time specified in software
Synchronous Mode - User provides integration clock
Synchronous Mode ­Integration fixed by jumpers
External Triggering vs. Triggering an External Event
There could be some confusion between the concepts of External Triggering and triggering an external event. The following sections explain each of these concepts.
External Triggering
In External Triggering, an event outside the sampling system (such as a push button, lever activation, or laser pulse) triggers the voltage level on the spectrometer’s trigger pin and instructs the spectrometer to begin spectra acquisition.
Triggering an External Event
When triggering an external event, the spectrometer instructs an external device (typically a lamp such as the PX-2 or the LS-450) to illuminate immediately prior to spectral acquisition.
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External Triggering Options Instructions
Level Triggering and Edge Triggering
In External Triggering, there are two modes of triggering available. The trigger mode in use determines the kind of triggering that the system will use.
Level Triggering
Level triggering mode is only available when using External Software Triggering mode. In this mode, the software monitors the A/D converter for an increase in the voltage level applied to the trigger pin. When the appropriate increase in voltage is received (5 volts), the software instructs the spectrometer to acquire spectra.
In this mode, the A/D converter will acquire data in intervals based on the integration time set in the software. Thus, if a trigger occurs in the middle of an integration period, the software will retrieve the spectra obtained for that entire integration period (before AND after the trigger event). Similarly, if a trigger occurs immediately prior to the end of an integration period, the software will still retrieve the spectra obtained during that integration period.
For example, if the integration time is 50 ms and the trigger event occurs 48 ms into the integration cycle, the 2 ms following the trigger will be acquired, and the 48 ms prior to and including the trigger will be acquired.
Edge Triggering
Edge triggering mode is available when using External Hardware and External Synchronization Triggering modes. In both of these modes, the spectrometer monitors the trigger input pin for
in the voltage
voltage rise is received and the spectrometer “sees” the voltage peak caused by the increase, the spectrometer acquires spectra and transmits the spectra to the software.
In External Hardware Triggering mode, the spectrometer begins an acquisition upon receiving trigger and acquires for one integration cycle. In External Synchronization Triggering mode, however, data acquisition continues until the next rise in voltage is “seen” by the spectrometer.
(which may or may not reach the 5 volt plateau) applied to the trigger pin. When this
rapid rise
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External Triggering Instructions
Integration Times Available with External Triggering
The following table illustrates the integration times available with External Triggering modes:
Spectrometer External
USB2000/HR2000 Set in Software 50 msec Cannot Manually
USB4000/USB2000+/Jaz/HR2000+/HR4000 Set in Software Set in Software Input by software
NIR Series Set in Software Not Available Not Available
NIRQuest Series Set in Software Not Available Not Available
S2000/S1024DW Set in Software Set on Jumpers Cannot Manually
S2000 D-Series Set in Software 55 msec Cannot Manually
QE65000 Set in Software Not Available Not Available
External Hardware
External Synchronization
Software Support
The following table details External Triggering support capacity in all Ocean Optics software products:
Product Supported Not Supported
OOIBase32 Platinum
OOI Driver Products
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All Modes --
All Modes --
All Modes --
All Modes --
External Software and External Hardware External Synchronization
All Modes --
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