Objectif Lune PrintShop Web - 2.2 User Guide

PrintShop Web
Designer Guide
PrintShop Web Designer Guide
Document version: PSW 2.2 R4300 Date: May, 2008
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Table of Contents
PrintShop Mail............................................................................................................................................. 4
Workflow...................................................................................................................................................... 4
PrintShop Mail user interface.............................................................................................................5
Publication settings.................................................................................................................................6
Windows Printer Settings............................................................................................................................6
PrintShop Mail Publication Settings............................................................................................................ 6
Business Cards.........................................................................................................................................7
The Business Card document.....................................................................................................................7
Variable Text................................................................................................................................................8
Data Field properties...................................................................................................................................9
Crop marks and Repetition settings..........................................................................................................10
Print the job...............................................................................................................................................11
Publish to PrintShop Web......................................................................................................................... 11
The online document.................................................................................................................................12
Ingredients................................................................................................................................................. 14
Layout conditions.......................................................................................................................................16
Repetition on page....................................................................................................................................18
Printing the document............................................................................................................................... 18
Publish the document................................................................................................................................19
PrintShop Web...........................................................................................................................................19
Variable elements......................................................................................................................................22
Variable date..............................................................................................................................................23
Input Fields................................................................................................................................................24
Variable images.........................................................................................................................................25
Print the newsletter....................................................................................................................................26
Publish to PrintShop Web......................................................................................................................... 27
PrintShop Web...........................................................................................................................................28
Creating a custom Watermark......................................................................................................... 29
Non Printable Objects............................................................................................................................... 29
How to Continue.....................................................................................................................................32
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Welcome to PrintShop Web, the easy-to-use, powerful, and open web-to-print system. PrintShop Web is a Web-to-Print solution that allows print providers and brand owners to effectively manage promotional print flows, streamline customer interaction, and combines the benefits of Variable Information (VI) with On-Demand Printing.
PrintShop Mail
PrintShop Mail allows to prepare and add template documents to PrintShop Web. Template documents are used as the basis for print jobs, meaning that it is possible to reuse the templates by uploading new databases.
This guide provides information how to publish templates from PrintShop Mail. If you are new to PrintShop Mail you can check the PrintShop Mail site at www.objectiflune.com. On that site are several guides than can help you get started.
The designer can publish (upload) an existing or new template and customers will be able to use PrintShop Web to order print jobs based on this template. Print jobs can be previewed and validated before they are submitted to the printer.
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PrintShop Mail user interface
Here a global overview of the PrintShop Mail graphical user interface (GUI).
Tools toolbar: This toolbar allows you to insert (variable) text and images, rotate items and insert
PDF files.
Layout toolbar: This toolbar allows you to skip to the different layouts.
Database toolbar: This toolbar allows you to browse the records and gives a preview of the
variables used in PrintShop Mail.
Layout window: Gives a preview of the current layout.
Properties panel: The Properties Panel is the part of the PrintShop Mail screen that shows the
properties of the currently selected item.
Different toolbars: Here you can change i.e the font, borders around text, paragraph settings,
borders around text- and image boxes and many more features.
Menu: The menu, where you can select different options.
The PrintShop Mail user interface
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Publication settings
When publishing documents to PrintShop Web, it is important to check the following:
Windows Printer Settings
PrintShop Mail Publication Settings
Windows Printer Settings
To print documents correctly it is important that the printer set in the PrintShop Mail document matches the printers available on the PrintShop Web server. Check the following:
Printer name
Verify the PPD version
Printer name
The printer name should match. PrintShop Web verifies if the printer specified in the document is available on the web server. If the printer is not available, the default printer will be used for that document. You won’t get a warning when you publish the document and you should check the printer name in PrintShop Web after publishing the document.
On the PrintShop Web server you can add, delete and modify printers in the Printers and Faxes window of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This window can be accessed via the Start menu.
Verify the PPD version
PostScript printer description (PPD) files describe the fonts, paper sizes, resolution capabilities, and other features that are standard for your PostScript printer. PPD files are used by PostScript printer drivers to determine how to print your document. If you do not use the correct PPD file, your document might not print correctly, or not all of the printer’s features will be available when you print.
Use the same PPD (PostScript Printer Description) on both your PrintShop Mail client machine and PrintShop Web server. Contact your System Administrator which PPD to use.
PrintShop Mail Publication Settings
In order to publish documents to the PrintShop Web server it is required to adjust the settings in PrintShop Mail. To change these settings open the Preferences dialog of the PrintShop Mail (Edit menu). Select the PrintShop Web pane on the left side of the Preferences dialog. Change the settings for the URL, Login and Password. Contact the Administrator of the PrintShop Web for the correct settings.
To test your settings click the Test Connection button.
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Business Cards
A business card is one of the cost-effective marketing tools a business can have. With PrintShop Mail you can create business cards in a minute, print them or publish them to PrintShop Web. Publishing to PrintShop Web is a great advantage. Clients can fill in their names and order business cards anytime, anywhere. In this section you will learn how to:
create a business card with variables
enable repetition on a page
upload the business card to PrintShop Web
how to change the data in PrintShop Web
A business card example
The Business Card document
You need to start PrintShop Mail version 6.0.1 or higher. Open the job Business Card.psmd in the Business Card folder. The business card document consists of one layout with crop marks. The
document contains three variables and the background image is a PDF file.
The business card document
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Variable Text
Text objects in PrintShop Mail can contain both static and variable text. Variables are surrounded by the @ character. Click in the Variable Pane of the Properties window and you will notice there are 3 variables:
Variables and Data Fields
When creating variables in PrintShop Mail, the variables will be shown in the Variables pane. To let customers input data in PrintShop Web a Data Field should be created.
The business card variables
Data Fields are representatives for the variable data that can be provided either directly through a database that you link to a PrintShop Mail document, or through any other data source, for example a database which is uploaded by a PrintShop Web client or a web form. For more information on Variables and Data Fields please refer to the PrintShop Mail manual.
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To create a Data Field an expression so should be created for one or multiple variables. Each variable in the business card document has an expression and a result. By double clicking a variable the expression builder will appear.
The expression builder
Enter the name of the variable or a custom value and place this between square brackets. The expression automatically creates a Data Field.
Data Field properties
Select the Data Fields pane. By selecting a Data Field, you can view and edit its properties in the Properties panel. The Data Field properties let you change the following items:
Default Value: this value will be initial value that the end user will be see in PrintShop Web
Remarks: the information in this field will add a comment to the PrintShop Web user input form.
You can use this to give clients a hint about the information that need to be entered for this field.
Source: this option can be either Database, a database uploaded by the PrintShop Web client, or
User Input, manually entered data using a web form.
The Source options
In the Business Card document we used User Input for the three data fields. In the PrintShop Web web site the client should enter data by typing it in a web form.
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Crop marks and Repetition settings
PrintShop Mail has the ability to print crop marks and print multiple layouts (in this case business cards) on a paper. These settings can be found in the PrintShop Mail preferences.
Repetition settings in PrintShop Mail
Crop marks
To print crop marks around a layout, select Imposition in the Preferences dialog (Edit menu)
The settings in the Repetition panel allows you to print multiple layouts on a page. The values between the brackets by Horizontal and Vertical are the maximum of repetition for this layout on page.
In this case we used the paper format A4. If you change the paper size in the Page Setup (File menu) to for example A3 the maximum number of repetition will also change. Before you print or upload the job you may verify the document, which reduces errors. You can find this option in Layout menu (Verify Document).
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Print the job
You may want to verify the output before publishing the document to PrintShop Web. Select Print in the File menu to output the document to a printer.
Publish to PrintShop Web
Upload the job to PrintShop Web. Before continuing be sure that you have read the instructions in the chapter How to Publish templates from PrintShop Mail in the PrintShop Mail manual.
A business card example
Select Publish to Web in the File menu and follow the instructions on-screen. In the Publish to PrintShop Web dialog create a new publication type and click Next. Follow the instructions on-screen
to publish the document.
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