Objectif Lune PrintShop Web - 2.1 User Guide

PrintShop Web
MIS Integration Guide
PrintShop Web MIS Integration Guide
Document version: PSW 2.1 R3250 Date: October, 2007
Objectif Lune - Contact Information
Objectif Lune Inc. 2030 Pie IX, Suite 500 Montréal, QC Canada H1V 2C8 Tel.: 514-875-5863 Fax: 514-342-5294
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Table of Contents
XML to File connector.................................................................................................................................4
MIS Connectors.........................................................................................................................................5
Enabling a MIS connector...........................................................................................................................6
Installed modules.........................................................................................................................................6
XML to File connector............................................................................................................................8
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)...........................................................................................................9
General information.....................................................................................................................................9
Push method..............................................................................................................................................10
XML options...............................................................................................................................................11
Post options...............................................................................................................................................12
File options................................................................................................................................................ 12
Sample POST receive script............................................................................................................. 13
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PrintShop Web comes with a framework for managing and describing modules. Modules are used to add or customize functionality in specific areas of the application. One of these areas is the integration of Management Information Systems (MIS)
The MIS Connector Framework is build on top of this module framework and is called at order creation and order status changes. MIS Connectors are used to automatically transfer order information from PrintShop Web to external MIS systems.
This document describes the MIS Connector Framework and the options of the XML to File connector.
XML to File connector
The XML To File connector is a generic MIS connector that ships with PrintShop Web. It uses common technologies and methods to communicate between applications. Order information is written to XML files and in addition this data can be sent to an external applications/web servers capable of receiving POST data. Optionally a XSLT style sheet can be applied to change the structure of the XML data.
The source files of the this connector are publicly available and not encrypted. This allows third parties, such as system integrators, to modify its functions and/or add functionality. This connector is entirely written in the PHP scripting language.
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MIS Connectors
MIS connectors add functionality to the PSW order creation and order status change processes. The following diagram outlines these processes.
Order process flow diagram
The system performs the following tasks:
1 Order information is stored in the PSW database. 2 The system defines if email notification messages should be send. 3 The system checks for the active MIS connector, if found the functions of this connector are called. 4 The user interface (UI) of the system is updated.
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