This PDF documentation covers version 7.1. To view the documentation of previous versions please refer to the PDF files
available in the Downloads section of our website:
Some icons are used throughout this guide in order to catch your attention to certain particular information.
Notes: This icon shows you something that complements the information around it. Understanding notes is not critical but may be helpful when using PrintShop Mail Web.
Warnings: This icon shows information that may be critical when using PrintShop Mail Web. It is important to pay
attention to these warnings.
Technical: This icon shows technical information that may require some technical knowledge to understand.
Other Documentation
For other related documentation , please see the drop-down menu at the top-right corner of this page.
This chapter will introduce PrintShop Mail Web as well as establish its terminology in a glossary.
What is PrintShop Mail Web?
PrintShop Mail Web is a companion extension to the PrintShop Mail Design module. It supports multi-user printing from PrintShop Mail Design with the added benefit of a web interface for automating and managing document templates. PrintShop Mail
Web is the perfect module for organizations where multiple users can create and/or manage document templates and facilitates their publication enterprise-wide to a web interface. Its web capability allows real-time, 24/7 online modification, ordering and production of repetitive, promotional and personalized documents created with PrintShop Mail Design as well as static
PDF files. It's the ideal solution for any business that has remote workers or offices – typically retail outlets, franchises and
Users can upload an image for local personalization and modify the text based on pre-defined variable fields. Once the document is ready, users validate and pre-flight their print run and initiate the ordering process. With permissions and access
rights that can be set per user, PrintShop Mail Web allows companies to adapt the verification process of submitted documents
based on their business rules.
PrintShop Mail Web is also a fully functional web front for print shops that want to give their clients the ability to order documents, whether these clients are part of a known company or are one-time users from the web. With the B2Cfunctionality,
anyone can create and pay for their orders directly from the web interface (requires separate B2Clicense).
About Companies
In PrintShop Mail Web, a Company is an entity that contains departments users, publication types and documents. Acompany
can have more one or more departments, in which each user can have specific roles such as Operator, Manager, Designer, etc
(see "About Users" (page 14)).
Each company also has their own individual publication types (see "About Publication Types" (page 14)) in which users with
the appropriate role can upload documents (see "About Documents" (page 15)).
Companies are access via sub-folders from the main website. For example, a company may be called "Oasis Health &Beauty
Spa"and its URLwill be
For more information, see the chapter on "Companies" (page 77).
Public Companies
Apublic company is a special type of company in which users can create accounts themselves (normally an administrator or
manager has to create each user account). Public companies are used by print shops that want to have a storefront where
anyone can order specific document types. For example, a print shop wants to offer its clients the ability to create their own
business cards or postcards from pre-existing templates can do this with PrintShop Mail Web.
Public Companies require a B2Clicense to be installed on the server. See "B2C (Business to Customer)" (page 52).
About Users
A user is an entity within PrintShop Mail Web that has a specific roleand is generally part of a company (see "About Com-
panies" (page 13)). However, a user can be assigned to multiple companies if it is necessary. This is useful if one of the com-
panies is the print shop itself and one of its operators is assigned to a certain number of companies and is responsible for
generating output for them. What a user can do on PrintShop Mail Web depends on their role.
To create users, please see the chapter on "Users" (page 83).
Public Users
Public users are users that are part of a public company. These users are so-called "basic" users and cannot do anything other
than create new orders, view the status of their order and edit their user preferences. Public users can create themselves as
long as their do so within a public company.
User Roles
A user role is a set of permission that is applied to one or more users in PrintShop Mail Web. Users in specific roles will be able
to execute certain specific actions such as uploading documents, approving and modifying orders, providing quotes or generating outputs. Alist of pre-built user roles, as well as the ability to create new custom user roles, is described in the "Roles"
(page 113) section of the PrintShop Mail Web "Settings" (page 111) tab.
Roles are site-wide, meaning they are applied to all users across all companies, whether this company is private or
public. Only administrator can edit roles, but managers can assign roles to users.
About Publication Types
A publication type is a folder in which template documentsof your customers are grouped (see "About Documents" (page 15)).
These publication type folders can contain multiple documents. For example: a publication type folder to store different language variants of a brochure (e.g. Dutch and English-versions), a publication type folder for house style related document
(e.g. Business cards, letterheads, envelopes). Each company has his own publication types.Publication types are set within the
"Publication Types" (page 85) tab in PrintShop Mail Web.
A document is a file present within PrintShop Mail that is used to generate outputs. There are multiple types of documents
including Static PDFs, PrintShop Mail Design documents and Mail Merge documents.
Documents are always part of a publication type (see "About Publication Types" (page 14))so they are always specific to a
company (see "About Companies" (page 13)). Documents are what clients and users are selecting to build an order and its out-
PrintShop Mail Web is a modern and versatile software package which integrates workflow processes and introduces a whole
new way of thinking about your customers and their print jobs!
This section will show you how to install PrintShop Mail Web and its components, as well as configure it through the First Run
The steps to install PrintShop Mail Web are:
l Make sure your system conforms to the "System requirements" (page 19).
l Run the PrintShop Mail Web installer(see "Running the installer" (page 20))
l Access the website and use the First Run Wizard (see "Configuring the database and web site" (page 24))
l Check your "Settings" (page 111)
l Check your activation (see "USBHardware Key" (page 51))
l Follow the "Quick start guide" (page 53) to get started.
System requirements
PrintShop Mail Web is a server software and is delivered as an executable installer with predefined configuration settings. We
strongly recommend to install the software on a clean installed Windows computer.
Please ensure that the following requirements have been met before you run the PrintShop Mail Suite installer:
l Login user must have administrator privileges
l An Internet connection is required.
l The PrintShop Mail Suite installer will install the following system components:
l Microsoft .Net Framework
l Version 2.0 SP2 (on Windows 2000, XP and 2003 Server)
l Version 3.5 SP1 (on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and 2008 Server)
l MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser
l Visual C++ 2008 runtime libraries (vanilla, not SP1)
l Access Database Engine
Missing third party software packages will be downloaded from the Internet and installed during the course of the installation.
The mentioned components can also be downloaded and installed manually. Installers for these packages can be downloaded
from the Microsoft web site.
The software components are installed in the Program Files folder of the system drive. Normally this is drive C.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
l Pentium 4, 3 GHz 32-bit (x86)
l 2 GB of system memory
l 80 GB hard disk with at least 1 GB of available space
Supported Operating Systems
l Microsoft Windows 2000 (32-bit)
l Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32-bit and 64 bit)
l Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit and 64 bit)
l Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (32-bit and 64 bit)
l Microsoft Windows 2008 Server (32-bit and 64 bit)
For production servers, it's recommended to invest in specific server hardware, such as large RAID hard disks, UPS (uninterrupted power supply) and enough RAM memory.
l Intel or AMD dual-core processor
l 4 GB of system memory
l 300 GB hard drive with as much available space as possible
l Make sure that port 80 and/or port 443 are available for the Apache web server that comes with PrintShop Mail Web.
l USB slot (not required for testing). Your server musts have a USB port to which the hardware key ('dongle') can be
attached. See "USBHardware Key" (page 51).
l Your network should be an Ethernet (TCP/IP) network, which is by far the most commonly used network today.
l You should have a high speed Internet connection, and a fixed outgoing IP address, which implies that you can run a
web server.
l The PrintShop Mail Web server should be directly connected to the RIP or Printer. This means that the PrintShop Mail
Web server should be located on your local network (same subnet), on your premises, and preferably not at your ISP's
(Internet Service Provider, the company that provides your Internet connection).
l Your router should be configured to allow incoming HTTP connections over port 80. Your network administrator or your
ISP should know how to enable this.
l The PrintShop Mail Web server has a built-in email server. This email server will send email notifications to you and
your customers when the order status changes. You'll need to know your ISP's SMTP server address (usually something like
Running the installer
1. Navigate to the PrintShop Mail Suite.exe file you downloaded from the Internet or locate the file on the PrintShop Mail
Suite product CD. Once located double click its icon to launch the installation program. The Select Setup Language
dialog appears.
2. Select your preferred language and click OK.
In case the prerequisites are not met, the following dialog is shown stating the missing items.
3. Click Next to download and install the required components. Once the installation of the components is completed the
installer Welcome screen displays.
4. Click Next. The License Agreement page is shown.
5. Read the license agremeent. If the terms of the agreement are acceptable, click on I accept the terms of the license
Note: You must accept the terms of the license agreement to continue.
6. Click Next to continue the installation process. The Features page displays.
7. Select the PrintShop Mail Web option to install the web server, database server and PrintShop Mail Server components
required for PrintShop Mail Web. The PrintShop Mail application is a required by PrintShop Mail Web and cannot be deselected. Unless you have specific setup requirements, we recommend using the default options for the PrintShop Mail
PrintShop Mail Web uses the Apache web server, the software can be configures to support regular (HTTP) and
secured (HTTPS) types of connections. HTTP is required for the communication between PrintShop Mail Server and
PrintShop Mail Web. HTTPS enabls the secured transmission of web pages. Please refer to the HTTP over SSL (HTTPS)
chapter for more information on this subject. When selecting Bind HTTP to localhost, PrintShop Mail Web only accpets
HTTP connections from the local machine, from all other systems PrintShop Mail Web accepts only HTTPS connections.
Note: If the ports for these protocols are in use a warning appears. This may occur when an existing web server like
Apache, Internet Information Server (IIS) or applications like Skype is already running on the same machine. The application or service that uses port 80 or 443 (https) must be closed in order to use PrintShop Mail Web. If you proceed without closing the conflicting application, the installer application will not be able to start the Apache web server. Apache
can be started manually using the PrintShop Server Managerapplication.
10. Click Next. The PriintShop Server Services screen appears.
PrintShop Mail Server is a Windows Service that runs in the background. Windows services by default run as a virtual
user: Localsystem. As the Local System-account has some limitations the PrintShop Mail Suite installer assigns the cur-
rently logged on account to the PrintShop Mail Server service. For more information on this subject please refer to the
PrintShop Mail Server service chapter.
Note: In order to start a Windows Service your account must have a password (not empty).
11. Type the password of the displayed user.
12. Click Next. The Destination Folder screen displays the drive and folder where PrintShop Mail Web will be installed. To
install the software elsewhere, click Change... and navigate to the desired folder.
Select the destination folder
13. Click Next. The Program Folder page is shown.
14. Enter a name for the shortcuts folder in the Start menu.
15. Click Next. The Ready to install screen appears.
16. Click Next to install the program files.
When the installation has been successful, the following dialog appears:
17. Click Finish to complete the installation of PrintShop Mail Web. Further configuration is still needed and is explained in
the following sections.
l Select the Check for Updates option to launch the Objectif Lune Update Manager service. It contains a list of
updates (if available) for the PSM Suite components that are installed on your system. Click the Install icon to
downloaded and install the new versions.
Configuring the database and web site
After the installation you will need to launch your web browser and navigate to the PrintShop Mail Web web site. You can reach
the web site using localhost in your web browser's address bar. The first time you visit the web site the First Run page will be
shown. This web page will initialize the PrintShop Mail Web web site and database and guides you through this process step by
1. Open your web browser and enter localhost in the address bar. The First Run wizard appears.
Choose your language:The wizard will first allow you to select a language to use.
2. Select a language and click Next to proceed to the Database server connection page.
Provide the host name of your database server and enter the login and password. If both the web server and database
server (typical installation) are running on the same machine, you can use localhost as the host and use root as the
user name.
During the installation of the MySQL database software a user is created with the name root, with no password. To mod-
ify the password you can use an application like MySQL Administrator afterwards. The MySQL Administrator is part of
the MySQL GUI Tools suite which you can download for free from the MySQL website:
Note: The incDBLink.php file (located in the Functions folder of the PSW Website folder) should be changed accord-
3. Leave all the server connections options set to the default value unless you need to make a specific change. Click Next
to proceed.
When PrintShop Web find a database wich the name psw, the Database Exists page may appear:
This page allows you to use the existing database or to overwrite it. If an older version of the system is found you will
be able to update the database keeping the existing orders, templates, etc. Once the installation procedure is finished
you should check that the companies, templates and other information in the system has default values set for items
like the pricing settings.
Note: When upgrading PrintShop Web we strongly advise to read the "Important update notes" (page n) chapter and
create backups of your current PrintShop Web installation. You can use the MySQL Administrator tool described before
to create a backup of your psw database.
4. Once the database is created several system defaults need to be set. These settings can be modified and expanded in
PrintShop Web once the first run wizard is completed.
Specify the name for the initial company and set system defaults
The system default settings page requires input for the following system defaults:
l Company Name: The name of the initial company. This field is not visible when upgrading a previous version
of PSW.
l Currency: The selected currency will be presented in Checkout and Order Manager sections of the system.
l Taxation System: The standard Taxation system.
l Tax Rate: The percentage of the standard taxation system.
l Setup Cost: The surcharge for setting up your production environment and workstations.
l Rush Order Surcharge: The surcharge for urgency printing (if applicable).
l Weight Unit: The weight unit used to define the total weight of the documents/jobs in the checkout. PSW
l Standard Production Time: The number of days to produce documents.
l Rush Order Production Time: The number of production days for rush orders.
Enter a name for the initial company and verify the remaining parameters. Refer to the Administrative Guide for more
information about these parameters. Click Next to proceed to the Registration page.
5. We encourage you to register your PrintShop Web product in order to have the benefit of free product information, new
release information, and security updates.
Register your version of Printshop Web in order to take advantage of free product information
Enter your details and click Send registration or Register later to continue.
6. The website and database initialization process is now completed and you are ready to use the system. Click Go to
enter the login page of PrintShop Mail Web
For both the login name and password use administrator to enter the system and you are ready to setup the system for
your clients.
Upgrading PrintShop Mail Web 2.Xto Version 7
When upgrading PrintShop Mail Web we strongly advise to create backups of your current installation.
Upgrading to PrintShop Mail Web 7 is a one way street and be undone since the PrintShop Mail Web 7 database is not
l In PrintShop Mail Web the relationship between orders and documents (print jobs) is changed. Orders now can contain
multiple documents which is visualized using a tree view. To avoid misunderstanding by customers it is advised to
change the status of orders in the Ordered and Approved status folders to In-plant. Price related items remain intact
although the presentation is different due to changes in the PrintShop Web user interface.
l PrintShop Mail documents (templates and print jobs) in the system are automatically converted to the PrintShop Mail 7
format the first time they are used for previews or print actions. This action is performed only once.
Skin changes
l As PrintShop Mail Web 7 includes various user interface enhancements and new interface elements (e.g. modular
dialogs) custom skins should be checked and updated to support these new items. To test your existing skin(s) with
PrintShop Mail Web 7:
l Install PrintShop Mail Web 7 on a stand-alone machine.
l Copy your skin(s) to the templates folder of the PrintShop Mail Web 7 installation.
l Test and modify your skin
l Once completed create a backup of the modified skin and copy it to your production server.
l The 'Default' skin of PrintShop Mail Web 7 uses a gradient image as background image in the menu bar and table head-
ers. Although this looks very nice it prevents the web browser from showing the contrast color set in the Edit Web
Design page. If the contrast color is preferred the style-element-menu.php of the default skin should be changed. The
original code is still there but commented out. Simply remove these comments and comment the lines that render the
gradient image.
Create backups
Backup all files and databases prior to the migration. In case of problems during the update installation this will enable the contents of PrintShop Mail Web to be restored.
l "Backup configuration files" (page 31)
l "Backup production files" (page 29)
l "Backup skin files" (page 30)
l "Backup your database" (page 28)
Backup your database
To create a backup of the database:
1. Download and install the MySQL GUI tools. These tools can be downloaded for free at:
2. Launch the MySQL Administrator application. Existing backup projects are listed in the lower left area of the sidebar.
The MySQL Administrator window.
3. If you are not working from a previously saved backup project, click the New Project button to create a new backup
project. You cannot begin configuring a backup operation without either loading an existing project or creating a new
4. Once you have configured your backup project, you can click the Save Project button to save your project for future
use. To start your backup, click the Execute Backup Now button. You will be prompted for a path and filename for the
backup file, after which the backup operation will begin.
MySQL Administrator can be used to restore the database backup files created using MySQL Administrator. The backup files
created by MySQL Administrator are similar but not identical to those created by mysqldump. A consequence of the differences is that MySQL Administrator cannot read dump files created by mysqldump.
Backup production files
PrintShop Mail Web stores the production files in a central location located in the web site folder of the PrintShop Mail Web system. This folder includes: template documents, job created by the visitors, image collections, job option files etc. Most of these
items are referred to by the PrintShop Mail Web database. It is very important to create a backup of the database that goes
with the current state of your files folder.
1. Stop the PrintShop Mail Server service. This can be done via the Windows Services dialog (Administrative tools) or by
launching the PrintShop Server - Service Manager application. The latter can be found in the following locations:
l For PSW 2.x this is:
C:\Program Files\PrintShop Web\PrintShop Server
l For PrintShop Mail Web 7 this is:
C:\Program Files\PrintShop Mail Suite 7\PrintShop Mail Web\PrintShop Server
Note: If you do not stop the PSM Server service files might be in use (busy) due to the template cache of PrintShop
2. Locate the web site folder of your PrintShop Mail Web installation.
l For PSWeb 2.x this is:
C:\Program Files\PrintShop Wev\Website
l For PrintShop Mail Web 7 this is:
C:\Program Files\PrintShop Mail Suite 7\PrintShop Mail Web\Website
3. Copy the files folder to an external hard drive or share on your network.
The files folder of a PrintShop Mail Web 7 installation.
Backup skin files
Skin files should be backupped when you created customs skins or altered the default skins supplied with PrintShop Mail Web.