Objectif Lune PrintShop Mail Web - 7.1 Administrator Guide

PrintShop Mail Web
Administrator Guide
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Title PrintShop Mail Web - Administrator Guide
Revision 2010/01/05
Table of contents
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Benefits for you and your customers ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.1 Serve your customers ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.2 Benefits ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Features............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Key Concepts..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Workflow ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 User roles ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3.3 Companies and Departments..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.4 Publication types ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.5 Web forms ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.6 Skins ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.7 Order statuses.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Quick start guide ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
2 How to ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1 Common Tasks ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.1.1 Remember me ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Lost password ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.1.3 Modify user info ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.4 Set New Password .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.1.5 Change the language of the web site ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Company Tasks ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 Add companies....................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.2 Modify properties.................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.3 Add or modify address ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
2.2.4 Add departments.................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2.5 Add users .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
2.2.6 Modify user info ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.2.7 Assign users to a department .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
2.2.8 Assign a publication type to a department ................................................................................................................................................ 22
2.2.9 Change web design settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.2.10 Modify Pricing and Ordering parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 25
2.2.11 Delete company.................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
2.3 Publication Type and Document Tasks............................................................................................................................................................... 27
2.3.1 Add publication types.............................................................................................................................................................................. 27
2.3.2 Modify the publication type properties...................................................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.3 Delete a publication type folder ............................................................................................................................................................... 29
2.3.4 Adding documents to a publication type ................................................................................................................................................... 29
2.3.5 Delete documents from a publication type ................................................................................................................................................ 31
2.3.6 Edit document properties ........................................................................................................................................................................ 32
2.3.7 Manage production settings..................................................................................................................................................................... 33
2.3.8 Output options ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
2.3.9 Manage linked files ................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
2.3.10 Setting up web forms............................................................................................................................................................................ 38
2.3.11 Define file upload settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 47
2.3.12 Setting up pricing ................................................................................................................................................................................. 48
2.4 Image Collection Tasks..................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
2.4.1 Create an image collection ...................................................................................................................................................................... 52
2.4.2 Add images to a collection....................................................................................................................................................................... 53
2.4.3 Delete image from a collaction ................................................................................................................................................................ 54
2.5 Order Manager Tasks ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
2.5.1 Select an order status overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 55
2.5.2 Change the status of an order ................................................................................................................................................................. 56
2.5.3 Add a price to a quote request ................................................................................................................................................................ 58
2.5.4 Export order data ................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
2.5.5 Print a document .................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
2.5.6 Print to file ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
2.5.7 Create PDF output .................................................................................................................................................................................. 65
2.5.8 Send to folder ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 67
2.5.9 Preflight a PrintShop Mail document......................................................................................................................................................... 69
2.5.10 Send a document to PlanetPres Watch ................................................................................................................................................... 70
2.5.11 Context menus ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Table of contents
3 Ordering workflow ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 73
3.1 The shopping cart ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 74
3.1.1 Automatic price calculation...................................................................................................................................................................... 75
3.1.2 No price calculation ................................................................................................................................................................................ 75
3.1.3 Price Quotes .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
3.2 Shipping Options.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 78
3.2.1 Restore address ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
3.2.2 Shipping Date and Rush Rate handling..................................................................................................................................................... 79
3.2.3 Shipping Methods ................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
3.3 Order summary................................................................................................................................................................................................ 81
3.4 Manage the Terms and Conditions .................................................................................................................................................................... 82
4 Settings .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
5 General Settings............................................................................................................................................................................................. 84
5.1 About.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 85
5.2 License............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 86
5.2.1 Activate Upgrade .................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
5.2.2 License information ................................................................................................................................................................................ 86
5.2.3 Redeem Voucher .................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
5.2.4 Upgrade Request.................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
5.3 Roles .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 88
5.3.1 Create a new role ................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
5.3.2 Delete a role .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
5.3.3 Modifying a role...................................................................................................................................................................................... 89
5.4 Languages..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 102
5.4.1 Create a new language ......................................................................................................................................................................... 102
5.4.2 Delete a language ................................................................................................................................................................................ 102
5.4.3 Edit a language .................................................................................................................................................................................... 103
5.5 Web Design................................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
5.5.1 Changing the Web Design parameters ................................................................................................................................................... 105
5.6 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 107
5.6.1 Remove unused items........................................................................................................................................................................... 107
6 Pricing and Ordering .................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
6.1 Settings......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 109
6.2 Currencies ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 111
6.2.1 Add a new currency.............................................................................................................................................................................. 111
6.2.2 Delete a currency ................................................................................................................................................................................. 112
6.3 Tax Rates...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 113
6.3.1 Add a new tax rate ............................................................................................................................................................................... 114
6.3.2 Delete a tax rate .................................................................................................................................................................................. 115
6.3.3 Edit a tax rate ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 116
6.4 Shipping Rates............................................................................................................................................................................................... 117
6.4.1 Add a Rate to a Shipping Rate Profile..................................................................................................................................................... 118
6.4.2 Add a new Shipping Rate Profile ............................................................................................................................................................ 119
6.4.3 Delete a Rate ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 119
6.4.4 Delete a Shipping Rate Profile ............................................................................................................................................................... 119
6.4.5 Edit a Rate ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 120
6.4.6 Edit a Shipping Rate Profile ................................................................................................................................................................... 120
6.4.7 Import and Export a Rates table ............................................................................................................................................................ 120
6.5 Calendar ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 122
6.5.1 Add a Restricted Order Date.................................................................................................................................................................. 123
6.5.2 Change the Working Days ..................................................................................................................................................................... 123
6.5.3 Delete Restricted Order Dates ............................................................................................................................................................... 124
6.5.4 Import and Export Restricted Order Dates .............................................................................................................................................. 124
7 Production .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 126
7.1 Production Settings ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 127
7.2 User Input Field Defaults ................................................................................................................................................................................ 128
7.2.1 Add a new User Input Field Default item ................................................................................................................................................ 128
7.2.2 Arrange User Input Field Defaults items ................................................................................................................................................. 129
7.2.3 Delete an User Input Field Default item.................................................................................................................................................. 129
7.2.4 Import and Export an User Input Field Default list................................................................................................................................... 129
7.3 Output Folders............................................................................................................................................................................................... 131
7.3.1 Add a new output folder ....................................................................................................................................................................... 131
Table of contents
7.3.2 Delete an output folder ......................................................................................................................................................................... 131
7.3.3 Enable the download link ...................................................................................................................................................................... 132
7.4 Job options.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 133
7.4.1 Add a new job options file ..................................................................................................................................................................... 133
7.4.2 Delete job options files.......................................................................................................................................................................... 133
7.5 Printers ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 135
7.5.1 Change the status of a printer ............................................................................................................................................................... 135
8 E-mail ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 136
8.1 E-mail Settings .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 137
8.1.1 Configure the E-mail settings................................................................................................................................................................. 137
8.1.2 Test the E-mail settings ........................................................................................................................................................................ 137
8.2 E-mail Addressees.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 139
8.3 Managing E-mail Templates ............................................................................................................................................................................ 141
8.3.1 Edit a default e-mail template................................................................................................................................................................ 141
8.3.2 Template names................................................................................................................................................................................... 142
8.3.3 Using functions in e-mail templates........................................................................................................................................................ 142
9 Modules ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 145
9.1 Add a new Module ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
9.2 Configure a module........................................................................................................................................................................................ 147
9.3 Delete a Module............................................................................................................................................................................................. 148
10 Enabling B2C (Business to Customer)........................................................................................................................................................ 149
11 Introduction to Regular Expressions ......................................................................................................................................................... 152
11.1 Syntax......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 153
11.2 Examples..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 155
1 Introduction
PrintShop Mail Web is a modern and versatile software package which integrates workflow processes and introduces a whole new way of thinking about your customers and their print jobs!
This section contains answers to the following questions:
• What are the benefits for you and your customers?
• How does a typical PSM Web workflow look like?
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1.1 Benefits for you and your customers
PrintShop Mail Web organizes the print flow processes of your customers and integrates these processes seamlessly within your own production environment.
1.1.1 Serve your customers
PrintShop Mail Web gives your customers far more control and flexibility over print production. With PrintShop Mail Web you can better serve your customers by
• Simplifying your customers print order procedure
• Making it possible to create variable data print orders
• Providing a pre-flight and preview capability so your customer can verify what you will print
• Giving your customers the possibility to Print on Demand: create and order print work, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
• Safeguarding your customers corporate identity
• Providing your customers with web-entrance to the PrintShop Mail Web System that matches the look and feel of their corporate website
• Managing your customers documents, so they always use the latest version
• Costs lowering for your customers due the compact and efficient ordering and production methods
• Addressing each contact in their preferred language
1.1.2 Benefits
The benefits for your organization:
• No training needed
• No need to build your own web application
• Automatic e-mail notification whenever an order is placed on changes status
• Semi-automated quote process
• Customers produce and approve their own soft proofs
• Clear overview of all print orders in your organization and the status they have
• Export data possibilities
• Easy integration into MIS systems using XML
• Cost savings due the compact and efficient ordering and production methods
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1.2 Features
PrintShop Mail Web provides you with a state of the art package, enabling you to promote your own company with unique selling points, with increased added value to your customer!
The key features of PrintShop Mail Web are:
• Multi lingual:
▪ Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) ▪ Dutch ▪ English ▪ French ▪ German ▪ Italian ▪ Portuguese ▪ Russian ▪ Spanish ▪ Turkish ▪ Japanese
• With an option to add additional languages
• Intuitive, easy-to-use web interface
• Free PrintShop Mail design software included
• Automatically generates a web site for each customer
• B2B (Business to Business) as well as B2C (Business to Customer) capabilities
• Order and print PDF documents using the web
• Order and print variable documents using the web
• Simple print order procedure
• Real time preview, preflight and soft-proof
• Support for industry-standard optimized output formats:
▪ Optimized Postscript ▪ Creo VPS ▪ Fiery Freeform ▪ PPML/VDX ▪ Xerox VIPP
• Extensive user management with custom rights management.
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1.3 Key Concepts
To use PrintShop Mail Web effectively, you need to understand a few basic concepts. Read this section if you are new to PrintShop Mail Web or if you need a quick refresher. If you are new to PrintShop Mail Web, we recommend that you read the How to... (Page 11) sections, to familiarize yourself with the individual features of PrintShop Mail Web.
1.3.1 Workflow
The following diagram shows the overall workflow with the following roles:
Designer: The Designer produces documents and publishes the documents to the web, taking into account any corporate branding. Designers add companies and subsequently place the documents in a folder specific to each individual company.
Production Manager: The Production Manager is able to make modifications to a web form, assigning documents to departments and making documents available to users. The production manager automatically receives an e-mail notification every time an adjustment to the job status is made.
Customer: Customers select documents, enter data, connect database-files to documents and order or release print jobs. The Customers are able to monitor their print job at any stage during the production process.
Operator: The Production Manager or Operator places any ordered print jobs in the In-plant folder. The Operator prints and on completion dispatches the print jobs. Either the customer or the printer marks the print job as Completed.
The PrintShop Mail Web workflow
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Introduction - Key Concepts
1.3.2 User roles
PrintShop Mail Web has two main groups of users:
• Customers
• People within your own organization
Each role has certain privileges assigned to it; therefore assigning a role to users determines not only their level of authority but also the start-up screen they will be able to view when they log in.
PrintShop Mail Web system comes with nine pre defined roles. Five roles are intended for customers, the remaining for people within your own organization. Administrators can create new roles in the Settings section. The section provides more information regarding user roles.
Customer roles
Below a list of the predefined customer roles:
Customer: These users can:
▪ Retrieve a new password ▪ Create and order print jobs ▪ Edit job content ▪ Request a quote ▪ Adjust the job status (on hold and shipping) ▪ Request an overview of print jobs ▪ Re-order print jobs ▪ Search for specific print jobs
Customer Plus: Has the same privileges as the Customer and can also:
▪ Approve their own print jobs
Power User: Users with this role have the same privileges as the Customer Plus role with the following addition:
▪ Approve print jobs for users in the same department (or company if there are no departments)
Department Manager: Department Managers have control over one or several departments, have the same privileges as power users and can also:
▪ Add, assign and delete users within their department(s) ▪ Modify details within their department(s)
Company Manager: Have control over one company and its departments, have the same privileges as department managers and can also:
▪ Add, assign and delete customers, customers plus, power users, department managers and
company managers within the company and within departments ▪ Add departments ▪ Assign publication types to a department ▪ Modify the company, departments and users settings
Public Customer: This role is given to new customers who created an account before proceeding with an order they placed while shopping in a public company (which allows any visitor to use the shopping cart, but requires a logged-in user to proceed with checkout). These users have the lowest functionality. They can:
▪ Create and order print jobs ▪ Approve their own print jobs
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Introduction - Key Concepts
Roles within your organization
Within your own organization it is possible to assign four different user roles (functions), ordered from lowest (less rights) to highest (most rights):
Designer: The Designer is responsible for manufacturing and managing the documents and is able to do the following:
▪ Add new companies ▪ Add new publication types ▪ Modify and remove existing publication types ▪ Publish documents to PrintShop Mail Web ▪ Print "one-off" PrintShop Mail jobs ▪ Modify settings of a web form ▪ Add operator instructions
Operator: The Operator is responsible for taking print jobs in production and is able to:
▪ Adjust the job status (to approved, in-plant, shipping or completed) ▪ Request an overview of print jobs ▪ Preflight print jobs ▪ Print PrintShop Mail documents to file ▪ Print "one-off" PrintShop Mail jobs ▪ Send File upload documents to an output folder ▪ Send PrintShop Mail documents to PlanetPress Watch ▪ Send print jobs to the printer ▪ Re-print a part of a print job
Production Manager: This role is similar to that of an Order Planner. A Production Manager is able to perform the following tasks:
▪ Adjust the job status (approved, in-plant, shipping, completed and on hold) ▪ Request an overview of print jobs ▪ Search for specific print jobs ▪ Add companies ▪ Add, assign and delete customer level users in a company or department ▪ Add, assign and delete operators and designers to a company and a department ▪ Define publication types within a company ▪ Add departments to a company ▪ Modify users, department and companies settings ▪ Set a price for quote request ▪ Add pricing information to publication types and documents
Administrator: The administrator manages all privileges previously mentioned and is able to:
▪ Set the Terms and Conditions of the print shop ▪ Delete users, departments, companies and documents ▪ Change system settings ▪ Define output folders ▪ Add the companies web design ▪ Change the pre defined user roles ▪ Add new user roles ▪ Connectivity management ▪ Job options management ▪ Enable/disable printers ▪ Add/delete tax rates ▪ Add/delete shipping rates ▪ Customize the look-and-feel of the e-mail messages
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Introduction - Key Concepts
1.3.3 Companies and Departments
A company is an organization that purchases printed material produced by the print shop. Companies may contain one or multiple departments. A department is an organizational unit and are used to define territorial and/or administrative divisions of a company.
1.3.4 Publication types
A publication type is a folder in which template documents of your customers are grouped. These publication type folders can contain multiple documents. For example: a publication type folder to store different language variants of a brochure (e.g. Dutch and English-versions), a publication type folder for house style related document (e.g. Business cards, letterheads, envelopes). Each customer has his own publication types.
Pricing details and/or volume discount tables are linked to the publication type's folders. Pricing details and/or volume discount tables can apply to all documents which are in the publication types folder if the inherit option is selected.
PrintShop Mail for windows can publish PrintShop Mail documents to a publication type folder in PrintShop Mail Web. The free designer version of PrintShop Mail can be used for that. From PrintShop Mail you can also create new publication type folders.
The publication types overview shows all enabled and disabled publication types.
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Introduction - Key Concepts
1.3.5 Web forms
Documents that require user input use a web form to collect information entered by the customer. Such a form consists of one or more modifiable elements called input fields (e.g. text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.).
A sample web form
Therefore web forms specify what your customer sees and which fields require data entry when selecting certain documents. The provides more information regarding modifying the web form settings.
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Introduction - Key Concepts
1.3.6 Skins
The PrintShop Mail Web web site is fully skinnable. A skin is a series of files that control the presentation of the web site. Everything except the actual textual content of the page can - and will - vary from skin to skin. To allow PrintShop Mail Web to be skinnable, style is completely separated from contents. The web page use standard HTML elements, user defined classes and unique IDs. The style information is stored in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) documents, allowing the styles to be changed and manage the styles without the need to change the source code.
1.3.7 Order statuses
A customer orders documents to be printed by the print shop. An order can contain multiple documents. Every order goes through the following stages:
• Ordered
• Approved
• In-plant
• Shipping
• Completed
In addition to this there is the On hold status. This folder contains orders that require a quote from the print shop, these orders remain in this status until pricing is agreed.
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1.4 Quick start guide
Perform the following steps to set up PrintShop Mail Web:
1. After login as administrator click Settings in the Menu bar and register your version of PrintShop Mail Web. For more information see Settings.
2. Add a company to the system. For more information see Add companies.
3. Add departments to a company if necessary. For more information see Add departments.
4. Add users to a company and assign them to a department. For more information see Add users and
Assign users to a department.
5. Add publication types and assign them to a company and/or department. For more information see Add
publication types and Assign a publication type to a department.
6. Define user roles within your own company (Designer, Production Manager and Operator) and assign these roles to the companies you have defined. For more information see Add users.
7. The Designer can now publish documents to PrintShop Mail Web and assign them to the companies and the publication types folder that are in the system already. For more information see the PrintShop Mail guide.
8. Edit the documents-web form: define pricing details, add a volume discount table and enable the document for the users. For more information see Setting up Web Forms.
9. Setup e-mail messaging to communicate with your customers. For more information see Settings.
10. Enable the company, publication type(s) and documents.
Your system is now ready for your customers to use. There are many other settings that can be modified. Please see the other chapters in this manual for the possibilities.
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2 How to
Company related tasks are typically performed by Product Managers and some of them by Company and Department Manager. This chapter desrcibes common tasks in the Company section of PrintShop Mail Web. These tasks include:
Common Tasks (Page 12)
Company Tasks (Page 16)
Publication Type and Document Tasks (Page 27)
Image Collection Tasks (Page 52)
Order Manager Tasks (Page 55)
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2.1 Common Tasks
This section describes how to perform some common tasks in PrintShop Mail Web.
2.1.1 Remember me
The Login page lets the user log on to the system. The Remember me option is found on the Login page. By default the remember me checkbox is unchecked.

When the Remember me checkbox is checked a cookie is created. This cookie stores the user name and password of the user. The next time the PrintShop Mail Web web site is visited by the user the system will check for the cookie and automatically log in the user in order to show the appropriate content.

Cookies are in fact only data, not program code. Cookies cannot erase or read information from the user's computer. A cookie is a piece of text that a Web server can store on a user's hard disk. Cookies allow a Web site to store information on a user's machine and later retrieve it. Internet Explorer and other browsers store cookies on your computer. If you use Microsoft's Internet Explorer to browse the Web, you can see all of the cookies that are stored on your machine. The most common place for them to reside is in a directory called c:\windows\cookies. You can see which Web site placed the file on your machine by looking at the file name (the information is also stored inside the file). You can open each file by clicking on it.
2.1.2 Lost password
The I lost my password option allows users to retrieve a new password for their account and is based on the users e-mail address. An e-mail with the new password is send to the e-mail address of the given user. To get a new password:
1. Click the I lost my password link on the login screen. The following screen appears:
Enter the e-mail address of your account to receive a new password
2. Enter the e-mail address associated with your account.
3. Confirm the entered e-mail address.
4. Click Proceed to generate a new password.
The user receives on the entered e-mail address a new password. The user can use this password to logon. Once logged on the user can decide to change the password or keep using this new password.
Note: It is not possible to reset the PrintShop Mail Web password if the PrintShop Mail Web
installation authenticates against a LDAP directory. Reset the password in the corporate LDAP system. When the password is changed in the corporate LDAP system, it is automatically changed in PrintShop Mail Web.
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How to - Common Tasks
2.1.3 Modify user info
Each user can modify his personal account information. To change these parameters:
1. Click My Account in the Menu bar. The following screen appears:
Change user information in this screen
2. The following items can be changed:
User name: This field defines the user name required to logon to the system. ▪ Language: The selected language is used for the e-mail message the user receives when creating
an order or when the status of an order is changed. The language selected in the login window defines the application language.
Person Code: This value is a unique code which can be used to link to an administration or
ordering system. Users with the appropriate privilege (role) can edit this field.
Remember me: When the Remember me checkbox is checked a user is recognized by the system
and automatically logged in and re-direct to the Welcome page.
Additional Information: The fields in this section are used in the ordering processs and can be
used as default values for user input fiields in the New Document section.
3. Click Save to store the changes.
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2.1.4 Set New Password
Each user can set a new password. To set a new password :
1. Click My Account in the Menu bar. The following screen appears:
How to - Common Tasks
Set a new password in this screen
2. Enter a new password.
3. Confirm the new added password.
4. Click Save to store the changes.
2.1.5 Change the language of the web site
When using PrintShop Mail Web the user can specify which language is displayed in the menus, dialogs and pages. This allows the customer to work in the language they are most familiar with. The customer can choose the language from any of the available languages.
To specify the interface language:
1. Launch a web browser and enter the URL of the system. The Login page appears.
2. Choose a language from the Language pop-up-menu, the interface will be change accordingly. The selected language will be stored with your web browser (cookie). The next time the customer visits the system the language of the interface is automatically set based on the stored value.
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The Login page.
It is also possible to change the language of the web site in the User info bar.
How to - Common Tasks
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2.2 Company Tasks
Company related tasks are typically performed by Production Managers and Company Managers. This chapter describes common tasks in the Company section of PrintShop Mail Web.
2.2.1 Add companies
To add a new company in PrintShop Mail Web:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Click Add. The following dialogappears:
Enter company name to create a new company
3. Enter the Company name.
4. Click Save to create the new company. You have now added a company, which is added directly to the Companies overview.
• Newly created companies are initially disabled and must be enabled once user accounts and publication types are added. Users belonging to a disabled company will not be able to access the items in the Menu bar. A company can be enabled via the summary abd/or properties page of that company. Typically Administrators, Production Managers and Designers can test the templates of these disabled companies via the New Document section.
• About Company Type:
▪ The Company Type can be set to Public to enable B2C (Business to Customer), so that visitors
(i.e. non logged-in users) are able to view the company's enabled publication types and documents without logging in to PrintShop Mail Web, and add items to their shopping cart. Visitors of a public company will nevertheless have to create an account in order to proceed to checkout.
▪ Companies of type Private can only be accessed by users who have been either created within the
company or assigned to it. This is for regular B2B (Business to Business) transactions.
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How to - Company Tasks
2.2.2 Modify properties
After creating a new company or department it is possible to modify all company or department properties. To modify the company properties:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Select a company from the overview by clicking on the company name. The Companies Summary page is shown and on the right hand side a menu is displayed. This side menu allows management of the following items of the currently selected company:
▪ Properties ▪ Addresses ▪ Users ▪ Publication Types ▪ Web Design ▪ Departments ▪ Pricing and Ordering.
3. On the Company Summary page the basic company information is displayed in the Properties section. To modify the information in the Properties section click the Edit link or click Properties in the side menu.
4. Click Edit. The following screen appears:
Change the company properties in this screen
5. Enter additional information for the company:
Company Code: This value is a unique code which can be used to link to an administration or
ordering system. ▪ URL: The customers company URL can be entered here. ▪ Contact Person: When users have been added to the company, a company contact person
should be selected in the Contact person pull-down-menu.
6. Click Save to store the changes. The company properties page is shown.
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How to - Company Tasks
Note: The Company Type is a static value indicating whether the company has been defined as Private (for
B2B) or Public (for B2C).
2.2.3 Add or modify address
To add the company address in PrintShop Mail Web:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Select a company from the overview by clicking the company name. The Company Summary page is shown. On the company summary page the basic company information is displayed. The Company Address is placed in a collapsible information window.
3. To make the Address information visible, click the text. The address information can add or modified by clicking the Edit link or click Addresses in the side menu.
4. Click Edit. The following screen appears:
Enter or modify the company address information in this screen
5. The Shipping and Billing address information is used during the ordering process and can be used as default value for input fields in the New Document section. Enter the required information:
Country: Select a country in the pull-down-menu. By default the value None is selected. ▪ Address Fields: Enter the address information in this fields. Maximal 255 characters can be typed
or pasted in this fields.
Zip code: The Zip code is related to the selected country. In some cases a regular expression is
added to check the entered zip code.
State: The State is also related to the selected country. When selecting US or Canada a pull-
down-menu is shown, presenting the states of the US or Canada. State is a required field than. In all other cases an entry field is visible.
6. Click Save to store the changes.
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2.2.4 Add departments
To add a department to a company:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Select a company from the overview by clicking on the company name.
3. Click Departments in the side menu. The Departments overview page is shown.
4. Click Add. The Add Department dialog appears.
5. Enter the Department name.
6. Click Save to store the changes. You have now added a department, which is added directly to the companies' Departments overview.
Note: After creating a new department it is possible to modify the Department Properties and add the
Department Address information. On the department's address page the checkboxes for Use company address are enabled by default; the system automatically takes shipping and billing
addresses from the company. If this option is not required, please click in the checkbox to allow different shipping and billing addresses to be entered.
2.2.5 Add users
To create a new user account for a company:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Select a company from the overview by clicking on the company name.
3. Select Users in the side menu.
4. Click Add. The following dialog appears:
Enter basic information about the user
5. Enter the required information:
User Name and Password: These fields define the information required to logon to the system
and need to be entered in the Login page. ▪ Role: The selected role defines the privileges and access level of the user. ▪ Department: Select a department to which the user belongs (if available). It is possible to assign
users to more than one department, by holding the shift key and clicking all the departments to
which the users belongs. ▪ Login: Set this option to Enabled to allow the user logon to the system. ▪ First, Last, Gender, Job Title and E-mail address: The values of these fields are used in the
ordering process and can be used as default values for user input fields in the New Document
6. Click Save. You have now added a user, which is added directly to the companies’ User overview. When more users need to be added click Add again.
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Important: When users have been assigned to departments, a department contact person should be
selected: click on Departments in the side menu, select a department from the overview, click Properties in the side menu and click Edit. This will open the Department Properties page, where the correct contact person can be selected from a pull-down-menu. Click Save to store the changes.
2.2.6 Modify user info
To modify the user information:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Select a company from the overview by clicking on the company name.
3. Click Users in the side menu.
4. Select a user from the overview by clicking the user name.
5. Click Edit. The Edit Account page appears:
Change the user information
6. Enter the required user information:
Person Code: This value is a unique code which can be used to link to an administration or
ordering system.
Language: The selected language defines the language used for the e-mail messages send by
PrintShop Mail Web. The language of the web site is defined by the language selected in the Login
page. ▪ Login: Set this option to Enabled to allow the user logon to the system. ▪ Additional Information: The values of these fields are used in the ordering process and can be
used as default values for user input fields in the New Document section.
7. Click Save to store the changes.
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2.2.7 Assign users to a department
To assign a user account to a department:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Select a company from the overview by clicking its name.
3. Click Departments in the side menu and select a department from the overview.
4. Click Users in the side menu. An overview shows the user accounts in that department:
With the assign button users can be assigned to a department
5. Click Assign. The following dialog appears:
Users can be assigned to a department
6. Select a user from the Unassigned list and click Assign or double click a name to assign. The Unassigned Users are those users that are not part of the department. The users shown in the list depend on the role of the currently logged on user. A role defines which roles the user can assign when creating new accounts. The list shows those users of which the role can be assigned by the current user.
7. Click Save to store the changes. The assigned user(s) will be visible from the Users overview of the department.
User accounts can be added directly to a department. To create a new account at department level:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Select a company from the overview by clicking its name.
3. Click Departments in the side menu and select a department from the overview.
4. Click Users in the side menu. An overview is shown with the user accounts of the department.
5. Click Add and fill in the required user info (see Add users and Modify user info). Users who are added directly to a department can be (re)assigned to other departments later.
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2.2.8 Assign a publication type to a department
Documents published by a Designer, are automatically assigned to a company as a whole. In order to assign these documents to a department:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Select a company from the overview by clicking the company name.
3. Click Departments in the side menu and select a department.
4. Click Publication types in the side menu.
5. Click Assign. The following dialog appears:
In this dialog publication types can be assigned to a department
6. Select a publication type in the Unassigned window and click the Assign button to move the selected publication type to the Assigned window. Double clicking the selected name will also assign or unassign the selected publication type.
7. Click Save to store the changes and return to the Publication Types overview.
To assign a publication type to a department via the Publication Type section:
1. Click Publication Types in the Menu bar. The Publication Types overview page is shown.
2. Select a publication type from the overview by clicking the publication type name. The Publication Types Summary page appears:
On the Publication Types Summary page publication types can be assigned to a department
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3. Click Assign and select a department in the Unassigned window and click the Assign button to move the selected department to the Assigned window. Double clicking the selected name will also assign or unassign the selected department.
4. Click Save to store the changes and to return to the Summary page of the selected publication type.
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2.2.9 Change web design settings
PrintShop Mail Web can use different skins for each company, allowing your customers to use the system in their own house style or a style that closely matches their house style. Users of that company can access the PrintShop Mail Web web site via a personalized URL which will invoke their skin. The web design settings of a company control the skin, global style settings and the personalized URL variable of the company. For example: http:/www.yourprintshopweb.com/yourclientscompanyname.
To change the web design settings of a company:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Select a company from the overview.
3. Click Web Design in the side menu.
4. Click Edit. The following screen appears:
Upload a company logo and change the colors in this window
5. The Web Design page contains the following fields:
Skin: This pop-up menu lets you select one of the available skins. For more information about
creating skins refer to the Skinning Guide.
Design Name: The Design Name defines the URL suffix to invoke the selected skin and web
design settings.
Font Family: The font-family property is a prioritized list of font family names and/or generic font
family names. The browser will use the first value it recognizes. Separate each value with a
comma, and always offer a generic-family name as the last alternative. ▪ Colors: These color pickers are used to select colors for various parts of the web site. ▪ Header Image: Use the Browse button to select an image file on your local machine (jpg or gif).
In the Default skin this image is used in the area above the Menu bar.
6. Click Save to store the changes and to upload the company logo (if applicable).
To Restore the default PrintShop Mail Web skin click the Defaults button. A warning dialog is shown. After clicking OK the default PrintShop Mail Web skin is restored. Click Save to store the changes.
Note: If the selected skin does not make use of the custom font family, colors and header image,
changes to these fields will have no effect. The Skinning Guide explains how a skin can be made dependent on these parameters.
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Note: You might need to refresh the cache of your browser in order to see the changes.
2.2.10 Modify Pricing and Ordering parameters
In the Pricing and Ordering section of a company or department a tax rate profile can be selected. The calculation of shipping rates can be enabled and a payment module can be selected. In addition to this it defines the shipping rate profiles visible in the order working. If multiple profiles are available the end user can select the preferred method. The calculation of shipping rates has the following prerequisites:
• The administrator should create one or multiple shipping rate profiles in the Shipping Rates page of the Settings section. For more information see the Settings section.
• The Calculate Shipping Charges option of the company should be enabled (described below).
• Pricing should be enabled for the company's publication types and documents.
To set the pricing and ordering settings for a company:
1. Click Companies in the Menu bar. The Companies overview page is shown.
2. Click Pricing and Ordering in the side menu, the Pricing and Ordering Settings page appears.
3. Click Edit. The following screen appears:
Edit the pricing and ordering settings and manage the company shipping rate profiles and payment modules in this window.
4. This page contains the following sections and lets you set the following items: ▪ Tax: Defines the Tax Rate Profile that applies to this company (or department). ▪ Shipping Rates: This section defines the following shipping charge options:
Calculate Shipping Charges: Check the Calculate Shipping Charges checkbox to enable
the calculation of shipping rates for this company (or department). This enables the options below.
Use System Defaults: If selected the system default rates are used in the ordering
workflow. If this option is selected the Shipping Rate Profile area is enabled.
Shipping Rate Profiles: The shipping rate profiles become available when the Use System
Default checkbox is unchecked. To select one or multiple contiguous profiles use shift click. Non contiguous items can be selected with alt click. When multiple shipping rate profiles are assigned, the customer is able to select the preferred shipping method in the ordering workflow.
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