Objectif Lune PrintShop Mail Web - 7.0 User Guide

PrintShop Mail Web
User Guide
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Title PrintShop Mail Web - User Guide
Revision 2010/01/05
Table of contents
1 PrintShop Mail Web.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 In practice ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Login to the system............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Lost password ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Modify my account............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Create a static document.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Create a file upload document ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.6 Create a variable document .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.6.1 Uploading a database file ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.6.2 Defining the preview range ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.7 Create an order ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.7.1 The Shopping Cart.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.7.2 Shipping Options .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.7.3 Order Summary...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.8 Select an order status overview ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
2.9 Change the status of an order........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.10 Re-order print jobs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.11 Add departments ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.12 Modify department properties ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.13 Add or modify address.................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.14 Add users ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.15 User roles ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.16 Modify user info ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
2.17 Assign users to a department.......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
1 PrintShop Mail Web
PrintShop Mail Web is a modern and versatile software package which integrates workflow processes and enables you to order and/or create your own (variable) print work.
PrintShop Mail Web:
• Simplifies print order procedures
• Simplifies the creation of variable data print orders
• Provides a pre-flight and preview capability to verify what will be printed
• Addresses each contact in their preferred language
• Is available to create and order print work, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
• Safeguards the corporate identity
• Can be configured to match the look and feel of the corporate website
• Manages the companies documents, so users always use the correct version
• Lowers cost due to the compact and efficient ordering and production method
• Enables Business to Business (B2B) as well as Business to Customer (B2C) transactions
PrintShop Mail Web gives you more control and flexibility in print production!
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2 In practice
This chapter explains the various ordering workflows of PrintShop Mail Web. The ordering workflow incorporates a shopping cart as seen in common ecommerce internet sites.
The ordering process step by step:
1. Document Creation: The New Document section is a store front listing the documents available to the customer. Based on the selected document the system invokes a wizard like interface guiding the customer through the steps of the document creation process. At the end of this process the customer is shown a PDF softproof. If the customer is satisfied with this document it can be added to the shopping cart. The customer can continue creating more documents and add those documents to the cart.
2. Shopping Cart: The shopping cart (or basket) allows customers to collect documents created via or selected from the New Document section. The pricing configuration controls whether the customer may enter a user definable quantity, pick a quantity from a predefined list or whether the uploaded database determines the quantity.
3. Shipping Options: This step allows the customer to select one of the available shipping methods (if applicable), select a preferred shipping date, verify the shipping address information and add comments.
4. Order Summary: This page summarizes the order. The documents in the cart, the address the order will be shipped to, and the payment information are shown.
5. Order Confirmation: If the order has been processed successfully, the order confirmation page is shown. This page includes the PrintShop Mail Web order number and transaction information if applicable.
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2.1 Login to the system
In order to access PrintShop Mail Web, direct your browser to the URL provided by your Print Service Provider. The Login page lets the user log on to the system. Here you can enter your name and password and you can select a language. Also found on the login page is the Remember me option. If the Remember me option checkbox is checked a cookie is created. This cookie stores the user name and password. The next time the PrintShop Mail Web web site is visited by the user, the system will check for the cookie and automatically log you in.
To log in to PrintShop Mail Web:
1. Enter your user name and password
2. Select a language
3. Click Login. The following screen appears:
The welcome screen
Selecting My Account next to the name in the Menu bar allows modification of your settings. Depending on the privileges of each user will the tabs in the Menu bar enable the user to:
• Create a new print job
• Request a quote
• Approve and order print jobs
• Place print jobs on hold
• Mark print jobs as completed
• Re-order print jobs
• Request detailed order information
• Execute a job search
• Add users and departments
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Note: Screen dumps are based on the default skin of PrintShop Mail Web.
In practice - Login to the system
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2.2 Lost password
The I lost my password option allows you to retrieve a new password for your account and is based on the your e-mail address. An e-mail with the new password is send to the e-mail address of the given user. To get a new password:
1. Click the I lost my password link on the login screen. The following screen appears:
Enter e-mail address to receive a new password
2. Enter the e-mail address associated with your account.
3. Confirm the entered e-mail address.
4. Click Proceed to generate a new password. You receive, on the entered e-mail address, a new password. You can use this password to logon. Once logged on you can decide to change the password or keep using this new password.
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2.3 Modify my account
Each user can modify his personal account information:
1. Click My Account in the Menu bar. The following screen appears:
Change user information in this screen
2. The following items can be changed:
Username and Password: These fields define the information required to logon to the
Person Code: This value is a unique code which can be used to link to an administraton or
ordering system. Users with the appropriate privilege (role) can edit this field.
Language: The selected language is used for the e-mail message you receives when
creating an order or when the status of an order is changed. The language selected in the login window defines the application language.
Remember me: When the Remember me checkbox is checked you are recognized by the
system and automatically logged in and re-direct to the Welcome or last visited page.
Additional Information: The fields in this section are used in the ordering processs. ▪ Password: Each user can set a new password. Enter a new password in the Set new password
entry field and confirm the password in the Confirm new password entryfield.
3. Click Save to store the changes.
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