This document describes the functionality and electrical specifications of the
transceiver IC PN512.
The PN512 is a highly integrated transceiver IC for contactless communication at
13.56 MHz. This transceiver IC utilizes an outstanding modulation and demodulation
concept completely integrated for different kinds of contactless communication methods
and protocols at 13.56 MHz.
The PN512 is available in three versions:
Product data sheet
• PN5120A0HN1/C2 (HVQFN32) and PN5120A0HN/C2 (HVQFN40), hereafte r named
as version 2.0
• PN512AA0HN1/C2 (HVQFN32) and PN512AA0HN1/C2BI (HVQFN32 with Burn In),
hereafter named as industrial version, fulfilling the automotive qualification stated in
AEC-Q100 grad 3 from the Automotive Electronics Council, defining the critical stress
test qualification for automotive integrated circuits (ICs).
• PN5120A0HN1/C1(HVQFN32) and PN5120A0HN/C1 (HVQFN40), hereafter named
as version 1.0
The data sheet describes the functionality for the industrial version and version 2.0. The
differences of the version 1.0 to the version 2.0 are summarized in Section 21
industrial version has only differences within the outlined characteristics and limitations.
2. General description
The PN512 transceiver ICs support 4 different operating modes
• Reader/Writer mode supporting ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE and FeliCa scheme
• Reader/Writer mode supporting ISO/IEC 14443B
• Card Operation mode supporting ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE and FeliCa scheme
• NFCIP-1 mode
. The
Enabled in Reader/Writer mode for ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE, the PN512’s internal
transmitter part is able to drive a reader/writer antenna designed to communicate with
ISO/IEC 14443A/ MIF A RE card s and transponder s withou t a dditional active circuitry. The
receiver part provides a robust and efficient implementation of a demodulation and
NXP Semiconductors
decoding circuitry for signals from ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE compatible cards and
transponders. The digital part handles the complete ISO/IEC 14443A framing and error
detection (Parity & CRC).
The PN512 supports MIF ARE 1K or MIF ARE 4K emulation p roducts. The PN512 support s
contactless communication using MIFARE higher transfer speeds up to 424 kbit/s in both
Enabled in Reader/Writer mode for FeliCa, the PN512 transceiver IC supports the FeliCa
communication scheme. The receiver part provides a robust and efficient implementation
of the demodulation and decoding circuitry for FeliCa coded signals. The digital part
handles the FeliCa framing and error detection like CRC. The PN512 supports contactless
communication using FeliCa Higher transfer speeds up to 424 kbit/s in both directions.
The PN512 supports all layers of the ISO/IEC 14443B reader/writer communication
scheme, given correct implementation of additional components, like oscillator, power
supply, coil etc. and provided that standardized protocols, e.g. like ISO/IEC 14443-4
and/or ISO/IEC 14443B anticollision are correctly implemented.
In Card Operation mode, the PN512 transceiver IC is able to answer to a reader/writer
command either according to the FeliCa or ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE card interface
scheme. The PN512 generates the digital load modulated signals and in addition with an
external circuit the answer can be sent back to the re ad e r/ writ er. A complete card
functionality is only possible in combination with a secure IC using the S
Transm ission module
C interface.
Additionally, the PN512 transceiver IC offers the possibility to communicate directly to an
NFCIP-1 device in the NFCIP-1 mode. The NFCIP-1 mode of fers dif ferent communication
mode and transfer speeds up to 424 kbit/s according to the Ecma 340 a nd ISO/IEC 18092
NFCIP-1 Standard. The digital part handles th e complete NFCIP-1 framing and error
Various host controller interfaces are implemented:
• 8-bit parallel interface
• SPI interface
• serial UART (similar to RS232 with voltage levels according pad voltage supply)
• I
C interface.
A purchaser of this NXP IC has to take care for appropriate third party patent licenses.
1.8-bit parallel Interface only available in HVQFN40 package.
Highly integrated analog circuitry to demodulate and decode responses
Buffered output drivers for connecting an antenna with the minimum number of
external components
Integrated RF Level detector
Integrated data mode detector
Supports ISO/IEC 14443 A/MIFARE
Supports ISO/IEC 14443 B Read/Write modes
Typical operating distance in Read/Write mode up to 50 mm depending on the
antenna size and tuning
Typical operating distance in NFCIP-1 mode up to 50 mm depending on the antenna
size and tuning and power supply
Typical operating distance in ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE card or FeliCa Card Op eration
mode of about 100 mm depending on the antenna size and tuning and the external
field strength
Supports MIFARE 1K or MIFARE 4K emulation encryption in Reader/Writer mode
ISO/IEC 14443A higher transfer speed communication at 212 kbit/s and 424 kbit/s
Contactless communication according to the FeliCa scheme at 212 kbit/s and
424 kbit/s
In te gr at ed RF int er fa ce fo r NF CIP- 1 up to 424 kbit/s
C interface
Additional power supply to directly supply the smart card IC connected via S
Su pp or te d ho st inter fa ce s
SPI up to 10 Mbit/s
C-bus interface up to 400 kBd in Fast mode, up to 3400 kBd in High-speed mode
RS232 Serial UART up to 1228.8 kBd, with voltage levels dependant on pin
voltage supply
8-bit parallel interface with and without Address Latch Enable
FIFO buffer handles 64 byte send and receive
Flexible interrupt modes
Hard reset with low power function
Power-down mode per software
Programmable timer
Internal oscillator for connection to 27.12 MHz quartz crystal
2. 5 V to 3.6 V power supply
CRC coprocessor
Programmable I/O pins
Internal self-t es t
[1] Supply voltages below 3 V reduce the performance in, for example, the achievable operating distance.
[2] V
[3] V
[4] I
[5] I
[6] I
[7] During typical circuit operation, the overall current is below 100 mA.
[8] Typical value using a complementary driver configuration and an antenna matched to 40 between pins TX1 and TX2 at 13.56 MHz.
The analog interface handles the modulation and demodulation of the analog signals
according to the Card Receiving mode, Reader/Writer mode and NFCIP-1 mode
communication scheme.
The RF level detector detects the presence of an external RF-field delivered by the
antenna to the RX pin.
The Data mode detector detects a MIFARE, FeliCa or NFCIP-1 mode in order to prepare
the internal receiver to demodulate signals, which are sent to the PN512.
The communication (S
transfer speeds above 424 kbit/s and digital signals to communicate to a secure IC.
The contactless UART manages the protocol requirements for the communication
protocols in cooperation with the host. The FIFO buffer ensures fast and convenient data
transfer to and from the host and the contactless UART and vice versa.
Various host interfaces are implemented to meet different customer requirements.
Transm ission module
C) interface provides digital signals to support communication for
1A1IAddress Line
2PVDDPWRPad power supply
3DVDDPWRDigital Power Supply
4DVSSPWRDigital Ground
5PVSSPWRPad power supply ground
6NRSTPDINot Reset and Power Down: When LOW, intern al current sinks are switched off, the
7SIGINICommunication Interface Input: accepts a digital, serial data stream
8SIGOUTOCommunication Interface Output: delivers a serial data stream
9SVDDPWRS2C Pad Power Supply: provides power to the S
10TVSSPWRTransmitter Ground: supplies the output stage of TX1 and TX2
11TX1OTransmitter 1: delivers the modulated 13.56 MHz energy carrier
12TVDDPWRTransmitter Power Supply: supplies the output stage of TX1 and TX2
13TX2OTransmitter 2: delivers the modulated 13.56 MHz energy carrier
14TVSSPWRTransmitter Ground: supplies the output stage of TX1 and TX2
15AVDDPWRAnalog Power Supply
16VMIDPWRInternal Reference Voltage: This pin delivers the internal reference voltage.
17RXIReceiver Input
18AVSSPWRAnalog Ground
19AUX1OAuxiliary Outputs: These pins are used for testing.
21OSCINICrystal Oscillator Input: input to the inverting amplifier of the oscillator. This pin is
22OSCOUTOCrystal Oscillator Output: Output of the inverting amplifier of the oscillator.
23IRQOInterrupt Request: output to signal an interrupt event
24ALEIAddress Latch Enable: signal to latch AD0 to AD5 into the internal address latch
25 to 31D1 to D7I/O8-bit Bi-directional Data Bus.
32A0IAddress Line
oscillator is inhibited, and the input pads are disconnected from the outside world. With
a positive edge on this pin the internal reset phase starts.
C pads
also the input for an externally generated clock (f
= 27.12 MHz).
when HIGH.
Remark: An 8-bit parallel interface is not available.
Remark: If the host controller selects I
can be used to define the I
C address.
C as digital host controller interface, these pins
Remark: For serial interfaces this pins can be used for test signals or I/Os.
1 to 4A2 to A5IAddress Line
5PVDDPWRPad power supply
6DVDDPWRDigital Power Supply
7DVSSPWRDigital Ground
8PVSSPWRPad power supply ground
9NRSTPDINot Reset and Power Down: When LOW, intern al current sinks are switched off, the
oscillator is inhibited, and the input pads are disconnected from the outside world. With
a positive edge on this pin the internal reset phase starts.
10SIGINICommunication Interface Input: acce pts a digital, serial data stream
11SIGOUTOCommunica tion Interface Output: delivers a serial data stream
C Pad Power Supply: provides power to the S2C pads
13TVSSPWRTransmitter Ground: supplies the output stage of TX1 and TX2
14TX1OTransmitter 1: delivers the modulated 13.56 MHz energy carrier
15TVDDPWRTransmitter Power Supply: supplies the output stage of TX1 and TX2
16TX2OTransmitter 2: delivers the modulated 13.56 MHz energy carrier
17TVSSPWRTransmitter Ground: supplies the output stage of TX1 and TX2
18AVDDPWRAnalog Power Supply
19VMIDPWRInternal Reference Voltage: This pin delivers the internal reference voltage.
20RXIReceiver Input
21AVSSPWRAnalog Ground
22AUX1OAuxiliary Outputs: These pins are used for testing.
24OSCINICrystal Oscillator Input: input to the inverting amplifier of the oscillator. This pin is
also the input for an externally generated clock (f
= 27.12 MHz).
25OSCOUTOCrystal Oscillator Output: Output of the inverting amplifier of the oscillator.
26IRQOInterrupt Request: output to signal an interrupt event
27NWRINot Write: strobe to write data (applied on D0 to D7) into the PN512 register
28NRDINot Read: strobe to read data from the PN512 register (applied on D0 to D7)
29ALEIAddress Latch Enable: signal to latch AD0 to AD5 into the internal address latch
when HIGH.
30NCSINot Chip Select: selects and activates the host controller interface of the PN512
31 to 38D0 to D7I/O8-bit Bi-directional Data Bus.
Remark: For serial interfaces this pins can be used for test signals or I/Os.
Remark: If the host controller selects I
C as digital host controller interface, these pins
can be used to define the I2C address.
39 to 40A0 to A1IAddress Line
The PN512 transmission module supports the Read/Write mode for
ISO/IEC 14443 A/MIFARE and ISO/IEC 14443 B using various transfer speeds and
modulation protocols.
PN512 transceiver IC supports the following operating modes:
• Reader/Writer mode supporting ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE and FeliCa scheme
• Card Operation mode supporting ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE and FeliCa scheme
• NFCIP-1 mode
The modes support different transfer speeds and modulation schemes. The following
chapters will explain the different modes in detail.
Note: All indicated modulation indices and modes in this chapter are system parameters.
This means that beside the IC settings a suitable antenna tuning is require d to achieve the
optimum performance.
Transm ission module
Fig 5.PN512 Read/Write mode
8.1ISO/IEC 14443 A/MIFARE functionality
The physical level communication is shown in Figure 6.
Fig 6.ISO/IEC 14443 A/MIFARE Read/Write mode communication diagram
The physical parameters are described in Table 4.
T able 5.Communication overview for ISO/IEC 14443 A/MIFARE reader/writer
Reader to card (send
data from the PN512
to a card)
Signal typeTransfer speed
106 kBd212 kBd424 kBd
reader side
100 % ASK100 % ASK100 % ASK
bit encodingmodified Miller
modified Miller
bit length128 (13.56 s)64 (13.56 s)32 (13.56 s)
ISO/IEC 14443 A framing at 212 kBd, 424 kBd and 848 kBd
8-bit data8-bit data8-bit data
start bit is 0
burst of 32
subcarrier clocks
even parity at the
end of the frame
Transm ission module
T able 5.Communication overview for ISO/IEC 14443 A/MIFARE reader/writer
Card to reader
(PN512 receives data
from a card)
Signal typeTransfer speed
106 kBd212 kBd424 kBd
card side
subcarrier load
13.56 MHz/1613.56 MHz/1613 .56 MHz/16
subcarrier load
subcarrier load
bit encodingManchester
The PN512’s contactless UART and dedicated external host must manage the complete
ISO/IEC 14443 A/MIFARE protocol. Figure 7
shows the data coding and framing
according to ISO/IEC 14443 A/MIFARE.
Fig 7.Data coding and framing according to ISO/IEC 14443 A
The internal CRC coprocessor calculates the CRC value based on ISO/IEC 14443 A
part 3 and handles parity generation internally according to the transfer speed. Automatic
parity generation can be switched off using th e ManualRCVReg register’s ParityDisable
8.2ISO/IEC 14443 B functionality
The MFRC523 reader IC fully supports international standard ISO 14443 which includes
communication schemes ISO 14443 A and ISO 14443 B.
Refer to the ISO 14443 reference documents Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit cards - Proximity cards (parts 1 to 4).
Remark: NXP Semiconductors does not of fer a soft ware library to enable design -in of the
ISO 14443 B protocol.
Rev. 4.2 — 28 August 2012
111342 12 of 132
NXP Semiconductors
2. PICC to PCD, > 12 % ASK loadmodulation
Manchester coded, baudrate 212 to 424 kbaud
1. PCD to PICC, 8-30 % ASK
Manchester coded, baudrate 212 to 424 kbaud
8.3FeliCa reader/writer functionality
The FeliCa mode is the general reader/writer to card communication scheme according to
the FeliCa specification. The following diagram describes the communication on a
physical level, the communication overview describes the physical parameters.
Fig 8. FeliCa reader/writer communication diagram
Table 6.Communication overview for FeliCa reader/writer
PN512 cardModulation on reader side8-30 % ASK8-30 % ASK
bit codingManchester CodingManchester Coding
Bitlength(64/13.56) s(32/13.56) s
bit codingManchester codingManchester coding
The contactless UART of PN512 and a dedicated external host controller are required to
handle the complete FeliCa protocol.
8.3.1FeliCa framing and coding
Table 7.FeliCa framing and coding
To enable the FeliCa communication a 6 byte preamble (00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h)
and 2 bytes Sync bytes (B2h, 4Dh) are sent to synchronize the receiver.
The following Len byte indicates the length of the se nt dat a b ytes plus the LEN byte itself.
The CRC calculation is done according to the FeliCa definitions with the MSB first.
To transmit data on the RF interface, the host controller has to send the Len- and databytes to the PN512's FIFO-buffer. The preamble and the sync bytes are generated by the
PN512 automatically and must not be written to the FIFO by the host controller. The
PN512 performs internally the CRC calculation and adds the result to the data frame.
Example for FeliCa CRC Calculation:
Table 8.Start value for the CRC Polynomial: (00h), (00h)
The NFCIP-1 communication differentiates between an active and a Passive
Communication mode.
• Active Communication mode means both the initiator and the target are using their
• Passive Communication mode means that the target answers to an initiator command
• Initiator: generates RF field at 13.56 MHz and starts the NFCIP-1 communication
• Target: responds to initiator command either in a load modulation scheme in Passive
In order to fully support the NFCIP-1 standard the PN512 supports the Active and Passive
Communication mode at the transfer speeds 106 kbit/s, 212 kbit/s and 42 4 kbit/s as
defined in the NFCIP-1 standard.
Transm ission module
own RF field to transmit data.
in a load modulation scheme. The initiator is active in terms of generating the RF field.
Communication mode or using a self generat ed and self modulated RF field for Active
Communication mode.
this communication
100 % ASK,
Miller Coded
The contactless UART of PN512 and a dedicated host controller are required to handle
the NFCIP-1 protocol.
Note: Transfer Speeds above 424 kbit/s are not defined in the NFCIP-1 standard. The
PN512 supports these transfer speeds only with dedicated extern al circuits.
1. initiator starts communication
at selected transfer speed
2. targets answers using
load modulated data
at the same transfer speed
powered for
digital processing
8.4.2Passive communication mode
Passive Communication mode means that the target answers to an initiator command in a
load modulation scheme. The initiator is active meaning generating the RF field.
Fig 11. Passive communication mode
Table 10.Communication overview for Passive communication mod e
ISO/IEC 14443A
subcarrier load
Manchester Coded
According to FeliCa, 8-30
% ASK Manchester Coded
According to FeliCa, > 12 %
ASK Manchester Coded
digital capability to handle
this communication
The contactless UART of PN512 and a dedicated host controller are required to handle
the NFCIP-1 protocol.
Note: Transfer Speeds above 424 kbit/s are not defined in the NFCIP-1 standard. The
PN512 supports these transfer speeds only with dedicated extern al circuits.
The NFCIP-1 framing and coding in Active and Passive Communication mode is defined
in the NFCIP-1 standard.
Table 11.Framing and coding overview
Transfer speedFraming and Coding
106 kbit/sAccording to the ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE scheme
212 kbit/sAccording to the FeliCa scheme
424 kbit/s According to the FeliCa scheme
8.4.4NFCIP-1 protocol support
The NFCIP-1 protocol is not completely described in this document. For detailed
explanation of the protocol refer to the NFCIP-1 standard. However the datalink layer is
according to the following policy:
• Speed shall not be changed while continuum data exchange in a transaction.
• Transaction includes initialization and anticollision methods and data exchange (in
Transm ission module
continuous way, meaning no interruption by another transaction).
In order not to disturb current infrastructure based on 13.56 MHz general rules to start
NFCIP-1 communication are defined in the following way.
1. Per default NFCIP-1 device is in Target mode meaning its RF field is switched off.
2. The RF level detector is active.
3. Only if application requires the NFCIP-1 device shall switch to Initiator mode.
4. Initiator shall only switch on its RF field if no external RF field is detected by RF Level
detector during a time of TIDT.
5. The initiator performs initialization according to the selected mode.
8.4.5MIFARE Card operation mode
T able 12. MIFARE Card operation mode
transfer speed 106 kbit/s212 kbit/s424 kbit/s
PN512 reader/
Modulation on
reader side
bit codingModified MillerModified MillerModified Miller
Bitlength(128/13.56) s(64/13.56) s(32/13.56) s
Modulation on
0PageRegSelects the register page
1CommandRegStarts and stops command execution
2ComlEnRegControls bits to enable and disable the passing of Interrupt Requests
3DivlEnRegControls bits to enable and disa ble the passing of Interrupt Requests
4ComIrqRegContains Interrupt Request bits
5DivIrqRegContains Interrupt Request bits
6ErrorRegError bits showing the error status of the last command executed
7St a tus1RegCont ains st atus bits for communication
8St a tus2RegCont ains st atus bits of the receiver and transmitter
9FIFODataRegIn- and output of 64 byte FIFO-buffer
AFIFOLevelRegIndicates the number of bytes stored in the FIFO
BWaterLevelRegDefines the level for FIFO under- and overflow warning
CControlRegContains miscellaneous Control Registers
DBitFramingRegAdjustments for bit oriented frames
ECollRegBit positi on of the first bit collision detected on the RF-interface
FRFUReserved for future use
Page 1: Command
0PageRegSelects the register page
1ModeRegDefines general modes for transmitting and receiving
2TxModeRegDefines the data rate and framing during transmission
3RxModeRegDefines the data rate and framing during receiving
4TxControlRegControls the logical behavior of the antenna driver pins T X1 and TX2
5TxAutoRegControls the setting of the antenna drivers
Register NameFunction
Transm ission module
FeliCaFeliCa Higher
transfer speeds
Transfer speed212 kbit/s424 kbit/s
Modulation on reader side8-30 % ASK8-30 % ASK
bit codingManchester CodingManchester Coding
Bitlength(64/13.56) s(32/13.56) s
Load modulation on PN512
6TxSelRegSelects the internal sources for the antenna driver
7RxSelRegSelects internal receiver settings
8RxThresholdReg Selects thresholds for the bit decoder
9DemodRegDefines demodulator settings
AFelNFC1RegDefines the length of the valid range for the receive package
BFelNFC2RegDefines the length of the valid range for the receive package
CMifNFCRegControls the communication in ISO/IEC 14443/MIFARE and NFC
DManualRCVRegAllows manual fine tuning of the internal receiver
ETypeBRegConfigure th e ISO/IEC 14443 type B
FSerialSpeedRegSelects the speed of the serial UART interface
Page 2: CFG
0PageRegSelects the register page
1CRCResultRegShows the actual MSB and LSB values of the CRC calculation
3GsNOffRegSelects the conductance of the antenna driver pins TX1 and TX2 for
4ModWidthRegControls the setting of the ModWidth
5TxBitPhaseRegAdjust the TX bit phase at 106 kbit
6RFCfgRegConfigures the receiver gain and RF level
7GsNOnRegSelects the conductance of the antenna driver pins TX1 and TX2 for
8CWGsPRegSelects the conductance of the antenna driver pins TX1 and TX2 for
9ModGsPRegSelects the conductance of the antenna driver pins TX1 and TX2 for
CTReloadRegDescribes the 16-bit timer reload value
ETCounterValReg Shows the 16-bit actual timer value
Page 3: TestRegister
0PageRegselects the register page
1TestSel1RegGeneral test signal configuration
2TestSel2RegGeneral test signal configuration and PRBS control
3TestPinEnRegEnables pin output driver on 8-bit parallel bus (Note: For serial
5TestBusRegShows the status of the internal testbus
6AutoTestRegControls the digital selftest
Register NameFunction
target mode at 106 kbit
modulation, when the driver is switched off
modulation when the drivers are switched on
modulation during times of no modulation
modulation during modulation
Defines settings for the internal timer
interfaces only)
Defines the values for the 8-bit parallel bus when it is used as I/O bus
7VersionRegShows the version
8AnalogTestRegControls the pins AUX1 and AUX2
9TestDAC1RegDefines the test value for the TestDAC1
ATestDAC2RegDefines the test value for the TestDAC2
BTestADCRegShows th e actual value of ADC I and Q
C-FRFTReserved for production tests
Register NameFunction
9.1.1Register bit behavior
Depending on the functionality of a register , the access conditions to the register can vary.
In principle bits with same behavior are grouped in co mmon registers. In Table 15
access conditions are described.
Table 15.Behavior of register bits and its designation
Abbreviation BehaviorDescription
r/wread and write These bits can be written and read by the -Controller. Since they
dydynamicThese bits can be written and read by the -Controller.
rread onlyThese registers hold bits, which value is determined by internal
wwrite onlyReading these registers returns always ZERO.
RFU -These registers are reserved for future use.
RFT -These registers are reserved for production tests and shall not be
are used only for control means, there content is not influenced by
internal state machines, e.g. the PageSelect-Register may be
written and read by the -Controller. It will also be read by internal
state machines, but never changed by them.
Nevertheless, they may also be written automatically by internal
state machines, e.g. the Command-Register changes its value
automatically after the execution of the actual command.
states only, e.g. the CRCReady bit can not be written from
external but shows internal states.
In case of a PN512 Version version 2.0 (VersionReg = 82h) a
read access to these registers returns always the value “0”.
Nevertheless this is not guaranteed for future chips versions
where the value is undefined. In case of a write access, it is
recommended to write always the value “0”.
7 to 6-Reserved for future use.
5RcvOffSet to logic 1, the analog part of the receiver is switched off.
4PowerDownSet to logic 1, Soft Power-down mode is entered.
3 to 0CommandActivates a command according to the Command Code. Reading this
RFURFUr/wdy dydydydy
00RcvOffPower DownCommand
Set to logic 0, the PN512 starts the wake up procedure. During this
procedure this bit still shows a 1. A 0 indicates that the PN512 is ready
for operations; see Section 16.2 “
Soft power-down mode”.
Note: The bit Power Down cannot be set, when the command
SoftReset has been activated.
register shows, which command is actually executed (see Section 19.3
register Status1Reg. Set to logic 0, the signal on pin IRQ is equal to bit IRq.
In combination with bit IRqPushPull in register DivIEnReg, the default value
of 1 ensures, that the output level on pin IRQ is 3-state.
7IRQPushPullSet to logic 1, the pin IRQ works as standard CMOS output pad.
6 to 5-Reserved for future use.
4SiginActIEnAllows the SIGIN active inte rrupt request to be propagated to pin IRQ.
3ModeIEnAllows the mode interrupt request (indicated by bit ModeIRq) to be
2CRCIEnAllows the CRC interrupt request (indicated by bit CRCIRq) to be
1RfOnIEnAllows the RF field on interrupt request (indicated by bit RfOnIRq) to
0RfOffIEnAllows the RF field off interrupt request (indicated by bit RfOffIRq) to
Table 24.CommIRqReg register (address 04h); rese t value: 14h, 00010100b
Table 25.Description of CommIRqR eg bits
All bits in the register CommIRqReg shall be cleared by software.
7Set1Set to logic 1, Set1 defines that the marked bits in the register CommIRqReg
6TxIRqSet to logic 1 immediately after the last bit of the transmitted data was sent out.
5RxIRqSet to logic 1 when the receiver detects the end of a valid datastream.
4IdleIRqSet to logic 1, when a command terminates by itself e.g. when the
3HiAlertIRqSet to logic 1, when bit HiAlert in register Status1Reg is set. In opposition to
2LoAlertIRq Set to logic 1, when bit LoAl ert in register Status1Reg is set. In opposition to
1ErrIRqSet to logic 1 if any error bit in the Error Register is set.
0TimerIRqSet to logic 1 when the timer decrements the TimerValue Register to zero.
during the AutoColl command or MFAuthent command or if data is
written into FIFO by the host controller during the time between
sending the last bit on the RF interface and receiving the last bit on the
RF interface.
Set to logic 1, if the internal temperature sensor detects overheating.
In this case, the antenna drivers are switched off automatically.
not switch on the RF field in time as defined in NFCIP-1 standard.
Note: RFErr is only used in Active Communication mode. The bits
RxFraming or the bits TxFraming has to be set to 01 to enable this
(e.g. receiver) tries to write data into the FIFO-bufferFIFO-buffer
although the FIFO-buffer is already full.
receiver start-up phase. This bit is only valid during the bitwise
anticollision at 106 kbit. During communication sch emes at 212 and
424 kbit this bit is always set to logic 1.
CRC calculation fails. It is cleared to 0 automatically at receiver
start-up phase.
at receiver start-up phase. Only valid for ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE or
NFCIP-1 communication at 106 kbit.
• Set to logic 1 if the SOF is incorrect. It is cleared automatically at
receiver start-up phase. The bit is only valid for 106 kbit in Active
and Passive Communication mode.
• If bit DetectSync in register ModeReg is set to logic 1 during
FeliCa communication or active communication with transfer
speeds higher than 106 kbit, the bit ProtocolErr is set to logic 1 in
case of a byte length violation.
• During the AutoColl command, bit ProtocolErr is set to logic 1, if
the bit Initiator in register ControlReg is set to logic 1.
• During the MFAuthent Command, bit ProtocolErr is set to logic 1,
if the number of bytes received in one data stream is incorrect.
• Set to logic 1, if the Miller Decoder detects 2 pulses below the
minimum time according to the ISO/IEC 14443A definitions.
[1] Command execution will clear all error bits except for bit TempErr. A setting by software is impossible.
13.56 MHz.
Set to logic 1, if the frequency at the RX pin is in the range
12 MHz < RX pin frequency < 15 MHz.
Note: The value of RFFreqOK is not defined if the external RF
frequency is in the range from 9 to 12 MHz or in the range from
15 to 19 MHz.
reception the bit CRCOk is undefined (use CRCErr in register
ErrorReg). CRCOk indicates the status of the CRC co-processor,
during calculation the value changes to ZERO, when the calculation is
done correctly, the value changes to ONE.
valid for the CRC co-processor calculation using the command
to the setting of the interrupt enable bits, see register CommIEnReg
and DivIEnReg).
decrement the TCounterValReg with the next timer clock.
Note: In the gated mode the bit TRunning is set to logic 1, when the
timer is enabled by the register bits. This bit is not influenced by the
gated signal.
7TStopNowSet to logic 1, the timer stops immediately.
6TStartNowSet to logic 1 starts the timer immediately.
5WrNFCIDtoFIFOSet to logic 1, the internal stored NFCID (10 bytes) is copied into the
4In itiatorSet to logic 1, the PN512 acts as initiator, otherwise it acts as target
3-Reserved for future use.
2 to 0RxLastBitsShows the number of valid bits in the last received byte. If zero, the