NXP MCUXpresso IDE Installation Manual

NXP MCUXpresso IDE Installation Manual

MCUXpresso IDE Installation


Rev. 11.3.0 — 2 April, 2021

User guide

NXP Semiconductors

MCUXpresso IDE Installation Guide

2 April, 2021

Copyright © 2021 NXP Semiconductors

All rights reserved.

MCUXpresso IDE Installation Guide -

All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers

© 2021 NXP Semiconductors. All rights reserved.

User Guide

Rev. 11.3.0 — 2 April, 2021


NXP Semiconductors

MCUXpresso IDE Installation Guide

1. Installation ....................................................................................................................



1.1. Host Computer Requirements ............................................................................



1.2. Windows ...........................................................................................................



1.2.1. Command line use ..................................................................................



1.3. macOS ..............................................................................................................



1.3.1. Command line use ..................................................................................



1.3.2. macOS Sierra – Unexpected Delays during Debug Operations

.................. 3

1.4. Linux .................................................................................................................



1.4.1. Command line use ..................................................................................



1.4.2. Other Linux Distros .................................................................................



1.5. Installation Notes ...............................................................................................



1.5.1. High-Resolution Displays .........................................................................



1.5.2. Running under Virtual Machines ..............................................................


1.5.3. Help us improve MCUXpresso IDE ..........................................................


2. Migrating from an earlier version of MCUXpresso IDE ....................................................


3. Appendix A – Linux Installation .....................................................................................



3.1. Ubuntu ..............................................................................................................



3.1.1. Creating a Backup ..................................................................................



3.2. Other Linux Distributions ....................................................................................



3.3. Running the MCUXpresso IDE ...........................................................................



3.3.1. From the Desktop ...................................................................................



3.3.2. From bash ..............................................................................................



3.3.3. Further Information .................................................................................



3.3.4. Known Issues .........................................................................................



4. Appendix B – Migrating from LPCXpresso IDE version 8.2.x – Hints and Tips ..................


4.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................



4.1.1. Parallel Installations ................................................................................



4.1.2. Installing Eclipse Plugins .........................................................................



4.1.3. Managing Workspaces ............................................................................



4.1.4. Launch Configurations ...........................................................................



4.1.5. Startup Code ........................................................................................



4.1.6. Linker Scripting .....................................................................................



4.1.7. Compiler Symbols .................................................................................



4.1.8. SPIFI Flash Drivers for LPC18xx and LPC43xx ......................................


4.1.9. License Compatibility with LPCXpresso IDE ...........................................


MCUXpresso IDE Installation Guide -

All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers

© 2021 NXP Semiconductors. All rights reserved.

User Guide

Rev. 11.3.0 — 2 April, 2021


NXP Semiconductors

MCUXpresso IDE Installation Guide

1. Installation

MCUXpresso IDE will install with a base set of drivers and built-in support for a large range of LPC MCUs and native debug connections via LinkServer (CMSIS-DAP). Additional part (MCU) support can be added at any time by downloading and installing the required SDK packages.

Support for SEGGER J-Link Debug probes and PEmicro Debug probes is also installed by default.

Note: From MCUXpresso IDE version 10.2.0, only one product variant is available, replacing the previous Free and Pro Editions. MCUXpresso IDE now includes out-of-the-box all features previously restricted to the Pro Edition. It does not require any activation procedure and contains no limitations on build or debug code sizes.

1.1 Host Computer Requirements

Before installing MCUXpresso IDE, you should make sure your development host computer meets the following requirements:

A standard x64 host with 8GB RAM minimum, 4GB of available disk space (although more may be required dependent on the number of SDKs installed), a recommended screen resolution of 1080p or better and running one of the operating systems specified below.

An Internet connection is required for the downloading of SDKs, product updates and for the use the Config Tools.

Important Note To ensure that debug probe drivers can be installed correctly, please ensure that USB debug probes are removed before an MCUXpresso IDE installation is performed.

1.2 Windows

• Microsoft® Windows 7 and Windows 10

Note: From MCUXpresso IDE version 11.0.0, only 64-bit Windows is supported

MCUXpresso IDE is installed into a single directory, of your choice. Unlike many software packages, MCUXpresso IDE does not install or use any keys in the Windows Registry, or use or modify any environment variables (including PATH), resulting in a very clean installation that does not interfere with anything else on your PC. However, third party debug probe support code may make such modifications.

During the installation, you will be prompted to install a variety of drivers. These are required for correct operation, and include:

Philips (NXP) Universal Serial Bus

This can take some time to complete

Jungo Connectivity and Jungo Ltd

These are installed by the PEmicro debug plugin



The installer will also silently install drivers for:





After the installation has completed, in order to use some Kinetis boards with OpenSDA mbed CMSIS-DAP debug connection and LPCXpresso Max boards, an mbed Serial Port driver is required. This can be downloaded via the IDE link at:

MCUXpresso IDE Installation Guide -

All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers

© 2021 NXP Semiconductors. All rights reserved.

User Guide

Rev. 11.3.0 — 2 April, 2021


NXP Semiconductors

MCUXpresso IDE Installation Guide

Help -> Additional Resources -> MBED Serial Port Driver Website

Without this driver, the mbed based debug probe will not be found.

1.2.1 Command line use

Should you wish to use the command-line tools, a command file MCUXpressoPath.cmd is provided to set up the path for the local command window. This file is located within the installation directory.

Note: the low level component within MCUXpresso IDE are located inside plugins installed within the IDE’s directory structure. Updates to MCUXpresso IDE may install new plugins but these will be correctly located by this script. Since this file makes relative path assumptions it can only be used from its location within the IDE’s installation directory.

To use this file from within a terminal session or from within another script, the file must be sourced, for example:


Configuring command line environment for MCUXpresso IDE installed at C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.2.\ 0_4069 C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.2.0_4069\ide\plugins\com.nxp.mcuxpresso.tools.win32_11.2.0.20200\ 1021529\tools\bin;C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.2.0_4069\ide\plugins\com.nxp.mcuxpresso.tools.bin.win\ 32_11.2.0.202004241823\binaries;C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.2.0_4069\ide\plugins\com.nxp.mcuxpresso\


C:\Windows\System32>arm-none-eabi-gcc --version

arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors 9-2020-q2-update) 9.3.1 20200408 (release) Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


Additionally supplied is a Bash version of this script. Should this be used it must be sourced within a users command file in order for the paths to be updated correctly.


macOS 10.12 to 10.15

Version 10.12: "Sierra"

Version 10.13: "High Sierra"

Version 10.14: "Mojave"

Version 10.15: "Catalina"

The MCUXpresso IDE installer is supplied as a macOS .pkg installer file. Double-click on the installer to install MCUXpresso IDE into a subfolder of your Applications folder.

To start MCUXpresso IDE, use the macOS Launchpad. Alternatively, click the Open MCUXpresso IDE icon in the /Applications/MCUXpresso IDE_version folder or run

MCUXpresso IDE.app, which can be found in the MCUXpresso IDE subfolder of the main MCUXpresso IDE installation directory within /Applications.

1.3.1 Command line use

Should you wish to use the command-line tools, a bash script file MCUXpressoPath.sh is provided to set up the path for local shell. This file is located within the installation directory.

MCUXpresso IDE Installation Guide -

All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers

© 2021 NXP Semiconductors. All rights reserved.

User Guide

Rev. 11.3.0 — 2 April, 2021


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