NXP MCUXpresso Config Tools User Manual

NXP Semiconductors Document identifier: MCUXIDECTUG
User's Guide Rev. 0, 1/2021
MCUXpresso Config Tools User's Guide (IDE)
NXP Semiconductors


Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................... 5
1.1 Versions.....................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 User Interface ......................................................................................7
2.1 Creating, saving, and opening a configuration.......................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Creating a new configuration...................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Saving a configuration.................................................................................................................7
2.1.3 Importing sources........................................................................................................................7 Importing configuration.................................................................................................................. 8 Importing registers......................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Toolbar.................................................................................................................................... 11 Functional group properties......................................................................................................... 15
2.2.6 Undo/Redo actions....................................................................................................................16
2.2.7 Selecting the tools.....................................................................................................................16
2.3 Status bar................................................................................................................................ 16
2.4 Preferences............................................................................................................................. 17
2.5 Configuration preferences....................................................................................................... 18
2.6 Problems view......................................................................................................................... 19
2.7 Registers view......................................................................................................................... 20
2.8 Log view.................................................................................................................................. 22
2.9 Config tools overview.............................................................................................................. 22
Chapter 3 Pins Tool............................................................................................. 24
3.1 Pins routing principle............................................................................................................... 24
3.1.1 Beginning with peripheral selection...........................................................................................24
3.1.2 Beginning with pin/internal signal selection...............................................................................25
3.1.3 Routing of peripheral signals.....................................................................................................25
3.2 Example workflow....................................................................................................................30
3.3 User interface.......................................................................................................................... 33
3.3.1 Pins view................................................................................................................................... 34
3.3.2 Package view............................................................................................................................ 35
3.3.3 Peripheral Signals view.............................................................................................................37 Filtering in the Pins and Peripheral Signals views....................................................................... 39
3.3.4 Routing Details view..................................................................................................................40 Labels and identifiers................................................................................................................... 41
3.3.5 Expansion Header.....................................................................................................................42 Expansion Board..........................................................................................................................46
3.3.6 Highlighting and color coding.................................................................................................... 48
3.4 Errors and warnings................................................................................................................ 50
3.4.1 Incomplete routing.....................................................................................................................50
3.5 Code generation......................................................................................................................51
3.6 Using pins definitions in code..................................................................................................52
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Chapter 4 Clocks Tool......................................................................................... 54
4.1 Features.................................................................................................................................. 54
4.2 User interface.......................................................................................................................... 54
4.3 Clock configuration..................................................................................................................55
4.4 Global settings.........................................................................................................................55
4.5 Clock sources..........................................................................................................................55
4.6 Setting states and markers......................................................................................................56
4.7 Frequency settings.................................................................................................................. 56
4.7.1 Pop-up menu commands.......................................................................................................... 57
4.7.2 Frequency precision..................................................................................................................57
4.8 Dependency arrows.................................................................................................................57
4.9 Details view............................................................................................................................. 58
4.10 Clocks diagram......................................................................................................................59
4.10.1 Mouse actions in diagram....................................................................................................... 59
4.10.2 Color and line styles................................................................................................................60
4.10.3 Clock model structure............................................................................................................. 61
4.11 Clocks menu..........................................................................................................................62
4.12 Troubleshooting problems.....................................................................................................62
4.13 Code generation....................................................................................................................63
4.13.1 Working with the code.............................................................................................................64
4.14 Clock Consumers view..........................................................................................................64
Chapter 5 Peripherals Tool.................................................................................. 66
5.1 Features.................................................................................................................................. 66
5.2 Basic terms and definitions......................................................................................................66
5.3 Workflow..................................................................................................................................66
5.4 User interface.......................................................................................................................... 67
5.4.1 Toolbar (Peripherals)................................................................................................................ 68 Object Missing............................................................................................................................. 68
5.4.2 Components view......................................................................................................................68
5.4.3 Peripherals view........................................................................................................................71
5.4.4 Settings Editor...........................................................................................................................71 Quick selections...........................................................................................................................72 Settings........................................................................................................................................ 72 Settings Editor header................................................................................................................. 74
5.4.5 Documentation view..................................................................................................................75
5.5 SEMC Validation tool...............................................................................................................76
5.5.1 Validation view.......................................................................................................................... 76
5.6 Problems................................................................................................................................. 77
5.7 Code generation......................................................................................................................77
Chapter 6 Device Configuration Tool...................................................................80
6.1 Device Configuration Data (DCD) view................................................................................... 80
6.1.1 Device Configuration Data (DCD) view actions........................................................................ 80
6.2 Code generation......................................................................................................................82
Chapter 7 Trusted Execution Environment Tool.................................................. 83
7.1 AHB with security extension-enabled devices.........................................................................84
7.1.1 User Memory Regions view...................................................................................................... 84
7.1.2 Security Access Configuration view.......................................................................................... 88 SAU..............................................................................................................................................88 Interrupts......................................................................................................................................89
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7.1.3 Memory attribution map............................................................................................................ 97
7.1.4 Access Overview.....................................................................................................................100
7.1.5 Code generation......................................................................................................................101
7.2 RDC-enabled devices............................................................................................................102
7.2.1 User Memory Regions view.................................................................................................... 102
7.2.2 Security Access Configuration view........................................................................................ 103
7.2.3 Memory Attribution Map.......................................................................................................... 116
7.2.4 Access Overview.....................................................................................................................118
7.2.5 Domains Overview.................................................................................................................. 119
7.2.6 Code generation......................................................................................................................120
Contents Secure/Non-secure MPU............................................................................................................. 90 MPC............................................................................................................................................. 92 Masters/Slaves............................................................................................................................ 93 Pins.............................................................................................................................................. 95 Miscellaneous.............................................................................................................................. 97 Core 0.......................................................................................................................................... 97 Other masters.............................................................................................................................. 98 Access templates.......................................................................................................................102 RDC........................................................................................................................................... 103 RDC Masters.............................................................................................................. 103 Memory Regions.........................................................................................................105 Peripherals..................................................................................................................106 XRDC2 Domains view............................................................................................................... 107 MPU............................................................................................................................ 107 Domains......................................................................................................................109 Masters....................................................................................................................... 109 Peripherals..................................................................................................................111 Memory Regions.........................................................................................................113 Memory Slots.............................................................................................................. 114 Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................ 115
Chapter 8 Advanced Features........................................................................... 122
8.1 Switching the processor ....................................................................................................... 122
8.2 Exporting the Pins table.........................................................................................................123
8.3 Tools advanced configuration................................................................................................124
8.4 Generating HTML reports......................................................................................................124
8.5 Exporting sources..................................................................................................................124
8.6 Exporting registers.................................................................................................................126
8.7 Command line execution.......................................................................................................126
8.7.1 Command line execution - Pins tool........................................................................................128
8.7.2 Command line execution - Clocks Tool...................................................................................129
8.7.3 Command line execution - Peripherals tool............................................................................ 130
8.7.4 Command line execution - Project Cloner...............................................................................131
8.8 Managing data and working offline........................................................................................132
8.8.1 Working offline........................................................................................................................ 132
8.8.2 Downloading data................................................................................................................... 132
8.8.3 Exporting data......................................................................................................................... 133
8.8.4 Importing data......................................................................................................................... 133
8.8.5 Updating data..........................................................................................................................133
Chapter 9 Support..............................................................................................135
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Chapter 1 Introduction
The MCUXpresso Config Tools set is a suite of evaluation and configuration tools that help you from initial evaluation to production software development. Following tools are included:
Table 1. MCUXpresso Config Tools
Name Description
Pins Tool
Clocks Tool
Peripherals Tool Enable you to configure the initialization for the MCUXpresso SDK drivers.
Device Configuration Tool
TEE Tool Enables you to configure security policies of memory areas, bus masters, and peripherals, in order to
Enables you to configure the pins of a device. Pins tool enables you to create, inspect, change, and modify any aspect of the pin configuration and muxing of the device.
Enables you to configure initialization of the system clock (core, system, bus, and peripheral clocks) and generates the C code with clock initialization functions and configuration structures.
Enables you to generate a Device Configuration Data (DCD) image using the format and constrains specified in the Boot ROM reference manual.
isolate and safeguard sensitive areas of your application.

1.1 Versions

The suite of these tools is called MCUXpresso Config Tools. These tools are provided as an online Web application or as a desktop application or as integrated version in MCUXpresso IDE.
NOTE The desktop version of the tool contacts the NXP server and fetches the list of the available processors. Once used,
the processors data is retrieved on demand.
TIP To use the desktop tool in the offline mode, create a configuration for the given processor while online. The tool will
then store the processors locally in the user folder and enable faster access and offline use. Otherwise, it is possible
to download and export the data using the Export menu.
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Figure 1. Desktop version of Pins tool
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Chapter 2 User Interface

2.1 Creating, saving, and opening a configuration

In this context, configuration stands for common tools settings stored in an MEX (Microcontrollers Export Configuration) file. This file contains settings of all available toolsand can be used in both web and desktop versions.
The folder with the saved MEX file must contain exactly one project file to be able to parse the toolchain project. The file type depends on the toolchain of the project and can be one of the following:
Table 2. Supported toolchain project files
Toolchain Project file
ARM GCC CMakeLists.txt

2.1.1 Creating a new configuration

In Project Explorer, right-click the Eclipse project based on MCUXpresso SDK, and select MCUXpresso Config Tool > Open Pins. One of the following actions takes place:
• If the project contains an MEX file in the root folder, the file is opened.
• If the project contains any source file with tool configuration (pin_mux.c, clock_config.c and/or peripheral.c), the tool configuration is imported from this file.
• Otherwise, an empty/default configuration for selected processor is created.
The same command can be invoked also from popup menu on the MEX file or from toolbar in Project Explorer view.

2.1.2 Saving a configuration

You can save your configuration by clicking the Save button on the toolbar or selecting File>Save from the Main Menu. The command is enabled only if the configuration is dirty (unsaved) and one of MCUXpresso Config Tool perspective is opened. The configuration is always saved into an MEX file stored in the project root folder. If file doesn't exist, new one is created using current project name.
Configuration is also saved when you select Update Code in the toolbar.

2.1.3 Importing sources

To import source code files, do the following:
1. In the Menu bar, select File > Import....
2. From the list, select MCUXpresso Config Tools>Import Source.
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Figure 2. Import Source wizard
3. Click Next.
4. On the next page, click Browse to specify the location of the source file.
5. Select the source file you wish to import and click Open.
6. On the next page, select which functional groups to import (based on tools) by selecting the checkbox in the left column.
7. Define how to import the functional groups by selecting one of the two available options in the dropdown menu in the right column:
• Rename – All files are merged into the current configuration. It imports all the functions only. If the imported function has the same name as an existing one, it is automatically renamed to the indexed one. For example, if BOARD_InitPins already exists in the configuration then the imported function is renamed to BOARD_InitPins1.
• Overwrite – All files are merged into the current configuration. It imports all the functions only. If the imported function has the same name as an existing one, then the existing one is replaced with the imported one.
8. Click Finish.
NOTE Only C files with valid YAML configuration can be imported. It imports the configuration only, then the whole C file
is re-created based on this setting. The rest of the C and DTSI files are ignored. Importing configuration
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NXP Semiconductors Importing registers
You can import register configuration from a processor memory dump.
Currently, register configuration can be imported into the Clocks tool only.
A processor memory-dump file in the CSV or S19 format is required for importing register configuration.
Figure 3. Import Registers
User Interface
To import register configuration, do the following:
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1. In the Menu bar, select File > Import…. Alternatively, click the Import Registers Configuration button in the Registers view, or drag-and-drop the memory dump file anywhere in the Registers view area.
Figure 4. Import Registers Configuration
2. In the Import wizard, select MCUXpresso Config Tools > Import Registers.
3. Click Next.
4. On the next page, click Browse to specify the location of the registers configuration.
5. Select the registers file you wish to import, and click OK.
6. By default, the imported register configuration will overwrite the existing functional group. If you want a new functional group to be created instead, select the Create new functional group option button, and specify the functional group name.
7. Click Finish.
NOTE All registers are imported from the dump file regardless of their relevance to clock configuration, therefore, the list
can contain registers not needed by the Clocks tool.
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2.1.4 Restoring configuration from source code

The generated code contains information about the Clocks tool settings that are used in the tool (block within a comment in YAML format).
The following is an example of the settings information in the generated source code.
Figure 5. Setting Information in the source code
If this information is not corrupted, it's possible to re-import the clock settings into the tool using the following steps.
1. In the Menu bar, select File > Import….
2. From the list, select MCUXpresso Config Tools > Clocks Tool > Import Source Files.
3. Click Next.
4. Click Browse.
5. Navigate and select the
6. If the settings parse successfully, clock configurations are added into the current global configuration.
file previously produced by the Clocks tool.

2.2 Toolbar

The toolbar is located on the top of the window and includes buttons/menus of frequently used actions common to all tools. See the following sections for more information.
Table 3. Toolbar
Item Description
Config Tools Overview Open the Overview dialog with information about currently-used tools.
Show Problems View Open the Problems view.
Update Code Open the update dialog allowing you to update generated peripheral initialization code
directly within specified toolchain project.
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Table 3. Toolbar (continued)
Item Description
Functional group selection Select functional group. Functional group in the Peripherals tool represents a group
of peripherals that are initialized as a group. The tool generates a C function for each function group that contains the initialization code.
Call from default initialization Set the current functional group to be initialized by the default initialization function.
Functional group properties Open the Functional group properties dialog to modify name and other properties of
the function group.
Tool selection Display icons of individual tools. Use them to switch between tools.
Undo/Redo Undo/Redo last action.
In addition, the toolbar may contain additional items depending on the selected tool. See the chapters dedicated to individual tools for more information.

2.2.1 Eclipse project selection

You can use the Eclipse project drop-down menu to switch between projects.

2.2.2 Config Tools Overview

Click the Config Tools Overview button to open Config Tools Overview and inspect information about the configuration, hardware, and project. For more information, see the Config Tools Overview section.

2.2.3 Show Problems View

Click the Show Problems View to open/highlight the Problems view and inspect any errors in your configuration. See Problems
view for more information.
Button color depends on issue type. Red indicates the presence of at least one error, yellow indicates the presence of at least one warning.

2.2.4 Update code

To update the generated code in the related toolchain project, click the Update Code button. In the window, select the tools or files you want to update. If the file is updated automatically, the button is filled with a black square. The reason is displayed in the tooltip.
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Figure 6. Update Files window
To inspect the code difference between the versions, click the change link.
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Figure 7. Show differences
To update the project without opening the Update Files dialog, deselect the Always show details before Update Code checkbox.
To access the Update Code dialog from the Update Code dropdown menu, select Open Update Code Dialog.
Figure 8. Update Code dropdown menu
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The generated code is always overwritten.
Previous version of the file can be retrieved from Eclipse local history.
The Update Code action is enabled under following conditions:
• If the MEX configuration is saved in a toolchain project, the processor selected in the tool matches with processor selected in the toolchain project
• Core is selected (for multicore processors)

2.2.5 Functional groups

Every Pins/Clocks/Peripherals configuration can contain several functional groups.
These groups represent functions which will be generated into source code. Use the dropdown menu to switch between functional groups and configure them.
Figure 9. Functional groups
You can use two additional buttons to further configure functional groups:
Table 4. Functional Groups
Icon Description
Toggle "Called from default initialization function" feature (in source code)
Opens the Functional group properties window
Red/orange background indicates errors/warnings in the configuration. Functional group properties
In the Functional Group Properties window, you can configure several options for functions and code generation. Each settings is applicable for the selected function. You can specify generated function name, select core (for multicore processors only) that is affecting the generated source code, or write function description (this description will be generated in the C file). You can also add, copy, and remove functional groups as needed.
Aside from name and description, you can choose to set the following parameters for selected functional groups:
• Set custom #define prefix - Enable to use the specified prefix for the identifiers in the source code. You can also modify the functions order (on the left), the order is applied in the generated code.
Not all processors support this option.
• Called from default initialization function - Enable to call the function is called from the default initialization function.
• Clock gate enable
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Figure 10. Functional group properties for the Pins tool

2.2.6 Undo/Redo actions

You can reverse your actions by using Undo/Redo buttons available in the Toolbar. You can also perform these actions from the Edit menu in the Menu bar.
Table 5. Undo/reto actions
Icon Description
Cancels the previous action
Cancels the previous undo action

2.2.7 Selecting the tools

Buttons on the extreme right-hand side of the toolbar represent available tools. Click the icons to quickly navigate between .

2.3 Status bar

The status bar is visible at the bottom part of the GUI. Status bar indicates error and warning state of the currently selected functional group.
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2.4 Preferences

To configure preferences in the Preferences dialog, select Window>Preferences>MCUXpresso Config Tools from the Menu bar.
You can restore settings to default by selecting Restore Defaults in the lower right corner of the dialog.
Figure 11. Preferences
Several settings are available.
Table 6. Preferences
Item Description
Line ending style Select between Windows (CR + LF), Linux/Mac (LF), or Default
(based on host).
Generate files read-only Prevent modifying the source files unintentionally. Generated
source files are marked as read-only.
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Table 6. Preferences (continued)
Item Description
Generate source folder At build time, automatically create a folder including
source files.
Create empty configuration if no yaml is available Generates a configuration even if no yaml is present.
Always overwrite files without asking Update existing files automatically, without prompting.
Always show details before Update Code Review changes before the project is updated.
Undo history size Enter the maximum number of steps that can be undone. Enter
0 to disable.
Proxy connection
• Direct – Connect directly and avoid a proxy connection.
• Native – Use system proxy configuration for network connection.
NOTE The proxy settings are copied from operating
system settings. In case of error, you can specify
proxy information in the tools.ini file, located in the
<install_dir>/bin/ folder. Make sure the file contains
the following lines:
— Djava.net.useSystemProxies=true (already
present by default)
— Dhttp.proxyHost=<somecompany.proxy.net>
— Dhttp.proxyPort=80
Authentication is
not supported.
Work Offline Disable both the connection to NXP cloud and the download of
processor/board/kit data.
Processor data update Select from the following options:
• Auto Update – Update the processor data automatically.
• Manual – Update processor data after confirmation.
• Disabled – Disable processor data update.
Show pin label & identifier table columns (Pins tool) Select to show the pin label and the label identifier in the
relevant views.
Show Overview window on opening configuration for the first time
Open the Overview dialog on opening configuration for the first time.
Automatically load last configuration on startup Avoid the startup window and load the last used
configuration instead.

2.5 Configuration preferences

In the Configuration preferences window, you can set your preferences for to the configuration storage file (MEX).
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To configure the preferences related to the configuration, uses popup menu on the Eclipse project, select Properties and then MCUXpresso Config Tools in the left pane.
Figure 12. Configuration Preferences
Several preferences are available.
Table 7. Configuration Preferences
Item Description
Validate boot init only Validate tools' dependencies only against ‘boot init’ function
group.When selected, dependencies from all functional groups of all tools must be satisfied in the functional groups marked for default initialization. Clearing this option hides warnings in case the user is using complex scenarios with alternating functional groups within the application code.
Generate YAML Generate YAML into C sources files.
Generate extended information into header file Generate extended information into the header file. For
projects created in earlier MCUXpresso versions, this option is selected by default.
Custom source file copyright header Add a custom copyright header to generated source files that
don't already contain copyright.
Generate code only for registers that are different from the after-reset state
Generate code only for registers that are different from the after-reset state. For projects created in earlier MCUXpresso versions, this option is selected by default.
When the source does not contain YAML code, it can't be imported.

2.6 Problems view

The Problems view displays issues in individual tools and in the inter-dependencies between the tools.
Figure 13. Problems view
To open the Problems view, click the Show Problems view button in the Toolbar, or select Views > Problems from the Menu bar.
The Problems table contains the following information:
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Table 8. Problems view
Item Description
Level Severity of the problem: Information, Warning, or Error.
Resource Resource related to the problem, such as signal name, the clock signal, and so on.
Issue Description of the problem.
Origin Information on the dependency source.
Target Tool that handles the dependency and its resolution.
Type Type of the problem. It's either the validation checking dependencies between tools, or a single tool issue.
Every issue comes with a context menu accessible by right-clicking the table row. Use this menu to access information about the problem or to apply a quick fix where applicable. You can also copy the rows for later use by right-clicking the row and selecting Copy or by using the Ctrl+C shortcut. You can use the Ctrl+left-click shortcut to add additional rows to the selection.
Quick fix is only available for problems highlighted with the "lightbulb" icon.
Filter buttons are available on the right side of the Problems view ribbon.
Table 9. Filter buttons
Button Description
Enables the Validate boot init only preference. See Configuration preferences section for details.
Filters messages in the Problems view. If selected, only problems for the active tool are displayed. See
Configuration preferences section for details.

2.7 Registers view

The Registers view lists the registers handled by the tool models. You can see the state of the processor registers that correspond to the current configuration settings and also the state that is in the registers by default after the reset. The values of the registers are displayed in the hexadecimal and binary form. If the value of the register (or bit) is not defined, an interrogation mark "?" is displayed instead of the value.
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Figure 14. Registers view
The Registers view contains several items.
Table 10. Registers
Item Description
Peripheral filter drop-down list List the registers only for the selected peripheral. Select all to list registers for
all the peripherals.
Show modified registers only chekbox Hide the registers that are left in their after-reset state or are not configured.
Text filter Filter content by text.
The following table lists the color highlighting styles used in the Registers view.
Table 11. Color codes
Color Description
Indicates that the bit-field has been affected by the last change made in the tool.
Gray text color Indicates the bit-field is not edited and the value is the after-reset value.
Black text Indicates the bit-fields that the tool modifies.
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NOTE This view contains registers for the seleted tool. The view uses registers as internal parameters but it might not
handle all the register writes needed in the code. The register writes are done inside the SDK functions that are
called by the generated code. There might be additional registers accessed in the SDK code during the setup
process, and such register writes are not known to the tool and are not displayed in the registers view.

2.8 Log view

The Log view shows user-specific information about MCUXpresso Config Tools operations. The Log view can show up to 100 records across all tools in chronological order.
Each log entry consists of a timestamp, the name of the tool responsible for the entry, severity level, and the actual message. If no tool name is specified, the entry was triggered by shared functionality.
You can filter the content of the Log view using the combo boxes to display only specific tool and/or severity level information. Filters in different tools can be set independently.
Buffered log records are cleared using the clear button. This affects Log views across all tools.
Figure 15. Log view

2.9 Config tools overview

The Config Tools Overview provides you with general information about your currently active configuration, hardware, and project. It also provides a quick overview of the used/active and unused/inactive tools, generated code, and functional groups. By default, the Config Tools Overview icon is located on the left side of the toolbar.
Config Tools Overview contains several items.
Table 12. Config Tools Overview
Item Description
Configuration – General Info Displays the name of and the path to the MEX file of the current
configuration. Click the link to open the folder containing the MEX file. To import additional settings, click the Import additional settings into current configuration button.
Configuration – HW Info Displays the processor, part number, core, and SDK-version
information of the current configuration.
Project Displays toolchain project information.
Pins/Clocks/Peripherals/TEE/Device Configuration Displays basic information about the Pins, Clocks, Peripherals,
TEE and Device Configuration tools.
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NOTE If you have disabled a tool and want to reopen it, click the tool icon in the upper right corner or select it from the
Main Menu. The Config Tools Overview opens automatically.
To enable/disable the tools, click the toggle button. You can navigate to the tools by clicking their icons. Following information about the tools is also available:
Table 13. Config Tools Overview
Item Description
Generated code Contains the list of source-code files. Click the links to open the files in the Code Preview view.
Functional groups Contains the list of the currently active functional groups. To select the groups in the Functional
groups tab in the toolbar, select the relevant links.
Figure 16. Config Tools Overview
Unsupported tools are not displayed in the overview.
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Chapter 3 Pins Tool
Pins tool is an easy-to-use tool for configuration of device pins. The Pins tool software helps create, inspect, change, and modify any element of pin configuration and device muxing.
Figure 17. Pins tool

3.1 Pins routing principle

The Pins tool is designed to configure routing peripheral signals either to pins or to internal signals.
Internal signal is an interconnection node which peripheral signals can be connected to (without any pin interaction). Connecting two peripheral signals to internal signal makes an interconnection of these two peripheral signals.
This routing configuration can be done in the following views:
• Pins
• Peripheral Signals
• Package
• Routing Details
Following two sections describe the two methods you can use to define the routing path.

3.1.1 Beginning with peripheral selection

You can select the peripheral in the Routing Details view and the Peripheral Signals view.
1. Select the Peripheral.
2. In Routing Details view, select one of the available Signals or expand the peripheral in Peripheral Signals view.
3. Selected the desired pin/internal signal.
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Items (pins/internal signals) in the Routed pin/signal column in the Routing Details view have following decorators:
• Exclamation mark and default text color indicates that such item selection causes a register conflict or the item cannot be routed to the selected peripheral signal (some other peripheral signal can be).
• Exclamation mark and gray text color indicates that the item cannot be routed to any signal of the selected peripheral. The item is available for different peripheral using the same signal.
NOTE Route to field in Routing details view contains items that are connectable to the selected signal (without its
channel if applicable). So when selected signal is “GPIO, 6” then the Routed pin/signal provides items connectable
to “GPIO”.

3.1.2 Beginning with pin/internal signal selection

You can select a pin or an internal signal in the Routing Details view.
1. Select the pin/internal signal (Routed pin/signal).
2. Select one of the available Peripherals. In the Pins view, see all available peripherals/signals by selecting the checkbox in the first column or scroll down to the required peripheral type.
3. For the selected peripheral, select one of the available Signals.
Pins Tool
Items in Peripheral column in Routing Details view have the following symbols:
• Exclamation mark and default text color indicates that such item selection can cause a register conflict or the item does not support selected signal.
• Exclamation mark and gray text color indicates that the item cannot be routed to the selected pin/internal signal. The item is available for different pin/internal signal using the same signal.
In the Pins view and the Package view you can configure only pins and not internal signals.

3.1.3 Routing of peripheral signals

Peripheral signals representing on-chip peripheral input or output can be connected to other on-chip peripherals or to a pin through an inter-peripheral crossbar. You can configure this connection in the Routing Details view.
Three types of peripheral signal routing are available:
1. Routing the signal from the output of an internal peripheral (A) into the input of another internal peripheral (B)
The signal leads from the output of one internal peripheral (A) to the input node of another internal peripheral (B). In other words, signal leads from A to B (A > B). To configure a signal in this way, perform the following steps (PWM triggering ADC (PWM > ADC) used as example):
a. Add a new row in the Routing Details view.
b. Select peripheral B from the drop-down list in the Peripheral column.
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Figure 18. Selecting the peripheral (B)
c. Select the input node of peripheral B from the drop-down list in the Signal column.
Pins Tool
Figure 19. Selecting the input node (B)
d. Select the output signal of peripheral A from the drop-down list in the Routed pin/signal column.
Figure 20. Selecting the output signal
Once the configuration is done, the row will look like this:
Figure 21. Result
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NOTE It’s necessary to select the ADC peripheral where the signal leads to (input in ADC). It’s a limitation of the Pins tool
that the signal is not listed for the PWM peripheral (output). Notice the direction of the signal in the Arrow column.
2. Routing the signal from a pin on the package to internal peripheral input signal through an inter-peripheral crossbar
Only if a crossbar switch is present.
The signal leads from a pin on the package (XB_IN) connected through an inter-peripheral crossbar, to an internal peripheral (B) input node. In other words, the signal leads from XB_IN to B (XB_IN > B). To configure a signal in this way, perform the following steps (routing pin 55 using XB_IN6 to EVTG0 input A (XB_IN6 > EVTG0) used as example):
a. Add a new row in the Routing Details view.
b. Select peripheral B from the drop-down list in the Peripheral column.
Pins Tool
Figure 22. Selecting the peripheral (B)>
c. Select the input node of peripheral B from the drop-down list in the Signal column.
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Figure 23. Selecting the input node (B)
Pins Tool
d. Select the XB_IN pin from the drop-down list in the Routed pin/signal column.
Figure 24. Selecting the pin
Once the configuration is done, the row will look like this:
Figure 25. Result
NOTE In this example, GPIOF0 is multiplexed with XB_IN6, QTimerB channel 2 output/input and QSPI1 SCLK signal. In
this case, the tool will automatically pick XB_IN6 for the pin as XB_IN6 is the only option to be routed to EVTG0
input A.
3. Routing the signal from internal peripheral (A) output to a pin via inter-peripheral crossbar
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Only if a crossbar switch is present.
The signal leads from internal peripheral (A) output to a pin connected through an inter-peripheral crossbar on the package (XB_OUT). In other words, the signal leads from A to XB_OUT (A > XB_OUT). To configure a signal in this way, perform the following steps (routing EVTG0 output to a pin 87 using XB_OUT4 used as an example):
a. Add a new row in the Routing Details view.
b. Select peripheral A from the drop-down list in the Peripheral column.
Pins Tool
Figure 26. Selecting the peripheral (A)
c. Select the input node of peripheral A from the drop-down list in the Signal column.
Figure 27. Selecting the output signal (A)
d. Select the XB_OUT pin from the drop-down list in the Route to column.
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Figure 28. Selecting the pin
Once the configuration is done, the row will look like this:
Pins Tool
Figure 29. Result
NOTE In this example, GPIOC14 is multiplexed with XB_OUT4, SDA of I2C0 and fault4 of eFlexPWMA. In this case, the
tool will automatically configure XB_OUT4 for the pin GPIOC14 (pin 87) as XB_OUT4 is the only option for EVTG0
output A.

3.2 Example workflow

This section lists the steps to create an example pin configuration, which can then be used in a project.
In this example, three pins (UART3_RX, UART3_TX and PTB20) on a board are configured.
You can use the generated files with the application code.
1. In the Pins view on the left, select the UART3_RX and TX signals. For this, you can click into the cells to make them ‘green’.
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