32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller; up to 32 kB flash and
8 kB SRAM; USB device
Rev. 5 — 6 June 2012Product data sheet
1. General description
The LPC1311/13/42/43 are ARM Cortex-M3 based microcontrollers for em bedded
applications featuring a high level of integration and low power consumption. The ARM
Cortex-M3 is a next generation core that offers system enhancements such as enhanced
debug features and a higher level of support block integration.
The LPC1311/13/42/43 operate at CPU frequencies of up to 72 MHz. The ARM
Cortex-M3 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline and uses a Ha rvard architecture with
separate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals. The ARM
Cortex-M3 CPU also includes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculative
The peripheral complement of the LPC1311/13/42/43 includes up to 32 kB of flash
memory , up to 8 kB of data memor y, USB Device (LPC1342/43 only), one Fast-mode Plus
C-bus interface, one UART, four general purpose timers, and up to 42 general purpose
I/O pins.
Remark: The LPC1311/13/42/43 series consists of the LPC1300 series (parts
LPC1311/13/42/43) and the LPC1300L series (parts LPC1311/01 and LPC1313/01). The
LPC1300L series features the following enhancements over the LPC1300 series:
• Power profiles with lower power consumption in Active and Sleep modes.
• Four levels for BOD forced reset.
• Second SSP controller (LPC1313FBD48/01 only).
• Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT).
• Internal pull-up resistors pull up pins to full V
• Programmable pseudo open-drain mode for GPIO pins.
2. Features and benefits
ARM Cortex-M3 processor, running at frequencies of up to 72 MHz.
ARM Cortex-M3 built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
32 kB (LPC1343/13)/16 kB (LPC1342)/8 kB (LPC1311) on-chip flash programming
8 kB (LPC1343/13)/4 kB (LPC1342/11) SRAM.
In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) via on-chip
bootloader software.
Selectable boot-up: UART or USB (USB on LPC1342/43 only).
On LPC1342/43: USB MSC and HID on-chip drivers.
NXP Semiconductors
Serial interfaces:
USB 2.0 full-speed device controller with on-chip PHY for device (LPC1342/43
UART with fractional baud rate generation, modem, internal FIFO, and
RS-485/EIA-485 support.
SSP controller with FIFO and multi-protocol capabilities.
Additional SSP controller on LPC1313FBD48/01.
C-bus interface supporting full I2C-bus specification and Fast-mode Plus with a
data rate of 1 Mbit/s with multiple address recognition and monitor mode.
Ot he r pe r ip her als :
Up to 42 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins with configurable pull-up/pull-down
Four general purpose counter/ tim er s wi th a to tal of four captu re inputs and 13
match outputs.
Programmable WatchDog Timer (WDT).
Programmable Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT) on LPC1311/01 and
System tick timer.
Serial Wire Debug and Serial Wire Trace port.
High-current output driver (20 mA) on one pin.
High-current sink drivers (20 mA) on two I
Integrated PMU (Power Management Unit) to minimize power consumption during
Sleep, Deep-sleep, and Deep power-down modes.
Power profiles residing in boot ROM allowing to optimize performance and minimize
power consumption for any given application through one simple fun ction call.
(LPC1300L series, on LPC1311/01 and LPC1313/01 only.)
Three reduced power modes: Sleep, Deep-sleep, and Deep power-down.
Single power supply (2.0 V to 3.6 V).
10-bit ADC with input multiplexing among 8 pins.
GPIO pins can be used as edge and level sensitive interrupt sources.
Clock output function with divider that can reflect the system oscillator clock, IRC
clock, CPU clock, or the watchdog clock.
Processor wake-up from Deep-sleep mode via a dedicated start logic using up to 40 of
the functional pins.
Brownout detect with four separate thresholds for interrupt and one threshold for
forced reset (four thresholds for forced reset on the LPC1311/01 and LPC1313/01
Power-On Reset (POR).
Integrated oscillator with an operating range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz.
12 MHz internal RC oscillator trimmed to 1 % accuracy over the entire temperature
and voltage range that can optionally be used as a system clock.
Programmable watchdog oscillator with a frequency range of 7.8 kHz to 1.8 MHz.
System PLL allows CPU operation up to the maximum CPU rate without the need for a
high-frequency crystal. May be run from the system oscillator or the internal RC
For USB (LPC1342/43), a second, dedicated PLL is provided.
Code Read Protection (CRP) with different security levels.
yesII; PURESET — External reset input with 20 ns glitch filter. A LOW-going
pulse as short as 50 ns on this pin resets the device, causing I/O
ports and peripherals to take on their default states, and processor
execution to begin at address 0.
I/O-PIO0_0 — General purpose digital input/output pin with 10 ns glitch
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_1 — General purpose digital input/output pin. A LOW level on
this pin during reset starts the ISP command handler or the USB
device enumeration (USB on LPC1342/43 only, see description of
O- CLKOUT — Clockout pin.
O- CT32B0_MAT2 — Match output 2 for 32-bit timer 0.
O- USB_FTOGGLE — USB 1 ms Start-of-Frame signal (LPC1342/43
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_2 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I/O-SSEL0 — Slave select for SSP0.
I- CT16B0_CAP0 — Capture input 0 for 16-bit timer 0.
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_3 — General purpose digital input/output pin. LPC1342/43
only: A LOW level on this pin during reset starts the ISP command
handler, a HIGH level starts the USB device enumeration.
I- USB_VBUS — Monitors the presence of USB bus power
(LPC1342/43 only).
yesI/OI; IAPIO0_4 — General purpose digital input/output pin (open-drain).
only if I
yesI/OI; IAPIO0_5 — General purpose digital input/output pin (open-drain).
only if I
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_6 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
resistor under software control. Used with the SoftConnect USB
feature (LPC1342/43 only).
I/O-SCK0 — Serial clock for SSP0.
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_7 — General purpose digital input/output pin (high-current
output driver).
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_8 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I/O-MISO0 — Master In Slave Out for SSP0.
O- CT16B0_MAT0 — Match output 0 for 16-bit timer 0.
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_9 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
Type Reset
I/O-MOSI0 — Master Out Slave In for SSP0.
O- CT16B0_MAT1 — Match output 1 for 16-bit timer 0.
O- SWO — Serial wire trace output.
yesII; PUSWCLK — Serial wire clock.
I/O-PIO0_10 — General purpose dig ital input/ou tput pin.
I/O-SCK0 — Serial clock for SSP0.
O- CT16B0_MAT2 — Match output 2 for 16-bit timer 0.
yes-I; PUR — Reserved. Configure for an alternate function in the IOCONFIG
I/O-PIO0_11 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I- AD0 — A/D converter, input 0.
O- CT32B0_MAT3 — Match output 3 for 32-bit timer 0.
yes-I; PUR — Reserved. Configure for an alternate function in the IOCONFIG
I/O-PIO1_0 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I- AD1 — A/D converter, input 1.
I- CT32B1_CAP0 — Capture input 0 for 32-bit timer 1.
yes-I; PUR — Reserved. Configure for an alternate function in the IOCONFIG
I/O-PIO1_1 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I- AD2 — A/D converter, input 2.
O- CT32B1_MAT0 — Match output 0 for 32-bit timer 1.
yes-I; PUR — Reserved. Configure for an alternate function in the IOCONFIG
I/O-PIO1_2 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I- AD3 — A/D converter, input 3.
O- CT32B1_MAT1 — Match output 1 for 32-bit timer 1.
yesI/OI; PUSWDIO — Serial wire debug input/output.
I/O-PIO1_3 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I- AD4 — A/D converter, input 4.
O- CT32B1_MAT2 — Match output 2 for 32-bit timer 1.
yesI/OI; PUPIO1_4 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I- AD5 — A/D converter, input 5.
O- CT32B1_MAT3 — Match output 3 for 32-bit timer 1.
I- WAKEUP — Deep power-down mode wake-up pin with 20 ns glitch
filter. This pin must be pulled HIGH externally to enter Deep
power-down mode and pulled LOW to exit Deep power-down mode.
A LOW-going pulse as short as 50 ns wakes up the part.
yesI/OI; PUPIO2_10 — General purpose dig ital input/ou tput pin.
yesI/OI; PUPIO2_11 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
Type Reset
I/O-SCK0 — Serial clock for SSP0.
yesI/OI; PUPIO3_0 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
LPC1313/01 only).
yesI/OI; PUPIO3_1 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
LPC1313/01 only).
yesI/OI; PUPIO3_2 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
LPC1313/01 only).
yesI/OI; PUPIO3_3 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
— Ring Indicator input for UART (LPC1311/01 and LPC1313/01
noI/OI; PUPIO3_4 — General purpose digital input/output pin (LPC1313 only).
noI/OI; PUPIO3_5 — General purpose digital input/output pin (LPC1313 only).
noI/OFUSB_DM — USB bidirectional D− line (LPC1342/43 on ly).
noI/OFUSB_DP — USB bidirectional D+ line (LPC1342/43 only).
8; 44-I-3.3 V supply voltage to the internal regulator, the external rail, and
the ADC. Also used as the ADC reference voltage.
-I-Input to the oscillator circuit and internal clock generator circuits.
Input voltage must not exceed 1.8 V.
-O-Output from the oscillator amplifier.
5; 41-I-Ground.
— Data Terminal Ready output for UART (LPC1311/01 and
— Data Set Ready input for UART (LPC1311/01 and
— Data Carrier Detect input for UART (LPC1311/01 an d
[1] Pin state at reset for default function: I = Input; O = Output; PU = internal pull-up enabled (for VDD = 3.3 V, pin is pulled up to 2.6 V for
parts LPC1311/13/42/43 and pulled up to 3.3 V for parts LPC1311/01 and LPC1313/01); IA = inactive, no pull-up/down enabled;
F = floating; floating pins, if not used, should be tied to ground or power to minimize power consumption.
[2] 5 V tolerant pad. See Figure 37
WAKEUP pin to reset the chip and wake up from Deep power-down mode. An external pull-up resistor is required on this pin for the
Deep power-down mode.
[3] 5 V tolerant pad providing digital I/O functions with configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors and configurable hysteresis (see Figure 36
C-bus pads compliant with the I2C-bus specification for I2C standard mode and I2C Fast-mode Plus.
[4] I
[5] 5 V tolerant pad providing digital I/O functions with configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors, configurable hysteresis, and analog input.
When configured as a ADC input, digital section of the pad is disabled and the pin is not 5 V tolerant (see Figure 36
[6] Pad provides USB functions. It is designed in accordance with the USB specification, revision 2.0 (Full-speed and Low-speed mode
only). This pad is not 5 V tolerant.
[7] When the system oscillator is not used, connect XTALIN and XTALOUT as follows: XTALIN can be left floating or can be grounded
(grounding is preferred to reduce susceptibility to noise). XTALOUT should be left floating.
yesII; PURESET — External reset input with 20 ns glitch filter. A LOW-going pulse
as short as 50 ns on this pin resets the device, causing I/O ports and
peripherals to take on their default states, and processor execution to
begin at address 0.
I/O-PIO0_0 — General purpose digital input/output pin with 10 ns glitch filter.
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_1 — General purpose digital input/output pin. A LOW level on this
pin during reset starts the ISP command handler or the USB device
enumeration (USB on LPC1342/43 only, see description of PIO0_3).
O- CLKOUT — Clock out pin.
O- CT32B0_MAT2 — Match output 2 for 32-bit timer 0.
O- USB_FTOGGLE — USB 1 ms Start-of-Frame signal (LPC1342/43 only).
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_2 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I/O-SSEL0 — Slave select for SSP0.
I- CT16B0_CAP0 — Capture input 0 for 16-bit timer 0.
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_3 — General purpose digital input/output pin. LPC1342/43 only: A
LOW level on this pin during reset starts the ISP command handler, a
HIGH level starts the USB device enumeration.
I- USB_VBUS — Monitors the presence of USB bus power (LPC1342/43
yesI/OI; IAPIO0_4 — General purpose digital input/output pin (open-drain).
C Fast-mode Plus is selected in the I/O configuration register.
yesI/OI; IAPIO0_5 — General purpose digital input/output pin (open-drain).
C Fast-mode Plus is selected in the I/O configuration register.
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_6 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
C-bus clock input/output (open-drain). High-current sink only if
C-bus data input/output (open-drain). High-current sink only if
under software control. Used with the SoftConnect USB feature
(LPC1342/43 only).
I/O-SCK0 — Serial clock for SSP0.
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_7 — General purpose digital input/output pin (high-current output
— Clear To Send input for UART.
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_8 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I/O-MISO0 — Master In Slave Out for SSP0.
O- CT16B0_MAT0 — Match output 0 for 16-bit timer 0.
yesI/OI; PUPIO0_9 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I/O-MOSI0 — Master Out Slave In for SSP0.
O- CT16B0_MAT1 — Match output 1 for 16-bit timer 0.
O- SWO — Serial wire trace output.
— Signal used to switch an external 1.5 kΩ resistor
yesI/OI; PUPIO1_7 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
O- TXD — Transmitter output for UART.
O- CT32B0_MAT1 — Match output 1 for 32-bit timer 0.
yesI/OI; PUPIO1_8 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I- CT16B1_CAP0 — Capture input 0 for 16-bit timer 1.
yesI/OI; PUPIO1_9 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
O- CT16B1_MAT0 — Match output 0 for 16-bit timer 1.
yesI/OI; PUPIO1_10 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I- AD6 — A/D converter, input 6.
O- CT16B1_MAT1 — Match output 1 for 16-bit timer 1.
yesI/OI; PUPIO1_11 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
I- AD7 — A/D converter, input 7.
yesI/OI; PUPIO2_0 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
yesI/OI; PUPIO3_2 — General purpose digital input/output pin.
noI/OI; PUPIO3_4 — General purpose digital input/output pin (LPC1311/13 only).
noI/OI; PUPIO3_5 — General purpose digital input/output pin (LPC1311/13 only).
noI/OFUSB_DM — USB bidirectional D− line (LPC1342/43 only).
noI/OFUSB_DP — USB bidirectional D+ line (LPC1342/43 only).
— Data Terminal Ready output for UART.
6; 29-I-3.3 V supply voltage to the internal regulator, the external rail, and the
ADC. Also used as the ADC reference voltage.
-I-Input to the oscillator circuit and internal clock generator circuits. Input
voltage must not exceed 1.8 V.
-O-O utput from the oscillator amplifier.
33---Thermal pad. Connect to ground.
[1] Pin state at reset for default function: I = Input; O = Output; PU = internal pull-up enabled (for VDD = 3.3 V, pin is pulled up to 2.6 V for
parts LPC1311/13/42/43 and pulled up to 3.3 V for parts LPC1311/01 and LPC1313/01); IA = inactive, no pull-up/down enabled.
F = floating; floating pins, if not used, should be tied to ground or power to minimize power consumption.
[2] 5 V tolerant pad. See Figure 37
WAKEUP pin to reset the chip and wake up from Deep power-down mode. An external pull-up resistor is required on this pin for the
Deep power-down mode.
[3] 5 V tolerant pad providing digital I/O functions with configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors and configurable hysteresis (see Figure 36
[4] I
C-bus pads compliant with the I2C-bus specification for I2C standard mode and I2C Fast-mode Plus.
[5] 5 V tolerant pad providing digital I/O functions with configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors, configurable hysteresis, and analog input.
When configured as a ADC input, digital section of the pad is disabled, and the pin is not 5 V tolerant (see Figure 36
[6] Pad provides USB functions. It is designed in accordance with the USB specification, revision 2.0 (Full-speed and Low-speed mode
only). This pad is not 5 V tolerant.
[7] When the system oscillator is not used, connect XTALIN and XTALOUT as follows: XTALIN can be left floating or can be grounded
(grounding is preferred to reduce susceptibility to noise). XTALOUT should be left floating.
for pad characteristics. RESET functionality is not available in Deep power-down mode. Use the
NXP Semiconductors
7. Functional description
7.1 Architectural overview
The ARM Cortex-M3 includes three AHB-Lite buses: the system bus, the I-code bus, and
the D-code bus (see Figure 1
system bus and are used similarly to TCM interfaces: one bus dedicated for instruction
fetch (I-code) and one bus for data access (D-c ode). The use of two core buses allows for
simultaneous operations if concurrent operations target different devices.
7.2 ARM Cortex-M3 processor
The ARM Cortex-M3 is a general purpose, 32-bit microprocessor, which offers high
performance and very low power consumption. The ARM Cortex-M3 offers ma ny new
features, including a Thumb-2 instruction set, low interrupt latency, hardware multiply and
divide, interruptible/continuable multiple load and store instructions, automatic state save
and restore for interrupts, tightly integrated interrupt controller, and multiple core buses
capable of simultaneous accesses.
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller
). The I-code and D-code core buses are faster than the
Pipeline techniques are employed so that all pa rts of the p rocessing and memory systems
can operate continuously. Typically, while one instruction is being executed, its successor
is being decoded, and a third instruction is being fetched from memory.
The ARM Cortex-M3 processor is described in detail in the Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual which is available on the official ARM website.
7.3 On-chip flash program memory
The LPC1311/13/42/43 contain 32 kB (LPC1313 and LPC1343), 16 kB (LPC1342), or
8 kB (LPC1311) of on-chip flash memory.
7.4 On-chip SRAM
The LPC131 1/13/42/43 cont ain a total of 8 kB (LPC1343 and LPC1313) or 4 kB (L PC1342
and LPC1311) on-chip static RAM memory.
7.5 Memory map
The LPC1311/13/42/43 incorporate several distinct memory regions. Figure 6 shows the
overall map of the entire address space from the user program viewpoint following reset.
The interrupt vector area supports address remapping.
The AHB peripheral area is 2 MB in size and is divided to allow for up to 128 peripherals.
The APB peripheral area is 512 kB in size and is divided to allow for up to 32 peripherals.
Each peripheral of either type is allocated 16 kB of space. This allows simplifying the
address decoding for each peripheral.
The Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) is an integral part of the Cortex-M3. The
tight coupling to the CPU allows for low interrupt latency and efficient processing of late
arriving interrupts.
Each peripheral device has one interrupt line con nected to the NVIC but may have several
interrupt flags. Individual interrupt flags may also represent more than one interrupt
Any GPIO pin (total of up to 42 pins) regardless of the selected function, can be
programmed to generate an interrupt on a level, or rising edge or falling edge, or both.
7.7 IOCONFIG block
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller
addition, up to 40 of the individual GPIO inputs are NVIC-vector capable.
The IOCONFIG block allows selected pins of the microcontroller to have more than one
function. Configuration registers control the multiplexers to allow connection between the
pin and the on-chip peripherals.
Peripherals should be connected to the appropriate pins prior to being activated and prior
to any related interrupt(s) being enabled. Activity of any enabled peripheral function that is
not mapped to a related pin should be considered undefined.
7.8 Fast general purpose parallel I/O
Device pins that are not connected to a specific peripheral function are controlled by the
GPIO registers. Pins may be dynamically configured as inputs or outputs. Multip le outputs
can be set or cleared in one write operation.
LPC1311/13/42/43 use accelerated GPIO functions:
• GPIO block is a dedicated AHB peripheral so that the fastest possible I/O timing can
be achieved.
• Entire port value can be written in one instruction.
Additionally, any GPIO pin (total of up to 42 pins) providing a digital function can be
programmed to generate an interrupt on a level, a rising or falling edge, or both.
7.8.1 Features
• Bit level port registers allow a single instruction to set or clear any number of bits in
one write operation.
• Direction control of individual bits.
• All I/O default to inputs with pull-up resistors enabled after reset with the exception of
the I
C-bus pins PIO0_4 and PIO0_5.
• Pull-up/pull-down resistor configuration can be programmed through the IOCONFIG
• On the LPC1311/13/42/43, all GPIO pins (except PIO0_4 and PIO0_5) are pulled up
• On the LPC131 1/01 and LPC1313/01, all GPIO pins (except PIO0_4 and PIO0_5) ar e
7.9 USB interface (LPC1342/43 only)
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a 4-wire bus that supports communication between a
host and one or more (up to 127) peripherals. The host controller allocates the USB
bandwidth to attached devices through a token-based protocol. The bus supports
hot-plugging and dynamic configuration of the d evices. All transactions are initiated by the
host controller.
The LPC1342/43 USB interface is a device controller with on-chip PHY for device
7.9.1 Full-speed USB device controller
The device controller enables 12 Mbit/s data exchange with a USB Host controller. It
consists of a register interface, serial interface engine, and endpoint buffer memory. The
serial interface engine decodes the USB data stream and writes data to the appropriate
endpoint buffer. The status of a completed USB transfer or error condition is indicated via
status registers. An interrupt is also generated if enabled.
to 2.6 V (V
= 3.3 V) if their pull-up resistor is enabled in the IOCONFIG block.
pulled up to 3.3 V (V
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller
= 3.3 V) if their pull-up resistor is enabled in the IOCONFIG
• Dedicated USB PLL available.
• Fully compliant with USB 2.0 specification (full speed).
• Supports 10 physical (5 logical) endpoints with up to 64 bytes buffer RAM per
endpoint (see Table 5
• Supports Control, Bulk, Isochronous, and Interrupt endpoints.
• Supports SoftConnect feature.
• Double buffer implementation for Bulk and Isochronous endpoints.
The LPC1311/13/42/43 contains one UART.
Support for RS-485/9-bit mode allows both software addr ess detection and automatic
address detection using 9-bit mode.
The UART includes a fractional baud rate generator. Standard baud rates such as
115200 Bd can be achieved with any crystal frequency above 2 MHz.
7.10.1 Features
• Maximum UART data bit rate of 4.5 MBit/s.
• 16-byte receive and transmit FIFOs.
• Register locations conform to 16C550 industry standard .
• Receiver FIFO trigger points at 1 B, 4 B, 8 B, and 14 B.
• Built-in fractional baud rate generator covering wide range of baud rates without a
• Fractional divider for baud rate control, auto baud capabilities and FIFO control
• Support for RS-485/9-bit mode.
• Support for modem control.
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller
need for external crystals of particular values.
mechanism that enables software flow control implementation.
7.1 1 SSP serial I/O controller
The LPC1311/13/42/43 contain one SSP controller. An additional SSP controller is
available on the LPC1313FBD48/01 package.
The SSP controller is capable of operation on a SSP, 4-wire SSI, or Microwire bus. It can
interact with multiple masters and slaves on the bus. Only a single master and a single
slave can communicate on the bus during a given data transfer. The SSP supports full
duplex transfers, with frames of 4 bits to 16 bits of data flowing from the master to the
slave and from the slave to the master. In practice, often only one of these data flows
carries meaningful data.
7.11.1 Features
• Maximum SSP speed of 36 Mbit/s (master) or 6 Mbit/s (slave)
• Compatible with Motorola SPI, 4-wire Texas Instruments SSI, and National
Semiconductor Microwire buses
• Synchronous serial communication
• Master or slave operation
• 8-frame FIFOs for both transmit and receive
• 4-bit to 16-bit frame
7.12 I2C-bus serial I/O controller
The LPC1311/13/42/43 contain one I2C-bus controller.
The I2C-bus is bidirectional for inter-IC control using only two wires: a Serial Clock Line
(SCL) and a Serial DAta line (SDA). Each device is recognized by a unique address and
can operate as either a receiver-only device (e.g., an LCD driver) or a transmitter with the
capability to both receive and send information (such as memory). Transmitters and/or
receivers can operate in either master or sla ve mode, de pending o n whether the chip ha s
to initiate a data transfer or is only addressed. The I
controlled by more than one bus master connected to it.
7.12.1 Features
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller
C is a multi-master bus and can be
• The I
pins. The I
• Easy to configure as master, slave, or master/slave.
7.14 General purpose external event counter/timers
The LPC1311/13/42/43 includes two 32-bit counter/timers and two 16-bit counter/timers.
The counter/timer is designed to count cycles of the system derived clock. It can optionally
generate interrupts or perform other actions at specified timer values, based on four
match registers. Each counter/timer also includes one capture input to trap the timer value
when an input signal transitions, optionally generating an interrupt.
7.14.1 Features
• A 32-bit/16-bit counter/timer with a programmable 32-bit/16-bit prescaler.
• Counter or timer operation.
• One capture channel per timer , that can take a snapshot of the timer value when an
• Four match registers per timer that allow:
• Up to four external outputs corresponding to match registers, with the following
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller
input signal transitions. A capture event may also generate an interrupt.
– Continuous operation with optional interrupt generation on match.
– Stop timer on match with optional interrupt generation.
– Reset timer on match with optional interrupt generation.
– Set LOW on match.
– Set HIGH on match.
– Toggle on match.
– Do nothing on match.
7.15 System tick timer
The ARM Cortex-M3 includes a system tick timer (SYSTICK) that is intended to generate
a dedicated SYSTICK exception at a fixed time interval, normally set to 10 ms.
7.16 Watchdog timer
Remark: The standard Watchdog timer is available on parts LPC1311/13/42/43.
The purpose of the watchdog is to reset the microcontroller within a selectable time
period. When enabled, the watchdog will generate a system reset if the user program fails
to ‘feed’ (or reload) the watchdog within a predetermined amount of time.
7.16.1 Features
• Internally resets chip if not periodically reloaded.
• Debug mode.
• Enabled by software but requires a hardware reset or a watchdog reset/interrupt to be
• Incorrect/incomplete feed sequence causes reset/interrupt if enabled.
• Flag to indicate watchdog reset.
• Programmable 24-bit timer with internal prescaler.