Nvidia Quadro K4000, Quadro K5000, Quadro K6000 SDI, Quadro K4000 SDI, Quadro K5000 SDI User Manual

Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI
DU-05337-002_v01 | December 9, 2013
User’s Guide
1 About NVIDIA SDI Output ......................................................... 1
About This Document............................................................... 1
Other Documents.................................................................... 1
System Requirements............................................................... 1
2 NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI............................................................. 3
Feature Overview................................................................... 3
Graphics and BNC Connections ................................................ 3
Supported SDI Signal Formats.................................................. 3
Supported SDI Color Formats................................................... 4
Supported Output Modes ....................................................... 4
Desktop Region Adjustment Capability....................................... 4
Genlock and Frame Lock Capability .......................................... 4
Installing and Preparing the NVIDIA Quadro SDI................................ 5
About Your NVIDIA Quadro SDI................................................. 5
Installing the NVIDIA Quadro SDI .............................................. 6
Operating NVIDIA SDI ............................................................... 9
Understanding the Connections ............................................... 9
About the Software.............................................................11
Recommended Operating Practices.......................................... 12
3 Windows–Using the Graphics to SDI Control Panel...........................14
How to Set Up the Graphics-to-SDI Output .................................... 15
Basic SDI Setup.................................................................. 16
Synchronizing the SDI Output to an External Source...................... 19
Understanding the Status Indicators......................................... 20
Advanced Adjustments............................................................ 21
Adjusting the Desktop Area ................................................... 21
Applying Gamma Correction .................................................. 23
Setting Up the Color Space Conversion...................................... 24
About Dualview and Clone Modes ............................................... 25
Enabling Multiple SDI Cards....................................................... 27
Allowing Application Control of the SDI Output............................... 28
Viewing the SDI Connection Status Using the Topology Viewer ............. 29
Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI DU-05337-002_v01 |
4 Linux—Using the Graphics to Video Out Control Panel .....................30
How to Set Up the SDI Output.................................................... 30
Basic SDI Setup Under Clone Mode .......................................... 31
Basic SDI Setup with X-window or under Dualview Mode................. 34
Advanced Setups ................................................................... 38
Understanding the Status Indicators......................................... 39
Adjusting the Desktop Area .................................................. 40
Customizing the Color Space Conversion.................................... 40
Synchronizing the SDI Output to an External Source...................... 41
Version Date Authors Descriptiopn of Change
1.0 12/09/2013 cc Initial Release. Based on Quadro 6000 SDI User Guide
Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI DU-05337-002_v01 |


Serial Digital Interface (SDI) is a digital, uncompressed high quality video format used for film and video post production and broadcast applications. The NVIDIA SDI Output board converts composited video and graphics to uncompressed 8-bit, 10-bit, or 12-bit SDI output.

About This Document

This manual explains the graphics-to-SDI functionality of the NVIDIA Quadro SDI graphics card and software, described in the following sections:
“NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI” on page 3 lists the supported SDI features and explains
the basic operation in a broadcast environment.
“Windows–Using the Graphics to SDI Control Panel” on page 14 describes how to use
the Display Properties control panel to set up and start the SDI output under Windows.
“Linux—Using the Graphics to Video Out Control Panel” on page 30 describes how
to use the Display Properties control panel to set up and start the SDI output under Linux.
For instructions on installing the graphics card and drivers, refer to the documentation that accompanies your NVIDIA Quadro SDI graphics card.

Other Documents

For details on using the NVIDIA Control Panel, see the NVIDIA Control Panel Quick Start Guide.

System Requirements

The following operating systems are supported:
Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI DU-05337-002_v01 |
Chapter 01 : About NVIDIA SDI Output
Windows 7 - 64 bit
NVIDIA Quadro K4000, K5000, K6000, and Quadro SDI Output Card for Kepler.
PCI-Express Motherboard
NVIDIA Professional Graphics Driver, Release 296 or later
Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI DU-05337-002_v01 |


This chapter provides an overview of the NVIDIA graphics-to-SDI functionality, described in the following sections:
“Feature Overview” on page 3 lists the hardware connections, supported SDI formats,
and additional SDI support features of the NVIDIA Quadro SDI graphics card.
“Installing and Preparing the NVIDIA Quadro SDI” on page 5 describes how to install
the NVIDIA Quadro SDI card and prepare it for use.
“Operating NVIDIA SDI” on page 9 provides an overview of SDI operation.

Feature Overview

Graphics and BNC Connections

Two BNC connections that can be configured as a single fill + key dual-link SDI
output, or up to two fill single-link SDI outputs
One video monitoring output
BNC connection for external sync signals

Supported SDI Signal Formats

Standard Definition (SD) Modes
487i @ 59.95 Hz (SMPTE259) NTSC
576i @ 50.00 Hz (SMPTE259) PAL
High Definition (HD) Modes
720p @ 23.97 Hz, 24.00 Hz, 25.00 Hz, 29.97 Hz, 30.00 Hz, and 50.00 Hz
720p @ 59.94Hz, 60.00 Hz (SMPTE296)
1035i @ 59.94 Hz, 60.00 Hz (SMPTE260)
1080i @ 50.00 Hz, 59.94 Hz, 60.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI DU-05337-002_v01 |
Chapter 02 : NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI
1080PsF @ 24.00 Hz, 23.976 Hz
1080PsF @ 25.00 Hz, 29.97 Hz, 30 Hz (SMPTE274)
1080p @ 23.976 Hz, 24.00 Hz, 25.00 Hz, 29.97 Hz, 30.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
2048x1080p @ 23.976 Hz, 24.00 Hz, 25.00 Hz, 29.97 Hz, 30.00 Hz, 47.96Hz, 48Hz,
60Hz (SMPTE272)

Supported SDI Color Formats

RGB 4:4:4
YCrCb 4:2:2 or 4:4:4
RGBA 4:4:4:4
YCrCbA 4:2:2:4

Supported Output Modes

Clone Mode
Dualview Mode
Application-controlled Mode using NVIDIA SDI APIs

Desktop Region Adjustment Capability

When in Clone mode, lets you define a portion of the desktop to convert to SDI output.

Genlock and Frame Lock Capability

Synchronize the SDI output to an external digital or analog sync source.
Note: The NVIDIA Quadro SDI card is not compatible with GPUs in SLI.
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Chapter 02 : NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI

Installing and Preparing the NVIDIA Quadro SDI

About Your NVIDIA Quadro SDI

The following describes the components included in your NVIDIA Quadro SDI product package:
The NVIDIA Quadro SDI consists of the following two cards:
NVIDIA Quadro K4000, Quadro K5000, or Quadro K6000 graphics card
NVIDIA SDI Output Card
In addition, you need the following cables which are provided with your NVIDIA Quadro SDI package:
Ribbon Cable
This cable connects the NVIDIA Quadro card to the SDI Output card.
DVI-to-DVI Cable
This cable connects the video output from the graphics card to the SDI output card.
Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI DU-05337-002_v01 |
Chapter 02 : NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI

Installing the NVIDIA Quadro SDI

Step 1: Install the NVIDIA Quadro SDI
1 Insert the Quadro SDI Output board into a free PCI or PCI Express slot. 2 Connect the included cables between the SDI Output board and Quadro GPU.
Make sure to use the connector labeled "SDI" or "SDI | SYNC" on the Quadro board
3 Connect the Molex HDD power cable to the SDI Output board. 4 Attach the included retention clips to the SDI Output board and Quadro GPUs.
5 Close the chassis cover.
Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI DU-05337-002_v01 |
Chapter 02 : NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI
SDI-Output Card DVI Connector
Quadro K4000 DVI connector
Quadro K5000/K6000
SDI-Output Card
DVI Connector
DVI Connector
Step 2: Connect the Auxiliary Cabling and Monitor
1 Connect the DVI Connectors.
Connect one end of the DVI cable to the DVI connector on the SDI Output card, and the other end to the DVI connector on the NVIDIA Quadro SDI card as shown in
Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2.
The NVIDIA Quadro SDI will not work properly if the cable is connected to the other digital connectors. .
Figure 2.1 DVI Connection: SDI Output card to Quadro K4000
Figure 2.2 DVI Connection: SDI Output card to Quadro K5000/K6000
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Chapter 02 : NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI
Quadro K5000/K6000 Available Digital Connectors
Quadro K4000 Available Digital Connectors
2 Connect your display.
Connect the display to one of the available digital connectors on the graphics card as shown in Figure 2.3. You may need a VGA-DP or DVI-DP display dongle.
Figure 2.3 Digital Connectors Available for Displays
Step 3: Install the NVIDIA Graphics Drivers
If you will be installing new graphics drivers for the NVIDIA Quadro SDI card, it is highly recommended that you uninstall any previous version of the NVIDIA graphics driver software before installing updated graphics drivers.
1 Follow the instructions on the NVIDIA.com Web site driver download page to locate
the appropriate driver to download, based on your hardware and operating system.
2 Click the driver download link.
The license agreement dialog box appears.
3 Click Accept if you accept the terms of the agreement, then either open the file or save
the file to your PC and open it later.
Opening the EXE file launches the NVIDIA InstallShield Wizard.
4 Follow the instructions in the NVIDIA InstallShield Wizard to complete the
Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI DU-05337-002_v01 |
Chapter 02 : NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI
Key portion of a dual-link SDI output
Fill portion of a dual-link SDI output
- or -
Sync Signal
Fill portion of a single-link SDI output
Fill portion of a single-link SDI output

Operating NVIDIA SDI

The following sections provide an overview of SDI operation:
“Understanding the Connections” on page 9
“About the Software” on page 11
“Recommended Operating Practices” on page 12

Understanding the Connections

Figure 2.4 shows the available SDI and external sync connectors on the NVIDIA Quadro
Figure 2.4 NVIDIA Quadro SDI Connectors
Quadro K4000/K5000/K6000 SDI DU-05337-002_v01 |
Chapter 02 : NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI
Connecting the SDI Video Output
Refer to Figure 2.4.
4:4:4/4:2:2:4/4:4:4:4 dual-link signals are sent to the FILL and KEY connectors.
4:2:2 single-link signals are sent to the FILL connector only.
In application control mode, using the APIs, an additional 4:2:2 signal can be sent to the KEY connector.
Connecting to an External Sync Source
You can genlock the output to an external digital or analog sync source. Several
systems can also be frame-locked.
NVIDIA Genlock supports the following two external synchronization signal types:
Composite, which can be one of the following:
Composite Bi-level (NTSC or PAL sources use bi-level composite signals.)
Composite Tri-level (HDTV sources commonly use tri-level composite signals.)
To use an external sync source, connect the sync signal to the INPUT BNC connector
as indicated in Figure 2.4, then select the corresponding signal type (SDI or composite) using the NVIDIA Control Panel.
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Chapter 02 : NVIDIA Graphics-to-SDI

About the Software

The NVIDIA SDI software lets you specify the
SDI signal format
Color formats
Synchronization method
Gamma correction
Color-space conversion
Graphics-to-SDI functionality can be set up and controlled in two basic ways—using the NVIDIA Control Panel for 8-bit SDI output from the desktop, or using the NVIDIA SDI API for 8-, 10-, or 12-bit SDI output from an application.
Using the SDI APIs
The SDI application programming interface allows OpenGL applications to have full and exclusive control of the SDI output.
When the SDI output is under application control, you can view the SDI hardware status using the NVIDIA Control Panel Manage SDI Output Settings page.
Refer to the document NVIDIA Quadro SDI Output Programmer’s Guide for instructions
on using the APIs.
Using the Control Panel
When the SDI output is not being controlled by an application, the SDI software works on top of existing applications, and the active workstation desktop or full screen application display is automatically forwarded to the SDI video outputs. This is accomplished under either Clone or Dualview mode.
In this mode, you can use the NVIDIA Graphics to SDI property page to
Configure the external synchronization signal if needed.
Specify the SDI signal format, output format, and then enable the SDI output.
For detailed instructions under Windows, see the chapter “Windows–Using the
Graphics to SDI Control Panel” on page 14.
For detailed instructions under Linux, see the chapter “Linux—Using the Graphics to
Video Out Control Panel” on page 30.
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