Network Installation Guide
for Active Directory
© Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without prior notice. Last update: April, 2013

Table of Contents
Product Definition ..........................................................................................................3
Enterprise Version .........................................................................................................3
System Requirements ...................................................................................................4
Windows 2003 Server or Above with Active Directory...................................................4
Administrative Installation of OmniPage Ultimate..........................................................4
Administrative Installation of PDF Create 8 ...................................................................4
Preparation of Nuance Cloud Connector.......................................................................5
Installation of Prerequisites............................................................................................5
Deployment Example Installation in Existing Organizational Units...............................5
Deployment of PDF Create 8 Using ActiveDirectory......................................................7
Deployment of Nuance Cloud Connector Using ActiveDirectory ...................................7
Uninstallation of OmniPage Ultimate .............................................................................7

Product Definition
This documentation covers Nuance OmniPage Ultimate, which is a suite product,
including PDF Create 8.
The command lines below contain [msi-files]. Since PDF Create 8 has to be
installed separately, you should use the relevant msi files for installation of the
given product:
"Nuance OmniPage Ultimate.msi" for OmniPage Ultimate
"Nuance PDF Create 8.msi" for PDF Create 8
“Nuance_Cloud_Connector.msi” for the Cloud Connector
Available language versions:
OmniPage Ultimate: English, French, German
PDF Create 8: English, French, German
Nuance Cloud Connector: English, French, German
Transform files for the different languages:
English: 1033.mst
French: 1036.mst
German: 1031.mst
Enterprise Version
The Enterprise version of OmniPage Ultimate is designed to be deployed and
used in a distributed environment. It has additional features compared to its retail
Software activation turned off
Electronic product registration turned off
Automatic product update turned off
Customizable installation directory (available as a command-line
parameter only)