Nuance ScanSoft OmniForm Filler - 5.5 Instruction Manual

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OmniForm,, OmniForm Filler, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and ScanSoft are registered trademarks or trademarks of ScanSoft, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
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ScanSoft, Inc.
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Welcome 7
What is OmniForm Filler? 7 OmniForm Filler Features 8 Using This Guide 9 Conventions 10 Additional Information 10
Chapter 1 Installation and Setup 11
System Requirements 12 Upgrading from a Previous Version of OmniForm Filler 12 Installing OmniForm Filler 13 Starting OmniForm Filler 15
Chapter 2 Working with Forms 17
Opening a Form for Filling 18 Moving Through Fields on a Form 19 Working with Different Field Types 20
Fillable Text Fields 21 Comb Fields 21 Check Box Fields 22
Circle Text Fields 22 Table Fields 23 Fillable Graphic Fields 23 Drop-Down List Fields 25 Digital Signature Fields 26 Verifying Digital Signature Fields 27 Fields with Validation Settings 28
Fields Defined by Calculations 28 Using the Type Ahead Feature 28 Shrinking Text to Fit Fields 29 Adding File Attachments to Form Records 30 Entering Data Automatically with User Profiles 32
Adding Data to User Profiles 35 Entering Data Automatically with Client Profiles 38 Spell Checking Forms 46 Saving Forms 47 Printing Forms 48 Emailing Forms 49
Specifying What You Want to Email 50
Adding a Routing Slip 51
Chapter 3 Working with OmniForm Databases 53
iv Contents
About OmniForm Databases 54 Moving Through Records in a Database 55 Creating New Records 55 Duplicating Existing Records 57 Searching Records 57 Sorting Records 60 Recalculating Records 61 Deleting Records 62 Setting Up an OmniForm Database to Be Shared 63 Refreshing Records in a Shared Form 64
Exporting Data 64 Importing Data 68 Protecting Data 71
Chapter 4 Controlling OmniForm Filler by Voice 73
Speech Recognition Engines Supported by OmniForm Filler 74
Automatic Speech Recognition 74
ScanSoft Dragon NaturallySpeaking 74
Speech Recognition in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 74 Automatic Speech Recognition 75
Enabling 75
Navigation 75
Filling 77 Supporting Dragon NaturallySpeaking 79
Enabling 79
Navigation 80
Filling 80
Select and Say 80 Speech Recognition in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 80
Enabling 81
Navigation 81
Filling 81
Chapter 5 Utilizing Special Tablet PC Services 83
Handwritten Filling 84
Handwritten Filling of Text Fields 84
View Handwritten image 86
Choosing a Handwrite Recogniser Engine 86 Using Annotations and Drawings on Forms 87
Selecting annotations and drawings 88
Resizing or moving annotations and drawings 89
Deleting annotations and drawings 90
Chapter 6 Technical Information 93
Troubleshooting 94
Solutions to Try First 94
Low Memory Problems 94
Low Disk Space Problems 95 OmniForm Filler Compatibility and Limits 95
Supported Databases 95
Supported Graphic Formats 96
OmniForm Filler Limits 96 Uninstalling OmniForm Filler 96
vi Contents
Index 97


Welcome to OmniForm FillerTM from ScanSoft, Inc. This user’s guide is intended for the person who will be filling out electronic forms
and managing form data records in an OmniForm installation and setup instructions, task-oriented instructions for filling and managing forms, and technical information.
database. It provides you with

What is OmniForm Filler?

OmniForm Filler makes it easy to fill and manage electronic forms. You can enter data on forms, manage form records in a database, import and export form information, print forms, and mail forms to other users.

OmniForm Filler Features

The following is a list of features that are available with OmniForm Filler.
Form Filling
You can easily fill out information on a form and then print or mail it. For more information, see Chapter 2.
Automatic Data Entry with User and Client Profiles
The User Profile and Client Profile features save you time by automatically filling out repetitive information on forms for you. A User Profile remembers information about you and your business. A Client Profile remembers information about other people, such as your customers, employees, or family members. For more information, see Chapter 2.
OmniForm Database
The information that you enter on a form is automatically saved and stored as a record in an OmniForm database. You can crea te, duplicate, search, and sort records, and import and export data to and from other databases. For more information, see Chapter 3.
File Attachments
8 Welcome
You can attach files to your form records. For example, you might want to attach scanned receipts when you fill out expense forms. F or more info rmation, see page 30.
Information Import and Export
You can import information from another OmniForm database or from other
external database sources into your current database. You can also export information from your current database for import into other supported databases. For more information, see Chapter 3.
Speech Recognition
OmniForm Filler’s built-in speech recognition accepts voice commands, such as field and page navigation, text spelling, date input, zooming, record insert and save etc.
If the speech recognition product ScanSoft Dragon NaturallySpeaking is installed on the system, its advanced features, e.g. text dictating, or "Select and Say" are also available for you.
When OmniForm Filler is installed on a tablet PC running Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, it can also use the device’s built-in speech recognition technology.
Utilizing Tablet PC Functionality
On a tablet PC you can use the tablet pen to handwrite directly into OmniF orm fields. It will recognize the data and convert it to text.
You can toggle between the handwritten image and the converted text. Additionally, you can add annotation notes or drawings to forms. They are
saved for each form record, and can be selected, resized, dragged or deleted one by one.

Using This Guide

This guide assumes that you are familiar with basic Windows operations and can install and set up devices such as scanners and printers. It is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1 Installation and Setup. Provides instructions for installing
OmniForm Filler on your computer. You do not need to read this chapter if you have the full version of OmniForm. Instead, read Chapter 1 of the OmniForm User’s Guide.
Chapter 2 Working with Forms. Describes how to open, fill out, and
work with forms in OmniForm Filler.
Chapter 3 — Managing an OmniForm Database. Describes how to work
with OmniForm databases and data records.
Chapter 4 — Speech Recognition. Describes how to work with OmniForm
by talking to your computer.
Chapter 5 OmniForm Tablet PC Features. Describes the special
functionality of OmniForm for tablet PC users.
Chapter 6 Technical Information. Provides troubleshooting tips.
Using This Guide 9


This user’s guide uses the following conventions:
Bold text Emphasizes new terms, commands, screen names,
and headings.
Italic text Emphasizes new terms, commands, screen names,
and headings in callout text that accompanies graphics, as well as document names.
Note Tip
Presents an item of additional information. Presents ideas for using features to accomplish
specific tasks.

Additional Information

In addition to this user’ s guide, you can use the following resources to learn about OmniForm:
Online Help — Provides the most comprehensi ve information on OmniForm
features, settings, and procedures. Choose OmniForm Filler Help (or OmniForm Help) in the Help menu. Or, press the F1 key.
OmniForm User’s Guide Introduces you to the basics of using
OmniForm’s form design and distribution tools (provided with the full OmniForm version only).
Release Notes — Provide important information about this version of
OmniForm Filler. The notes are available electronically on the installation CD.
Product Support — Additional technical support in the form of technical
notes, frequently asked questions, software updates, and more. Choose Product Support in the Help menu.
10 Welcome
ScanSoft We b Si te provides updated information and
links to OmniForm support pages.
Chapter 1

Installation and Setup

This chapter describes how to install and get started using OmniForm Filler software.
It includes the following topics:
System Requirements
Upgrading from a Previous Version of OmniForm Filler
Installing OmniForm Filler
Starting OmniForm Filler

System Requirements

These are the minimum system requirements to install and run OmniFor m Fille r:
Computer with a Pentium or higher processor; Tablet PC to access its special
Windows 95C, Windows 98SE, Windows 2000, Windows ME, or Windows NT
50MB of free hard disk space
System memory of at least 32MB RAM
SVGA monitor with at least 256 colors and 800 x 600 pixel resolution
Windows-compatible pointing device
CD-ROM drive for installation
Installed and operating microphone to access the voice control built into
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Version 7 or higher to access the Select and Say
Performance and speed will be enhanced if your computer’s processor, memory, and available disk space exceed the minimum requirements.
services within OmniForm Filler
OmniForm Filler
Upgrading from a Previous Version of OmniForm
12 Installation and Setup
If you have a previous version of OmniF orm Filler installed, it is recommended that you uninstall that version before installing your new version. You should also back up your OmniForm forms before opening them in the new version. Y ou can do this by saving copies of the forms in another folder location.
If you open a form from a previous version and then try to save that form, you will be prompted to update the form to the new version. This will only take a moment and will not visibly alter anything on the form itself.
Chapter 1
You must update a form to the new version of OmniForm in order to take advantage of new features such as Client and User Profile fields and file attachments. Howev er , if you do not need to use the new features , y ou are not required to update the form. For example, you might want to keep a form in its previous format if you still need to open the form in a previous version. If you select No when prompted to update your form, the form will be saved in its previous format.

Installing OmniForm Filler

OmniForm Filler’s setup program takes you through the entire installation with instructions on the screen for every step.
Before installing OmniForm Filler:
Log into your computer with administrator privileges if you are installing on
Windows 2000 and Windows NT.
Back up your OmniForm Forms.
Uninstall any previous versions of OmniForm Filler.
Close all other applications, especially anti-virus software.
Installing OmniForm Filler
Click Install OmniForm Filler to start installation.
Click OmniForm Filler Release Notes to read
important last-minute information before installing.
To install OmniForm Filler:
1. Insert OmniForm Filler’s CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
The setup program should start automatically. If it does not start, locate your CD-ROM drive in Windows Explorer and double-click the Setup.exe program at the top-level of the CD-ROM.
The first setup screen looks like this:
14 Installation and Setup
2. Click Install OmniForm Filler 5.5 to start installation.
3. Follow the installation instructions on each screen.
By default, OmniForm Filler files are installed in this folder location: c:\program files\scansoft\omniform filler 5.5. You can select a different location if desired.
If you are experiencing a problem with OmniForm Filler after installation, sometimes uninstalling and then reinstalling OmniForm Filler will solve the problem. See page 94 for more information.
To start OmniForm Filler, do one of the following:
Click the Open button to open a form.
Chapter 1

Starting OmniForm Filler

Click Start in the Windows taskbar and choose
Programs > ScanSoft OmniForm Filler 5.5 > OmniForm Filler 5.5
Double-click the OmniForm Filler icon in the program’s installation folder.
The OmniForm Filler desktop looks like this when you first open it:
Click the Open button or choose Open... in the File menu to open a form. If you have forms from a previous version of OmniF orm, you can open them in this
version. OmniForm also has a number of sample forms that you can open in the Sample Forms folder. The Sample Forms folder location depends on your operating system. The very first time you use the Open command, OmniForm defaults to this folder.
Starting OmniForm Filler
Standard buttons appear for printing, spell checking, resizing the view, and other tasks.
Use this button to highlight fillable fields.
Use these buttons to scroll through records in your database.
After you open a form, more OmniForm tools appear on the desktop:
16 Installation and Setup
Please read Chapter 2 for more information on working with forms in OmniForm Filler.
Chapter 2

Working with Forms

This chapter describes how to work with forms in OmniForm Filler. It includes the following topics:
Opening a Form for Filling
Moving Through Fields on a Form
Working with Different Field Types
Using the Type Ahead Feature
Shrinking Text to Fit Fields
Adding File Attachments to Form Records
Entering Data Automatically with User Profiles
Entering Data Automatically with Client Profiles
Spell Checking Forms
Saving Forms
Printing Forms
Emailing Forms

Opening a Form for Filling

You can have multiple forms open at the same time. Use the Window menu to switch between open forms.
To open a form for filling:
1. Open OmniForm Filler or OmniForm.
2. Click the Open button or choose Open... in the File menu.
The Open dialog box appears.
18 Working with Forms
3. Select OmniForm Form as the file type.
4. Locate and select the desired form.
5. Click Open.
The form opens, and is ready for you to create a new record. For information on working with records in an OmniForm database, see Chapter 3 .
Make sure Highlight Fillable Fields is selected in the View menu to highlight fillable fields in yellow.
Chapter 2

Moving Through Fields on a Form

After opening a form in OmniForm Filler, click in any field to place the cursor there and start entering the desired information. You can continue to move the cursor from field to field using your mouse. Or, use the following keyboard combinations to move the cursor within a form.
Action Keyboard Combination
Place the cursor in a field
Next field Press Tab Previous field Press Shift-Tab Next line in a fill
text field End of a line in a fill
text field Beginning of a line
in a fill text field End of all text in a
fill text field Beginning of all text
in a fill text field Next word in a field Press Ctrl-right arrow Previous word in a
When a form first opens, press Tab to place the cursor in the first field.
Press Enter to move to the next line in a multiple­line fill text field
Press End
Press Home
Press Ctrl-End
Press Ctrl-Home
Press Ctrl-left arrow
Moving through fields on a form by voice control commands is described in Chapter 4, Controlling OmniForm Filler by Voice on page 79.
Moving Through Fields on a Form
fillable text fields (see page 21)
table with fillable text fields (see page 23)

Working with Different Field Types

An OmniForm Form can have a lot of different field types. The following illustration shows an example of some of the common fields you might find when filling out forms.
circle text field (see page 22)
comb field (see page 21)
signature field (see page 26)
check boxes (see page 22)
20 Working with Forms
auto-calculation field (see page 28)
For information on designing these types of fields in OmniForm, see the OmniForm User’s Guide.
Chapter 2

Fillable Text Fields

You can enter c haracters in a fillable text field such as letters , n umbers , symbols , and dates.
Enter text directly in a fillable text field.
Make sure Highlight Fillable Fields is selected in the View menu to highlight fillable fields in yellow.

Comb Fields

A comb field is a fillable text field that is broken into separate segments for entering a set number of characters. Yo u can enter any characters in a comb field that are appropriate to the field. Comb fields are commonly used for phone numbers and zip codes.
You do not have to tab from element to element in a comb field. Just type the required amount of information, and OmniForm automatically moves to the next comb element.
Working with Different Field Types

Check Box Fields

Check boxes are commonly used for Yes/No questions and for selecting an item in a group. Click a check box to fill it. A filled check box field can contain a check mark, an X mark, or a solid fill:
Depending on how it was designed, a filled check box can appear three different ways.
Check boxes might be grouped so that only one can be selected at a time. In this case, selecting one check box automatically deselects another check box in the group.
22 Working with Forms

Circle Text Fields

A circle text field allows you to indicate your selection by making a circle around it. Click a circle text field to make a selection.
Circle text fields might be grouped so that only one can be selected at a time. In this case, selecting one circle text field automatically deselects another circle text field in the group.
A border appears when you click a circle text field
Chapter 2

Table Fields

A table field consists of individual cells, which are generally fillable text fields. You can enter characters in these cells just as you would in regular text fields.
A table might also contain other field types, such as check boxes.

Fillable Graphic Fields

A fillable graphic field allows you to insert a graphic into a form.
Click a fillable graphic field, and you will be prompted to select a source for the graphic.
Y o u can import an existing graphic file or scan a picture direct ly i n to the field using a TWAIN-compatible scanner.
Working with Different Field Types
To import an existing graphic:
1. Click the fillable graphic field .
The Fill Graphic dialog box appears.
2. Select Graphic File in the Source drop-down list.
3. Enter a file name in the File Name text box. Or, click Browse... to locate the
4. Select the desired size and other settings for the graphic.
24 Working with Forms
Click Help to get more information on the available settings.
5. Click OK.
OmniForm imports the graphic into the form field.
To import a graphic from a TWAIN source:
1. Click the fillable graphic field .
The Fill Graphic dialog box appears.
2. Select TWAIN in the Source drop-down list.
3. Click Select Source to open the Select Source dialog box.
4. Select your TWAIN source and click OK to return to the Fill Graphic dialog
Chapter 2
5. Type a file name in the File Name text box.
The graphic will be saved with this file name after it is scanned.
6. Select the desired size and other settings for the graphic. Click Help to get more information on the available settings.
7. Place the page with the graphic in your scanner, making sure it is aligned correctly.
8. Click OK. OmniForm scans the graphic into the form field.
T o delete a graphic and leave the fillable graphic field empty, click the field and then select None in the Source drop-down list in the Fill Graphic dialog box.

Drop-Down List Fields

A drop-down list contains a group of selectable entries.
A drop-down list arrow appears when the cursor is in the field
Working with Different Field Types

Digital Signature Fields

A digital signature field allows you to lock specific fields on a form using a password. This authenticates a form and protects its data from unauthorized modification. For example, an expense report form might require a signature. Once “signed,” certain fields on the form such as expensed items might be locked. You can only unlock fields and change the data in them if you have the correct password.
Digital signature fields can be set up to work with OmniForm passwords or with a more secure level of protection provided by an outside authentication service (Entrust or Microsoft PKI). Check with the form designer or database administrator for information about how the digital signatures were set up on a form.
To sign a digital signature field on a form:
1. Click the signature field.
A dialog box appears and prompts you to enter your username and password. If it is an OmniForm signature field, make sure you have access to the appropriate OmniForm database.
The dialog box that appears depends on the type of signature field it is. This example shows the dialog box for an OmniForm signature field. If the digital signature field type is Entrust or Microsoft PKI, please refer to their documentation for more information on how they work.
26 Working with Forms
2. Enter your user name and password.
3. Click OK.
To unsign a signature field, click it and enter your password again.
After a signature field is signed, that form’s design becomes locked. All records must be unsigned before the form design can be changed. Or, save the form with a different name, and delete all of its records.
To see the verification status of a signed digital signature field:
Fields that are locked by the signature are highlighted with a blue border.
Chapter 2

Verifying Digital Signature Fields

Digital signature fields are only of value if you can verify that the signatures are valid. After a digital signature field is signed, the authentication process tries to verify the signature to ensure that it is valid.
1. Open the form in OmniForm Filler.
2. Choose Field Security in the View menu if it is not already turned on.
Icons appear next to signed fields indicating whether signatures have been verified or not. A pen with a check mark indicates that the signature was verified to be valid. A pen with a question mark indicates the signature cannot be verified.
A pen with a check mark indicates that the signature was verified to be valid. (A pen with a question mark indicates that the signature cannot be verified.)
If a signature field cannot be verified, it could be for one of these reasons:
The form’s data has changed since the form was first signed.
The form’s design has changed since the form was first signed.
The signer of the form could not be identified, possibly because the
OmniForm user database or authentication service is not accessible, or because the authentication service could not verify the signer.
The signer of the form could not be identified, possibly because the user
password was changed since the form was first signed. (This reason is only applicable to OmniForm signature fields.)
You can also choose Security... in the Tools menu to get the verification status for signed signature fields.
Working with Different Field Types

Fields with Validation Settings

Some fillable text fields might be designed with validation settings such as:
Requiring information to be entered so that the field is not left blank
Requiring specific information to be entered
Requiring information to be entered from a list of choices
For example, you might be required to enter a valid date in a Date field. You would receive an error message from OmniForm if you attempted to enter anything other than a valid date. Depending on how the field was set up, you might be allowed to override the validation requirement.

Fields Defined by Calculations

Sometimes fields are designed with calculations that compute and fill information for you automatically.
In the example below, the TOTAL field automatically added the amounts entered in the first and second fields. The TOTAL field would increase automatically if amounts were entered in the third and fourth fields.
28 Working with Forms
The calculation in this field automatically computes the total for you.

Using the Type Ahead Feature

As you begin to enter a word on a form, OmniForm can automatically complete the word for you if there is previously filled information that matches the word you are entering. F or example , if yo u had previously entered the name John in a field, as soon as you enter J in another field, OmniForm would automatically enter John for you.
To turn the type ahead feature on or off:
1. Choose Options... in the Tools menu.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Filling tab .
3. Select Ena ble T ype Ahead if y ou want to use this feature . Deselect it if you do
not want to use this feature.
4. Click OK.

Shrinking Text to Fit Fields

The text you enter might not always fit in the text fields provided on a form. To fix this, OmniForm can automatically shrink your text to make it fit in the fields.
To turn the shrink text feature on or off:
1. Choose Options... in the Tools menu.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Filling tab .
Chapter 2
3. Select Automatically shrink text to fit within fields if you want to use this feature. Deselect it if you do not want to use this feature.
4. Click OK.
Shrinking Text to Fit Fields

Adding File Attachments to Form Records

You can attach files to your form records. For example, you might want to attach scanned receipts to your expense records.
To attach a file to a form record:
1. Open the form in OmniForm Filler.
2. Click the Insert File Attachment button or choose Insert File Attachment...
in the File menu. The Insert File Attachment dialog box appears.
30 Working with Forms
3. Locate and select the file you want to attach.
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