Installation and Training
Installing Dragon
If you're running a virus checker,
turn it off.
Put the Dragon NaturallySpeaking®
CD into your CD-ROM drive. Setup
begins automatically. If it doesn’t,
double-click Setup.exe on your CD.
Follow the on-screen prompts.
Choose your Setup Type. “Typical/
Complete” installs all options and
speech files and requires the most
disk space. “Custom” lets you select
what you install. Click Next to continue.
You can enable the QuickStart
option. QuickStart launches Dragon
NaturallySpeaking® at system startup
and adds an icon to the Windows®
Select “Check the Internet for
program updates after setup completes.” to automatically update
NaturallySpeaking over the Internet.
Click Finish to complete the instal-
lation. You may be prompted to reboot your computer.
Activating Dragon
The first time you start Dragon
NaturallySpeaking®, you will be
prompted to activate your copy of
NaturallySpeaking. If you do not activate
the software, Dragon NaturallySpeaking®
will stop working after starting the
product fives times.
You must be connected to the Internet to
activate the product.
When prompted, click “Activate Now”
and then “Activate Automatically.”
Starting Dragon
Start Dragon NaturallySpeaking® by:
Double-clicking the Dragon
NaturallySpeaking® desktop icon.
Selecting Programs>Dragon
NaturallySpeaking® from the Start
Right-clicking the QuickStart taskbar
icon and selecting Start Dragon
NaturallySpeaking®, if the QuickStart
option is enabled.
Teaching the program how you
To use Dragon NaturallySpeaking®,
you will need to plug in the microphone
included with your software
The first time you start Dragon
NaturallySpeaking® , the program automatically starts the New User Wizard.
Step 1: Create a user
Name the user with your name or any
other unique name and select your dictation source from the drop-down menu.
Click Next.
Step 2: Check your audio settings
You are prompted to check your microphone volume and sound quality. When
the program beeps to indicate that it’s
done, click Next.
Step 3: Training
You must now train Dragon
NaturallySpeaking® to recognize your
voice by reading aloud for several minutes.
When you are ready, click the Go button.
A yellow arrow shows you where to start
reading. When the words turn a different color, it means that the program has
heard and recognized them. Click Next
to continue and follow the on-screen
Step 4: Adapting to your writing style
Dragon NaturallySpeaking® can analyze
your writing style to increase your
overall recognition accuracy.
Adapting to your writing style can add 5
to 30 minutes to user training. Click Start
to continue.
Note: Although we recommend that you
run this part of the New User Wizard, if
you plan to skip this part, select “Skip
this step” rather than Cancel.
Step 5: You are ready to dictate
When you are finished training, you
will get a message saying that you have
completed the New User Wizard. At this
point, you can start the Tutorial or begin
dictating. Once you’ve made your choice,
click Finish.
The DragonBar
of your screen. You can now dictate into
almost any Windows-based program on
your computer.
will appear on the top
Turning on the microphone
Before you can dictate, you need to
turn on the microphone. You turn on the
microphone by:
Clicking the microphone icon on the
You can click this icon again to turn
it off
Pressing the plus (+) key on
the numeric keypad to turn the
microphone on, and then press it again
to turn the microphone off.
Clicking the microphone icon in the
task bar.
Starting to dictate
To begin dictating, start a word processor
(such as Microsoft
a new document. Make sure your text
insertion point is at the start of the new
document and simply start talking.
As you talk, text displays in the Results
box while Dragon NaturallySpeaking®
figures out what you said. The Results
box is a small yellow window that
appears on-screen as you dictate. For
Word) and begin
Getting help
To access the online Help for Dragon
NaturallySpeaking®, click the Help
menu on the DragonBar and choose Help
Topics. Alternately, you can say “Give
Me Help.”
Upgrading from a previous
You can upgrade your English users from
any edition of Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Version 7 or 8 to Version 9.
For more information on upgrades,
please see the User’s Guide that came
with your software. If your edition of
Dragon NaturallySpeaking does not have
a printed User’s Guide, you can find it
on your installation CD in the following
\documentation\enx\user guide.pdf

That’s Not What I Said!
Sometimes, the program will type
something that sounds like what you
said but isn’t quite right. It won’t help
to: YELL, t a l k s l o w l y, or.
say. only. one. word. at. a. time. Dragon
NaturallySpeaking® software does better
when you say full sentences and speak in
your “natural” voice.
Correction Tips
You can also get the Correction menu
to appear by selecting text with the
mouse or keyboard and pressing
the correction hot key (by default,
the minus [-] key on your numeric
If what you really said does not appear
in the list, you can say “Spell That” or
just type in the correct text.
Correcting Recognition Errors
You should correct recognition errors
when they occur.
You can correct mistakes in your text
by using the “Select <word or words>”
For example, if you say:
“Let’s meet to discuss the Conzelmann
And the program types:
If the text you are trying to select
appears in your document more
than once and the computer selects
the wrong one, you can say “Select
Again” and it will select a different
If you find yourself frequently
correcting small common words, it is
often more effective to select more
than one word. For example, say
“Select going to” instead
of “Select to” even if “going” is the
correct text.
For more information on how to
improve recognition accuracy, from
You can say: “Select Councilman”
You will see the correction menu:
the Tools menu, click Accuracy
Dictation Tips
Pronounce each word clearly and
distinctly and say all punctuation, but
speak with your natural
inflection, not in a monotone voice.
Say commands without pausing
between the command words (for
example, say “New Paragraph”)
BUT—do pause before and after a
You can say “Choose 1” or use the
mouse to select the correct choice.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking® software
will then correct the text in your
document and will learn from your
Copyright © 1997-2006 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. ScanSoft, the ScanSoft logo, the Dragon
logo, the DragonBar and Dragon NaturallySpeaking are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affi liates in the United States and/or other countries. All other names and trademarks referenced
herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
command (for example, say “Select
last 3 words” [pause]
“Bold That”). This lets the program
separate commands from words to be
Be sure that your microphone is in the
correct position and check it.
Common Voice Commands
SAY... TO...
New line Press the Enter key
New paragraph Press the Enter key
Space bar Press the Space Key
Tab key Press the Tab key
Go to bottom Move to insertion
Insert before
/ Insert after
<word or words)
Selecting text
Select <word or
Select Again Select the same word
Bold That Apply bold to selected
Italicize That Apply italics to se-
Underline That Apply underlining to
Restore That Remove formatting
Cap <word>”
or “Cap Next
All Caps <word> Type the next word in
point to the end of the
Move the insertion
point before or after
certain text to insert
text there.
Select a particular
word or words to
replace, correct, or format. Example: “Select
Mary had a little lamb”
or words again but in a
different place
lected text
selected text
from selected text
Start the next word
with a capital. Example: “Cap hot Cap
dog” = Hot Dog
all capitals.
Example: “All Caps
yikes” = YIKES
SAY... TO...
Cutting / Pasting / Deleting Text
Copy That Copy selected text
Cut That Cut selected text
Paste That Paste cut or copied
Scratch That Delete the last thing
you said
Inserting Basic Punctuation
Period or Full stop .
Comma ,
Question Mark ?
Exclamation point !
Colon :
Semicolon ;
Hyphen -
Dash --
Open quote “
Close quote ”
Open parenthesis (
Close parenthesis )
For more information, see the User’s Guide
or the online help
Sample Commands
What can I say? Brings up a partial
list of available
commands that
work in the active
For a complete list of commands, start the
Command Browser.