Nuance ScanSoft Dragon Dictate - 2.5 User Manual

Nuance Communications, Inc.
Your acceptance of the terms of this End User License Agreement (“Agreement”) is required before your use of the accompanying sof tware. This Agreement
is bet ween you (“Licensee” or “you”) and Nuance Communications, Inc. and/or one or more of its affiliates (collectively, “Nuance”). By opening the sealed
Software Package and/or by installing or other wise using the software accompanying this Agreement (“Sof tware”), you agree to be bound by the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. The term “Software” shall also include any modified versions, updates, or upgrades of the Soft ware licensed to you by Nuance.
You may install and use a modified version, update, or upgrade of the Sof tware only if you have a validly licensed existing version of the Software being
terminates as to the previous version of the Software, and you have a license only to such modif ied version, update, or upgrade of the Software under the terms
of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you may not install or use the Software and must promptly return the
Software and all accompanying materials to the entity from which you obtained this Software Package. THIS IS A LICENSE TO USE SOFTWARE AND NOT A
If you or your company have signed a separate soft ware license agreement with Nuance or with any of Nuance’s authorized resellers, and that separate soft-
ware license agreement is intended to govern the use of Soft ware, the terms of that separate license agreement shall control over any conflicting terms in this
As used in this Agreement, “Software Package” means the Software and the accompanying documentation and microphone (if applicable). As used in this
Agreement, “User Profile” refers to the record of speaker-specific data that provides a consistent dictation experience across successive dictation sessions. As
used in this agreement, “Run-time Engine” means the programmed access of the Soft ware by a Licensee application or a third party application integrated with
1(a). Grant of License (Except for Educational Institutions).
Nuance grants a non -exclusive license, without the right to sublicense or otherwise transfer, to Licensee (and Licensee’s employees who agree to be bound by
the terms and conditions of this License, provided Licensee has entered into a Nuance volume license agreement), to install and use the Software contained on
the provided installation media on multiple computers running validly-licensed operating systems and to use, in connection with such Software, the rest of the
Software Package. A licensed speaker is permitted to create and use multiple User Profiles under this License. User Profiles can be stored on one or more com -
puters or on a server to allow the speaker to move from computer to computer and still maintain a consistent dictation experience across computers. A sepa­rate license, however, must be purchased for each additional speaker whose User Profile or User Profiles is or are being used by the Software. Licensee may
authorize a third party to use the Software in connection with any of Licensee’s User Profiles solely for the purpose of per forming editing or correcting functions
for Licensee; however, such third party must purchase a separate License to create his or her own User Profile. This license for the Software Package does not
allow Licensee to use the Software as a Run-time Engine.
End User License Agreement.
the Software.
1(b). Additional Limitation for Small Practice Medical Edition.
In addition to the license grant and limitations specified in 1(a) above, for the Small Practice Edition of the Software the following limitations are also appli-
cable. The Small Practice Edition of the Software may only be licensed by or deployed by a Licensee that is (a) a clinic or independent facility not owned by a
1(c). Grant of License (Educational Institutions Only).
Nuance grants a non -exclusive license, without the right to sublicense or otherwise transfer, to Licensee to install and use one copy of the Software contained
on the provided installation media on a single computer running a validly-licensed operating system and to use, in connection with such Sof tware, the rest of the
Software Package. Licensee is permitted to create and use multiple User Profiles under this License. A single license for the Software Package does not allow
Licensee to use the Soft ware Package on a server. This license for the Software Package does not allow Licensee to use the Soft ware as a Run- time Engine.
hospital and (b) Licensee employees 50 or fewer physicians.
2. Nuance’s Rights
Licensee acknowledges that the Software Package consists of proprietary information and products of Nuance (or other third parties) protected under United
States or other patent, copyright, or trade secret laws. Licensee further acknowledges and agrees that all right, title and interest in and to the Software
Package, and each component thereof, are and shall remain with Nuance. This Agreement does not convey to Licensee an interest in or to the Soft ware
This License is effective upon Licensee’s first installation and/or use of the Software and shall continue until terminated. Licensee may terminate this Agreement
at any time by returning the Soft ware Package to Nuance. Nuance may terminate this Agreement upon breach by Licensee of any terms hereof. Upon such
termination by Nuance, Licensee agrees to uninstall the Software and promptly return the Soft ware Package to Nuance.
This document is Licensee’s proof of a non-exclusive license to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by Licensee. Licensee may not rent,
lease, or otherwise commercialize the Software Package in any manner. Licensee may not reverse engineer, decompile, modif y, create derivative works (ex-
cept for User Profiles or custom vocabularies as set forth in the accompanying documentation) of, or disassemble the Soft ware, except to the extent that the
Licensee may not modify, make additions to or otherwise adapt the Software Package, or use the Sof tware in conjunction with other software or data packages,
for the purpose of enabling or adding features or functionality from another version or edition of the Software. For example, and without limitation, Licensee
may not enable or add “Advanced Scripting Commands”, “Language Models”, or the ability of “Importing Vocabularies” (as such terms and their correspond -
ing features or functionality are referred to/described in the accompanying documentation or help files of the Sof tware), to the “Standard” or “Preferred” edi-
tions of the Software, because such features or functionality are only available to licensees of “Professional” and higher editions of the Soft ware.
Licensee may only use the Soft ware in accordance with and in the manner intended by its accompanying documentation. The following additional restriction ap-
plies to “Essentials,” “Standard,” and “Preferred” editions of the Software: Licensee may not knowingly use, or encourage or cause others to use, the Software
in conjunction with any third part y application that was developed using the Dragon NaturallySpeaking SDK or any of the features, functionality or documen-
tation provided with the Dragon NaturallySpeaking SDK. Licensee may not publish the results of benchmarking the Software against competitive software.
Licensee may not transfer or assign this license or the Software Package to any third party without the prior express written consent of Nuance. Any changes
to, modifications to, or derivative works (except as set forth above) of the Software shall become the exclusive property of Nuance.
Package but only a limited right to use, revocable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
3. Term
4. Other Restrictions
foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law.
Licensee may create a maximum of six(6)profiles for no more than six (6)individuals for a total of six(6)voice profiles for use in the Software. For the avoidance
edges such ownership and intellectual property rights and will not take any action to jeopardize, limit, or interfere in any manner with Nuance’s or its suppliers’
or licensors’ ownership of or rights with respect to the Software Package. The Software Package is protected by copyright and other intellectual propert y laws
of doubt, if it is desired that six(6) different individuals each have a voice profile, then each individual may only have one (1) voice profile.
5. Activation
Nuance has designed the Soft ware to prevent unlicensed use of the Software. Licensee agrees that Nuance may do so. In particular, use of the Sof tware requires that Licensee activate the Software as described during the installation of the Software. During such activation, Nuance may collect certain non-
personal technical information from Licensee’s computer concerning Licensee’s computer or network. Licensee agrees that Nuance may do so. Licensee may
be required to reactivate the Software if Licensee modifies its computer hardware, the Sof tware, or the operating system.
6. Notifications
The Software contains a component that will automatically activate Licensee’s Internet browser and attempt to initiate a connection through the Internet to a
website maintained by Nuance. This connection will be made using the Internet connections and telephone lines under Licensee’s control. From time to time,
Licensee may receive notices about the Software or other information through this Internet connection. By installing the Soft ware on Licensee’s computer,
Licensee hereby consents to have the Software initiate a connection through the Internet to Nuance’s website, to use Licensee’s resources to connect to such
website, and to receive notices about the Software and other information through this Internet connection.
7. Proprietary Rights
Title, ownership rights, and intellectual proper ty rights in the Soft ware Package shall remain in Nuance and/or its suppliers or licensors. Licensee acknowl-
and by international treaties.
8. Disclaimer of Warranty
If Licensee breaches this Agreement, Licensee shall promptly return the Software Package to Nuance. A breach by Licensee will irrevocably harm Nuance, and
Nuance shall be entitled to injunctive and/or other equitable relief, in addition to any other remedies afforded by law.
9. Limitation of Liability
10. Assignment
Licensee shall not sublicense, rent, lease or lend the Software to another part y.
11. Remedies
12. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
13. Severability
Should any term of this Agreement be declared void or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall have no effect on the re-
The failure of either par ty to enforce any rights granted hereunder or to take action against the other party in the event of any breach hereunder shall not be
deemed a waiver by that party as to subsequent enforcement of rights or subsequent actions in the event of future breaches.
Some versions of the Soft ware incorporate Nuance’s RealSpeak™ software and/or certain other components owned by Nuance or its af filiates. Licensee is per-
mitted to use such components only as part of, and as incorporated in, the Software.
16. United States Government End Users
This Section applies to all acquisitions of the Software by or for the Federal government or by any prime contractor or subcontractor (at any tier) under any
contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or other activit y with the Federal government. By accepting delivery of the Sof tware, the government hereby agrees
that this software qualifies as “commercial” computer software within the meaning of the acquisition regulation(s) applicable to the procurement. The terms and
conditions of this Agreement shall pertain to the government’s use and disclosure of the Software and shall supersede any conflicting contractual terms or condi-
tions. If this Agreement fails to meet the government’s needs or is inconsistent in any respect with Federal law, the government agrees to return the Software,
unused, to Nuance. The following additional statement applies only to acquisitions governed by DFARS Subpart 227.4 (October 1988): “Restricted Rights—
Use, duplication, and disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set for th in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
maining terms hereof.
14. No Waiver
15. RealSpeak™ software
Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 (Oct. 1988).” In the event any of the above referenced agency regulations is amended or replaced, the equivalent
Copyright © 2010 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nuance, the Nuance logo, Dragon, NaturallySpeaking, and RealSpeak are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. The Software contains Adobe Flash® Player software by Adobe Systems, Incorporated, Copyright © 2008 Adobe Systems, Incorporated All rights reserved. and Flash is a trademark of Adobe
successor regulation shall apply instead.
Systems, Incorporated
Special Thanks To:
Apple Inc. for the wonderful Mac OS X. Brad Cook and Matt Neuburg for their documentation expertise.
Credit Given Where Credit Is Due:
AquaticPrime Framework
Copyright © 2006-2010, Lucas Newman
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2001-2010,, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Copyright 2007-2008 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software­distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARR ANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright © 2002-2010, Bob Frank
All rights reserved.
Shortcut Recorder
Copyright © 2006-2010, contributors to ShortcutRecorder.
Contributor details at <http://wafflesoft /shortcut/contributors/>.
All rights reserved.
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2008 Big Nerd Ranch, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtain­ing a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including with­out limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Copyright © 2007-2010 Chad Weider.
Some rights reserved: <>
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Installation and Making a Voice Prole 3
Initial Installation 4
Creating a Voice Prole 9
Microphone Setup 13
Voice Training 15
Interface 23
The Proles Window 23
Using the Dragon Remote App as a Microphone 24
Setting Up the Dragon Remote App 25
The Status Window 30
The Available Commands Window 30
The Dock Menu 31
The Status Menu Item 31
Keyboard Shortcuts 31
Speech 32
Modes and the Microphone 33
Microphone Off and On 34
Sleep Mode 36
Learning and Switching Modes 37
Dictation Mode 39
What You Can Say in Dictation Mode 39
Navigation and Editing Commands 41
Capitalization, Spacing, and Numbers 44
Title Case 44
Uppercase 45
Lowercase 45
Spaces 46
Numbers 46
Letter Names in Dictation Mode 52
Letters 52
Diacritical Letters 54
Ligatures and Non-Latin Letters 55
Dictionary Denition 56
Document Search 56
Auto Formatting 57
Addresses 58
Street Addresses 58
Web and Email Addresses 58
Phone Numbers 58
Abbreviated Titles 59
Date & Time 59
Numbers 60
Prices and Currencies 60
Units of Measure 61
Social Security Numbers 61
All Other Numbers 61
Miscellaneous 62
Proofreading 63
Spelling Mode 64
What You Can Say in Spelling Mode 65
Letter Names in Spelling Mode 65
Letters 65
Diacritical Letters 67
Ligatures and Non-Latin Letters 68
Numerals 68
Numbers Mode 69
Punctuation 71
Mouse Control 85
Commands 88
Global Commands 89
Voice Shortcuts 95
The Web 100 Commands 96
Key Commands 96
How to Say a Key Command 97
Generated Commands 99
Launching Applications 99
Email Messages 99
Application-Based Commands 101
Dragon Dictate Commands 102
Finder Commands 106
TextEdit Commands 111
Safari Commands 116
Mail Commands 123
iChat Commands 134
iCal Commands 134
Facebook/Twitter Commands 139
Windows 144
Note Pad Window 144
Proles Window 146
Commands Window 148
Command Types 151
Creating a Command 152
Vocabulary Editor Window 154
Microphone Setup Window 158
Voice Training Window 159
Vocabulary Training Window 160
Status Window 162
Available Commands Window 164
Recognition Window 166
How to Train 168
Preferences Window 170
General Preferences pane 170
Appearance Preferences pane 172
Recognition Preferences pane 173
Dictation Preferences pane 175
Command Preferences pane 175
Shortcuts Preferences pane 176
Sharing Preferences pane 176
Menus 178
Dictate Menu 178
File Menu 178
Edit Menu 179
Speech Menu 181
Tools Menu 181
Format Menu 182
Window Menu 182
Help Menu 183
Tips on Speaking 185
The Cache and the Golden Rule 187
Two Ways of Working 187
Text and the Cache 188
The Golden Rule of Dragon Dictate 189
Why Note Pad and TextEdit Are Special 189
Extra for Experts 189
Cache Commands 190
Cache 190
Purge 192
Note Pad Windows and the Cache 193
Sound Input Troubleshooting 194
What’s Installed Where 196
Credits 197


Dragon Dictate is a speech recognition application. This means that you, the user, speak into a microphone and Dragon Dictate interprets your speech as actual
words. It can then respond to those words. It can respond in one of three ways:
• It can interpret your words as a command, in which case it will obey the com-
mand. For example, you can tell Safari to select a link in the text of a page
1IntroductionDragon Dictate
you’re viewing, by saying to the linked page, as if you had clicked that link with the mouse, by saying
Jump to This Link
• It can interpret your words as dictation, in which case it will type what you
said, at the insertion point or selection in the frontmost application. For ex-
ample, you can place the insertion point at the start of a new empty word
processing document and say
will type: Good morning. You can also ask Dragon Dictate to read your words
back to you by saying
How does Dragon Dictate work? It isn’t magic or mysterious. Behind the scenes, Dragon Dictate interprets the words you speak using a powerful and highly accu­rate speech recognition engine with an extensive, exible vocabulary. To obey your
commands or type your dictation, Dragon Dictate uses a combination of technol­ogies built into Mac OS X, such as Accessibility and AppleScript.
, or by telling Dragon Dictate to read from one word through an-
Move to Next Link
Mouse Click
Good morning, period
Read Document,
; then you can tell Safari to go
, and Dragon Dictate
by selecting text and saying
You can get up and running with Dragon Dictate very quickly, but you will have some preparation to do beforehand, and you will have some learning to do as you go along. Here’s why:
PreParation. Before Dragon Dictate can interpret your speech, you must
provide a sample of your speech, so that Dragon Dictate knows what your voice sounds like and how you pronounce your words.
Learning. Dragon Dictate can’t obey just any old commands. When you start out, you won’t know Dragon Dictate’s built-in commands; you’ll learn them as you go along (especially the ones you use most frequently). When dictating, you won’t always know Dragon Dictate’s terms for punctuation that you want to use; these, too, you’ll learn as you go along. (Of course you’ll have plenty of assistance along the way; Dragon Dictate has a window listing its commands and punctuation, plus you can consult this manual and the online help.) You’ll
also learn to speak more clearly and smoothly; speaking to a computer pro­gram takes practice.
With time, you’ll become more experienced, and most of the things you do with Dragon Dictate will become second nature. You may even customize Dragon
2IntroductionDragon Dictate
Dictate’s abilities to suit your needs. For example, you might add to its repertory of commands. Dragon Dictate comes with built-in specialized commands for control­ling itself plus six commonly used applications, along with a set of general com­mands for use with any application. You can write your own commands for inserting text, running a script, choosing a menu, and so forth. And you’ll almost certainly customize Dragon Dictate’s understanding of your speech. You can add to Dragon Dictate’s vocabulary, in case you use words that it doesn’t already know. And when Dragon Dictate types what you dictate and gets it wrong, you can
train Dragon Dictate to understand you better, telling it the right interpre-
tation of what you said and improving its ability to interpret your speech correctly
in the future.
You’re probably eager to install Dragon Dictate and provide it with an initial
sample of your speech so that you can start controlling your computer by speaking.
The next chapter will guide you through the steps for doing so.
Installation and Making a Voice Prole
Before you can use Dragon Dictate, you must have two kinds of hardware that conform to its requirements: your computer, and a microphone.
ComPuter requirements
• You must be using an Intel-based Macintosh computer.
• Your system must be Mac OS X “Snow Leopard” version 10.6 or later.
• The computer should have at least 2GB of RAM (preferably 4GB or more).
• Your hard drive should have at least 3GB of free space to install Dragon Dic­tate and its associated les, and this installation should leave plenty of addi-
tional empty free space.
• As with any software application, a faster processor improves performance.
3Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
Accessibility must be turned on your Universal Access system preferences.
miCroPhone requirements
• You can use a USB microphone or an iOS device running the Dragon Re­mote Microphone app. The USB microphone should be of high quality, with
noise-cancelling abilities. Ideally, it should be on the list of USB microphones
certied and supported by Nuance. You can nd a list at the Nuance web site.
• To learn how to set up your iOS device as a microphone, see the section “Us­ing the Dragon Remote App as a Microphone” on page 24.
If you’re using a USB microphone, plug it into one of your computer’s USB ports. If you’re running short of open USB ports, it might be worth investing in a powered USB hub. You can then plug some of your USB devices into the hub, and plug the hub into the computer. Some USB microphones, however, must be
plugged directly into the computer.
In System Preferences > Sound > Input, make certain that the USB microphone is selected as the sound input device. This is crucial. A USB microphone can be
plugged into the computer without being the input device; in such a case, your voice will be input in some other way, such as your computer’s built-in micro­phone, and Dragon Dictate will be unable to interpret your speech accurately.
Use System Preferences > Sound to make sure your USB microphone is the sound input device.
4Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
note. You should always make certain that your USB microphone is the sound input device before starting to use Dragon Dictate. Dragon Dictate will
ascertain, as it launches, that the USB microphone is plugged in; but it can­not ascertain that the USB microphone is the sound input device. If it is not,
speech recognition will not work correctly.

Initial Installation

Use the following checklist to make certain you are ready to install Dragon Dic­tate.
Your USB microphone is connected to your computer.
Your USB microphone is your computer’s sound input device, as shown in
System Preferences > Sound > Input.
Your computer is connected to the Internet. You will need an Internet con-
nection in order to enter your registration number and license your copy of Dragon Dictate.
 Accessibility is turned on in System Preferences > Universal Access. Check
now that this true. Choose System Preferences > Universal Access, and make certain that Enable access for assistive devices (near the bottom of the win­dow) is checked.
In System Preferences > Universal
Access, “Enable access for assistive devices” must be checked.
5Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
When you’ve completed the above checklist, you’re ready to begin installing Drag­on Dictate.
Dragon Dictate comes in two parts: the application (on a CD), and the speech rec­ognition engine data (on a DVD).
Insert the CD into the computer and copy the Dragon Dictate application onto your hard disk. The Applications folder is a good place, and the CD includes an alias for your Applications folder so you can drag the Dragon Dictate application
icon onto the Applications folder icon as a way of installing the application into your Applications folder. But you can put Dragon Dictate anywhere you like.
6Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
Eject the CD.
Launch Dragon Dictate from your hard drive. Dragon Dictate requests the DVD containing the speech recognition engine data (“Dragon English Data”). Leave the
dialog up.
Dragon Dictate asks for the DVD containing the speech recognition data.
Insert the DVD into the computer. When it has mounted, return to Dragon Dic­tate and click OK in the dialog. Dragon Dictate copies the data from the DVD to your hard drive, reporting its progress as it does so.
Dragon Dictate copies the data from the DVD to your hard drive.
When Dragon Dictate has nished copying the data to your hard drive, it asks whether you’d like to eject the DVD. Click Eject.
Click Eject to remove the DVD containing
the speech recognition engine data.
Installation is now complete, and Dragon Dictate displays the license agreement. Click Accept after reviewing it.
Click Accept after reviewing the license
Dragon Dictate now asks for your license. A license is a license le. You presum­ably don’t have such a le yet, so you need to enter your registration number in order to get it. Click Register This Software to summon a dialog where you can enter your registration number and obtain a license le.
7Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
If you inadvertently deleted your license le, click Retrieve License Key and follow the instructions to obtain a new license key via the Internet.
Click Register This Software to summon the
registration dialog.
If you do have a license le, Dragon Dictate should nd it automatically at this point, and the entire Register This Software step will be skipped. In that case, you will see a dialog informing you that your license has been found and is valid.
The dialog that you see at this point if you
already have a license le.
Since you don’t have a license le yet, you have clicked Register This Software, and the registration dialog appears. Fill in the required information. (Dragon needs this information to set up an account for you at the Dragon web site; your information will remain private.) Type or copy your registration code into the appropriate eld of the dialog. The registration code, which you can nd on the registration code sticker, is roughly of this form: AB11-ABCD-EFGH-I123.
8Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
Fill out the registration dialog and
click Register Now. Your computer
must be connected to the Internet.
When you’ve lled out the dialog, make sure your computer is connected to the Inter­net and click Register Now. Dragon Dictate goes out over the Internet, connects to
Dragon’s server, and downloads and installs your license le. If this operation is
successful, Dragon Dictate informs you of the fact. Click OK.
Dragon Dictate has downloaded and installed
your license. Click OK.
Dragon Dictate’s installation is now complete.
In order to use Dragon Dictate, you need a voice prole. Since you have only just installed Dragon Dictate, you have no voice prole. Therefore, Dragon Dictate im-
mediately offers to create one.
Creating a Voice Prole
A voice prole is a complete set of data on how you speak: what your voice sounds
9Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
like, and what vocabulary you use. In order to speak into Dragon Dictate, you must have at least one prole.
In many cases, one prole is all you’ll need. But you’ll need multiple proles if dif­ferent people are using Dragon Dictate. Each person will need to train their prole
to their voice.
Every prole has a name, which uniquely identies it. When you create a prole,
you start by giving it a name.
10Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
note. The data for a prole lives on your hard disk as a package whose le
extension is .ddictateprole. You are offered the chance to set a prole’s loca- tion at the time you create it. You may place it anywhere you like, but a good idea is to put all proles together in a known location; for example, you might create a folder ~/Documents/Dragon Proles. This allows the prole data to be backed up easily. A symbolic link to each prole will be found in ~/Library/
Application Support/Dragon/Proles.
The rst time you use Dragon Dictate, you will be prompted to create a new pro­le. If you previously used MacSpeech Dictate, the proles associated with that application will automatically appear when you launch Dragon Dictate. However, to use them, you will need to upgrade them by double-clicking the prole name or clicking the “Upgrade” button in the bottom right corner of the window. Proles that have not been upgraded have this warning icon next to the prole name. A prole without a connected audio source displays a lightning bolt inside a triangle.
Any commands and vocabulary you previously added to a prole will be preserved when you begin the upgrade process, which cannot be undone. After the software updates the older prole, you’ll see the Voice Training window. You must complete a new Voice Training session. As in previous versions of the software, Dragon Dictate will stop the training session when it has collected enough speech, and you can always return to Voice Training any time to read more stories and improve the application’s accuracy.
If you need to create a new prole, you’ll start with a File Save dialog (“Name a New Prole”). Give the new prole a name. Specify a folder in which to keep this prole. Click Choose.
11Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
The Name a New Prole dialog. Give the prole a name, specify a folder in which to
save it, and click Choose.
Dragon Dictate next presents a dialog describing the proper positioning of your
microphone. Position the microphone as shown. A checkbox lets you skip this dialog in future, but don’t ignore the advice in this dialog! The microphone should
be near your mouth but not too close, and it should be slightly off to one side so that puffs of breath, either from breathing or from articulation, are not interpreted
as speech. You should position the microphone correctly, and you should attempt to recreate its position each time you use Dragon Dictate. Click OK when you’re
ready to proceed.
Dragon Dictate shows you the
correct microphone position. Read
it, do what it says, and click OK.
Dragon Dictate now displays the Proles window, where you will set the character­istics of this prole. You have three characteristics to set up: Microphone, Spelling,
and Accent.
12Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
miCroPhone. Dragon Dictate has already detected your USB microphone, and unless you have more than one USB microphone plugged into the com-
puter, this will be the only choice offered. If you start up Dragon Dictate and a microphone is not detected, the Proles window will report this fact and your only choice will be to quit. You can add another microphone after you create your prole by clicking the plus sign at the bottom of the Audio Sources box in the Proles dialog box.
sPeLLing. Choices are US and UK. aCCent. Choices depend upon your choice of spelling.
The Proles window is where you manage your proles. Here, you’re about to nish creating a new prole. Choose the correct settings
and click Continue.
When you’ve set the Microphone, Spelling, and Accent pop-ups, click Continue. While your prole is created, Dragon Dictate puts up a progress dialog.
While creating a prole, Dragon
Dialog puts up a progress dialog.
After you create a prole, Dragon Dictate automatically proceeds to microphone
13Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
tiP. You are about to begin speaking to Dragon Dictate. It might be a good
idea to read the “Tips on Speaking” section now. If your microphone is a
headset, put it on! Position the microphone correctly.

Microphone Setup

Microphone setup takes place in the Microphone Setup window, and involves adjusting the sound input level. You must go through the setup process for each new microphone you associate with a prole.
The Microphone Setup window is where you adjust your sound
input level. To begin, click the
microphone icon with the red “stop sign.”
To begin adjusting your sound input level in the Microphone Setup window, click the microphone icon with the red “stop sign.” The window changes to display a
paragraph of text for you to read aloud.
14Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
Read aloud the paragraph displayed in the box in the
Microphone Setup window. As you read, Dragon Dictate will adjust
your microphone sound input level.
Read the paragraph of text aloud. Speak slowly, naturally, clearly, and continu­ously, but do not worry about enunciation, because Dragon Dictate is not listening to your words; what’s important is how loudly you speak. Try to speak at a natural, consistent loudness, representative of how you will normally speak to Dragon Dic-
tate in your current environment. As you speak, the level indicator to the right of
the microphone icon shows your sound input level, a combination of how loudly you speak and how Dragon Dictate has adjusted the microphone sound input lev-
el; and the horizontal gain indicator slider moves left and right as Dragon Dictate
experiments with different sound input levels. When Dragon Dictate has heard enough, and has set your microphone sound input level optimally, it will turn off the microphone and switch away from this window automatically. If you reach the
end of the paragraph before that happens, start reading aloud from the beginning again.
note. You can check Manual Gain Setting if you want to operate the slider yourself, but Dragon Dictate should be able to do a better job of adjusting your microphone sound input level than you would.
In the next window, Dragon Dictate pauses and plays back a recording of the last
little bit of your speech. Listen to make sure that your speech level is clear and
15Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
undistorted. Press Play to hear the recording again. Make sure there is no static, excess noise, or hum. Such problems are probably a sign of faulty microphone
hardware or a bad connection. If you think there’s a problem with the recording, and you’d like to perform the microphone sound level adjustment again, click the left-arrow button at the lower right to return to the previous window. (See “Sound
Input Troubleshooting” for tips on diagnosing sound input problems.)
Dragon Dictate has adjusted your
microphone sound input level.
If you’re creating a prole, click
Voice Training to proceed.
The next step in creating a prole is to do a session of voice training. This is where you read aloud a little story, so that Dragon Dictate can learn how your voice sounds and how you pronounce your words. Click Voice Training to proceed. You’ll be taken to the Voice Training window.

Voice Training

Voice training is a process where you read aloud a little story. It takes place in the Voice Training window.
tiP. This would be a really good time to read the “Tips on Speaking” section if you haven’t done so already. Or maybe read it again. If your microphone is a headset, put it on! Position the microphone correctly.
16Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
During voice training, Dragon Dictate listens to your speech, matching it up with the words of the story. In this way, Dragon Dictate learns how your voice sounds and how you pronounce your words. Voice training is the most important step in creating a prole. This is why you need a different prole for each different person and microphone. You might even need to create a new prole if your voice chang-
es temporarily — because you catch a cold, for instance.
Dragon Dictate presents the Voice Training window, containing a description of what’s about to happen. Click the right-arrow button, at the lower right, to pro-
When you do voice training in an existing prole, you are shown a window where you can select from among three stories to read from; stories you’ve previously read are marked with a “green circle” icon. But when you rst create a prole, the rst story is automatically selected for you.
The Voice Training window,
before reading a story. To proceed,
click the right-arrow button at lower right of the window.
Dragon Dictate presents the window in which it will show you the story. The mi­crophone is off, signied by a red “stop sign” icon, and training will not begin until
you click the icon.
17Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
The Voice Training window, ready
for you to start reading a story.
Click the microphone icon (with the red “stop sign”) to begin.
Here’s what’s going to happen when you click the microphone icon. Dragon Dic­tate will turn on the microphone (the icon will change to a green circle) and will present you with a short page of text to read aloud — usually just a sentence or two. You must read all the text, including punctuation (because that’s what you do when you dictate). To help you with this, punctuation is printed in capital letters, but you don’t read it any special voice. You should read in fairly brief utterances, pausing after each utterance. Dragon Dictate signies its understanding by turn-
ing each utterance green. When you reach the end of the page (all text has turned
green), Dragon Dictate automatically “turns the page” for you.
If Dragon Dictate has trouble with what you said, it turns the current utterance
red. If this happens, you need to read the red text again. If Dragon Dictate still
doesn’t understand (the same text remains red), you can click Skip Word to pro­ceed past that text. If you feel that things are really going badly and that you’d like to begin reading this story all over again, click the left-arrow button.
As you read, keep an eye on the sound input level indicator (the vertical bar to the
right of the microphone icon). Speak at a level that keeps this at about the middle
of the green section.
18Installation and Making a Voice ProfileDragon Dictate
Warning. The speech recognition engine has no experience with your voice to build on during the rst few pages of a new prole’s Voice Training story, so your utterances must be quite short and careful, and the pauses between them
must be long, to give the engine a chance to catch up and turn the text green.
You will probably need to read like this: “We. Would like. You. To read aloud. For a few minutes.” After the rst couple of pages, you will nd that you can
start speaking much more naturally.
The rst page of the Voice Training story for a new prole. The rst few words have been
read, and have turned green.
As your reading of the story proceeds, Dragon Dictate “turns the page” for you. Progress from page to page is shown by the horizontal progress indicator above the text. If you need to pause at any time (to clear your throat, get a drink of water, sneeze, stretch, whatever), click the microphone icon to turn it to a red “stop sign”; when you’re ready to proceed, click it again to turn it into a green circle once
again, and carry on reading.
+ 183 hidden pages