Connection Diagram
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eTSSOP-20 Package
Ordering Information
Order Number Package Type NSC Package Drawing Package Marking Supplied As
LM20242MH eTSSOP-20 MXA20A 20242MH 73 Units per Rail
LM20242MHE 250 Units per Tape and Reel
LM20242MHX 2500 Units per Tape and Reel
Pin Descriptions
Pin(s) Name Description Application Information
1 SS/TRK Soft-Start or Tracking control input An internal 5 µA current source charges an external capacitor to set
the soft-start rate. The PWM can Track to an external voltage ramp
with a low impedance source. If left open, an internal 1 ms SS ramp
is activated.
2 FB Feedback input to the error amplifier
from the regulated output
This pin is connected to the inverting input of the internal
transconductance error amplifier. An 800 mV reference is internally
connected to the non-inverting input of the error amplifier.
3 PGOOD Power good output signal Open drain output indicating the output voltage is regulating within
tolerance. A pull-up resistor of 10 kΩ to 100 kΩ is recommended if this
function is used.
4 COMP Output of the internal error amplifier and
input to the Pulse Width Modulator
The loop compensation network should be connected between the
COMP pin and the AGND pin.
5,6,15,16 VIN Input supply voltage Nominal operating range: 4.5V to 36V.
7,8,13,14 SW Switch pin The drain terminal of the internal Synchronous Rectifier power
NMOSFET and the source terminal of the internal Control power
9,10,11 GND Ground Internal reference for the power MOSFETs.
12 AGND Analog ground Internal reference for the regulator control functions.
17 BOOT Boost input for bootstrap capacitor An internal diode from VCC to BOOT charges an external capacitor
required from SW to BOOT to power the Control MOSFET gate driver.
18 VCC Output of the high voltage linear
regulator. The VCC voltage is regulated
to approximately 5.5V.
VCC tracks VIN up to about 7.2V. Above VIN = 7.2V, VCC is regulated
to approximately 5.5 Volts. A 0.1 µF to 1 µF ceramic decoupling
capacitor is required. The VCC pin is an output only.
19 EN Enable or UVLO input An external voltage divider can be used to set the line undervoltage
lockout threshold. If the EN pin is left unconnected, a 2 µA pull-up
current source pulls the EN pin high to enable the regulator.
20 RT Internal oscillator frequency adjust input Normally biased at 550 mV. An external resistor connected between
RT and AGND sets the internal oscillator frequency.
EP Exposed
Exposed pad Exposed metal pad on the underside of the package with a weak
electrical connection to GND. Connect this pad to the PC board ground
plane in order to improve heat dissipation. 2