2.0 Block Diagram
TL/F/9357– 2
3.0 Functional Description
The SNI consists of five main logical blocks:
a) the oscillatorÐgenerates the 10 MHz transmit clock sig-
nal for system timing.
b) the Manchester encoder and differential output driverÐ
accepts NRZ data from the controller, performs Manchester encoding, and transmits it differentially to the
c) the Manchester decoderÐreceives Manchester data
from the transceiver, converts it to NRZ data and clock
pulses, and sends them to the controller.
d) the collision translatorÐindicates to the controller the
presence of a valid 10 MHz signal at its input.
e) the loopback circuitryÐwhen asserted, switches encod-
ed data instead of receive input signals to the digital
phase-locked loop.
The oscillator is controlled by a 20 MHz parallel resonant
crystal connected between X1 and X2 or by an external
clock on X1. The 20 MHz output of the oscillator is divided
by 2 to generate the 10 MHz transmit clock for the controller. The oscillator also provides internal clock signals to the
encoding and decoding circuits.
Crystal Specification
Resonant frequency 20 MHz
0.001% at 25§C
0.005% 0–70§C
Type AT-Cut
Circuit Parallel Resonance
The 20 MHz crystal connection to the SNI requires special
care. The IEEE 802.3 standard requires a 0.01% absolute
accuracy on the transmitted signal frequency. Stray capacitance can shift the crystal’s frequency out of range, causing
the transmitted frequency to exceed its 0.01% tolerance.
The frequency marked on the crystal is usually measured
with a fixed shunt capacitance (C
) that is specified in the
crystal’s data sheet. This capacitance for 20 MHz crystals is
typically 20 pF. The capacitance between the X1 and X2
pins of the SNI, of the PC board traces and the plated
through holes plus any stray capacitance such as the socket capacitance, if one is used, should be estimated or measured. Once the total sum of these capacitances is determined, the value of additional external shunt capacitance
required can be calculated. This capacitor can be a fixed
5% tolerance component. The frequency accuracy should
be measured during the design phase at the transmit clock
pin (TXC) for a given pc layout.
Figure 2
shows the crystal
TL/F/9357– 3
CLeLoad capacitance specified by the crystal’s manufacturer
Total parasitic capacitance including:
a) SNI input capacitance between X1 and X2 (typically 5 pF)
b) PC board traces, plated through holes, socket capacitances
Note 1: When using a Viking (San Jose) VXB49N5 crystal, the external ca-
pacitor is not required, as the C
of the crystal matches the input
capacitance of the DP8391A.
FIGURE 2. Crystal Connection
The encoder combines clock and data information for the
transceiver. Data encoding and transmission begins with the
transmit enable input (TXE) going high. As long as TXE re-