Control Registers (Continued)
The ICNTRL register contains the following bits:
Reserved This bit is reserved and should be zero
LPEN L Port/M Port Interrupt Enable (Multi-Input
T0PND Timer T0 Interrupt pending
T0EN Timer T0 Interrupt Enable (Bit 12 toggle)
µWPND MICROWIRE/PLUS interrupt pending
µWEN Enable MICROWIRE/PLUS interrupt
T1PNDBTimer T1 Interrupt Pending Flag for T1B capture
T1ENB Timer T1 Interrupt Enable for T1B Input capture
T2CNTRL Register (Address X'00C6)
Bit 7 Bit 0
The T2CNTRL control register contains the following bits:
T2C3 Timer T2 mode control bit
T2C2 Timer T2 mode control bit
T2C1 Timer T2 mode control bit
T2C0 Timer T2 Start/Stop control in timer
modes 1 and 2, T2 Underflow Interrupt Pending Flag in timer mode 3
T2PNDA Timer T2 Interrupt Pending Flag (Autoreload
RA in mode 1, T2 Underflow in mode 2, T2A
capture edge in mode 3)
T2ENA Timer T2 Interrupt Enable for Timer Underflow
or T2A Input capture edge
T2PNDB Timer T2 Interrupt Pending Flag for T2B cap-
ture edge
T2ENB Timer T2 Interrupt Enable for Timer Underflow
or T2B Input capture edge
The device contains a very versatile set of timers (T0, T1 and
T2). All timers and associated autoreload/capture registers
power up containing random data.
The device supports applications that require maintaining
real time and low power with the IDLE mode. This IDLE
mode support is furnished by the IDLE timer T0, which is a
16-bit timer. The Timer T0 runs continuously at the fixed rate
of the instruction cycle clock, t
. The user cannot read or
write to the IDLE Timer T0, which is a count down timer.
The Timer T0 supports the following functions:
Exit out of the Idle Mode (See Idle Mode description)
WATCHDOG logic (See WATCHDOG description)
Start up delay out of the HALT mode
Figure 8
is a functional block diagram showing the structure
of the IDLE Timer and its associated interrupt logic.
Bits 11 through 15 of the ITMR register can be selected for
triggering the IDLE Timer interrupt. Each time the selected
bit underflows (every 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k or 64k instruction
cycles), the IDLE Timer interrupt pending bit T0PND is set,
thus generating an interrupt (if enabled), and bit 6 of the Port
G data register is reset, thus causing an exit from the IDLE
mode if the device is in that mode.
In order for an interrupt to be generated, the IDLE Timer interrupt enable bit T0EN must be set, and the GIE (Global Interrupt Enable) bit must also be set. The T0PND flag and
T0EN bit are bits 5 and 4 of the ICNTRL register, respectively.The interrupt can be used for any purpose. Typically,it
is used to perform a task upon exit from the IDLE mode. For
more information on the IDLE mode, refer to the Power Save
Modes section.
The Idle Timer period is selected by bits 0–2 of the ITMR
register Bits 3–7 of the ITMR Register are reserved and
should not be used as software flags.
ITMR Register (Address X’0xCF)
Bit 7 Bit 0
TABLE 2. Idle Timer Window Length
ITSEL2 ITSEL1 ITSEL0 Idle Timer Period
(Instruction Cycles)
0 0 0 4,096
0 0 1 8,192
0 1 0 16,384
0 1 1 32,768
1 X X 65,536
The ITMR register is cleared on Reset and the Idle Timer period is reset to 4,096 instruction cycles.
Any time the IDLE Timer period is changed there is the possibility of generating a spurious IDLE Timer interrupt by setting the T0PND bit. The user is advised to disable IDLE
Timer interrupts prior to changing the value of the ITSEL bits
of the ITMR Register and then clear theT0PND bit before attempting to synchronize operation to the IDLE Timer.
The device has a set of three powerful timer/counter blocks,
T1 and T2. The associated features and functioning of a
timer block are described by referring to the timer block Tx.
Since the three timer blocks, T1 and T2 are identical, all
comments are equally applicable to either of the three timer
Each timer block consists of a 16-bit timer, Tx, and two supporting 16-bit autoreload/capture registers, RxA and RxB.
Each timer block has two pins associated with it, TxA and
FIGURE 8. Functional Block Diagram for Idle Timer T0