Select Code P
0 0000100S
C 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Ethernet
D 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Polynomial
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ethernet
F 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Residue
7 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 CRC-16
B 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 CRC-CCITT
3 1111100
2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 56th
4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Order
8 0011100
5 1111100
9 1111100
1 1111100
6 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 32nd
A 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Order
In addition to polynomial selection there are four other capabilities provided for in the ’F402 ROM. The first is set or
clear selectability. The sixteen internal registers have the
capability to be either set or cleared when P
is brought
LOW. This set or clear capability is done in four groups of 4
(see Table II, P
). The second ROM capability (C0)isin
determining the polarity of the check word. As is the case
with the Ethernet polynomial the check word can be inverted when it is appended to the data stream or as is the case
with the other polynomials, the residue is appended with no
inversion. Thirdly, the ROM contains a bit (C
) which is used
to select the RFB input instead of the SEI input to be fed
into the LSB. This is used when the polynomial selected is
actually a residue (least significant) stored in the ROM
which indicates whether the selected location is a polynomial or a residue. If the latter, then it inhibits the RFB input.
As mentioned previously, upon a successful data transmission, the CRC register has a zero residue. There is an exception to this, however, with respect to the Ethernet polynomial. This polynomial, upon a successful data transmission, has a non-zero residue in the CRC register (C7 04 DD
. In order to provide a no-error indication, two ROM
locations have been preloaded with the residue so that by
selecting these locations and clocking the device one additional time, after the last check bit has been entered, will
result in zeroing the CRC register. In this manner a no-error
indication is achieved.
With the present mix of polynomials, the largest is 56
der requiring four devices while the smallest is 16
requiring just one device. In order to accommodate multiplexing between high order polynomials (X 16
order) and
lower order polynomials, a location of all zeros is provided.
This allows the user to choose a lower order polynomial
even if the system is configured for a higher order one.
The ’F402 expandable CRC generator checker contains 6
popular CRC polynomials, 2-16
Order, 2-32ndOrder, 1-
Order and 1-56thOrder. The application diagram
shows the ’F402 connected for a 56
Order polynomial.
Also shown are the input patterns for other polynomials.
When the ’F402 is used with a gated clock, disabling the
clock in a HIGH state will ensure no erroneous clocking
occurs when the clock is re-enabled. Preset and Master Reset are asynchronous inputs presetting the register to S or
clearing to 1s respectively (note Ethernet residue and 56
Order select code 8, LSB, are exceptions to this).
To generate a CRC, the pattern for the selected polynomial
is applied to the S inputs, the register is preset or cleared as
required, clock is enabled, CWG is set HIGH, data is applied
to D input, output data is on D/CW. When the last data bit
has been entered, CWG is set LOW and the register is
clocked for n bits (where n is the order of the polynomial).
The clock may now be stopped if desired (holding CWG
LOW and clocking the register will output zeros from D/CW
after the residue has been shifted out).
To check a CRC, the pattern for the selected polynomial is
applied to the S inputs, the register is preset or cleared as
required, clock is enabled, CWG is set HIGH, the data
stream including the CRC is applied to D input. When the
last bit of the CRC has been entered, the ER
output is
checked: HIGH
error free data, LOWecorrupt data. The
clock may now be stopped if desired.
To implement polynomials of lower order than 56
, select
the number of packages required for the order of polynomial
and apply the pattern for the selected polynomial to the S
inputs (0000 on S inputs disables the package from the
feedback chain).