Novell, Inc., makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this documentation, and
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Further, Novell, Inc., reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to its content, at any time,
without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes.
Further, Novell, Inc., makes no representations or warranties with respec t to any sof tware, a nd sp ecific ally disc laims
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reserves the right to make changes to any and all parts of Novell software, at any time, without any obligation to
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Any products or technical information provided under this Agreement may be subject to U.S. export contr ols and the
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exporting Novell software. Novell assumes no responsibility for your failure to obtain any necessary export
This guide describes how to convert Novell Cluster Services cluster nodes and resources from
NetWare 6.5 Support Pack (SP) 8 (with the latest patches) to Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES)
2 SP3.
This guide includes the following sections:
Chapter 1, “Planning the Cluster Conversion,” on page 9
Chapter 2, “Planning the Conversion of Cluster Resources,” on page 15
Chapter 3, “Planning the Conversion of Load and Unload Scripts,” on page 19
Chapter 4, “Converting NetWare 6.5 Clusters to OES 2 Linux,” on page 27
Chapter 5, “Novell AFP,” on page 35
Chapter 6, “Apache Web Server,” on page 37
Chapter 7, “Novell Archive and Version Services,” on page 41
Chapter 8, “eDirectory Server Certificates,” on page 43
Chapter 9, “Novell CIFS,” on page 45
Chapter 10, “Novell Distributed File Services VLDB,” on page 47
Chapter 11, “DHCP Server,” on page 51
Chapter 12, “DNS Server,” on page 53
Chapter 13, “Novell iPrint,” on page 55
Chapter 14, “MySQL,” on page 61
Chapter 15, “QuickFinder Server,” on page 63
Chapter 16, “Novell Storage Services Pools,” on page 67
Appendix A, “Documentation Updates,” on page 69
This guide is intended for Novell Cluster Services administrators and other administrators that are
responsible for clustered services and data. It is assumed that readers of this guide have a basic
understanding of Novell Cluster Services and of the services and file systems that are being
We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this manual and the other documentation
included with this product. Please use the User Comments feature at the bottom of each page of the
online documentation, or go to and enter your
comments there.
Documentation Updates
For the most recent version of the OES 2 SP3: Novell Cluster Services Conversion Guide, visit the
OES 2 SP3 documentation Web site (
About This Guide7
Additional Documentation
For documentation on Novell Cluster Services and cluster resources management, see the OES 2
SP3 Clustering (High Availability) documentation Web site (
For information about managing a NetWare cluster, see the “Clustering NetWare Services” list on
the NetWare 6.5 SP8 Clustering (High Availability) documentation Web site (http://
Upgrading a NetWare 6.5 SP8 cluster to Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 SP3 Linux is a multiphase process referred to as a rolling cluster conversion. This approach lets you keep your cluster up
and running and lets your users continue to access cluster resources while the conversion is in
progress. During a rolling cluster conversion, one server is converted to OES 2 while the other
servers in the cluster continue running NetW are 6.5. Then another server can be converted to OES 2,
and then another , until a ll servers in the cluster have been converted. During the conversion, you can
also add OES 2 servers to the cluster, and remove NetWare 6.5 servers from the cluster.
Before you begin a conversion, make sure your system meets the requirements and caveats
described in this section. In addition, your OES 2 Linux nodes and network environment must meet
the cluster requirements as described in “Planning for Novell Cluster Services” in the OES 2 SP3 :
Novell Cluster Services 1.8.8 Administration Guide for Linux.
Section 1.1, “Supported Conversion Paths,” on page 9
Section 1.2, “Supported Mixed-Node Clusters,” on page 10
Section 1.3, “SBD Devices Must Be Marked as Shareable for Clustering ,” on pa ge 10
Section 1.4, “Syntax Translation Issues for Load and Unload Scripts,” on page 10
Section 1.5, “Case Sensitivity Issues,” on page 11
Section 1.6, “Adding a New NetWare Node to a Mixed-Node Cluster,” on page 11
Section 1.7, “Converting Multiple NetWare Cluster Nodes to OES 2 Linux,” on page 11
Section 1.8, “Converting Nodes that Contain the eDirectory Master Replica,” on page 12
Section 1.9, “Failing Over Service Cluster Resources on Mixed-Node Clusters,” on page 12
Section 1.10, “Failing Over Data Cluster Resources on Mixed-Node Clusters,” on page 12
Section 1.11, “Managing File Systems in Mixed-Node Clusters,” on page 12
Section 1.12, “Using Novell iManager in Mixed-Node Clusters,” on page 13
Section 1.13, “Using Novell Remote Manager Is Not Supported in Mixed-Node Clusters,” on
page 13
Section 1.14, “Using ConsoleOne Is Not Supported for Mixed-Node Clusters,” on page 13
Section 1.15, “Using the Monitoring Function in Mixed-Node Clusters Is Not Supported,” on
page 14
1.1 Supported Conversion Paths
The following conversion paths are supported from NetWare to OES 2 Linux:
From this NetWare platform
Interim platform upgrade for all
Before conversion to this platform
NetWare 6.5 SP8Latest patches appliedOES 2 SP3 Linux
NetWare 6.0Latest support packs and patches
OES 2 SP3 Linux
Planning the Cluster Conversion
From this NetWare platform
Interim platform upgrade for all
Before conversion to this platform
NetWare 5.1NetWare 6.5 SP8 with the latest
patches applied
Before converting NetWare 6.5 clusters or NetWare 6.0 clusters to OES 2 Linux, you must apply all
of the latest service packs and patches for that version. For information, see “Upgrading NetWare
Clusters” in the NW6.5 SP8: Novell Cluster Services 1.8.5 Administration Guide.
If you have a NetWare 5.1 cluster, you must upgrade all nodes to NetWare 6.5 (with the latest
service packs and patches) before you convert any nodes to OES 2 Linux or add OES 2 Linux nodes
to the cluster. For information, see “U pgrading NetWare Cluste rs” in the NW6.5 SP8: Novell Cluster
Services 1.8.5 Administration Guide.
OES 2 SP3 Linux
1.2 Supported Mixed-Node Clusters
During the conversion, the intermediate cluster is referred to as a mixed-node cluster because the
cluster contains both NetWare and Linux nodes. This is a temporary configuration that is supported
for the purpose of converting the cluster and is not supported as a long-term operational state of the
A mixed cluster made up of NetWare 6.5 nodes and OES 2 Linux nodes is supported for the purpose
of converting the cluster from NetWare 6.5 (with the latest support packs and patches) to OES 2 SP3
Linux or later.
A mixed cluster made up of NetWare 6.0 nodes and OES 2 Linux nodes is supported for the purpose
of converting the cluster from NetWare 6.0 (with the latest support packs and patches) to OES 2 SP3
Linux or later.
A mixed cluster made up of NetWare 6.0 nodes, NetWare 6.5 nodes, and OES 2 Linux nodes is not
1.3 SBD Devices Must Be Marked as Shareable
for Clustering
Novell Cluster Services for Linux requires that the devices used for the SBD partition be explicitly
marked as Shareable for Clustering. When converting a NetWare cluster, make sure that the SBD
device, or both devices for a mirrored SBD, are marked as Shareable for Clustering before you add
the first Linux node to the cluster.
1.4 Syntax Translation Issues for Load and
Unload Scripts
Executing a script that is valid for the NetWa re p lat form is not ne cessarily reco gnize d on the O ES 2
Linux platform. When cluster migrating a reso urce from a NetWare node to a OES 2 Linux node, the
resource’s Load sc ri pt and Unload script need to be translat ed i n-memory while t he cluster cont ains
mixed nodes. It is also translated in-memory when the cluster is finally converted from NetWare to
Linux. This translation is done by the Cluster Translation Library script (
IMPORTANT: If the commands in cluster resource’s load or unload scripts are not part of the
normal translation library, the cluster resource can end up in a comatose state.
Beginning in OES 2 SP2, Novell Cluster Services allows you to customize the translation syntax
that is used for load and unload scripts in mixed-node clusters by defining them in the
reads the additional translation syntax from the syntax file. For information, see Section 3.7,
“Customizing the Translation Syntax for Converting Load and Unload Scripts,” on page 25.
file that you create. The
1.5 Case Sensitivity Issues
When adding a Linux node to the existing NetWare cluster, there are two areas where case
sensitivity might be an issue:
Node name: After you install the Linux node into the NetWare cluster, the Linux node is
unable to join the cluster. T o resolve th is problem, edit the
file to modify the hostname of the node from lowercase (
characters (CLUSNODE1), reboot the server, then run the
This allows the cluster node to start and join the cluster.
NOTE: This case sensitivity issue has been resolved for OES 2 SP2 and later.
Cluster object name: The Cluster object name (such as
command displays the SBD name. If the case used when you enter the Cluster object name
and SBD name during the Linux cluster install do not match the case used in eDirectory, the
cluster install fails to detect the SBD partition.
) matches the case of the object name in eDirectory. Running the
) is also present on the SBD partition. The SBD name
rcnovell-ncs start
) to all uppercase
1.6 Adding a New NetWare Node to a MixedNode Cluster
You cannot add addi tional NetWare nodes to your cluster afte r adding a new Linux node o r changing
an existing NetW are cluster node to a Linux cluster node. If you want to add NetWare cluster nodes
after converting part of your cluster to Linux, you must first remove the Linux nodes from the
1.7 Converting Multiple NetWare Cluster Nodes
to OES 2 Linux
If you attempt to concurrently convert multiple NetWare cluster servers to OES 2 Linux, we strongly
recommend that you use the old NetWare node IP addresses for your Linux cluster servers. You
should record the NetWare node IP addresses before converting them to Linux.
If you must assign new node IP addresses, we recommend that you only convert one node at a time.
Planning the Cluster Conversion11
If new cluster node IP addresses are required and new server hardware is being used, another option
is to shut down the NetWare nodes that are to be removed and then add the new Linux cluster nodes.
After adding the new Linux cluster node s, you can remove th e NetWare clu ster node-re lated ob jects
as described in Step 5 of Section 4.1, “Converting NetWare Cluster N od es t o OES 2 Lin ux (Ro lli ng
Cluster Conversion),” on page 27.
IMPORTANT: Failure to follow these recommendations might result in NetWare server abends
and Linux server restarts.
1.8 Converting Nodes that Contain the
eDirectory Master Replica
When converting NetWare cluster servers to Linux, do not convert the server that has the master
eDirectory replica first. If the server with the eDirect ory master replica is a cluster node, convert it at
the end of the rolling cluster conversion.
1.9 Failing Over Service Cluster Resources on
Mixed-Node Clusters
For service cluster resources, the intention is to have a one-time cluster migration of the service
from NetWare to OES 2 Linux. After you cluster migrate the resource to an OES 2 Linux node, the
relocated resource should be cluster migrated only be tween nodes running the OES 2 Linux
1.10 Failing Over Data Cluster Resources on
Mixed-Node Clusters
Pool cluster resources that were created on NetWare cluster nodes and migrated or failed over to
Linux cluster nodes can be migrated or failed back to NetWare cluster nodes.
Cluster resources that were created on Linux cluster nodes cannot be migrated or failed over to
NetWare cluster nodes.
If you cluster migrate an NSS pool from a NetWare cluster server to a Linux cluster server, it could
take several minutes for volume trustee assign ments to sync hronize after the mig ration. User s might
have limited access to the migrated volumes until after the synchronization process is complete.
1.11 Managing File Systems in Mixed-Node
In a mixed cluster of NetWare and OES 2 Linux nodes, Linux POSIX file systems as cluster
resources cannot be created until the entire c luster had been su ccessfully converted to OES 2 Linux.
Linux POSIX file systems as cluster resources cannot be migrated or fai led over to NetWare c luster
Only NSS pool cluster resources that are created on a NetWare cluster node can be failed over
between Linux and NetWare nodes of a mixed-node cluster.
NetW are-to-Linux failover of NSS pool cluster resources requires that the Linux node be configured
for NSS and that the version of NSS supports the NSS media format and features that are currently
being used by the NSS pool cluster resource on NetWare.
No storage management functions should be executed in a mixed-node cluster unless you are
performing documented steps for the conversion. That is, do not create, delete, expand, o r modify
the properties for partitions, pools, or volumes for shared resources in the cluster unless the
conversion instructions specifically guide you to do so.
WARNING: Attempting to reconfigure shared storage in a mixed cluster can cause data loss.
If you need to configure (or reconfigure) existing shared NSS pools and volumes in a mixed-node
cluster, you must temporarily bring down all Linux cluster nodes prior to making changes, then
make the configuration changes on a NetWare node. Make sure the resources are working properly
on NetWare before having the Linux cluster nodes rejoin the cluster.
1.12 Using Novell iManager in Mixed-Node
Use Novell iManager 2.7.2 or later for all cluster administrati on in the mixed-node cluster. Using the
Clusters plug-in to iManager is required to manage the cluster after the first OES 2 Linux node is
added to the cluster.
The display of node IDs from the NetWare master node might be incomplete if you use other tools
like ConsoleOne and Novell Remote Manager in a mixe d-node cluster. However, you can use
on any cluster node to get the node IDs.
cat /
1.13 Using Novell Remote Manager Is Not
Supported in Mixed-Node Clusters
Do not use Novell Remote Manager when managing mixe d-no de clu s ters. N ovell Remote Manager
is not supported for cluster management on OES 2 Linu x.
Because different time formats are used in the NCS Event log for NetWare and Linux, Novell
Remote Manager might have difficulty displaying the time of logged events. To avoid this problem
in a mixed-node cluster, use iManager to access the NCS Event log.
To reduce any confusion you might have when using Novell Remote Manager, you can unload
in Novell Remote Manager.
and delete its references in
. This removes the Cluster tab
1.14 Using ConsoleOne Is Not Supported for
Mixed-Node Clusters
Do not use ConsoleOne when managing mixed-node clusters. ConsoleOne is not supported for
cluster management on OES 2 Linux.
Planning the Cluster Conversion13
1.15 Using the Monitoring Function in MixedNode Clusters Is Not Supported
In mixed-node clusters, the Monitor function in Novell Cluster Services for Linux is not available.
You cannot enable the Monitor function or modify the Monitor script for cluster resources on the
Linux nodes until the conversion is finalized and all nodes in the cluster are running OES 2 Linux.
Then the monitor scripts are created automatically for each of the converted cluster resources.
In addition to changing the operating system, the software and file systems for various clustered
services must also be considered in your conversion from NetWare 6.5 to Novell Open Enterprise
Server (OES) 2. This section provides an overview of the NetWare 6.5 services and their
counterparts in OES 2 SP3. Before you begin a conversion, make sure your system meets the
general requirements and caveats described in this section.
Converting cluster resources for OES 2 services from NetWare to Linux might require more than a
simple cluster migration from a NetWare node to a Linux node. For example, the service might
require that you use Migration Tool to convert the service to Linux. Some services require postconversion configuration to finalize the conversion. A few services on NetWare are not available on
OES 2 Linux, so you must use the standard Linux service instead.
See Table 2-1 for information about converting cluster resources for NetWare 6.5 SP8 services:
Table 2-1 Guidelines for Converting Service Cluster Resources from NetWare to Linux
Service on NetWare 6.5
Apache Web ServerYesSee Chapter 6, “Apache Web Server,” on page 37.
Cluster Migrate the
Converting the Service to OES 2 Linux
Apple Filing Protocol
Archive and Version
(Windows File
(Distributed File
Services volume
location database)
DHCP ServerYesSee Chapter 11, “DHCP Server,” on page 51.
DNS ServerYesSee Chapter 12, “DNS Server,” on page 53 .
eDirectoryNot clustered, but
See Section 1.8, “Converting Nodes that Contain the
eDirectory Master Replica,” on page 12.
Planning the Conversion of Cluster Resources
Service on NetWare 6.5
Cluster Migrate the
Converting the Service to OES 2 Linux
eDirectory Certificate
Not clustered, but
requires special
The Certificate Authority (CA) service is not clusterenabled for NetWare or OES 2 Linux. There are no
cluster-specific tasks for the CA itself.
The Server Certificate service issues Server
Certificate objects that might need to reside on each
node in a cluster, depending on the service that is
clustered. NetWare and Linux generate certificates
differently, so the NetWare server’s certificate is not
reused for the OES 2 Linux server.
See Chapter 8, “eDirectory Server Certificates,” on
page 43.
exteNd Application
Server and MySQL
Not applicableThe exteNd Application Server was discontinued as
an install option for NetWare 6.5 SP3. It is not
available for Linux.
See also MySQL in this table.
FTPNoUse the Pure-FTPd service for Linux.
For information, see “Novell FTP (Pure-FTPd) and
OES 2” in the OES 2 SP3: Planning and
Implementation Guide.
iFolderNo, but you can
migrate the settings
Novell iFolder 2.1x is not available on OES 2 Linux.
You must use Novell iFolder 3.x.
and data
After you add a Novell iFolder 3.x server to the
NetWare cluster and before you finalize the cluster
conversion, use iFolder migration procedures to
migrate the iFolder 2.1x server configuration and user
data from the source NetWare node to the target
Linux node. For information, see “Migrating iFolder
Services” in the Novell iFolder 3.8.4 Administration
iPrintYesSee Chapter 13, “Novell iPrint,” on page 55.
MySQLNoUse the MySQL 5.0.x software on OES2 Linux that is
NetStorageNot testedClustering the NetStorage service is supported for
offered under the GPL.
See Chapter 14, “MySQL,” on page 61.
OES 2 SP1 Linux and later.
For information, see “Configuring NetStorage with
Novell Cluster Services” in the OES 2 SP3:
NetStorage Administration Guide.
Service on NetWare 6.5
Cluster Migrate the
Converting the Service to OES 2 Linux
QuickFinder (Server
No, but you can
migrate the settings
and data
You must create a new cluster resource. QuickFinder
5.0.x is supported only on OES 2 Linux. NetWare
uses QuickFinder 4.2.0. QuickFinder does not support
any automated procedure or scripts for a rolling
upgrade from Netware to Linux.
Instead of converting the resource, you can migrate
the settings from NetWare after you set up a
QuickFinder resource on Linux.
See Chapter 15, “QuickFinder Server,” on page 63.
NSS pools and
YesSee Chapter 16, “Novell Storage Services Pools,” on
page 67.
TomcatNoUse the standard Tomcat service for Linux.
Planning the Conversion of Load
and Unload Scripts
You can use a rolling cluster conversion to convert a Nove ll Clu ster Service s cluste r fro m Ne tWare
6.5 SP8 to Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) 2 SP3 Linux. This section describes how to prepare
for and perform the conversion, and how to manage the temporarily mixed cluster during the
Section 3.1, “T ran s la tio n o f Clust er Reso urce Scrip ts for Mi xed Ne tWare an d Li nu x Cl ust ers,”
on page 19
Section 3.2, “Comparing Script Length Limits for NetWare and Linux,” on page 20
Section 3.3, “Comparing Script Commands for NetWare and Linux,” on page 20
Section 3.4, “Comparing Master IP Address Scripts,” on page 21
Section 3.5, “Comparing NSS Pool Resource Scripts,” on page 22
Section 3.6, “Comparing File Access Protocol Resource Script Commands,” on page 23
Section 3.7, “Customizing the Translation Syntax for Converting Load and Unload Scripts,” on
page 25
Section 3.8, “Adding Monitoring Scripts on Linux,” on page 26
3.1 Translation of Cluster Resource Scripts for
Mixed NetW are and Linux Clusters
Novell Cluster Services includes specialized script translation functionality, called the Cluster
Translation Library script (
servers coexist in the same cluster. It provides an automatic translation of the Master IP Address
resource and cluster-enabled NSS pool resource load and unload scripts from NetWare to Linux.
This functionality is also beneficial as you migrate NetWare cluster servers to Linux.
The Cluster Translation Library reads the NetWare load and unload scripts from eDirectory,
converts them, and writes them as Linux load and unload scri pt files. The Linux load and unload
script files are then searched for NetWare-specific command strings, and the command strings are
then either deleted or replaced with Linux-specific command strings. Separate Linux-specific
commands are also added, and the order of certain lines in the scripts is also changed to function
with Linux.
The Linux load and unload scripts are stored in files on Linux cluster servers, instead of being stored
in eDirectory like the NetWare scripts. The cluster resource name is used in the load and unload
script filenames. The path to the files is
IMPORTANT: Use the Properties > Scripts page in the Clusters plug-in in iManager whenever
you make manual changes to the load and unload scripts. The changes are automatically saved to the
), to help NetWare and Linux
Planning the Conversion of Load and Unload Scripts
The normal translations performed by the Cluster Translation Library are described in the following
Section 3.3, “Comparing Script Commands for NetWare and Linux,” on page 20
Section 3.4, “Comparing Master IP Address Scripts,” on page 21
Section 3.5, “Comparing NSS Pool Resource Scripts,” on page 22
Section 3.6, “Comparing File Access Protocol Resource Script Commands,” on page 23
IMPORTANT: If the commands in cluster resource’s load or unload scripts are not part of the
translation library, the cluster resource can end up in a comatose state.
Beginning in OES 2 SP2, Novell Cluster Services allows you to customize the translation syntax
that us used for load and unload scripts in mixed-platform situations by defining new syntax
translations to be used in addition to the normal translations. For information, see Section 3.7,
“Customizing the Translation Syntax for Converting Load and Unload Scripts,” on page 25.
3.2 Comparing Script Length Limits for NetWare
and Linux
Scripts have different size limits on NetWare and OES 2 Linux. In a mixed-node cluster, the scripts
for NetWare resources that are cluster migrated to OES 2 Linux nodes are restricted to the NetWare
script-size limits until the final
cluster convert
command is issued.
The maximum supported lengths for cluster scripts’ content are as follows:
OES 2 Linux Resources
and Converted NetWare
Resources After the Final
In cases where a Linux converted script exceeds the imposed NetWare script size limit, it is best to
avoid bringing the resource online on OES 2 Linux nodes until the final cluster convert command
has been run.
IMPORTANT: Because the Linux script for GroupWise exceeds the NetWare script limit, we
recommend that you do not online GroupWise resources in while running in mixed-node clusters.
3.3 Comparing Script Commands for NetWare
and Linux
Table 3-1 identifies some of the NetWare cluster load and unload script commands that the Cluster
Translation Library script searches for and the Linux commands that it replaces them with (unless
the commands are deleted).
This section provides examples of the NSS pool resource unload scripts on NetWare and Linux.
“NetWare” on page 23
“Linux” on page 23
del secondary ipaddress
nss /pooldeactivate=HOMES_POOL /overridetype=question