Novation Zero SL Mk II User Manual

Rev- 01


IntRoDUCtIon .................................................................................. 5
HARDWARE oVERWIEW ...................................................................... 6
ASSIGN ABLE CONT ROLS .................................................................6
NON-ASSIGNABLE CONTROLS .........................................................7
REAR PANEL CONNECT IONS ............................................................8
POW ER-UP CALIBRATION .................................................................8
ZERo SL MkII SEtUP EX AMPLES ........................................................ 9
SOFTWARE CONTROL ......................................................................9
HARDWARE CON TROL .....................................................................9
ZERO SL MKII AS MIDI INTERFACE .................................................. 9
AUtoMAP MoDE .............................................................................. 11
SELECTING AUTOMAP MODE ......................................................... 11
AUTOMAP MODE - SYST EM BUTT ONS ........................................... 11
AUTOMAP TEMPLATE OVERVIEW ................................................... 12
SPEED DIAL .................................................................................. 12
PORTS .......................................................................................... 13
SOF TWARE SET-UP EX A MPLES ...................................................... 14
AUTOMAP FOR HA RDWARE CON TROL ........................................... 15
ADVAnCED MoDE ............................................................................ 16
SELECTING TEMPLATES ................................................................. 16
ADVANCED MODE TEMPL ATE OVERVIEW ........................................ 17
SPEED DIAL .................................................................................. 17
HARDWARE CON TROL ................................................................... 18
SOF TWARE & HARDWARE CONTROL .............................................. 18
SPECI AL TEMPL ATES FOR ABL ET ON LIVE & RE ASON ...................... 19
MEnU oVERVIEW ............................................................................. 20
NAVIGATING THE MENUS ...............................................................20
SAVING/ WRI TING CHANGES ...........................................................20
SELEC TING ...................................................................................20
HIERARCH Y OF SETT INGS ..............................................................20
QUICk MEnU .................................................................................... 21
BANK & P ROGRAM CHANGE OU TPUT ............................................21
PROGRAM CHANNEL .....................................................................21
DRUM PADS TRANSPOSE ..............................................................21
TEMPO SETT INGS ......................................................................... 21
EDIt MEnU BUt ton ......................................................................... 22
tEMPL AtE EDIt MEnU ...................................................................... 22
POT PICK-UP .................................................................................22
TEMPLATE ROUTING SUB MENU ....................................................22
PROGRAM CHANNEL & POR T ....................................................22
COMMON CHANNEL & PORT ....................................................22
TEMPLATE GROUPING SUB MENU ..................................................23
CONTROL EDIT OVERVIE W .............................................................23
GLoBA L MEnU BUt ton ................................................................... 24
oPtIonS SUB MEnU ........................................................................ 24
MEMORY P ROTECT .......................................................................24
POT PICK-UP .................................................................................24
DISPL AY TIME ...............................................................................24
KEEP VALUES ................................................................................ 24
TOUCH SELEC T .............................................................................24
TRA NSPORT .................................................................................24
CONTROL PEDAL ........................................................................... 24
StARt-UP SUB MEnU ....................................................................... 25
START UP MODE ...........................................................................25
AUTOMATIC DEMONSTRATION .......................................................25
RoUtInG SUB MEnU ........................................................................ 25
USB1 TO .......................................................................................25
MIDI IN TO .....................................................................................25
MIDI CLOCK SETT INGS ...................................................................25
PROGRAM CHANGE INPUT CHANNEL & PORT .................................26
SEnD & RECEIV E SUB MEnU ............................................................ 26
TEMPLATE DUMP ..........................................................................26
SEND GLOBAL S ............................................................................26
OS RECEIVE & SEND ......................................................................26
DRUMPADS CALIBRATION ..............................................................26
WRItInG GLoBAL SEttInGS ............................................................. 27
tRAnSPoRt ..................................................................................... 27
CREAtInG & EDItInG ADVAnCED MoDE tEMPLAtES ........................ 28
MIDI MESSAGE ASSIGNMENT TABLE ..............................................28
ContRoL CHAnGE (CC ) ................................................................... 28
DISPL AY TY PE ...............................................................................28
ADDItIonAL oPtIonS foR EnCoDERS onLy .............................. 29
REL 1 & 2 .....................................................................................29
14-BIT 0-16K .................................................................................29
APOT ............................................................................................29
CONTROL L ABEL ...........................................................................29
VALUE R ANGE ...............................................................................29
ADDItIonAL oPtIonS foR BUttonS onLy ................................ 30
DISPL AY TY PE ...............................................................................30
BUT TON TY PE:..............................................................................30
NORMAL .......................................................................................30
M O M E N TA R Y ................................................................................30
TOGGLE ........................................................................................30
STEP ............................................................................................30
GEnERA L ContRoL EDIt SEt tInGS ................................................. 30
CONTROL EDIT POR T & CHA NNEL SE T TINGS ..................................30
CC NUM ........................................................................................31
CONTROL EDIT PO T PICK-UP MODE ................................................ 31
non-REGIStERED PARAMEtER nUMBER (nRPn ) .............................. 31
REGIStERED PAR AMEtER nUMBER ( RPn) ........................................ 31
SyStEM EXCLUSIVE ( SySEX) ........................................................... 32
MIDI MACHInE ContRoL ( MMC) ....................................................... 32
notE on / off ................................................................................. 33
BAnk CHAnGE ................................................................................. 33
PRoGRAM CHAnGE .......................................................................... 33
DRUM PAD notE ............................................................................. 34
SyStEM REAL tIME ......................................................................... 34
tEMPL AtE CHAnGE MESSAGE ......................................................... 34


Welcome to the ZeRO SL MkII Guide.
This guide will introduce you to the ZeRO SL MkII hardware and give you information on choosing how best to use the ZeRO SL MkII for your sof tware and / or hardware studio set-up, take you through the ZeRO SL MkIIs Menu system and give detailed information on creating your own templates.
There is a separate User Guide for the Automap Software which is included on installation CD or can be downloaded from our website:
Automap sof tware is a new and exciting way to control your favourite music software applications. It operates the same way for all Novation Automap hardware (Products) so if you are using the ZeRO SL MkII for Automap control of software then you should only need to read the first few chapters of this guide to familiarise yourself with the hardware.
Detailed information on installing, setting up, and operating Automap software can be found in the Automap User Guide.
Instructions on setting up your DAW software for use with Automap is found in the Automap software itself by clicking the DAW set-up guide button for detailed instructions.
For additional information, up to date support articles and a form to contact our Technical Support Team please visit the Novation Answerbase at:



These are controls that can be assigned to parameters of the software or hardware you are controlling:
1) 8 touch sensitive endless rotary encoders with LED rings: These controls have no end points, so offer full 360˚ of movement. These controls offer speed dependent variable resolution, so moving the encoder slowly gives finer resolution than moving the encoder quickly.
2) 8 touch sensitive pots: These controls have fixed end points and offer 300˚ of movement.
3) 8 touch sensitive 60mm sliders.
4) 1 touch sensitive 45mm Horizontal / Cross Fader
All touch sensitive controls are responsive to contact with skin, so simply touching any of the above controls will highlight the parameter name and value on the LCD screen.
5) 32 buttons: All buttons are back-lit with LEDs.
6) 6 Transport buttons: 6 of the 32 assignable buttons can be switched to function as dedicated transport buttons.
7) 8 velocit y-sensitive drum trigger pads.


They have fixed functions, as follows:
9) 144 character LCD display: Displays the names and values of each row of assignable controls from both the left and right side of the ZeRO SL MkII
10) Automap Buttons: These 6 buttons are used for Automap Software navigation and control.
11) Preview Button: Press and hold this but ton and touch any control on the Zero SL MkII to preview the whole row’s parameter information on the LCD.
12) Page Up / Down Buttons: Use these to scroll through pages of options when in a menu or through pages of additional control information when in an Advanced template. These buttons have different specific functions when in certain Advanced templates and when using Automap.
13) Mode and System Buttons (Automap, Quick, Edit, Global, Write, Transport): Use these to access the different modes and menus of the ZeRO SL MkII.
14) Speed Dial /Template/Preset knob: The Speed Dial function acts as a way of controlling the computers mouse using the ZeRO SL MkII hardware. When this button is pressed down it acts as a template selector (when in Advanced mode) and as a preset selector (Automap mode).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1) Power in socket: Use to connect a 9volt DC 600-1000mAmp Centre Pin positive PSU. The power supply is available from the online store:
2) Power switch: Use to switch the ZeRO SL MkII to external power, USB power, or off.
3) USB in socket: Use to connect the ZeRO SL MkII to your computer with the included USB cable.
4) Control pedal socket: Use to connect a control pedal. Any polarity pedal can be used.
5) Expression pedal Socket: Use to connect an expression pedal. Note that a 3 pin jack connector must be used.
6) MIDI port 2 out socket: Use to connect the ZeRO SL MkII to the MIDI input of an external device using a 5pin DIN MIDI cable.
7) MIDI port 1 Through socket: Use to connect the ZeRO SL MkII to the MIDI input of an external device using a 5pin DIN MIDI cable. MIDI Through is a copy of MIDI received from the MIDI In socket. Note: No MIDI from the ZeRO SL MkII or computer can ever be sent to the MIDI Through socket. It is simply a way to forward MIDI from another device through the ZeRO SL MkII to elsewhere.
8) MIDI port 1 Out socket: Use to connect the ZeRO SL MkII to the MIDI input of an external device using a 5pin DIN MIDI cable.
9) MIDI port 1 In socket: Use to connect the ZeRO SL MkII to the MIDI output of an external device using a 5pin DIN MIDI cable.


The ZeRO SL MkII self calibrates all touch sensitive controls when it powers up. Therefore you should not touch any control during the boot up process.


Control information
Feedback - LCD Screen/LED Rings
PSU (optional)
Control information
Feedback - LCD Screen/LED Rings
The ZeRO SL MkII can be used for controlling both computer music sof tware and external hardware:

Soft WARE ContRoL

To use the ZeRO SL MkII to control your music sof tware, connect the ZeRO SL MkII to your computer with the supplied USB cable.


To use the ZeRO SL MkII with your MIDI hardware, you will need to power the ZeRO SL MkII with a 9 volt 1000mAmp DC PSU - center pin positive (not supplied).
Connect a MIDI Cable (5pin DIN) from the ZeRO SL MkII MIDI Out 1 port to the MIDI In port on your hardware.


Using the ZeRO SL MkII with Ex ternal Hardware AND a Host Computer
You can also combine the two above set-ups so that the ZeRO SL MkII is used as a sof tware controller and hardware controller - transmitting MIDI data to and from computer and MIDI hardware. This will allow you to record MIDI data to your software DAW or Sequencer, and the ZeRO SL MkII will then transmit this data to your hardware. For detailed information on using the ZeRO SL MkII as a MIDI interface please see the routing section in the global menu.


Automap Mode Advanced Mode
The SLMkII has two main Modes of operation: ‘Automap Mode’ and ‘Advanced Mode’. These are both accessed via the main ‘Automap’ button.
Advanced Mode (Led off)
If you are going to use your ZeRO SL MkII without a computer then you must use ‘Advanced mode’. In fact, if you will only ever use your ZeRO SL MkII in this way you can go straight to the Advanced Mode chapter of this user guide.
Automap Mode (Led On)
If you are going to use your ZeRO SL MkII with a computer, then you will most likely be using ‘Automap Mode’. To use Automap mode you will need to connect the ZeRO SL MkII to a computer via USB and install Automap from the CD contained within the product Box or by downloading the installer from the website. The Automap Server Application must also be running for Automap to work.
The Automap Server is a unique software program written by Novation that allows dynamic communication between the ZeRO SL MkII and any computer running music software and plug-ins (AU, VST, RTAS and TDM).
Easy Switching between the two modes
It is very quick and easy to switch between Advance mode and Automap Mode. This way, both modes can actually be used at the same time once you become more familiar with the product.
Advantages and Disadvantages to both modes
Both Advanced Mode and Automap Mode can be used for controlling hardware and software via standard MIDI messages.
Automap MIDI: MIDI message t ypes available are: MIDI CC, NOTE. MIDI messages are limited to 1 MIDI channel per map. MIDI message are limited to 1 port Simpler Editing and assignment Elegant Graphic display (HUD) and dynamic feedback
Advanced Mode: MIDI message t ypes available are: CC, 14bit CC, SYSEX, RPN, NRPN, MMC NOTE. MIDI messages can be output to different MIDI channels from the same template. MIDI messages can be output to different ports from the same template. Does not require Automap Server to be running. Does not require and connection to computer. Limited to the number of template slots on the ZeRO SL MkII. Does not include any ‘Learn’ functionality. More complex editing must be done using the ZeRO SL MkII hardware.


Full instructions on how to use Automap Sof tware have been omitted from this user guide. The Automap software is the same for all Automap Hardware, so please refer to the Automap User Guide, This guide can be found on this CD or downloaded from the website.
Both the latest software and user guides can be downloaded at the following link:


To use the SL Mk II in Automap Mode, press the automap button so that it is lit.

AUtoMAP MoDE - SySt EM BUt tonS

The Automap system buttons are important when in Automap mode and are used for navigation, assigning and browsing the Automap HUD (heads up display)
view• – opens or hides the Automap HUD window learn• - used for assigning and mapping parameters to ZeRO SL MkII controls. Group buttons - • user, fx, inst and mixer allow the user to browse and load up the corresponding mappings.
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