NORTH AMERICAN DRÄGER Two Steps forward in Ventilation Brochures

Two Steps forward in Ventilation
Ernst Bahns
Bahns · BIPAP Ventilation
Important Note: Medical knowledge changes constantly as a result of new research and clinical experience. The author of this introductory guide has made every effort to ensure that the information given is completely up to date, particularly as regards applications and mode of operation. However, responsibility for all clinical measures must remain with the reader.
Author’s address: Dr. Ernst Bahns, Drägerwerk Aktiengesellschaft, Moislinger Allee 53/55, 23542 Lübeck.
All rights, in particular those of duplication and distribution, are reserved by Drägerwerk AG. No part of this work may be reproduced or stored in any form using mechanical, electronic or photographic means, without the written permission of Drägerwerk AG.
BIPAP – Two Steps Forward in Intensive-Care Ventilation
An introductory guide to Evita ventilation
Modern ventilators enable therapy to be specifically directed at a wide range of respiratory disorders and can do far more than just maintain vital functions. The continued development of pneumatics and electronics and, above all, of computer technology means that today selective measures can be taken to manage problems with the control and mechanics of ventilation and with gas exchange.
Because there has been so much technical development, it is extremely difficult to keep track of all the therapeutic measures available. For instance, there are now more than a dozen different ventilation modes. The accompanying expansion in the number of terms used has tended to create confusion rather than clarity. It is, therefore, essential to ask the question:
Do we really need yet another new ventilation mode?
The answer can only be »yes«, provided that an attempt is also made to tackle some of the confusion. Complexity could be reduc­ed, if it is possible to use the same mode from the beginning of ventilation through to weaning.
The success of ventilation therapy depends on several factors. It is an important factor that ventilation is provided with minimum inter­vention at the right time and with the right intensity. Ventilation therapy should adapt to the changing needs of the patient. Ideally, such a »universal ventilation mode« would accompany the patient throughout ventilation therapy.
This introductory guide covers two basic aspects of modern inten­sive-care ventilation. It describes new approaches for hospital staff and presents new information on the effect on patients. Wherever possible the guide avoids the use of abbreviations and technical terms.
One of the main principles in the design of Evita was to simplify ventilation. Following the same principle, this introductory guide aims to make ventilation easier to understand and easier to use.
The BIPAP1)(Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure) ventilation mode is a modern ventilation method which has been an important fea­ture of the Evita ventilator since it was first introduced. This guide is designed to make the subject easy to understand.
Research which has been published in medical literature on the theory and clinical applications of BIPAP ventilation is summarized in simplified form in this introductory guide to assist busy clinical staff.
Since both the theory and the practice have developed from well­known principles, BIPAP does not demand that users think along entirely new lines. All that is required is an interest in new ideas.
The introductory guide is divided into four sections, as follows:
1. Description of BIPAP:
This section gives a brief outline of how BIPAP was developed and how it is classified according to performance.
2. BIPAP and conventional ventilation:
This section compares BIPAP with standard mandatory ventilation and spontaneous breathing.
3. Setting BIPAP:
This section describes how BIPAP operates in the Evita 1 ven­tilator and how this has been simplified for the Evita 2 ventilator.
4. Using BIPAP:
This section deals with intensive-care ventilation using BIPAP, gives instructions for weaning and discusses special applications.
A bibliography is provided at the end of the guide.
1) Trademark under license
Fig.1: Aims and structure of the BIPAP booklet.
Four sections are divided into sub-sections. Each sub-section deals with a separate topic on two pages with text and figures.
Introduction to BIPAP
BIPAP and conventional ventilation
BIPAP operation
Ventilating and weaning with BIPAP
To the patient with regard to therapy
To the staff with regard to handling
BIPAP definition
BIPAP in brief
BIPAP ventilation ranges across the whole spectrum from purely mechanical ventilation to purely spontaneous breathing. This range can cover the entire course of therapy from intubation to the com­pletion of weaning. For this reason BIPAP has come to be known as a »universal ventilation mode«.
In contrast to conventional ventilation, BIPAP does not feature separate modes for controlled ventilation and spontaneous breath­ing, but merely variations of the same ventilation mode. The boundaries between the variations are completely flexible as they are defined primarily by the patient's ability to breathe spontaneously.
The diagram in Figure 2 shows that the lung being ventilated with BIPAP can be thought of as a balloon with two forces acting on it. The positive pressure generated by the ventilator, combined with the negative pressure produced by the inspiratory muscles, pro­duce a flow. In BIPAP ventilation these two forces never oppose one another.
BIPAP's broad spectrum gives staff more freedom and flexibility for ventilation therapy.
Fig.2: Mechanical model of the lungs illustrating BIPAP ventila-
Ventilation of the lungs involves two forces. The ventilator gene­rates a positive pressure whilst the inspiratory muscles produce a negative pressure. The two forces combine to produce a change of volume in the lungs.
BIPAP definition
Respiratory muscles (breath)
Ventilator (pressure)
BIPAP definition
A story in brief: The origins of BIPAP
BIPAP was first described in a study published in 1985 by a group led by M. Baum and H. Benzer and it was incorporated in the Evita ventilator in the same year. Earlier studies conducted by Downs et al. used the term APRV (Airway Pressure Release Ventilation) [7] to describe a method of ventilation which used the same mechanical principle as BIPAP, but started from a different premise.
The authors describe BIPAP as pressure-controlled ventilation with freedom of respiration and spontaneous breathing on two CPAP levels. Figure 3 is from the study published by Baum et al. [1].
The workgroup of Baum represented a new approach to ven­tilation techniques. Before 1989, though ventilation modes employed a mixture of mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing (augmented ventilation), they were all based on the same principle for maintaining minimum ventilation, namely mechan­ical breaths alternating with spontaneous breaths.
The clinical problems which arose from alternating between mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing were the start­ing point for the development of BIPAP: patients often failed to accept the enforced respiratory rate or the interruption of their spontaneous breathing by the mandatory breaths.
Baum and Benzer realized that BIPAP was particularly important from the clinical point of view because ventilation was accurately matched to the patient's spontaneous breathing and because it was straightforward to use. These advantages were thought to be particularly significant for weaning, because there was no alter­nation between pure mechanical ventilation and augmented ven­tilation. Decisions about when to start the weaning process become totally unnecessary – with the new BIPAP mode weaning is possible right from the start.
Fig.3: Schematic view of BIPAP principles.
The figure shows the principle of mixed mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing. In contrast to conventional ventilation, mechanical and spontaneous breathing occur at the same time in BIPAP.
BIPAP definition
Spontaneous breathing
BIPAP definition
Simply a matter of form: A versatile ventilation mode
BIPAP can take many forms depending on how it is being used. On the one hand, it can provide pressure-controlled ventilation in a system which always permits unrestricted spontaneous breathing but it can also be viewed as a CPAP system with time-cycled changes between different CPAP levels.
Basically there are two processes involved when ventilating the lungs with BIPAP as shown in Figure 2. The flow is generated in two ways – firstly, mechanically by alternating between two pres­sure levels and, secondly, by the action of the inspiratory muscles. The relative contribution made by these two processes governs the form of BIPAP. The graph in Figure 4 is taken from a paper by Hörmann et al. [5]. It describes the BIPAP spectrum in conven­tional ventilation terminology and classifies the various forms according to the proportion of mechanical ventilation involved.
1. IPPV-BIPAP with no spontaneous activity on the part of the patient. Ventilation is pressure-controlled and time-cycled. All ventilation activity is carried out by the ventilator.
2. SIMV-BIPAP with spontaneous breathing on the lower pressure level only. Increased pressure at the upper level delivers a machine-generated flow.
3. »Genuine« BIPAP: Here, the patient breathes spontaneously at both the upper and the lower pressure levels. Mechanical ventilation is superimposed on the spontaneous breathing as a result of step changes in pressure, but spontaneous breathing is not impeded.
4. BIPAP after the two pressure levels become the same (CPAP). Spontaneous breathing is continuous. The patient takes over the total ventilation.
The next section describes BIPAP ventilation in two ways: firstly compared to conventional controlled ventilation and then in con­junction with supported spontaneous breathing.
Fig.4: BIPAP forms described in conventional ventilation
The various forms of BIPAP are classified according to the respective proportions of mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing. IPPV-BIPAP: no spontaneous breathing; SIMV-BIPAP: spontaneous breathing only at lower pressure level; »genuine« BIPAP: continuous spontaneous breathing at two pressure levels; CPAP: continuous spontaneous breathing, both pressure levels are equal.
BIPAP definition
»genuine« BIPAP
Mechanical ventilation
Spontaneous breathing
BIPAP and conventional ventilation
A need for order: Conventional variety of definitions
BIPAP is a single ventilation mode which covers the entire spec­trum from mechanical ventilation to spontaneous breathing. Con­ventional ventilation has a variety of ventilation modes, each of which covers a specific range of applications.
Conventional ventilation is divided into three categories with differ­ent modes depending on the relative proportion of mechanical ventilation. Figure 5 shows these categories.
In controlled ventilation all the work is performed by the ventilator. With pure controlled ventilation, the interval between mandatory breaths is completely independent of the patient.
Augmented ventilation involves contributions by both the machine and the patient and thus represents a mixed mode of mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing. Conventional augmented ventilation has two varieties: intermittent and pressure-supported ventilation.
In intermittent ventilation, mechanical breaths alternate with spon­taneous breaths and the frequency and duration of these breaths can be selected by clinical staff. In pressure-supported ventilation, on the other hand, the frequency and duration of mechanical sup­port depends on the patient and only the intensity of the machine support is set.
It is clear, therefore, that conventional ventilation has two important characteristics which distinguish it from BIPAP. Firstly, it usually involves alternating between various modes during therapy and, secondly, there are two different modes of augmented ventilation, not just one.
Fig.5: The spectrum of conventional ventilation.
The ventilation modes are classified according to the relative pro­portions of mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing. Controlled: pure mechanical ventilation without spontaneous breathing; intermittent augmented: alternate spontaneous breath­ing and mechanical ventilation; augmented pressure-supported: machine support of spontaneous breathing.
BIPAP and conventional ventilation
Augmented intermittent
Augmented pressure-supported
Mechanical ventilation
Spontaneous breathing
BIPAP and conventional ventilation
Ventilation strategies: Volume or pressure control
The classification of ventilation modes according to their contri­bution to breathing activity, given in Figure 6, is particularly relev­ant in the weaning process. Ventilation modes can also be classi­fied according to primary objectives and strategies of the therapy. Volume-constant and pressure-controlled ventilation differ in the way they react to changes in lung mechanics. Both forms of ven­tilation have specific advantages and disadvantages for particular areas of application.
The figure shows the spectrum from volume-constant ventilation to pressure-controlled ventilation as it is offered by Evita 2.
Volume-constant ventilation is the term used when the set tidal volume is administered while pressure is maintained below a pre­set maximum. Pressure-controlled ventilation is the term used to describe a situation where the preset maximum airway pressure is set at plateau values and the flow is administered for the duration of the inspiratory time. An intermediate mode, which is possible with the Evita ventilator, is pressure-limited ventilation where the maximum airway pressure chosen is such that the set tidal volume can still just be administered. The first three waveforms in the graph illustrate volume-constant, pressure-limited and pressure­controlled ventilation.
BIPAP is a variation of pressure-controlled ventilation. It differs from conventional pressure-controlled ventilation as far as the mechanical breaths are concerned in that spontaneous breathing is always possible. BIPAP permits spontaneous breathing not only during expiration, but also during mandatory breaths. This is shown in the fourth waveform in the graph.
Fig.6: The spectrum of volume-constant and pressure-control-
led ventilation.
The different modes of ventilation are classified in terms of volume and pressure control. Volume-constant: administration of a con­stant tidal volume with constant flow; volume-controlled/pressure­limited: constant tidal volume administered with decelerating flow; pressure-controlled (conventional): volume-inconstant; pressure­controlled BIPAP: pressure-controlled, but with freedom to breathe spontaneously.
BIPAP and conventional ventilation
Constant-volume/ pressure-limited
(open system)
BIPAP and conventional ventilation
Volume-constant ventilation: Stress due to uneven gas distribution
Volume-constant ventilation provides constant ventilation even if lung mechanics change. The Evita ventilator ensures the delivery of a constant flow, and a time profile and tidal volume which are fixed.
Volume-constant ventilation is seen as particularly useful when ventilating an intact lung primarily to reduce the CO
tion. Ventilation involving a constant tidal volume and constant flow may,
however, lead to local mechanical stress if the inspired gas is not distributed in the lung at a uniform rate, and problems of this kind have been reported in diseased lungs.
The two-compartment model in Figure 7 shows that gas distribu­tion problems can be caused, for example, by localized increases in resistance. If a tidal volume with a constant high flow rate is administered in these circumstances, the compartment with the lower resistance will be inflated first.
Differences in ventilation may cause a variety of mechanical stress­es in the pulmonary tissue. Apart from temporary over-inflation of the compartment with low resistance and a difference in pressure between the two compartments, local shear forces may occur between the compartments.
This mechanical stress can produce local tissue damage, which if allowed to continue, can lead to acute pulmonary failure.
Fig.7: Two-compartment model illustrating effects of volume-
controlled ventilation.
The increased airway resistance (R) in the right compartment results in faster inflation and over-distention of the left compart­ment. Pressure (P) differences and different inflation volumes between the compartments produce severe mechanical stress.
BIPAP and conventional ventilation
BIPAP and conventional ventilation
Pressure-limited ventilation: An »intelligent« decelerating flow
Even when a patient’s lungs are healthy, ventilation therapy pro­duces changes in lung mechanics. Resistance may increase and compliance decrease during lengthy treatment. Unfortunately, these mechanical changes may not be distributed uniformly over the lung.
With a two compartment model it can be illustrated how negative effects of volume-constant long-term ventilation can be minimized by using pressure-limited ventilation where the airway pressure is limited by the maximum pressure (P
) set.
With pressure-limited ventilation the tidal volume is always applied but the flow only reaches the value set by the operator at the start of the mechanical breath. As soon as the airway pressure reaches the P
value, the Evita ventilator automatically reduces the flow (decelerating flow). Figure 8 shows the change of airway pressure with time.
A major advantage of pressure-limited ventilation with the Evita ventilator is that the flow adapts continuously to changes in lung mechanics. The Evita ventilator does not produce a fixed decele­rating flow but determines the optimum flow profile for every single breath when administering the tidal volume required. The set pressure limit is not exceeded and tidal volume is applied as quickly as possible.
The extent to which the flow profile is being affected by lung mechanics is easily seen on the Evita ventilator’s screen. If, for example, resistance is reduced following bronchial suction, a distinct change in the flow waveform is apparent.
Fig.8: Variation in pressure and flow with time during pres-
sure-limited ventilation.
A set constant flow is generated in the first phase. As soon as the set maximum airway pressure is reached, the Evita ventilator reduces the flow progressively (decelerating flow). The ventilator terminates the flow once the set tidal volume has been completely administered.
BIPAP and conventional ventilation
Patient-dependent decelerating flow
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