NORTH AMERICAN DRÄGER The Evolution of Ventilation Brochures

The Evolution of Ventilation
Ernst Bahns
Important Note:
Medical knowledge changes constantly as a result of new research and clinical experience. The author of this introductory guide has made every effort to ensure that the information given is completely up to date, particularly as regards applications and effects of operation. However, responsibility for all clinical measures must remain with the reader.
Author’s address:
Dr. Ernst Bahns Drägerwerk Aktiengesellschaft Moislinger Allee 53-55 23542 Lübeck
All rights, in particular those of duplication and distribution, are reserved by Drägerwerk AG. No part of this work may be reproduced or stored in any form without the written permission of Drägerwerk AG.
ISBN 3-926762-17-9
The Evolution of Ventilation – from Pulmotor to Evita
An Introductory Guide to Ventilation with Evita
A century of evolution 6
The quality aspects of a ventilator 8
The history of ventilation
The dawn of mechanical ventilation 10
Pioneering days in ventilation: The “iron lung” 12
Early intensive care ventilation: The Assistors 14
Modern intensive care ventilation:
From Spiromat to Evita
The role of the therapist 18
Ventilation and respiration 20
The modes of ventilation
Three problems of ventilation 22
Pressure-limited ventilation with the UV-1 24
New ventilation technology with EV-A 26
Simple and open to spontaneous breathing:
Pressure-optimized and open to spontaneous
breathing: AutoFlow
Spontaneous breathing: An evolution in itself 32
Synchronizing support and
spontaneous breathing
Trends in the evolution of the
ventilation modes
Content 5
From measurement device to
ventilation monitor
From momentary recording to trend analysis 40
From instructor to diagnostic assistant 42
Ventilation monitoring in the age
of the computer
Functions and operation 46
Powerful and efficient, yet easy to operate –
a contradiction in terms?
Ventilation without a ventilator? 50
Bibliography 52
A century of evolution
Evolution describes the development of life from a simple to a highly-developed form. The theory of evolution says that all life which exists today is the result of a process of continuous self-development. In other words, the theory not only says that something is the way we currently see it, but also tells us why this is so. By looking more closely at the causes, evolution can give us insight into the paths which development will take in the future.
This booklet will follow this theoretical approach in describing the evolution of ventilation. Not only historical facts will be presented, but at the same time the causes of developments will be illuminated, showing in which direction ventilation is likely to develop.
There are good reasons why it is important to take a critical look at the evolution of ventilation – after all, it is not only true of biology but also of medicine that development is not always synonymous with progress.
Just like in biology, with its excess production of species, a surplus of technical possibilities can be identified in medicine.
Just like in biology, where the limits to growth are determined by the finite nature of the living space available, there are limits in medicine too. Here the boundaries are set by ethical and economic considerations: not everything which is technically possible is morally acceptable and not everything is affordable.
The dawn of artificial ventilation was marked by a more or less completely uncritical embracing of new technologies, leading to such a wealth of complexity that it was no longer possible to retain a clear overview.
The boundaries of medical progress
Introduction 7
We have only very recently become aware of the boundaries to the evolution of ventilation, however, these days, new technologies are no longer uncritically deployed in ventilation, and future developments are to be target-oriented rather than simply technology-guided.
It is the aim of this booklet not only to report on the past, but also to contribute to the discussion concerning the future of ventilation. From the point of view of evolution, the intention is to portray ventilation in a manner which will be of benefit not only to medical and technical specialists, but also to anyone interested in the subject, giving them the opportunity to take part in the discussion on the development of ventilation.
Given this desire to illustrate ventilation even to those readers who are not confronted on a daily basis with the subject, it is inevitable that some principles will be dealt with which the more expert reader will already be familiar with.
Although the process of evolution is described here using only the example of Dräger ventilation, this is not intended to disguise the fact that there have also been others who have contributed significantly to the evolution of ventilation. For the sake of simplicity, however, this booklet deals exclusively with ventilation from the House of Dräger.
Following a brief description of the basic elements of a ventilator, the history of ventilation will be presented in excerpt form, as and when this appears relevant to the process of evolution. For us, the history of ventilation starts at Dräger with an idea dreamed up by the founder of our company, Heinrich Dräger …
Target-oriented rather than technology-guided development
The quality aspects of a ventilator
Ventilation supports or substitutes damaged respiration. A simple form of ventilation is mouth­to-mouth resuscitation, and the technical aids used in ventilation extend from the manually operated ventilation bag to the modern contemporary ventilator.
A ventilator’s efficiency depends primarily on three factors, namely the quality of the ventilation modes, of the ventilation monitoring system used and of the operating concept. The development of these fundamental elements of a ventilator will initially be described in more detail, before subsequent sections turn to the advent of the early ventilators.
The chief focus as regards the ventilation modes was originally on providing a short-term supply of breathing gas in the event of a failure of the patient’s own breathing. Hence the first ventilators were purely emergency ventilators. However, where longer treatment was called for, the life-saving ventilation modes used at the time placed such a strain on the lungs that it became extremely difficult for the patient to return to breathing normally again. Initially, auxiliary aids were employed to adapt the ventilation modes to the patient’s physiology. Since these were able to limit the damaging effects of ventilation, they could be deployed in specific cases by specialist physicians. Only recently have ventilation modes been developed which allow ventilation to be adapted automatically to the patient.
The monitoring devices used in the early ventilators did not extend beyond airway pressure measurements and simple device function checks. It was only some time later that more complex
Quality depends on three factors
Ventilation modes
Monitoring system
Introduction 9
relationships could be identified by means of additional monitoring systems. In the following period, monitoring functions increasingly became an integral part of ventilators. One notable advance in this context was the quality of the information display, which progressed from a simple measured value indication to the use of a screen display.
The entirety of the elements required to operate a ventilator is termed the user interface. Due to the increasing range of functions offered by the devices, their operation unfortunately has also become ever more complex; and this has gone hand in hand with a constant rise in the number of control elements. Only very recently has there been a qualitative advance in this respect: the setting of device functions on a screen permits a greater range of functions while at the same time simplifying operation.
Operating concept
Quality aspect
User benefit
OperationPerception Therapy
Ventilation Monitoring
The history of ventilation10
The dawn of mechanical ventilation
In his publication “Das Werden des Pulmotors” [The Development of the Pulmotor] (4), Heinrich Dräger recorded his thoughts on how to develop a ventilator. He described a simple device for “blowing fresh air or oxygen into the lung”. His Pulmotor was controlled by a modified clockwork mechanism.
This publication is remarkable less because of the technology described in it, which appears extremely simplistic compared with modern developments and even at the time was somewhat controversial. What is far more important is the reason which Heinrich Dräger puts forward for choosing the technology he did.
Heinrich Dräger
The original Pulmotor
The history of ventilation 11
For his apparatus he chose to use a technical principle which replaces the human physiology as naturally as possible. With his concept Heinrich Dräger was decades ahead of his time.
As he saw it, the physiological function which needed to be replaced was a regular and constant movement of the respiratory apparatus. For this reason he chose for his ventilation machine a technical principle which involved an unchanged inspiratory and expiratory phase during artificial ventilation. This type of ventilation is what is now described as time-cycled.
The rest of the world, including, incidentally, those who worked on further developing the Pulmotor, followed a different path. They decided to control the respiratory phases using a technical principle which would switch from expiration to inspiration and vice versa once certain ventilatory pressures were reached. These are known as pressure-controlled systems.
In time, pressure-controlled ventilators became more robust, reliable and accurate – in short, the technology improved. Today, it would seem that pressure-controlled ventilators had already reached technological perfection, and in this sense a path was pursued which the technology of the time was better able to master.
As we have already seen, H. Dräger was well ahead of his time in this respect: modern ventilators are no longer pressure-controlled but predominantly time-cycled. Whether Heinrich Dräger realized at the time that he came much closer to reflecting human physiology with his principle than others, we will never know. What is a historical fact, however, is that his time-cycled Pulmotor, patented in 1907, pointed the right way.
Artificial ventilation as substitute for a biological function
Technologically optimized ventilators
The history of ventilation12
Pioneering days in ventilation: The “iron lung”
The Pulmotor was designed exclusively for short­term usage. However, a number of diseases required long-term ventilation. For instance, during the polio epidemics which followed the Second World War, numerous patients with respiratory paralysis needed to be ventilated over a longer period of time. For this purpose large, rigid containers were developed into which the ventilated patient was placed.
Somewhat misleadingly, this apparatus was known as an “iron lung”. To describe its function, however, it would have been more fitting to call it an “iron thorax”, since this more accurately reflects the role of the rigid containers. Inside the container, a flexible membrane ensured a constant change of pressure, thus ventilating the lung like an artificial diaphragm.
If the post-war period with its “iron lungs” is described here as a time of pioneering, then this is mainly as a result of Dönhardt’s accounts, which describe in a particularly refreshing manner with what great spirit of improvisation and with which resources ventilators were developed not even fifty years ago (3).
In one “iron lung” a torpedo tube was used as a pressure chamber, while the ventilation mechanism was driven by a smithy’s bellows, and the motor was taken from a fishing boat …
The pioneers, which on their own initiative initially built the first post-war “iron lungs” by hand, soon found willing partners at Drägerwerk. With their decades of experience in developing rescue apparatus for miners and divers, the engineers took the ideas of pressure-exchange ventilation and adapted them for series production.
The limitations of the Pulmotor
The history of ventilation 13
The “iron lungs” made it possible to raise signifi­cantly the survival rate of patients suffering from respiratory paralysis as a result of polio. Never­theless, the large amount of space needed for the containers and the fact that the patient was less accessible to nursing staff represented major disadvantages.
As the next stage in the development of the “iron lungs” came thoracic ventilators. In these devices it was only the patient’s thorax which was subjected to changing pressure, yet despite this further technical development the pressure-exchange ventilators were only used for a short time.
This was on account of the fact that a new impulse brought about a renaissance of positive pressure ventilation at the expense of the pressure­exchange ventilators. This time the impulse came not from technology, but from clinical practice.
Thoracic ventilator being used in a hospital
The iron lung
The history of ventilation14
Early intensive care ventilation: The Assistors
As early as the nineteen fifties, a new discovery in clinical research prompted a rethinking in ventilation therapy. The biggest problem namely was not the reversal of the pressure conditions during positive pressure ventilation, but far more important was the fact that therapists relied more on their own subjective clinical impressions than on exact measuring parameters for assessing ventilation (2).
This lack of knowledge concerning the ventilation volumes administered thus frequently resulted in incorrect treatment. Patients suffered either from an inadequate supply of breathing gas or were exposed to a high level of stress by unnecessarily rigorous ventilation.
New findings, particularly from Sweden, led to positive pressure ventilation once again regaining popularity due to the fact that it was easier to control. Two concepts were pursued in this respect: on the one hand the breathing gas volume was monitored during pressure-controlled ventilation, and on the other a constant tidal volume was delivered from the outset.
For the new areas of application, Dräger devel­oped a whole series of devices both for pressure­controlled and for volume-constant ventilation, which for a while existed side by side, though it should be pointed out that the concept of volume­constant ventilation was implemented with some delay as compared with the progress of the Scandinavians. In pressure-controlled ventilation the successful Pulmotor principle was further developed in the Assistors (5).
In addition to pressure control, another common feature of the Assistors was the possibility of
Controlled Ventilation on the basis of exact measurements
The history of ventilation 15
triggering a mechanical breath with a spontaneous respiratory effort on the part of the patient. Further­more, all the Assistors allowed the volume to be monitored and aerosols to be nebulized by means of an integrated nebulizer connection.
The Assistor 640 basic unit allowed assisted ventilation which both supported and deepened spontaneous breathing. In the Assistor 641 the timing mechanism was pneumatic, but by the time the Assistor 642 appeared, an electric timer was already in use. In the Assistor 644 the duration of use was increased by means of a new breathing air humidification system, and the range of patients which could be treated was extended to include paediatric patients.
The Assistor 744 improved the quality of ventilation, particularly in paediatrics, by using a more sensitive trigger. What is more, the somewhat unattractive external appearance of the early Assistors was completely revised, and a user-friendly and aesthetic product design became an increasingly important feature of ventilator development.
The development of the Assistor for pressure­controlled ventilation
With the development of the Assistors, the area of ventilator application had already been extended from simple treatment of polio to post-operative ventilation and inhalation therapy for patients with chronic lung disorders.
Modern ventilation goes one step further. It not only aims to act as a stop-gap for the duration of the respiratory disorder, but also attempts to adapt the mode of ventilation to the cause of the disorder, providing where possible targeted treatment of the problem.
Targeted intensive care therapy makes new demands of ventilators, creating a need, for example, for variable ventilation modes.
Evita 4
Evita2 dura
Evita 1
Evita 2
The history of ventilation16
Modern intensive care ventilation: From Spiromat to Evita
Intensive care ventilators over the years
Objectives of modern ventilation
The history of ventilation 17
For the ventilators to be able to fulfil these new demands, they needed to become more flexible. Direct setting of breathing times and volumes was required, as was time-cycled, volume-constant ventilation.
The first Dräger ventilators able to meet these
needs were the Spiromats which appeared in 1955.
While the universal ventilator UV-1 from 1977 and the later UV-2 retained the Spiromat’s conventional bellows ventilation, in which the breathing gas is pressed out of the ventilator bellows into the patient’s lung, they already started to use electronics in their control and monitoring systems.
In 1982, the EV-A electronic ventilator introduced microprocessor-controlled gas flow regulation into the world of Dräger ventilation, thus allowing the flow rate to be accurately controlled throughout the breathing cycle. Another new feature was the display of ventilation curves on an integrated screen, which has been a standard element in Dräger intensive care ventilators ever since.
With the advent of the Evita series, micro­processor technology in ventilation became more advanced, making it possible to adapt the machine’s ventilation to the patient’s own spontaneous breathing. In very recent times, the integrated screen has ceased to be merely a medium for the display of measured values, now offering direct operation of the ventilator.
Recently there have been three device concepts in Dräger intensive care ventilation which have been running parallel to one another – the Evita 4 for the top-class segment, the Evita 2 dura for standard needs and the compact size ventilator MicroVent.
Modern intensive care ventilators allow time­cycled, volume-constant ventilation
A display screen for ventilation curves has been an integral part of the ventilator since 1982
+ 37 hidden pages