While the information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, except as otherwise expressly
ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The information and/or products described in this document are
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Nortel, the Nortel logo, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
New in this release5
Other changes5
Related documents7
Application Programming Interface fundamentals9
Open Provisioning Interface fundamentals9
Bulk Provisioning Tool fundamentals10
Using the Bulk Provisioning Tool13
Install and launch the BPT13
BPT main menu13
BPT provisioning methods16
BPT files and scripts16
BPT conventions and examples17
BPT Help option24
BPT limitations25
Why use the Bulk Provisioning Tool10
Bulk Provisioning Tool requirements11
Method and file syntax conventions17
Create and manage provisioning roles using the BPT21
BPT mapping to the Provisioning Client25
Batch processing26
Resource use26
Provisioning data visibility27
Using the Open Provisioning Interface29
Security, authentication, and authorization29
Third-party client development33
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
Get the WSDL33
Generate stubs33
Implement interface accessing stubs34
Access stubs from the third-party application34
Starting the Bulk Provisioning Tool35
Downloading the Bulk Provisioning Tool to a workstation36
Launching the BPT on a workstation36
Creating Open Provisioning Interface clients39
Downloading the Axis toolkit41
Retrieving the error codes41
Configuring the class path41
Downloading the WSDL file42
Compiling the client stubs42
Writing a client to perform some specific OPI operations43
Accessing the OPI Java docs47
Importing a CA Certificate into the BPT51
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
This document discusses the Nortel Application Server (AS) 5300
Application Programming Interface (API) available to third party clients
for provisioning and administering the AS 5300 system from a remote
Attention:Some services/features referred to in this document are not
supported in AS 5300 Release 1.0. For more information about what
services/features are supported in AS 5300 Release 1.0, see NortelApplication Server 5300 Overview, (NN42040-100).
The Application Server (AS) 5300 provides Application Programming
Interface (API) support for third-party client applications. This support
consists of one main API and one tool:
Open Provisioning Interface (OPI)
•Bulk Provisioning Tool (BPT)
Open Provisioning Interface (OPI) is an API for third-party client
applications, and is the foundation for the Bulk Provisioning Tool (BPT).
The BPT facilitates the provisioning of the AS 5300 system with large
(bulk) amounts of data. It also retrieves large (bulk) amounts of data from
the AS 5300 system.
The OPI is used to remotely provision the AS 5300 system. OPI is
based on version 1.1 of the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
and the emerging Web services standard. SOAP is a cross-platform,
cross-language, text-based protocol, utilizing the benefits of Extensible
Markup Language (XML). SOAP is commonly used as a tool in distributed
applications named Web services. SOAP is not transport dependent,
therefore OPI uses Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as a transport
OPI supports version 1.1 of the industry-standard Web Services
Description Language (WSDL). WSDL is an XML language that contains
information about the interface, semantics, and administration of a call to a
Web service. WSDL enables service providers to provision their AS 5300
system with existing and custom applications. By supporting the WSDL
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
standard, service providers rapidly develop client-side code with standard
toolsets. A detailed description of the WSDL standard is available online at
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) web site at w
The goal of OPI is to allow customer-specific applications to interface with
the AS provisioning system. Once developed, the application passes an
object to a generated stub. The stub translates the object into a SOAP
message and passes it along to the skeleton in the Provisioning Manager.
The skeleton translates the SOAP message back to an object, and sends
it to the Provisioning Manager data access processes. The data access
processes the interface with the Oracle Database. The translations happen
in reverse from the database to the customer application.
Bulk Provisioning Tool fundamentals
The Bulk Provisioning Tool (BPT) enables administrators to provision
Application Server (AS) 5300 services from outside the Provisioning Client.
It enables both bulk transactions and individual requests. The BPT is built
on the Open Provisioning Interface (OPI), and accesses all the commands
available through the OPI.
Communications between the BPT and the Provisioning server use the
OPI. OPI itself is the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP.
Attention:Do not use the BPT for large transactions during regular
business hours. In deployments where the BPT uses the same network
(LAN) as the LAN processing sessions, large BPT transactions may impact
network performance.
Why use the Bulk Provisioning Tool
The BPT is extremely useful for provisioning systems with numerous
subscribers. Some of the scenarios where administrators benefit from
using the BPT are:
•adding a large number of subscribersThe BPT provides bulk imports of
provisioning data from text files. The files can be generated from other
•exporting provisioning dataThe BPT provides bulk exports of
provisioning data, writing it to files. The files can then be used with
other applications.
•modifying a large number of subscribersThe BPT enables bulk
modifications, such as modifying subscriber service packages when
new features are added.
•extracting information from the database for reporting purposesFor
example, a list of provisioned subscribers can be extracted from the
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
database with the BPT and compared against active subscribers listed
in the Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR) accounting records. As
another example, a list of gateways can be extracted and imported into
a downstream billing application.
Bulk Provisioning Tool requirements
The following table lists the requirements to run the BPT.
Table 2
Bulk Provisioning Tool requirements
Bulk Provisioning Tool fundamentals11
Minimum PC or terminal
For telnet remote accessCompatible (tested) telnet terminals:
Java 1.6 + JRE in the system classpath
Windows Telnet client
Hummingbird Telnet
Noncompatible telnet terminals:
Log on requirementTo begin a BPT session, the administrator needs to be, at minimum,
a provisioned general administrator.
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
Entering 0 (zero) returns you to the parent of a submenu.
The provisioning method name appears inside the parentheses that follow
the provisioning method description in the menu. The menu structure is
only for usability. Any provisioning method can be entered at the prompt,
regardless of the menu opened.
For example, if you want to execute the getRootDomain provisioning
method, you do not need to be in the Domain Operations menu.
The following table lists the available BPT main menu commands.
Table 3
BPT main menu commands
BPT main menu15
98 <file name>
help <method name>
<method name> using (<parm a>,
<parm b>)
<method name> using file <file
<method name> using * into
<file name>
Return to the previous menu.
Execute the given method or continue to a submenu.
Execute all methods inside the specified file. Each line in
the file must be a method in a valid format.
Exit the BPT.
Exit the BPT.
Display this list of commands.
Display the usage for a given method.
Execute the given method with the required parameters.
The parameter list must be separated by commas
and must adhere to the order presented in the syntax
description. If no parameters are required, this can be left
Execute the given method with the parameters contained
in the specified file. This command is useful for bulk
additions (for example, users, telephones), allowing the
separation of the definition and execution of the method.
Execute the given method (using either command line
options or parameters from a file) and insert the returned
value into the specified file. This is useful when exporting
bulk data, such as 1000 users, and you want to save the
For information about BPT command syntax conventions and examples, see "BPT
conventions and examples" (page 17).
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
For information about BPT command syntax conventions and examples, see "BPT
conventions and examples" (page 17).
Execute all the methods contained in the specified file.
Each line in the file must be a method in the valid format.
Execute all the methods contained in the specified file and
writes the output to a second file instead of writing the
output to the screen. Each line in the input file must be a
method in the valid format.
BPT provisioning methods
The BPT provisioning methods are the same as the Open Provisioning
Interface (OPI) provisioning methods. OPI provisioning methods are a
collection of Web services that you use to provision subscribers, and
service data for the subscribers. The detailed documentation for each
of the OPI Web services is available in a zip file (OPIJavaDocs.zip)
included on the AS 5300 Documentation CD.
To access the OPI Web services documentation, see "Accessing the OPI
Java docs" (page 47).
BPT files and scripts
Files and scripts are important when performing bulk provisioning
transactions. Files enable the import and export of many database entries.
Scripts enable administrators to execute multiple BPT provisioning
methods in one step.
This section describes the role of files and scripts in the Bulk Provisioning
•"Files" (page 16)
•"Scripts" (page 17)
Most of the BPT provisioning methods have the option of using text files.
Provisioning data can be imported from a file and put into the database, or
exported from the database and written to text files.
Text file (*.txt) contents use the comma separated value (CSV) format. By
using this format, files can be generated by, or imported into, third-party
applications that recognize the CSV file content.
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
Files must use a specific syntax for a BPT provisioning method to be
invoked successfully on the Provisioning Server. You can view the
required file syntax by using the BPT Help option ("BPT Help option" (page
A script is basically a text file, where each line of the file consists of a
single provisioning method. When executed, each provisioning method
in the script is invoked sequentially and can reference a separate file for
importing or exporting data. Each provisioning method and its referenced
file must use the correct syntax for the script to be executed successfully.
An exclamation mark (!) is used at the start of a line to add a comment line
in the script file (for example: !- script updated 2008.04.01)
BPT conventions and examples
This section describes the command syntax and usage conventions for
Bulk Provisioning Tool (BPT) provisioning methods and an example of a
provisioning method.
BPT conventions and examples17
•"Method and file syntax conventions" (page 17)
"Create and manage provisioning roles using the BPT" (page 21)
Method and file syntax conventions
This section describes the command syntax that must be used for
executing BPT provisioning methods from the BPT command line and
BPT input files.
•"Optional syntax" (page 18)
"Brackets" (page 18)
"Angle brackets" (page 18)
•"Square brackets" (page 19)
•"Bar" (page 19)
•"Comma separated strings" (page 20)
•"Fully qualified user name" (page 20)
•"Success indication on remove methods" (page 20)
•"Unknown error messages" (page 21)
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference