Important Information about the Passport 8691SF Module
This Passport 8691SF Switch Fabric Module is a direct replacement for the Passport 8690SF Switch
Fabric Module. In the Passport 8000 Series document set, all the information describing the Passport
8690SF module also applies to the Passport 8691SF module. The Passport 8691SF module has an
additional LED (the MZ LED on the front panel) that is reserved for future development; it is
nonfunctional at this time.
The Passport 8691SF module is shipped with the current Passport 8000 Series software release 3.0.4.
and Passport 8000 Series software release 3.1.2. The Passport 8691SF module will boot with the
3.0.4 software image by default. If your Passport 8600 switch contains a Passport 8690SF module
and a Passport 8691SF module, both modules must use the same release version of the software.
The Passport 8003 chassis, Passport 8010co chassis, and the Passport 8632TXE module require
software release 3.1.2 installed on the switch fabric CPU module. Previous versions of the software
will result in an error message notifying the user of an unknown chassis or module.
Software Directory
The Passport 8691SF module has the Passport 8000 Series software releases 3.0.4 and 3.1.2
images stored in the /flash directory. Table 1 describes the image files.
Table 1 Software Release Images
Image Description
p86a3040.img Agent image for version 3.0.4
p80b1005.img Boot image for version 3.0.4
p80a3120.img Agent image for version 3.1.2
Boot image for version 3.1.2
p80e3120.dld Passport 8100 Edge Switch image version 3.1.2
p80p3120.dld Passport 8683POS Routing Switch image version 3.1.2
p80t3120.dld Passport 8672ATM Routing Switch image version 3.1.2

Installing switch software
To install the new switch software:
1 Power up the system and interrupt the boot process by pressing return on the console.
Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Nortel Networks, Inc.
CPU Slot 5: PPC 740 Map B
Version: xxxxxxx
Creation Time: Feb 21 2001, 18:06:32
Hardware Time: JUN 14 2001, 13:11:32 UTC
Memory Size: 0x04000000
Start Type: warm
/flash/ - Volume is OK
Loaded boot configuration from file /flash/boot.cfg
2 Press <Return> to stop auto-boot...
3 Set up the new software version to boot:
monitor# choice primary image-file /flash/p80a3120.img
4 Save this configuration.
monitor# save
5 Install the boot monitor.
monitor# boot /flash/p80b3120.img
################ 8K CPU BOOT FLASH Update ################
File p80b3100b018.rom found in loaded image
File size: 624996 bytes
Number of flash sectors to be programmed: 10
WARNING: You are about to re-program your Boot Monitor FLASH
image. Do NOT turn off power or press reset
until this procedure is completed. Otherwise
the card may be permanently damaged!!!
Do you wish to continue (y/n) ? y
After this the system will come up with the new software version.