Installation, Operation and
Maintenance Instructions
When the equipment is received, all items should be carefully checked against the bill of lading
to insure all crates and cartons have been received. All units should be inspected for
concealed damage by uncrating the units immediately. If any damage is found, it should be
reported to the carrier at once, and a claim should be filed with the carrier. This equipment has
been inspected and tested in the Manufacturing Facility and has been crated in accordance
with transportation rules and guidelines. Manufacturer is not responsible for freight loss or
After the unit crate and crate base have been removed, locate the casters or legs found inside
the cabinet. (Not applicable for Roll-In models). Attach the casters or legs to the unit base by
screwing them into the same threaded fittings that were used to secure the crate base to the
cabinet. Insure that the legs or casters are screwed completely into the base.
For shipping purposes, the condensing unit compressor is secured on some models. Loosen
the mounting bolts on the compressor springs (as per label on compressor) prior to operation.
If the doors are out of alignment on the cabinet, the doors can be adjusted. This can be
accomplished by opening the door(s) and loosening the screws that hold both the top and
bottom hinges to the cabinet. After adjusting the door so that it is aligned correctly, tighten the
screws to securely hold the hinges in place.
Some of the Refrigerators and all of the Extra Low Temperature Freezers require the
installation of the condensate vaporizer which is shipped inside the unit compartment. The
vaporizer should be mounted to the cabinet bottom. Reference View 1. In lieu of the vaporizer,
these units can be plumbed to a floor drain following local plumbing codes. The Freezers,
Pass-Thru and Roll-In Refrigerators use a hot gas vaporizer. Customer installation is not
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Note: Disconnect power prior to installation.
1. Connect the power cord to the vaporizer and place it in the vaporizer bracket.
2. Attach the vaporizer bracket to the back of the unit using the four screws as shown,
making sure the plastic drain tube is in the vaporizer pan.
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