Nokia N-GageQD Service Manual 07 rh29 sysmod

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RH-29 Series Cellular Phones
7 - System Module and User
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Table of Contents

Page No
1BQ System Module Block Diagram ............................................................................ 6
Baseband Technical Summary....................................................................................... 7
Functional Description................................................................................................... 8
BB description .............................................................................................................8
Memory configuration............................................................................................... 8
Energy management.................................................................................................. 8
Modes of operation ......................................................................................................8
Voltage limits............................................................................................................ 9
Clocking scheme ..........................................................................................................9
UPP_WD2 voltage/clock frequency adjusting........................................................ 10
Power distribution, control and reset .........................................................................10
Power-up sequence (reset mode)............................................................................. 10
Powering off............................................................................................................ 11
Uncontrolled powering off...................................................................................... 11
Watchdogs............................................................................................................... 11
Charging.................................................................................................................. 11
Chargers .................................................................................................................. 12
Battery..................................................................................................................... 12
Back-up battery and real time clock ..........................................................................12
Baseband measurement A/D converter .....................................................................12
ZOCUS ......................................................................................................................12
RH-29 BB Features & HW Interfaces ......................................................................... 14
RH-29 BB user interface ...........................................................................................14
UI module interface................................................................................................. 14
Bluetooth ....................................................................................................................14
SIM interface .............................................................................................................14
MMC interface ...........................................................................................................14
RH-29 audio concept .................................................................................................14
Earpiece................................................................................................................... 15
Microphone ............................................................................................................. 15
Audio amplifier and MALT speaker....................................................................... 16
External audio interface .......................................................................................... 16
Flashing ......................................................................................................................17
Testing interfaces .......................................................................................................17
Extreme voltages ......................................................................................................18
Temperature conditions .............................................................................................18
Humidity and water resistance ...................................................................................18
RF Characteristics of RH-29 ....................................................................................... 19
RF Power Distribution ...............................................................................................20
Channel Numbers and Frequencies ...........................................................................22
Main RF characteristics .............................................................................................22
Transmitter Characteristics ........................................................................................22
Receiver Characteristics ............................................................................................22
RF block diagram ......................................................................................................23
Receiver .....................................................................................................................24
Rx Signal paths........................................................................................................ 24
Antenna switch........................................................................................................ 24
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Receiver................................................................................................................... 25
GSM900 Transmitter .................................................................................................26
TX Path of the transmitted GSM900 signal............................................................ 26
GSM900 TX path of Mjoelner RF ASIC................................................................ 26
GSM900 TX path of the Power Amplifier (PA)..................................................... 27
Antenna Switch (TX/RX switch)............................................................................ 27
GSM1800 Transmitter ...............................................................................................29
Path of the transmitted 1800 signal......................................................................... 29
The path of Mjoelner RF ASIC............................................................................... 29
The path of the PA .................................................................................................. 29
Antenna Switch....................................................................................................... 30
Synthesizer................................................................................................................... 31
26 MHz reference oscillator (VCXO) .......................................................................31
VCO ...........................................................................................................................31
PLL Block diagram ....................................................................................................32
Frequency synthesizers ..............................................................................................33
Receiver .....................................................................................................................33
Transmitter .................................................................................................................33
Front End................................................................................................................. 33
Power amplifier....................................................................................................... 34
RF ASIC Helgo ..........................................................................................................34
AFC function .............................................................................................................35
Antenna ......................................................................................................................35
User Interface............................................................................................................... 36
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List of abbreviations
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
BB Baseband
BSI Battery Size Indicator
CBus Control Bus connecting UPP_WD2 with UEM
CCP Compact Camera Port
CPU Central Processing Unit
DBUS Data Bus
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EGSM Extended – GSM
ESD Electro Static Discharge
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Group Special Mobile/Global system mobile
HF Hands free
HFCM Handsfree Common
HS Handset
I/O Input/Output
IHF Integrated hands free
IR Infra red
IrDA Infrared Association
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LO Local Oscillator
MCU Micro Controller Unit
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MIC, mic Microphone
PA Power Amplifier
PDA Pocket Data Application
PWB Printed Wiring Board
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PWB Printed Wired Board
RFBUS Control Bus For RF RXReceiver
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
TX Transmitter
UEM Universal Energy Management
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UI User Interface
VCO Voltage controlled oscillator
VHF Very High Frequency
VCXO Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
VGA Video Graphics Array
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1BQ System Module Block Diagram

The 1BQ System module is the engine board of the RH-29 phone. It includes the base­band and RF functions of the phone and the Bluetooth module, fig. 1 below. External interfaces are drawn as arrows crossing 1BQ border.
Figure 1: 1BQ module block diagram
The Accessory interface is provided by Bluetooth. Only the Headset & Charger are gal­vanic interfaces.
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Baseband Technical Summary

The heart of the BB is UPP_WD2, which includes the MCU, DSP and Digital Control Logic. Power is supplied by the UEMK ASIC and a number of discrete regulators. Memory com­prises of 2x 64Mbit (16Mbytes) Flash Memory Devices and 128 Mbit (16 Mbytes) SDRAM.
There are two audio transducers (Earpiece 8 mm and a MALT Speaker 16 mm) and Exter­nal Galvanic Headset (DCT4) interface. MALT Speaker is also used to handle the ring tone. The MALT Speaker is driven by a discrete audio amplifier. In RH-29 there is only one microphone for both HS and IHF modes.
For Data connectivity there is the Bluetooth and an MMC card.
The Display is a GD82 type Colour Display with 66000 Colours and 176x208 pixels with backlighting.
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Functional Description

BB description

The BB Core is based on UPP_WD2 CPU, which is a PDA version of the DCT4 UPP ASIC. UPP_WD2 takes care of all the signal processing and operation controlling tasks of the phone as well as all PDA tasks.
For power management there is one main ASIC for controlling charging and supplying power UEM plus some discrete power supplies. The main reset for the system is gener­ated by the UEM.
The interface to the RF and audio sections is also handled by the UEM. This ASIC provides A/D and D/A conversion of the in-phase and quadrature receive and transmit signal paths and also A/D and D/A conversions of received and transmitted audio signals. Data transmission between UEM and RF and the UPP_WD2 is implemented using different serial connections (CBUS, DBUS and RFBUS). Digital speech processing is handled by UPP_WD2 ASIC.
A real time clock function is integrated into UEM, which utilizes the same 32kHz-clock source as the sleep clock. A rechargeable battery provides backup power to run the RTC when the main battery is removed. Backup time is about 3 hours.

Memory configuration

RH-29 uses two kinds of memories, Flash and SDRAM. These Memories have their own dedicated bus interfaces to UPP_WD2.
Synchronous DRAM is used as working memory. Interface is 16 bit wide data and 14 bit Address. Memory clocking speed is 104 MHz. The SDRAM size 128Mbits (8Mx16).
SDRAM I/O is 1.8 V and core 2.78 V supplied by UEM regulator VIO. All memory contents are lost if the supply voltage is switched off.
Multiplexed Flash Memory Interface is used to store the MCU program code and User Data. The memory interface is a burst type FLASH with multiplexed address/data bus, running at 104/3MHz.
Both Flash I/O and core voltage are 1.8 V supplied by UEM’s VIO.

Energy management

The master of EM control is UEM and with SW this has the main control of the system voltages and operating modes.

Modes of operation

RH-29 employs several hardware & SW controlled operation modes. Main Modes are described below.
NO_SUPPLY mode means that the main battery is not present or its
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voltage is too low (below UEM master reset threshold) and back-up bat­tery voltage is too low.
In BACK_UP mode the main battery is not present or its voltage is too low but back-up battery has sufficient charge in it.
In PWR_OFF mode the main battery is present and its voltage is over UEM master reset threshold. All regulators are disabled.
RESET mode is a synonym for start-up sequence and contains in fact several modes. In this mode regulators and oscillators are enabled and after they have stabilized system reset is released and PWR_ON mode entered.
In PWR_ON mode SW is running and controlling the system.
SLEEP mode is entered from PWR_ON mode when the system’s activ­ity is low (SLEEPX controlled by SW).
FLASHING mode is for production SW download.

Voltage limits

In the following the voltage limits of the system are listed. These are also controlling sys­tem states.:
Parameter Description Value
Master reset threshold (rising) 2.1 V (typ.)
Master reset threshold (falling) 1.9 V (typ.)
Hardware cutoff (rising) 3.1 V (typ.)
Hardware cutoff (falling) 2.8 V (typ.)
Back-up battery cutoff (rising) 2.1 V (typ.)
Back-up battery cutoff (falling) 2.0 V (typ.)
SW cutoff limit (> regulator drop-out limit) MIN! 3.4 V SW changeable
The master reset threshold controls the internal reset of UEM. If battery voltage is above V
, UEM’s charging control logic is alive. Also, RTC is active and supplied from the
main battery. Above V
UEM allows the system to be powered on although this may
not succeed due to voltage drops during start-up. SW can also consider battery voltage too low for operation and power down the system.

Clocking scheme

A 26 MHz VCXO is used as system clock generator in GSM. During the system start-up, UEM RC-oscillators generate timing for state machines. All clock signals of the engine
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are illustrated in following figure.
Bluetooth uses 26 MHz clock.
Figure 2: RH-29 Clocking.
In SLEEP mode the VCXO is off. UEM generates low frequency clock signal (32.768 kHz) that is fed to UPP_WD2, Bluetooth and ZOCUS.

UPP_WD2 voltage/clock frequency adjusting

No external clock is available for UPP_WD2 before VCXO starts. As reset is released, the VCXO is running and MCU uses the 26 MHz clock while DSP is in reset. There are three identical DPLL's, for MCU, for DSP and for accessory interfaces, which can be controlled independently. The clock for MCU can be up to 104 MHz and 117 MHz is maximum clock Frequency for the DSP. These clock signals are used either directly (SDRAM IF) or divided down for the interfaces (e.g. flash IF).

Power distribution, control and reset

All power (except backup battery power) is drawn from the BL6-C Li-Ion battery located in the B cover. Current flows through ZOCUS current sense resister which is used for cur­rent measurement by ZOCUS and thus for remaining operating time estimation.
1BQ board contains one power ASIC, UEM and discrete regulators needed for generating the different operating voltages. The discrete regulators consist of an step-down DC-DC converter to power UPPWD2 voltage core and a step-up DC-DC converter for display module backlighting. The keyboard backlighting is powered with a discrete driver.

Power-up sequence (reset mode)

RESET mode can be entered in four ways: by inserting the battery or charger, by RTC alarm or by pressing the power key. The VCXO is Powered by UEM. After a 220 ms delay regulators are configured and UEM enters PWR_ON mode and system reset PURX is
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During system start-up, in RESET state, the regulators are enabled, and each regulator charges the capacitor(s) at the output with the maximum current (short circuit current) it can deliver. This results in battery voltage dropping during start-up. When a battery with voltage level just above the hardware cutoff limit is inserted, the system may not start due to excessive voltage dipping. Dropping below 2.8 V for longer than 5 us forces the system to PWR_OFF state.

Powering off

Controlled powering off is done when the user requests it by pressing the power-key or when the battery voltage falls too low. Uncontrolled powering off happens when the battery is suddenly removed or if over-temperature condition is detected in regulator block while in RESET mode. Then all UEM’s regulators are disabled immediately and dis­crete regulators are disabled as Vbat supply disappears.
Controlled powering off
For RH-29 powering off is initiated by pressing the power key and Power off sequence is activated in UEM and SW. Basically Power key cause UEM Interrupt to UPP_WD2 and SW sets Watchdog time value to zero and as this happens, PURX is forced low and all regula­tors are disabled.
If the battery voltage falls below the very last SW-cutoff level, SW will power off the system by letting the UEM’s watchdog elapse.
If thermal shutdown limit in UEM regulator block is exceeded, the system is powered off. System reset PURX is forced low.

Uncontrolled powering off

This happens when the battery is suddenly removed. UEM’s state machine notices battery removal after battery voltage has been below V
PURX is set low and all UEM’s regulators are disabled.


There are three watchdogs in UEM. The first one is for controlling system power-on and power-down sequences. The initial time for this watchdog after reset is 32 s and the watchdog can not be disabled. The time can be set using a register. This watchdog is used for powering the system off in a controlled manner. The other one is for security block and is used during IMEI code setting. The third one is a power key watchdog. It is used to power off the system in case SW is stuck and the user presses the power key. This WD is SW configurable.
for 5 us and enters PWR_OFF mode.
There is also a”soft watchdog” in UPP_WD2. It is used to reset the chip in case software gets stuck for any reason. The Bluetooth module also contains a watchdog.


Charging control and charge switch is in UEM. There are two different charging modes;
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charging empty battery (start-up charge mode), and SW controlled charging.
UEM digital part takes care of charger detection (generates interrupt to UPP_WD2), pulse width modulated charging control (for internal charge switch) and over voltage and current detection. SW using registers controls all these.


RH-29 BB supports a standard charger (two wires), Chargers ACP-8 and ACP-12, Ciga­rette Charger LCH-8 and LCH-12 are supported.


RH-29 Battery is a detachable, semi-fixed Lithium-Ion BL6-C battery. Nominal voltage is thus 3.7 V (max charging voltage 4.2 V).
The interface consists of three pins: VBAT, GND and BSI. Pull-down resistor inside of the batteries (BSI signal) recognizes the battery types. Voltage level at BSI line is measured using UEM's AD-converter.

Back-up battery and real time clock

Real time clock (RTC), crystal oscillator and back-up battery circuitry reside in UEM. A register in UEM controls back-up battery charging and charging is possible only in POWER_ON State.

Baseband measurement A/D converter

UEM contains 11 channels A/D converter, which is used for different Baseband measure­ment purposes. The resolution of A/D converter is 10 bits. Converter uses the CBUS inter­face clock signal for the conversion. An interrupt will be given to the MCU at the end of the measurements. The Converter is used for following purposes.
Battery Voltage Measurement A/D Channel (Internal)
Charger Voltage Measurement A/D Channel (Internal)
Charger Current Measurement A/D Channel (Internal)
Battery Temperature Measurement A/D Channel (External)
Battery Size Measurement A/D Channel (External)
LED Temperature measurement A/D Channel (External)
There is also auxiliary AD converter in UEM, which is used to monitor RF functions.


The ZOCUS device is a current sensor used for the battery bar display and for determining whether the phone is in a high current consuming mode. The ZOCUS device measures the voltage drop across a sense resistor in the battery voltage line. This sense resistor is
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formed from a PWB track and is on an internal layer of the PWB. The sense resistor must be located close to the battery terminals so that all of the phones current flow through it. The nominal value of the sense resistor is 3.3 mohm. ZOCUS reports the current mea­surement to UPP_WD2 via the Cbus interface.
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RH-29 BB Features & HW Interfaces

RH-29 BB user interface

UI module interface

The UI-Module consists of the LCD and keymat. The Colour Display resolution is 176 x 208 and backlighting is via 4 white LED’s with lightguide. The display is connected to the 1BQ module via an 18 pin plug and socket. The keymat is connected to 1BQ by 20-pin Board-to-Board connector. Interface also includes power rails for keypad backlight. The keymat interface uses GPIO pins of UPP_WD2.


Bluetooth provides a fully digital link for communication between a master unit and one or more slave units. The system provides a radio link that offers a high degree of flexibil­ity to support various applications and product scenarios. Data and control interface for a low power RF module is provided. Data rate is regulated between the master and the slave.

SIM interface

The SIM interface is located in two chips (UPP_WD2 and UEM). In UEM there is only sup­port for one SIM card. The interfaces support both 1.8 V and 3 V SIM cards. Adjustable SIM regulator (1.8V/3.0V) is located in UEM and can be controlled by SW.
The data communication between the card and the phone is asynchronous half duplex. The clock supplied to the card is 3.25 MHz. The data baud rate is SIM card clock fre­quency divided by 372 (by default), 64, 32 or 16.

MMC interface

The MMC interface consists of a block in UPP_WD2 plus a level shifting device known as “Lester” and an EMC protection ASIP. The MMC interface comprises 3 lines -clock, data and command and runs at 8.66 MHz. The Lester device also incorporates a 2.85V regula­tor to power the MMC card.
Use only Multimedia cards (MMC) with this device. Other memory cards, such as Secure Digital (SD) cards, do not fit in the MMC card slot and are not compatible with this device.
Using an incompatible memory card may damage the memory card as well as device, and data stored on the incompatible card may be corrupted.

RH-29 audio concept

RH-29 Audio includes earpiece, microphone, and headset connector and MALT speaker. Audio is based on ASIC's UPP_WD2, UEM and a discrete amplifier for the handsfree speaker known as “boomer”.
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