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. You may obtain a copy of source code
iiUser’s Guide
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Good Technology, Inc. may have patents or pending patent applications, trademarks,
copyrights or other intellectual property rights covering this subject matter. The
software and documentation do not give you any license to these patents, trademarks,
copyrights, or other intellectual property rights except as expressly provided in any
written license agreement from Good Technology, Inc. The software and
documentation may be covered by one or more patents as set forth at http:// which have been licensed by Research in Motion, Ltd. (“RIM”)
to Good. RIM is not affiliated with, nor does RIM endorse the operability of, the
products or services described herein. Such patent license should not be construed as
exhausting RIM's rights to royalties or damages or other compensation or relief or the
grant of any express or implied license: (a) in relation to customer's use of third party
products (except to the extent that use of third party email applications arises as a
direct result of the customer using Good's products or services or the customer uses a
third party wireless personal digital assistant or network carrier services in
conjunction with Good's products or services); or (b) where customer or the supplier of
the wireless personal digital assistant or wireless network services asserts any
intellectual property rights against RIM notwithstanding the terms of clause (a) above,
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No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
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products or the programs described in this publication at any time.
User’s Guideiii
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Good Technology, Inc.
4250 Burton Drive
Santa Clara, CA, 95054
Tel. (408) 327-6000 Fax (408) 327-6001
Be Good. Be Safe.
Please do not use while driving or engaged in any other activity that
requires your full attention.
ivUser’s Guide
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Proprietary and Confidential – Beta
About Good Messaging12
Features and Benefits12
System Overview14
How Good Messaging Changes Your Handheld15
About Good Messaging Applications17
For More Information18
2Getting Started19
Using Good Messaging19
Palm OS Handhelds19
Windows Mobile Pocket PC Handhelds22
Windows Mobile Smartphones23
Symbian OS, Nokia Series 60 Handhelds26
Turning the Handheld On and Off28
The Handheld Battery29
Extending Battery Life29
Good Messaging and the Handheld Radio30
Good Messaging and Your Phone33
Making a Call33
Dialing by Name34
Using Speed Dial34
User’s Guidev
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Working Offline35
Activating Data Transmission35
Interaction with Wi-Fi35
Resetting Your Handheld36
Restoring the Good Messaging Applications36
Entering Text37
Entering Text on a Windows Mobile Smartphone37
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Text39
Changing Dates and Times39
Getting Help40
3Using Good Messaging Email41
Creating Email Messages41
Searching the Global Address List43
Viewing Email Messages45
Viewing Email Attachments47
Viewing Digitally-Signed or Encrypted Messages49
Replying to Email Messages49
Responding to a Meeting Request50
Viewing a Sender’s Email Address and Adding It to Your
Finding Messages52
Sorting Messages52
Using Email Folders53
Viewing Email Folders54
Filing Email Messages in Folders55
Deleting Email Messages55
Setting Email and Display Options56
Blocking Messages from a Sender57
Synchronizing Messages Filtered to Other Folders58
Notes on Synchronization59
viUser’s Guide
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4Additional Applications61
Understanding the Company History Folder63
Viewing Contacts64
Finding Contacts64
Editing Contacts65
Deleting Contacts65
Adding Contacts66
Adding and Deleting Shared Folders67
Setting Contact Options68
Using Contacts with Other Applications69
Viewing Appointments71
Adding New Appointments or Meetings71
Changing Appointments73
Setting Calendar Options73
Notes/Personal Journal74
Viewing and Editing Notes74
Adding Notes/Journal Entries74
Deleting Notes/Journal Entries75
Tasks/To Do Lists75
Viewing Tasks/To Do Lists76
Adding New Tasks/To Do List77
Editing Tasks/To Do Lists78
Deleting Tasks/To Do Lists78
Setting Task/Do List Options78
GoodLink Forms Applications79
Installing GoodLink Forms Applications79
Using GoodLink Forms Applications81
Deleting GoodLink Forms Applications84
5Preferences and Maintenance85
Setting Good Messaging Preferences86
User’s Guidevii
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Backing Up Good Messaging88
Using Notifications89
Using Autotext91
Data Storage and Aging92
Software Updates and Policy Changes94
Installing Additional Software94
Updating Good Messaging and Other Applications95
6Keyboard Command Reference99
Shortcuts for Palm OS Handhelds99
Shortcuts for Windows Mobile Pocket PC Handhelds100
Shortcuts on Windows Mobile Smartphones101
Shortcuts on Symbian OS, Nokia
Series 60 Handhelds102
AWireless Setup103
Memory Requirements104
Procedure Overview106
Installing Good Messaging for the First Time106
viiiUser’s Guide
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Welcome to Good Mobile Messaging, the behind-the-firewall,
wireless corporate email and data access system from Good
Technology. Good Messaging enables mobile professionals to access
their corporate email, PIM (Personal Information Management), and
enterprise data wirelessly while away from the office.
Good Messaging on Windows
Mobile, PPC
Good Messaging on
Windows Mobile,
Good Messaging on
Symbian OS, Nokia
Series 60
Good Messaging on
Palm OS
User’s Guide11
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About Good Messaging
Good Messaging provides mobile users with a wirelessly
synchronized connection to their company servers, so they can
instantly access up-to-date corporate email, attachments, contacts,
calendar, notes, tasks, public folders, and critical enterprise data
when away from their desks.
Good Messaging‘s enterprise-class solutions are available on a variety of
handhelds. Good Messaging is a complete encrypted wireless system for
accessing corporate messaging and data from behind the firewall on the
mobile handheld.
The complete Good Messaging system includes:
• The Good Messaging Client, supporting a broad number of
• The Good Messaging Server, an easy-to-install enterprise class
application allowing for elegant fleet management/global policy
control and remote security enforcement of wireless
Features and Benefits
The Good Messaging application software runs on the following
handheld types:
• Palm OS Treo 600 and 650 handhelds
• Windows Mobile 2003 and 5.0 Pocket PC and Smartphone
handhelds (including Treo 700w)
• Symbian OS Nokia Series 60 handhelds.
Good Messaging is fully compatible with the Microsoft® Outlook®
and Lotus® Notes® environment.
12 Overview
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Features and Benefits
The following are some of the key features and benefits of Good
• Wireless corporate email and data—Extends all the capabilities of
Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes and data access to a wireless
handheld, including email, attachments, calendar, contacts, public
folders, notes, journal, to do items, and tasks.
• Up-to-date — Two-way wireless synchronization between the
handheld and Microsoft Exchange Server® or Lotus Domino
Server based data to ensure that mobile users are up-to-date - no
cradle required.
• Thin-client access to corporate data—Optional Good Messaging
Forms™ wireless information system leverages existing Webenabled applications and is optimized for wireless. This feature is
only available on supported Palm handhelds.
• One-touch simplicity —Ensures that actions taken by the user,
whether on the handheld or on the desktop, are mirrored. Delete a
message and it is deleted everywhere.
• Integrated attachment viewing and forwarding —Microsoft
Office® (*.doc, *.ppt, *.xls), Adobe Acrobat® (*.pdf), Word
Perfect® (*.wpd), HTML (*.htm and .html), Rich Text (*.rtf),
message (*.msg), sound (.wav, .mp3, etc.), image (.bmp, .png, etc.),
and plain text (*.txt). Displays attachments with original
formatting, or with plain text formatting when no capable viewer
is installed. If no viewer is installed, a download option is
available to save the file. This feature is not available on all
• Enterprise-class, end-to-end system—Encrypted and reliable
wireless access to corporate email and data from behind the
firewall to the handheld.
Architecture to confirm message delivery every time.
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• Zero desktop install option—Eliminates the need for desktop
deployment, dramatically lowering the cost and time required to
deploy and maintain a fleet of users. No cradle-based or cablebased synchronization is required.
• Multi-handheld and multi-network—Enables handheld and
network choices for the future.
• Multi-purpose—Converges phone and data service capabilities in
standard operating-system environments that support your other
required handheld applications.
System Overview
Your handheld works in conjunction with your email server and
Good Messaging Server software on your corporate network.
After being set up for use, your handheld, when turned on, connects
wirelessly with your corporate network using high-speed wireless
network service supported by your handheld. Good Messaging
works with many domestic and international wireless carriers.
Good Messaging Service synchronizes your handheld with your
email, calendar, contacts, notes, journal, tasks, to do items, and
folders stored on your corporate email server, just as the Outlook or
Lotus Notes application synchronizes your desktop computer with
your email server. In this way, your Outlook or Lotus Notes and
handheld folders present the same information. (Personal folders
stored on your PC hard disk are not synchronized.)
Handheld setup instructions in this guide assume your IT
administrator has set up your handheld for use, installed Good
Messaging Server software on your network, and added your
handheld to Good Messaging Server. Refer to Figure A, “Wireless
Setup,” on page 103 for more information.
14 Overview
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How Good Messaging Changes Your Handheld
How Good Messaging Changes Your
Your handheld guide describes your handheld before it has been set
up for use with Good Messaging software. In most cases, the guide
remains accurate after the handheld has been set up. The following
sections describe how Good Messaging may change your handheld’s
Palm OS Handhelds
• If your Palm OS guide describes Email, Calendar, Contact, and
Task applications, use this guide instead.
• In Treo 600 Preferences, the Sun key (also called Power button)
on the front panel is now set to display the Good Messaging
Today screen.
• In Treo 650 and 700w Preferences, the Side key on the left side of
the handheld is now set to display the Good Messaging Today
• The handheld radio is used for Good Messaging applications, as
well as for the phone and Internet. When a Good Messaging data
connection is established via the radio, the word “Data” is added
to the radio-strength indicator on-screen.
• When the Caller ID and Speed Dial features link to your contacts,
the Good Messaging Contacts application is used.
Windows Mobile 2003 Handhelds
• Access to the Good Messaging applications is added to the Today
• Hardware buttons, if any, that connect to calendar, contacts, and
email, will now connect to the Good Messaging versions of these
• Email status and upcoming appointments are added to the Today
User’s Guide15
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• If your handheld guide describes email, calendar, contact, and
task applications, the applications are still available, but you’ll use
this guide instead for the Good Messaging versions of these
• When the Caller ID and Speed Dial features link to your contacts,
the Good Messaging Contacts application is used.
Windows Mobile 5.0 Handhelds
• Access to the Good Messaging applications is added to the Home
• Hardware buttons that connect to Calendar, Contacts, and Email,
will now connect to the Good Messaging versions of these
• Email status, text messages, and upcoming Calendar
appointments are added to the Home screen.
• SMS (text) messages can be accessed through the Messaging menu
and you can send an SMS message from within Good Messaging
• If your handheld guide describes email, calendar, contact, and
task applications, these applications are still available, but you’ll
use this guide instead for the Good Messaging versions.
• When the Caller ID and Speed Dial features link to your contacts,
the Good Messaging Contacts application is used.
Symbian OS, Nokia Series 60 Handhelds
• Access to the Good Messaging applications is added to the Active
Standby screen.
• The email hardware button will now connect to the Good
Messaging inbox. A long press of the email hardware button will
open an email compose window inside GoodLink.
16 Overview
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About Good Messaging Applications
• SMS (text) or MMS (multimedia) messages can be accessed
through the Messaging menu and you can send an SMS message
from within Good Messaging Contacts.
• If your handheld guide describes email, calendar, contact, and
task applications, these applications are still available, but you’ll
use this guide instead for the Good Messaging versions.
• When the Caller ID and Speed Dial features link to your contacts,
the Good Messaging Contacts application is used.
• Depending on the E series handheld you have, Good Messaging
Contacts may not be integrated with the phone. Therefore, SMS,
spped dial, and caller ID do not query the Good Messaging
Contacts database.
About Good Messaging Applications
Good Messaging applications are wirelessly synchronized with your
email server account. Synchronization includes:
• Email messages and folders
Both message status and folder contents are synchronized. For
- Messages marked read on your handheld are marked read on
the email server and in your Inbox.
- New messages sent to your email server Inbox are
automatically sent to your handheld.
- Messages you delete from the Inbox on your handheld are also
deleted from the Inbox.
- Email folders you add, delete, or rearrange also appear on your
For more information on email synchronization, see “Using Email
Folders” on page 53.
• Contacts
User’s Guide17
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All personal contacts are synchronized. Personal contacts are
those stored in the Contacts folder or Address Book in your
account (the ones that you see when you click the Contacts folder
in Outlook or Lotus Notes). Your IT administrator determines
which public contacts are available to you. Public contacts are
those stored in public folders in Outlook or Lotus Notes.
• Calendar
Both calendar appointments and meeting requests are
synchronized. You can create, change, and delete meetings, and
accept, tentatively accept, or decline meeting requests from your
• Notes/Personal Journal
Notes or Personal Journal are synchronized. Up to 4K of text per
note is included.
• Tasks /To Do Lists
Tasks or To Do lists are synchronized. Recurring tasks in appear as
individual tasks on the handheld.
You do not need a cable, cradle, or the desktop software installed on
your computer to synchronize. Synchronization happens whenever
the handheld radio is on and you are in coverage, as shown by the
signal-strength indicator for data service on your handheld. You can
choose to work offline; however, you can continue to read and
compose messages while offline. An active GPRS subscription, or
access to a WiFi network (if it is supported by your handheld), is
required for synchronization to work.
For More Information
For more information about Good Messaging and other applications
within the Good System product suite, visit
18 Overview
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2Getting Started
This chapter gives a basic introduction to using your handheld with
Good Messaging.
For information about installing Good Messaging, refer to “Wireless
Setup” on page 103 or to the Good Messaging Easy Setup Card.
Using Good Messaging
In general, Good Messaging works the same on all handhelds.
Depending on the handheld itself, key functions and menus may
vary. Refer to the handheld maker’s user guide for information on
basic operation and care of the handheld.
Palm OS Handhelds
You can use the touch screen or the five-way navigation pad to move
around the screen. Select the Good icon from the Programs screen to
get to the main Good Messaging screen. This screen includes an icon
bar you can use to open Good Messaging applications.
User’s Guide19
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Getting Started
The Home screen includes an icon bar you can use to open Good
Messaging applications.
To open the Good Today
screen, press the Home key
or select the Good icon on
the Palm home screen.
Select an icon on the icon bar to
open Good Messaging
Select the scroll arrow to
view more icons.
20 Getting Started
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Using Good Messaging
If you prefer, you can change the Today screen to show a quick
launcher instead of the icon bar. To hide (or show) the quick launcher,
press Menu and choose Quick Launcher from the Options menu.
Select this command to show or
hide the Good quick launcher.
Select an application name
on the quick launcher to
open a Good Messaging
Select More... to view a list of
additional Good Messaging
To open a Good Messaging application, select an application icon on
the Today screen. You can also use the five-way navigation pad on
your handheld to scroll and open applications from the icon bar or
quick launcher.
To return to the Home screen, press the Home button.
• You can configure the Sun key, the Side Key, or the Home key on
your handheld to automatically open the Good Today screen. For
more information, see “Setting Good Messaging Preferences” on
page 86. Choices are:
Treo 600: The Sun (Power) key or the Home key.
Treo 650: The Side key or the Home key
If you select the Sun key:
• Pressing the Sun key opens the Good Today screen.
User’s Guide21
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Getting Started
• Holding down the Sun key for a few seconds will activate the
keyboard lock.
• Press the Home key to use Palm applications (return to Palm
If you select the Side key:
• Holding down the Side key for a few seconds will open the
Good Today screen.
• Press the Home key to use Palm applications (return to Palm
If you select the Home key:
• Pressing the Home key from any GoodLink application will
open the Good Today screen.
• On the Good Today screen, pressing the Home key returns you
to Palm home. You can also choose Go to Palm Applications
from the GoodLink menu.
• Sun key (Treo 600) and Side key (Treo 650 and 700p) functions
are unchanged.
Windows Mobile Pocket PC Handhelds
You can use the touch screen or the five-way navigation pad to move
around the screen. You can use the Good Launcher to move between
the Good Messaging applications. The Good Launcher includes a
menu of all of the Good Messaging applications and preferences.
From the Today screen, select the Good logo to open the Good
Launcher. From the Good Launcher, you can start any of the Good
Messaging applications. You can return to the Good Launcher at any
time by selecting Menu, and then Good Launcher while using a Good
Messaging application.
Press the back arrow key to return to the previous screen. If you are in
a text entry field, pressing the back arrow key deletes the characters
to the left of the cursor.
22 Getting Started
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Using Good Messaging
To use other applications (non-Good) on your handheld, use the Start
menu from the Home screen.
Email ContactsNotes
from the
Start menu,
or select the
Good icon on
the Home
Windows Mobile Smartphones
You use the five-way navigation pad on your phone to move around
the screen. You can move left, right, up, or down. Press the Action
key (center of the five-way navigation pad) to select a highlighted
User’s Guide23
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Getting Started
LauncherCompose Contacts
GoodLink from
the Start menu,
or select the
Good icon on
the Home
For help with GoodLink,
select Quick Tips.
You use the two soft keys located directly below the screen to select a
menu. The menus change depending upon the application. On many
screens, the right soft key is Menu. Press Menu to display options or
to perform a command within an application.
To choose an item on a menu, you can use the five-way navigation
pad or you can also enter the number that corresponds to the menu
24 Getting Started
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Using Good Messaging
item. The following table describes the main ways to navigate using
your Smartphone.
Navigation pad
Action (center)
Soft KeysUse the two soft keys located directly below the screen
Menu KeyPress Menu to display options or to perform a
Back Arrow KeyPress the back arrow key to return to the previous
Left KeyPress the left key to return to a field at the top of the
HomePress the Home key to return to the Home Screen. The
Good LauncherThe Good Launcher includes a menu of all of the
Use the five-way navigation pad on your phone to
move around the screen. You can move up, down, left,
or right.
Use to select a highlighted item. Press the center of the
five-way navigation to select items.
to select a menu. The menus change depending upon
the application. On many screens, the right soft key is
command within an application.
screen. If you are in a text entry field or compose area of
an email, pressing the back arrow key deletes the
characters to the left of the cursor.
screen. For example, if you are scrolling through a long
list of contacts and want to return to the Find field,
press the left arrow key.
Home screen also includes icons, (such as the Email,
Compose, Calendar and Contacts), you can select to
start the application. It does not include an icon for
Notes or Tasks, which can be accessed through the
Good Launcher. Press the Home key twice to return to
the Good Launcher from within any GoodLink
GoodLink applications and preferences. From the
Home screen, select the Good logo to open the Good
Launcher. You can return to the Good Launcher at any
time by selecting Menu, and then Good Launcher while
using a GoodLink application.
User’s Guide25
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Getting Started
Start MenuFrom the Home screen, use the Start menu to access all
other (non-GoodLink) applications.
NotificationsYou receive an on-screen alert to notify you when a
particular event occurs. For example, if a new email
arrives or an appointment is coming up, a yellow alert
appears on the bottom of the screen. Press * to view the
notification or # to dismiss it.
Symbian OS, Nokia Series 60 Handhelds
You can use the Good Launcher to move between the Good
Messaging applications. The Good Launcher includes a menu of all
of the Good Messaging applications and preferences. From the Active
Standby screen, select the Good logo to open the Good Launcher.
From the Good Launcher, you can start any of the Good Messaging
applications. You can return to the Good Launcher at any time by
selecting Menu, and then Good Launcher while using a Good
Press the right softkey (Back) to return to the previous screen. If you
are in a text entry field, pressing the back arrow key deletes the
characters to the left of the cursor.
To use other applications (non-Good) on your handheld, use the
Applications screen.
Active Standby and Standby Modes
Nokia Series 60 handhelds have two types of standby modes: Active
Standy and Standby. If you turn on the handheld and see a bar of
icons, like in the screen below, the handheld is in Active Standby
mode. If you do not see any application icons besides the clock, you
are in Idle mode.
You can choose the applications available while in Active Standby
mode by selecting Menu > Tools > Settings > Phone > Standby Mode.
The behavior of some keys changes depending on the standby mode
of the handheld.
26 Getting Started
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While in Active Standby
mode, select the Good
logo to access the Good
Using Good Messaging
Select an
application to open
it or enter the letter
that corresponds to
The following table describes the key navigation methods:
Five-way Navigation
Selection (center of fiveway navigation joystick)
Right Soft KeyUse to close current screen or return to the
Left Soft KeyUse to select a menu. On many screens, the left
Use to move around the screen. You can move
up, down, left, or right.
Use to select a highlighted item. Press the center
of the five-way navigation joystick to select
items. From Active Standby screens, goes to
Good Launcher.
previous screen.
soft key is Options. The menu changes
depending upon the screen.
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Getting Started
Options MenuPress to display options or to perform a
command within an application.
ApplicationsPress to go to the Applications folder. From the
Applications folder, you can navigate to other
installed applications. Pressing and holding this
button takes you to the application switcher
which is a fast way to move between
applications that are currently open.
EmailPress to go to the Good Messaging Inbox.
Pressing and holding this button goes to the
Compose screen.
End (red)Goes to Active Standby or Standby screen.
Call (green)Used to make phone call after the phone
number is entered or goes to Call logs on Active
Standby only.
Up arrow (from Idle
Down arrow (from Idle
Right arrow (from Idle
Left Arrow (from Idle
Getting HelpSelect Quick Tips from the Good Launcher to
Goes to Compose screen.
Goes to Contacts.
Goes to Calendar.
Goes to Tasks.
get information about using Good Messaging.
Turning the Handheld On and Off
To turn your handheld on or off, press and hold the Power key.
Holding down the key turns off the radio only on Windows Mobile
and Palm OS handhelds. On some handhelds, you can press the
28 Getting Started
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The Handheld Battery
Power key quickly to display a list of options to turn off your phone,
set the key or device lock, set the profile type, and set other options.
The Handheld Battery
Keep your handheld’s battery charged. Refer to your handheld user’s
guide for detailed information on battery maintenance and
performance (for example, to find how much battery charge is
necessary for the radio to remain operational). When the battery
charge is too low for the radio to function, Good Messaging will not
Extending Battery Life
To extend battery life:
• Set the Auto-off and backlight settings to the minimum.
• Recharge the handheld’s battery at night or whenever you aren’t
using the handheld.
• Use the Block Sender feature to block messages from non-critical
senders. (See “Blocking Messages from a Sender” on page 57.)
• Turn off the handheld radio when traveling on airplanes or other
out-of-range situations.
• Where possible, use multiple recipients for email messages rather
then sending the message more than once.
• When possible, work offline. While working offline, you can
continue to read and compose messages, browse the Internet, and
make and receive calls.
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Getting Started
Good Messaging and the Handheld
The handheld’s radio connects your handheld to the wireless
network, enables you to send and receive email, and synchronizes
your applications. You can use your handheld without the radio (for
example, when you’re on an airplane), but the radio must be turned
on to synchronize.
Radio indicators that appear on screen apply to Good Messaging as
they do to the handheld. The service must be present for active Good
Messaging synchronization. If you are working offline, you can select
Send/Receive Now to synchronize on demand, and you can also
continue to make calls and browse the Internet.
Radio indicators vary depending on the type of handheld you are
using. (See the documentation that came with your handheld for
The following are some of the common indicators that appear on
your handheld.
Palm OS Indicators
The following indicators appear on Palm OS handhelds:
Radio signal strength is high.
Radio signal strength is medium.
Radio signal strength is low.
Radio coverage is currently unavailable.
Radio signal strength is insufficient to transmit
Radio is turned off.
Network problems are preventing communication.
Radio is transmitting data, such as Good
Messaging data and GPRS is activated.
30 Getting Started
Proprietary and Confidential – Beta
Use and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDA
Good Messaging and the Handheld Radio
Data transmission off. Use Send/Receive now to
Battery too weak for radio use.
Windows Mobile Smartphone Indicators
The following indicators appear on Windows Mobile Smartphone
Data call active. Connection arrows. Indicates the handheld is
connected to the network.
Connection problems/radio off. Symbols such as !, X, and OFF are
often used to indicate the radio is off or connection problems have
Signal bars. Indicates signal strength. The more bars that appear,
the stronger the signal.
Battery level.
GPRS available.
GPRS in use.
Predictive text (also known as T9 or iTap) input mode, uppercase.
Predictive text (also known as T9 or iTap) input mode, caps lock.
Predictive text (also known as T9 or iTap) input mode, lowercase.
Multi-tap text input mode, uppercase.
Multi-tap text input mode, caps lock.
Multi-tap text input mode, lowercase.
Numeric input mode
Predictive text input mode, lowercase
Predictive text input mode, caps lock
Predictive text input mode, uppercase
User’s Guide31
Proprietary and Confidential – Beta
Use and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDA
Getting Started
Windows Mobile Pocket PC Indicators
The following indicators appear on Windows Mobile Pocket PC
Signal bars. Indicates signal strength. The more bars that appear,
the stronger the signal.
Connection arrows. Indicates the handheld is connected to the
In addition to connection arrows, some handhelds may show
symbols or words (such as DATA) when data is transferred over
the connection.
Connection problems/radio off. Symbols such as !, X, and OFF are
often used to indicate the radio is off or connection problems have
Symbian OS, Nokia Series 60 Indicators
The following indicators appear on Symbian OS, Nokia Series 60
Signal bars. Indicates signal strength. The more bars that appear,
the stronger the signal.
In addition to connection arrows, some handhelds may show D
symbols when data is transferred over the connection.
GPRS connection available.
GPRS connection problem. Indicates the handheld is not
GPRS connection active. Indicates the handheld is connected to
the network.
Bluetooth connection active
Infrared connect active.
32 Getting Started
Proprietary and Confidential – Beta
Use and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDA
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