Nokia 7600 Service Manual 03 nmm3 sersw

Customer Care Solutions
NMM-3 Series Transceivers

3 - Service Software

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Page No.
Service Software .......................................................................................... 5
Phoenix ................................................................................................... 5
Supported Operating Systems ................................................... 5
Hardware requirements for using Phoenix ............................ 5
Introduction ................................................................................... 5
Installing Phoenix ................................................................. 5
Uninstalling Phoenix ............................................................ 6
Data Packages ........................................................................ 6
Starting a session ......................................................................... 6
Concepts .................................................................................. 6
Selecting a product ............................................................... 7
Selecting a connection ........................................................ 7
Phoenix environment ........................................................... 7
Using components ................................................................ 7
Using profiles .......................................................................... 7
SW update flashing setup .................................................................. 8
FPS-8 Flash setup ......................................................................... 8
POS Flash concept ........................................................................ 9
USB Flash concept 1 .................................................................... 10
USB Flash concept 2 .................................................................... 11
NMM-3 Phoenix installation instructions ............................. 11
FPS-8 to PC connection Setup instructions .......................... 12
FPS-8 activation ........................................................................... 12
Checking application SW version inside FPS-8 .................... 12
Reprogramming NMM-3 ................................................................... 14
Updating software ........................................................................ 14
Service Tool Concepts for Calibration ............................................ 15
Calibration Set-up using MJS-84 ............................................ 16
Calibration Set-up using JBV-1 ................................................ 17
Energy Management Calibration ..................................................... 18
Automatic Calibration ................................................................. 18
Connections ................................................................................... 18
Phoenix Setup ................................................................................ 18
Calibration ...................................................................................... 19
Limits for Energy Management Calibration ................... 20
GSM Tuning ........................................................................................... 20
General remarks on GSM RF Tuning ........................................ 20
Introduction ................................................................................... 20
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Page No.
Receiver Tunings ........................................................................... 20
RX Channel Select Filter Calibration ............................... 20
RX Calibration ....................................................................... 21
RX Band Filter Response Compensation ........................ 24
RX DtoS Balance Calibration ............................................. 28
Transmitter Tunings ..................................................................... 29
TX I/Q Tuning .......................................................................... 29
TX Power Level Tuning .......................................................... 32
WCDMA Tuning .................................................................................... 36
WCDMA RF Tunings ..................................................................... 36
WCDMA RF Channel Filter Calibration ............................ 36
WCDMA Temperature Sensor Calibration ..................... 37
WCDMA RX AGC Alignment ............................................... 37
WCDMA RX Band Response Calibration ......................... 39
WCDMA TX Bias Current Tuning ....................................... 40
WCDMA TX AGC Alignment ............................................... 41
WCDMA TX Power Detector Calibration ......................... 43
WCDMA TX Band Response Calibration .......................... 44
WCDMA RF Testing Using Local Mode ............................ 46
WCDMA TX Control .............................................................. 46
WCDMA RX Control .............................................................. 47
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Service Software


Phoenix is the new generation Service Software. It has been designed to meet the chal­lenges in servicing modern cellular phone technology.
The Phoenix program has been built using component architecture. This means that the actual program is small and most of the program’s functionality is divided into dynami­cally loaded modules (DLLs).

Supported Operating Systems

Windows 98, 2000, ME and NT 4.0 (SP4).

Hardware requirements for using Phoenix

Minimum: Processor 233 MHz, RAM memory 64 MB, Disk space 50-100 MB.
Recommended for Windows 2000: Processor 700 MHz, RAM memory 512 MB, Disk space 50-100 MB.


This section briefly describes how to install the Phoenix software and includes some basic information on how to use the program. For more detailed information, please refer to Phoenix’s Help -files. Each feature in Phoenix has its own Help function, which can be activated while running the program.
Press the F1 key or the feature’s Help-button to activate a Help -file.
Installing Phoenix
1. Download the latest release. Please contact your regional After Market Services point for information on where to download the latest release.
Download and read the release notes, which have useful information on the software version you are using.
2. Download the latest data packages for the products you will be using.
3. Before you start installing the program, check that
- the dongle is attached to parallel port. Contact your supervisor in order to obtain a suitable dongle.
- you have administrator rights (Windows 2000 or NT only). This is required in order to be able to install Phoenix.
4. Install Phoenix by executing the Phoenix installation package and follow the instruc­tions on the screen.
Initially the setup files are extracted into the file system.
Note: If the setup files are already extracted (left in the file system from previous instal-
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lation) “Overwrite Protection” dialog appears. Always click "Yes to All" to overwrite the existing setup files.
5. The installation checks that the latest supported dongle driver version is installed. The dongle driver is installed if there is no previous installation of the dongle driver or if the installed dongle driver is older than the latest supported version.
Note: If the dongle driver is installed during installation, you need to reboot your PC and restart the installation after reboot.
Program files are stored under ” C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix” (default).
6. Install the data package by executing the installation package and follow the instruc­tions on the screen.
The data packages will create product specific directories under the installation direc­tory.
Data files are stored under ” C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix” (default).
Uninstalling Phoenix
If you need to remove Phoenix Service Software from your computer:
1. Make sure that the dongle is attached (unregistration).
2. Go to the Control Panel and select Add/Remove Programs.
3. Select Phoenix for uninstallation and click Add/Remove.
4. Click OK to remove the application
You may have to reboot your PC after uninstallation.
Note: If you have different product packages installed, the components are uninstalled only if they are not included in other product packages.
Data Packages
Data Packages (DP) is a name for a helpful feature in the Phoenix software. This type of feature provides a flexible way of distributing and installing Phoenix and its data files.
All product-specific data is separated from the program code and installed separately. This means that the installation is performed in at least two steps.
Each product will have its own Data Package (DP). The FPS-8 flashing equipment also has its own package.

Starting a session

In the Phoenix context, Product means the cellular phone attached to a PC. More specif­ically, it is a particular type of phone.
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Connection means the type of cable used to attach the phone to the port to which the other end of the cable is attached.
Selecting a product
Many of Phoenix’s features are product-specific. It is, therefore, mandatory to choose the product you will be working on at the beginning of the session.
Select the menu item File - Choose Product. You will be presented with a list of available products.
After the product selection, you will see an additional menu item on the main menu. If you take a look at the available menu items, you will see that their number has increased.
Selecting a connection
The connection defines the cable and the communications port that will be used when connecting to the phone.
1. Active connections are listed in the toolbar’s Connection pull-down menu. You should make sure that the connection is correct before using the software. Change it, if neces­sary.
In case the connection is the wrong, you need to create a new one.
2. Select Settings from the pull-down menu .
3. Select Add in the Connection List Dialog and in fill the relevant fields in the Connec- tion setup dialog.
Phoenix environment
You can configure the program’s main toolbar and the product or tool -specific options to your liking.
You can control which toolbars are visible by selecting View and Toolbars from the pull­down menu. The visible toolbars are marked with a check.
The rest of the options are product or tool -specific. The tool-specific options are set using the associated toolbar.
Using components
When working with Phoenix, each task generally has its own component that will per­form the task. The first thing, therefore, is to open the desired component.
Opening a component means that you open a tool window within Phoenix. When this window is opened, Phoenix also opens a toolbar for it and adds component-specific menu items in the View menu.
Using profiles
A Profile is a useful feature in the software. Product, connection and currently open
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components can be stored into a permanent storage (a disk file called profile, *.nmp) for later retrieval.
Opening and saving profiles is done via menu commands found in the File menu. Select Open Profile and Save Profile.
Since profiles are stored into a disk file with the user-defined name, there can be multi­ple profiles for different repeated tasks.

SW update flashing setup

FPS-8 Flash setup

The following equipment is required for 7600 (NMM-3) AMS SW update, when connect­ing NMM-3 to PC with FPS-8:
Item Description Type Code
1 Docking station JBV-1 0770298 2 Docking station adapter MJF-29 (used with JBV-1) 0770592 3 DC Power cable PCS-1 0730012 4 Modular cable XCS-4 0730178 5 Flash prommer box sales pack FPS-8 0080321 6 Printer cable ~ (supplied with FPS-8) 0730029 7 RS232 (D9 – D9) cable AXS-4 , incl in FPS-8 sales pack 0730090 8 Software protection key (Dongle) PKD-1 0750018
Service SW (downloadable from PWS) xxxxxxxx
10 AC Charger, ACF-8, incl in FPS-8 sale s pack 0680032
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Note: When flashing the NMM-3 there must be two additional SRAM cards (SF12: code
00803346) assembled inside the FPS-8

POS Flash concept

The following equipment is required for 7600 (NMM-3) AMS SW update, at point of sale when connecting NMM-3 to PC with FLS-4:
Item Description Type Code
1 Point of Sales flash loading adapter FLA-45 0775340
2 Service cable XCS-1 0730218
3 AC Charger, ACF-8, incl in FPS-4S sales pack 0680032
4 FLS-4S sates pack for E & A FLS-4S 0080541
4 FLS-4S sates pack for APAC FLS-4S 0080542
5 Service SW (downloadable from PWS) xxxxxxxx
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USB Flash concept 1

Concept 1 (PC must have 2-USB ports) assuming that the laptop parallel port is used for other purpose.
The FLS-4S is connected to the Laptop USB port via USB cable as shown above.
Phone to PC via DKU-2
The following equipment is required for 7600 (NMM-3) USB Flash concept 1 set-up:
Item Description Type Code
1 Pop port cable DKU-2 0273643
2 USB type B cable ~ xxxxxxxx
3 FLS-4S sates pack for E & A FLS-4S 0080541
3 FLS-4S sates pack for APAC FLS-4S 0080542
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USB Flash concept 2

The following equipment is required for 7600 (NMM-3) USB Flash concept 2 set-up:
Item Description Type Code
1 Pop port cable DKU-2 0273643
2 FLS-4S sates pack for E & A FLS-4S 0080541
2 FLS-4S sates pack for APAC FLS-4S 0080542

NMM-3 Phoenix installation instructions

Now that cables have been connected, you must install NMM-3 version of Phoenix to your PC.
Save the package to your hard disk and install it by doubleclicking it.
NOTE: It is recommended that you uninstall previous Phoenix package before installing the new one. Do it as follows:
Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel
Add/Remove Prog.
Phoenix NMM-3 release
Reboot your computer after uninstallation
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FPS-8 to PC connection Setup instructions

Establish connection between your PC and FPS-8. The procedure is as follows:
Start phoenix
Choose File -> Manage connections
Choose Add
Select mode, select Manual
As Media, select FPS-8
Port number, select the port where you have connected the serial cable of FPS-8.
Select 115200 BIT_RATE
Click on Finish
•Press Arrow up key so that FPS8 COM1 FBUS becomes the first on the list.
Press Apply and close the window
The connection between PC and FPS-8 has now been configured.

FPS-8 activation

Follow the instructions inside FPS-8 sales pack to get FPS-8 activated.

Checking Application SW version inside FPS-8

When you have connection established to FPS-8 and FPS-8 has been activated, the first thing to do is to check that you have correct application SW version inside FPS-8. Phoe­nix SW can check that automatically. The procedure goes as follows:
Go to the partner web site and take newest AMS FPS-8 SW.
Click Fps-8 downloads
Click Flash Update
Click AMS/Production version
Click 2.10.000
Take file flash_update_02_10_000.exe
Save it to your hard drive to a place which you can remember
Go to that directory and click on flash_update_02_10_000.exe
You will see the following note on your screen. Install files to the directory which instal­lation program suggests to you.
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Figure 1: Install Shield Wizard screen
When the installation has been finished, FPS-8 files are located in that directory.
You can now start phoenix SW.
When phoenix SW has stared, do the following:
Click on flashing
Click on FPS-8/FPS-8C Maintenance
If SW inside FPS-8 prommer is too old, you get the following notification:
Figure 2: Prommer SW update screen
Click Yes and you see on the small scree as the Prommer goes to service mode (mode2 is lit) SW goes into box, application SW , Secondary boot codes and algorithm codes are updated.
There is no longer need to do anything special with NMM-3 specific Secondart boot codes and algorithm codes.
Your PC and FPS-8 is now ready for NMM-3 SW update.
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Reprogramming NMM-3

For programming using the FPS-8, remove SIM and attach the FLA-45 adapter or con­nect to MJF-29/JBV-1 as shown in the FPS-8 Flash setup above. If flashing using the FLS-4S via USB, power on phone as normal, with SIM fitted and connect DKU-2 Pop port cable in either of the two USB flash configurations shown above.

Updating Software

The following procedure can be used for updating the phone software.
Open Phoenix
Choose File - Manage connections
Set the required connection method to the top of the priority list and Apply
Select Flashing and choose either: FPS-8 Flash or FLS-4 Flash depending on connection method
The Flash window will open.
To restore the user data after the phone has been flashed select Restore User Phone. If you wish to delete all the user data and return the phone to manufactured state, select
Phone as Manu
Select the required Image File and PPM File using Browse... buttons on the Flash File Selection window. If Phone as Manu the Content File path.
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factured has been selected, enter
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•Do not select an ADSP File.
Select Start to begin flashing.
Follow instructions on screen as required.
If flashing is done by the FPS-8 then the software package is first transferred to the FPS­8, this process may be slow, in which case, it is recommended that the parallel port is configured in ECP mode. If you do not know how to change the parallel port mode con­tact your local support.
If flashing is done using the FLS-4S with USB then the ADL package is first down loaded, this is a phone application that manages the USB flashing process.
Erasing of the phone memory is then carried out.
Finally the software package is programmed into the phone, and the user data, if requested, is restored.

Service Tool Concepts for Calibration

Calibration can be carried out using:
MJS-84 Module Jig
JBV-1 Docking station with MJF-29 Docking Station Adapter for NMM-3
Power to the MJS-84 or JBV-1 should be supplied from an external DC power supply, not the FPS-8 prommer.
Remember cable attenuation when tuning RF power settings.
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