Nokia 6560 Service Manual 5rh25servtools

CCS Technical Documentation
RH-25 Series Transceivers

Service Tools

Issue 1 10/2003 Confidential © 2003 Nokia Corporation
Service Tools CCS Technical Documentation


Service Tools.................................................................................................................. 3
6560 .............................................................................................................................3
Flashing and Testing Setups .......................................................................................... 8
FPS-8 Flash Prommer for Heavy Flash .......................................................................8
FPS-8C Flash Prommer for Heavy Parallel Flash .......................................................8
User Instructions ............................................................................................................ 9
DA-15 / SA-16 .............................................................................................................9
SF-15 ..........................................................................................................................11
Page 2 ©2003 Nokia Corporation Confidential Issue 1 10/2003
CCS Technical Documentation Service Tools
Service Tools
Photo Code Service Tool Code Description
MJ-16 Module Jig 0770575 This jig allows phone
PWB-level service and troubleshooting. Elec­tric currents should be protected against over-voltage and over-current.
FLS-4S POS Flash Adapter 0080543 The Point of Sale
(POS) flash is a low­cost software upgrade tool. This requires the XCS-1 cable and ACP-8U for operation.
FPS-8 Flash Prommer 0080321 The Flash Prommer
FPS-8 is used for flash.
FPS-8C Heavy Flash Prommer 0080396 The Heavy Flash
Prommer FPS-8C is used for heavy paral­lel flashing.
Issue 1 10/2003 Confidential ©2003 Nokia Corporation Page 3
Service Tools CCS Technical Documentation
Photo Code Service Tool Code Description
JBV-1 Docking Station 0770298 The Docking Station
and the Docking Sta­tion Adapter (DA-15) are needed for Mbus, Fbus, RF, and audio connections. This setup allows con­nection between flash prommers. When the audio box is con­nected, it has to be connected to the phone’s audio con­nector.
DA-15 Docking Station
CPL-1 Coupler 0770287 The coupler has been
JBA-8 Audio Box 0770320 The Audio Box is
0770624 The Docking Station
can be powered by FPS-8 or external power supply.
developed for antenna go/no go testing.
needed for audio con­nections. The box must support DCT4 Janette audios. JBA-8 provides an intercon­nection between the phone’s system con­nector (XEAR, XMIC) through a fixed audio cable and audio tester with a BNC-BNC coax. Connection to a PC can be made with the service battery, through a DAU-9 cable.
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