HDa-13/S 893 Repairhints
Service & Analysis Center Europe Introduction Version 1.2 Approved
SACE CC Training Group Date 2001-03-16
2 (29)
-How to use this document
Put the QUICK REPAIR layouts behind this manual.
Now you are able to follow these specifications with graphical layouts and it is easier for you to find the
components and measuring points.
-Component characteristics:
Some components contain important data.
Several described steps are only practicable if you are able to reflash/ realign the phone and/or rewrite
IMEI/SIMlock in certain cases. Please pay attention to separate notes.
-Underfills, broken balls, µBGA
It is not possible to change underfilled components. The trial will damage PCB surely. All replaceable
µBGA-components must be renewed after removing. Reflow is not allowed.
Check soldering points, remove oxidated solderings (broken balls) carefully by enclosing few new solder
before placing new components.
µBGA must be soldered only with NMP approved µBGA-rework machines (e.g. Zevac/OK International).
Use only recommended Fluxtype and an appropriate amount of it.
-PCB handling
Only use appropriate cleaning materials, don`t use scratching or rubbing tools. Clean PCB carefully after
every rework and take great pains over the keyboard area. Don´t make any loose wiring connections
If it is necessary to change any item located under the metal shields, remove the shield first, don´t cut
partially or bend it. Take care: Corners of the lids are sharp, insuries are possible !
Shields and screws must be renewed after removal.
-Realign after repair
Characteristics of replacement parts are different.
To prevent additional faults after repair (eg. low standby time, loosing network etc…) it is necessary
to retune phone values after repair.
HDa-13/S 893 Repairhints
Service & Analysis Center Europe Introduction Version 1.2 Approved
SACE CC Training Group Date 2001-03-16
This document is intended for use by authorized NOKIA service centers only.
The purpose of this document is to provide some further service information for NOKIA 6210/6250 phones.
It contains a lot of collected tips and hints to find failures and repair solutions easily.
It also will give support to the inexperienced technicians.
Saving process time and improving the repair quality is the aim of using this document.
We have build it up based on fault symptoms (listed in "Contents") followed by detailed description for further
It is to be used additionally to the service manual and other service information like Service Bulletins, for that
reason it doesn't contain any circuit descriptions or schematics.
All measurements are made using following equipment:
Nokia repair SW : WinTesla Version 6.43
DLL version : 311.03.00
Nokia Module Jig : JBT-13 / MJS-23
Digital multimeter : Fluke 73
Oscilloscope : Hitachi V-1565; Fluke PM 3380A/B
Spectrum Analyzer : Advantest R3162 with an analogue probe
RF-Generator / : Rohde & Schwarz CMU 200
GSM Tester
While every endeavour has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, some errors may exist. If any errors
are found by the reader, NOKIA should be notified in writing, using following procedure :
Please state:
Title of the Document + Issue Number/Date of publication.
Page(s) and/or Figure(s) in error.
Please send to: Nokia GmbH
Service & Analysis Center Europe
D-44807 Bochum / Germany
Email: training.sace@nokia.com
HDa-13/S 893 Repairhints
Service & Analysis Center Europe Introduction Version 1.2 Approved
SACE CC Training Group Date 2001-03-16
Energy management calibration information
If it is necessary to realign, it is imperative to follow the instructions displayed in the pop-up windows!
As soon as you take an other order as given from WinTesla, the alignment will be failed or will stop and you must begin once
Follow these instructions as shown in pictures and your energy management calibration will work.
First step: (Charge current)
Second step: (Charge current)
If all of the measurements are OK, the values are now adjusted.
If one or more values failed, see charging problems on page #14.
HDa-13/S 893 Repairhints
Service & Analysis Center Europe Introduction Version 1.2 Approved
SACE CC Training Group Date 2001-03-16
TX tuning
Has to be tuned in both bands, but only on middle channels :
CH38 – 897,6 MHz for EGSM and CH700 – 1747,8 MHz for PCN.
TX I/Q tuning has to be done for both bands.
Reference are always target- values given from WINTESLA.
RX calibration
RSSI (Radio / Received Signal Strength Indicator)
The "RX calibration" is used to determine gain at different gain-settings for front-end and Hagar and needs to be done in both
bands, but the calibration only has to be started once, it will automatically proceed to the PCN band after EGSM.
Note: If the frequency in your Wintesla is different from 946.2671 MHz ,you will have to close Wintesla and add or edit
these lines in your tesla.ini file:
RXChannelGSM =56
TXChannelGSM =38
Restart Wintesla and redo RX Calibration.
Note if the low level in your Wintesla is different from –85dBm, you will have to close Wintesla and add these lines in your
tesla.ini file:
RSSILow =-85
RSSIHigh =-55
Restart Wintesla and redo RX Calibration
Note : Check if AGC-values are in ascending order (10dBm/step, exception: In PCN mode gainstep 2 to 3 is only ~5dBm)
HDa-13/S 893 Repairhints
Service & Analysis Center Europe Introduction Version 1.2 Approved
SACE CC Training Group Date 2001-03-16
AM suppression tuning
Tune's four Hagar internal resistors of RX demodulator.
Purpose is to minimize the effect of any kind of AM interference to RX performance.
Tuning is automatic but it needs AM-modulated signal to phones` antenna input and has to be done for both bands.
Set the generator to the level or frequency shown in your wintesla window!
Use these settings:
Fmod=1kHz Fmod=1kHz
Mod depth=83% Mod depth=83%
P=-23dBm P=-26dBm
F=956.2MHz F=1852.800MHz
AM supression results should be in a range for:
EGSM –86dBm to –130dBm, PCN -95dBm to
RX filter calibration results for AD values should be
in a range between 0 and 1023.
CC Training Group
Approved by:
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HDa-13/S 893 Repairhints
Service & Analysis Center Europe Introduction Version 1.2 Approved
SACE CC Training Group Date 2001-03-16
Description of Signals & Voltages
The cause of this list are some new named signals/voltages in opposite to former names which are used in this document
(where to measure) & for a better understanding in addition to the service manual.
Startup sequence/CCONT section
PWRON/WDDISX (J102/R401) Always high level, only pulled down as long as powerkey is pressed.
PURX (J101) Power-Up-Reset signal from CCONT. When the voltages are stable, this line is on high level
allowing the MAD to run (Masterreset).
CCONTCSX (J100) Chip select for the CCONT. Used when the MAD wants to access the CCONT on the serial
bus (the serial bus is shared with the display) GENSIO-bus.
CCONTINT Interrupt from the CCONT to the MAD; for example: from the Real Time Clock, when a
charger is connected or when an intelligent battery powers the phone up
CHARG_CTRL (J114/C171) Output to the charger, when using 3-wire charging. The duty cycle of this 32Hz signal
switches the output current of the ACP-9 charger.
RFC (J601) Reference Frequency Clock. High stability clock signal for the digital circuits inBaseband
SLEEPCLK (J112/C113)32kHz clock generated in CCONT RTC. Used by MAD during sleepmode
SYNTHPWR (J317) Control line from MAD to CCONT. Turns on/off 3 voltage regulators for RF
VCXOPWR/SLEEPX (J331/J333/R305) Control line from MAD to CCONT. Controls the sleep-mode by turning on/off regulators
needed during normal/sleep
VB (J103/C105) Battery voltage
VCORE (C155) Digital baseband supply for the MAD core, 1.7 –1.9V
VBB (J108/C147) Digital baseband supply, 2.7V
VCOBBA (J109/C254) Analog baseband supply, 2.7V (used for audio)
VBATTIR (L121) Battery voltage for supplying IRDA, VIBRA and BUZZER
VBATTRF (L122) Battery voltage for the Power amplifiers (RF)
VBATTUI (L120) Battery voltage for supplying LED’s
VREF (J117/C143) 1.5V reference voltage (+-1,5%) generated by CCONT
VREF_RX (R510) Reference voltage for HAGAR, generated by COBBA
VSYN_1 (J106/C130) Supply voltage for SHF VCO
VSYN_2 (C133) Supply voltage for digital and analog circuits in HAGAR (VLO,VPRE,VBB, VF_RX)
VRX (J104/C136) Supply voltage for HAGAR part of the RX chain
VTX (J107/C142)Supply voltage for the TX chain in HAGAR
VXO (J105/C141) Supply voltage for the VCTCXO and VDIG in HAGAR
VCP (J110/C157) 4,9V supply voltage for PLL charge pump HAGAR
V_IN (F101) Charger input
VPP (C349)12V input for fast flashing. In normal use, this line of the Flash is used for write protecting
the flash, and is then controlled by MAD with a possible overrule from a voltage detection
circuit. So if the battery is removed, the voltage detector disabled writing to the flash
VIRDA (C139)Regulator (2.7V), that turns the Infrared device and buffers on/off
RAM_BCK (C135) Backup-supply to SRAM. When the phone is turned off, the SRAM gets power from the
RTC-battery, so that data is not lost
BATTIO (V120) Signal used for turning ON an intelligent battery from the phone
HDa-13/S 893 Repairhints
Service & Analysis Center Europe Introduction Version 1.2 Approved
SACE CC Training Group Date 2001-03-16
RF part
AFC (R604) Automatic Frequency Control - analog control signal for 26 MHz VCTCXO fine tuning
COBBACLK (J200) 13MHz clock from MAD to COBBA - used for syncronized serial communication between
HAGARRESET (J500/N501)Reset signal from MAD to HAGAR
DET (V800) Detector signal between powerdetector and HAGAR
SCLK (J502/J506) Clock for HAGAR serial programming (26 MHz)
SDATA (J503/J507) Data for HAGAR serial programming
SLE (J501/J505) Serial Latch Enable for HAGAR serial programming (formerly titled as SENA)
RXI, RXQ (R509) The RX baseband signals (after downconversion)
GSM_RX (Z700) EGSM RX signal between RX/TX switch and 1st EGSM SAW
GSM_TX (L800) EGSM TX signal between dual-coupler and RX/TX switch
TXP (R512) Transmitter power enable - used for timing of the power loop, Enables the operation
amplifier in HAGAR
TXC (R518) Transmitter power control signal, that controls the level of the output power and the shape
of the burst
VPCTRL_G (V803) Control line for PA output power
TXVDET (C531) Supply voltage for the RF power detector circuit
TXBUF_G (C807) Supply voltage for EGSM TX buffer
TXBUF_P (C829) Supply voltage for PCN TX buffer
LNA_G (C706)EGSM LNA supply voltage, front-end gain on/off
LNA_P (C700) PCN LNA supply voltage, front-end gain on/off
LNAB_G (R708) BIAS for both LNA’s, front-end gain on/off
TXI_0, TXI_180 (R513) Differential In-phase TX signals to the IQ-modulator
TXQ_0, TXQ_180 (R516) Differential quadrature-phase TX signals to the IQ-modulator
TXVGSM (R910/N800) Selects GSM Tx mode in PA and RX/TX Switch
TXVPCN (R911/N800) Selects PCN Tx mode in PA and RX/TX Switch
OUTM_G_TX (L802) Balanced EGSM TX signal between HAGAR and EGSM TX balun
OUTP_G_TX (L802) Balanced EGSM TX signal between HAGAR and EGSM TX balun
OUTM_P_TX (L804) Balanced PCN TX signal between HAGAR and PCN TX balun
OUTP_P_TX (L804) Balanced PCN TX signal between HAGAR and PCN TX balun
INM_GSM_RX (L704) Balanced EGSM RX signal between EGSM RX balun and RF input of HAGAR
INP_GSM_RX (L704) Balanced EGSM RX signal between EGSM RX balun and RF input of HAGAR
INM_LO (T600) Balanced VCO signal between VCO balun and VCO input of HAGAR
INP_LO (T600) Balanced VCO signal between VCO balun and VCO input of HAGAR
INP_PCN_RX (L703) Balanced PCN RX signal between PCN RX balun and RF input of HAGAR
INM_PCN_RX (L703) Balanced PCN RX signal between PCN RX balun and RF input of HAGAR
OSC_DIV/TOUT (C614) Reference divider output (13 MHz) -- RFClock
OSC_IN (G602) Reference frequency input from ref oscillator
OUT_CP (C605) Output of the PLL charge pump
PCS_RX (Z701) PCN RX signal between RX/TX switch and 1st PCN SAW
PCS_TX (L800) PCN TX signal between dual-coupler and RX/TX switch