Product NPM-5 Repairhints
Customer Care Europa & Africa Introduction Version 1.0 Approved
2002 SCCE Training Group
Date 08.04.2002
npm_5_repair_v1_0.doc Checked by:
SCCE Training Group
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Product NPM-5 Repairhints
Customer Care Europa & Africa Introduction Version 1.0 Approved
2002 SCCE Training Group
Date 08.04.2002
- How to use this document
Place the schematics behind this manual.
Now you are able to follow these specifictions with graphical layouts and it is easier for you to find the components and
measuring points.
-General handling
There are different screw lengths so pay attention to the right screw position. All screws must be tightened with a torque of
17Ncm. If a higher torque is used, the B_cover and spacer frame might be damaged.
When connecting the phone to the flash box (Fla-7 or FPS-8), generally contact service will be shown on display because the UI
module is hold in reset state to protect it for software corruption.
-µBGA components and broken balls
Special attention to µBGA components:
All µBGA´s with exception of MAD D300 are replaceable and must be renewed after removing. Reflow by hot air fan is not
Check soldering points, remove oxidated solderings (broken balls) carefully by enclosing a few new solders before placing new
components. The only allowed way to change µBGA components is the use of µBGA rework maschines, approved from NMP (e.g.
ZEVAC/ OK International). Use recommended Fluxtype and an appropriate amount only
-Component characteristics
Some components contain important data.
Several described steps are only practicable if you are able to reflash/ realign the card phone and/ or rewrite IMEI/
SIMlock in certain cases. Please pay attention to separate notes.
-Realign after repair
Characteristics of replacement parts are different.
To prevent additional faults after repair (RX quality, TX power etc.) it is necessary to retune phone values.
npm_5_repair_v1_0.doc Checked by:
SCCE Training Group
Approved by:

Product NPM-5 Repairhints
Customer Care Europa & Africa Introduction Version 1.0 Approved
2002 SCCE Training Group
Date 08.04.2002
This document is intended for use by authorized NOKIA service centers only.
The purpose of this document is to provide some further service information for 5510.
It contains a lot of collected tips and hints to find failures and repair solutions easily.
It also will give support to the inexperienced technicians.
Saving process time and improving the repair quality is the aim of using this document.
We have built it up based on fault symptoms (listed in "Contents") followed by detailed description for further analysis.
It is to be used additionally to the service manual and other service information like Service Bulletins, for that reason it does not
contain any circuit descriptions or schematics.
All measurements are made using following equipment:
Nokia repair SW : WinTesla 6.43
: Flash EXT_UI Board V 2.0
Service SW DLL version : 01.40.00
Flash SW (CMT) : 3.47
Flash SW (UI) : 6.0
Test Jig : MJS-19 for MA4 (CMT module)
Test Jig : MJS-64 for MU4 (UI) and integration of MJS-19 Jig for MA4 (CMT)
Digital Multimeter : Fluke 73
Oscilloscope : Fluke PM 3380A/B
Spectrum Analyser : Advantest R3162 with an analogue probe
RF-Generator / : CMU 200
GSM Tester
While every endeavour has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, some errors may exist. If the reader finds any
errors, NOKIA should be notified in writing, using following procedure:
Please state:
Title of the Document + Issue Number/Date of publication.
Page(s) and/or Figure(s) of error.
Please send to: Nokia GmbH
Customer Care E&A
D-44807 Bochum / Germany
Email: training.sace@nokia.com
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones.
This material, including documentation and any related computer programs, is protected by copyright, controlled by Nokia Mobile
Phones. All rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, modifying, storing, adapting or translating any or all of this
material requires the prior written consent of Nokia Mobile Phones. This material also contains confidential information, which
may not be disclosed to others without the prior written consent of Nokia Mobile Phones.
npm_5_repair_v1_0.doc Checked by:
SCCE Training Group
Approved by:

Product NPM-5 Repairhints
Customer Care Europa & Africa Introduction Version 1.0 Approved
2002 SCCE Training Group
Date 08.04.2002
CHAPTER 1 Additional information 5
- Tuning support 5
- Modify the MJS-64 Test Jig 5
- Assembling instructions (screws) 6
- Contact service when connected to the flash box 6
- Testing UI with WinTesla 6
CHAPTER 2 UI SW faults 7
- No record from radio 7
- After power off, stored MP3 files lost 7
- MP3 player jumps 7
- Contact service 7
- Backlight ok but no display function 7
- Losing stored MP3 files 7
CHAPTER 2 Electrical faults 8
- Contact service 8
CHAPTER 3 Mechanical faults 9
- B-cover damaged 9
- Wrong connector assembling 9
CHAPTER 4 5510 specific CMT faults 10
- Slow key function 10
CHAPTER 5 CMT (MA4) faults 10
npm_5_repair_v1_0.doc Checked by:
SCCE Training Group
Approved by: