Nokia 540 User Manual

Electronic user´s guide released subject to “Nokia U ser´s Guides Terms and Conditions, 7th June, 1998”.
User´s Guide
Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation, Finland. Navi is a trademark of Nokia Mobile Phones.
© 1998 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.
Nokia Mobile Phones operates a policy of continuous development. Therefore we reserve the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this guide without prior notice.

For Your Safety

Read these simple guidelines. Breaking the rules may be dangerous or illegal. Further detailed information is given in this manual.
Don’t use a hand-held phone while driv­ing; park the vehicle first.
Follow any regulations or rules. Switch off near medical equipment.
Use only in normal position (to ear). Don’t touch the antenna unnecessarily.
Don’t use phone at a refuelling point. Don’t use near fuel or chemicals.
Don’t use phone where blasting is in progress. Observe restrictions, and follow any regulations or rules.
Only qualified service personnel must install or repair equipment. Use only approved accessories and batteries.
Mobile phones can cause interference. Using them on aircraft is illegal.
All mobile phones may be subject to interference which could affect performance.
Ensure that the phone is switched on and in ser­vice. Enter the phone number, including the area code, then press ( To end a call press To answer a call press
Ensure that the phone is switched on and in ser­vice. Hold for several seconds, to clear the display. Enter the emergency number, then press
Call). Give your location. Do not end
the call until told to do so.
1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.

Quick Start

Here are a few basic instructions about using your new Nokia 540 phone:
Attach the battery to the phone.
Connect the charger to the bottom of the phone.
To switch the phone on/ off, press .
To make a call:
If your phone is within the network service area (if the O symbol appears on the display), you can make a call.
To make a call, key in the desired phone number (including the area code).
Press (Call) to make a call.
Press (End) to end a call.
To receive a call:
Press (Answer).
To correct keypresses or to clear the entire display:
Press .
For more details about these and other func­tions, see the appropriate pages of this guide.
1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.
For Your Safety............................................... 2
Quick Start......................................................3
1. Basic Information....................................... 5
Using This Guide ..................................................... 5
Using the Nokia Navi‰ Key .............................. 5
Using the Scroll Key .............................................. 5
Using the C Key ...................................................... 6
List of Keys ............................................................... 6
Display Indicators ................................................... 7
Charging a New Battery ....................................... 8
Battery Information ............................................... 8
Accessories ............................................................... 9
Call Forwarding ....................................................... 9
Signal Strength ....................................................... 9
Switching On/Off .................................................... 9
2. Basic Functions ........................................10
Making a Call ........................................................10
International Calls ...............................................10
Receiving a Call ....................................................10
Adjusting the Earpiece Volume ........................11
Any Key Answering ..............................................11
Speed Dialling .......................................................11
Last Number Redial ............................................. 11
Keypad Lock ...........................................................11
Calling the Voice Mailbox ..................................11
3. The Phone Book .......................................12
Viewing and Accessing the Phone Book ........12
Keying in Letters ...................................................12
Storing a Name and a Number
in Phone Book .......................................................12
Finding a Name or a Number
in Phone Book .......................................................13
Editing a Name or a Number
in Phone Book .......................................................13
Deleting a Name or a Number
in Phone Book .......................................................13
Scratchpad Memory ............................................14
4. The Menu Facility .................................... 15
The Shortcut Menu............................................ 15
The Menu Map.................................................... 16
Menu Functions ................................................... 17
Phone Book (Menu 0) ......................................... 17
Search (Menu 0 1) ............................................. 17
Add (Menu 0 2)................................................... 17
Edit (Menu 0 3)................................................... 17
Erase (Menu 0 4)................................................ 17
Recent Calls (Menu 1) ........................................ 17
Dialled Calls (Menu 1 0) .................................. 17
Received Calls (Menu 1 1)............................... 17
Missed Calls (Menu 1 2) .................................. 17
Erase All Recent Calls (Menu 1 3)................. 17
Phone Settings (Menu 2) ................................... 18
Country (Menu 2 0)........................................... 18
Phone Lock (Menu 2 1) .................................... 18
Battery Charging (Menu 2 2) ......................... 18
Clock (Menu 2 3)................................................ 18
Automatic Answer (Menu 2 4)....................... 18
Language (Menu 2 5)........................................ 18
Voice Messages (Menu 3) .................................. 18
Listen to Voice Messages (Menu 3 0) ..........19
Set Voice Mailbox Number (Menu 3 1)....... 19
Call Duration (Menu 4) ...................................... 19
Sound Settings (Menu 5) ................................... 19
Ringing Volume (Menu 5 0)............................ 19
Ringing Tone (Menu 5 1)................................. 19
Keypad Tones (Menu 5 2)................................ 19
Care And Maintenance ...............................20
Important Safety Information ....................20
Emergency Calls .......................................... 21
Troubleshooting ...........................................21
1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.

1. Basic Information

Using This Guide

The cellular phone described in this guide is ap­proved for use in a NMT 450 network. A number of features included in this guide are called Net­work Services provided by cellular service pro­viders. Before you can take advantage of any of these Network Services, you must subscribe to the service(s) you require from your home ser­vice provider. You can then activate these func­tions as described in this guide. The manual activation commands for various services are not presented in this guide (e.g. using characters for activating or deactivating services). The phone, nevertheless, is capable of handling commands given in that form. For these com­mands, please consult with your cellular service providers. The operation of the phone requires successive key presses; two keys are never to be pressed simultaneously.
Using the Nokia NaviÉ Key
The use of your phone is largely based on the Nokia NaviÉ Key ( ) below the display. The function of this Nokia NaviÉ Key varies accord­ing to the guiding text which is shown above the key on the display.
When the phone is in the basic operating state and the display is clear (i.e. only the network name and the NaviÉ Key text Menu are displayed), use the scroll key to do one of the following:
To access the list of last five numbers di­alled:
1 Press once. 2 Use or to scroll
through the list. The lo­cation number (L0-L4) is displayed in the upper right corner of the display.
3 Press (Redial) to dial the displayed
To access the names stored in Phone Book:
1 Press once. 2 Use or to scroll
through the stored names.

Using the Scroll Key

The scroll key ( ) has differ­ent functions in different operat­ing states.
3 Press (Call) to
dial the displayed name.
To toggle between call and save modes when you have keyed in a phone number:
1 Press or to toggle
between Call and Save mode.
2 Press (Call) to dial
the displayed number, or press (Save) to store the number in Phone Book.
1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.
When you are in a call:
Press or to adjust
the earpiece volume.
When you are in the menu facility:
Press or to browse through menus,
submenus and settings.
When you are editing a name in a menu function:
Press to move the cursor to the right and
to move the cursor to the left.

Using the C Key

Press once to delete
the character to the left of the cursor when you have keyed in charac­ters.
Press and hold to clear the display or to exit
the menu facility.

List of Keys

(More detailed information on the use of each key is given in the appropriate place in this guide.)
Press and hold to switch the phone on or off.
Performs the function in­dicated by the text above it.
In Phone Book: scrolls through the stored phone numbers & names. In menu facility: scrolls through menus and set­tings.
During a call: adjusts the earpiece volume. With clear display: enters the list of last dialled numbers, enters the names stored in Phone Book.
1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.
Deletes characters from the display. Also exits the menu.
Used to enter numbers, letters and special charac­ters.
calls your voice mailbox when pressed and held.
: Press once for *, twice for + (replaces international access code).
: For manual com­mand strings

Display Indicators

Call Forwarding indicator. When the symbol is displayed, your incoming calls are being trans­ferred to another number (NMT network ser­vice).
Call-indicator. A call is in progress. O
Service indicator. Indicates that you are in a cel­lular service area. If it does not appear on the display, you are outside the service area and the network cannot serve you.
Roam indicator. Comes on when the NMT net­work cannot transmit calls to your phone. Press
to reregister the phone on the system, or try
to make a call.
Alpha mode indicator. Shows that the phone is in alpha mode and letters can be keyed in or dis­played.
and bar (left side of display)
Signal strength indicator. The bar above the symbol indicates the current signal strength at the location of your phone. The higher the bar, the better the signal in the area.
No bar: You are outside the coverage area and cannot make any calls.
and bar (right side of display) Charge level indicator. Indicates the charge level of the battery. The higher the bar, the better the battery charge.
Indicates that you have received a voicemail message which you can listen to by calling the
voicemail centre number. The indicator appears on the display until you call the voice­mail centre number. Note: This function is operational only if the local network supports it. Check with the net­work service operator.
Menu function/memory location indicator. Indi­cates which Menu function is active, or which memory location is currently being used.
COUNTRY CODE (e.g. FI , SV) Indicates in which country the phone will oper­ate. If you wish to change the code, see Menu 2
0 ‘Country’.
1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.
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