A15 EXP and A15 EXPW
Our new line of explosion proof vacuums feature two pneumatic models. The A15 EXP is
designed for dry material collection and the A15 EXPW is designed for wet material collection. Both
vacuums meet the requirements for use in Class I, Group D, and Class II, Groups F and G,
environments. The units are made of 304 stainless steel and feature optional HEPA filtration.
Features and Benefits
•Powered by compressed air for use
where electricity is unavailable or
•All stainless steel construction including
container, filter chamber and trolley
•Equipped standard with 50-foot
conductive air supply hose
•Anti-static filter with large surface area in
A15 EXP guarantees high filtration
efficiency and prevents premature clogging.
•Optional downstream HEPA/ULPAfiltration
available on both units; Upstream HEPA
available for dry model only. HEPA filter
retains 99.97% of particles, down to and
including 0.3 microns. ULPA retains
99.999% down to and including 0.12
•Non-sparking, conductive accessories
are available to meet a wide range of
hazardous cleaning needs.
•Please contact your designated District
Manager or our Customer Service
Department for a full list of accessories
specifically designed for use with Nilfiskʼs
EXP vacs.

A15 EXP and A15 EXPW
Specifications of the A15 EXP and A15 EXPW
Data Units A15 EXP and A15 EXPW
Waterlift, Max in H2O inches 157
Airflow, Max cfm 99
Tank Capacity (A15EXP) gallons 6.6
Tank Capacity (A15 EXPW) gallons 13.2
Main Filter Area (A15 EXP only) sq. ft. 8.8
Dimensions inches 20 x 24 x 40
Weight (A15 EXP) lbs. 53
Weight (A15 EXPW) lbs. 61
Sound Level dB(A) 72
Air Consumption @ 90 psi cfm 30
Min. Compressor Requirement hp 7.5
Machine Inlet, Diameter mm/inches 50/2.0
Compressed Airline, Diameter inches 1/2
Compressed Airline, Length feet 50
HEPA Filter Efficiency (DOP-tested) % 99.97% @ 0.3 microns
ULPA Filter Efficiency (DOP-tested) % 99.999% @ 0.12 microns
300 Technology Drive
Malvern, PA 19355
Visit us online at www.nilfiskcfm.com