SF-210 はスキャナ電源のオン/オフにかかわらずスキャナ本体に取り付けられます。ま
ナの L ED 表示が点滅していないことをご確認ください。点滅している場合は、点滅が終
スキャナ本体の電源がオンの場合は、取り付け直後に SF-210 の表示 LED が数回点滅し
スキャナ本体の表示 LED が隠れてしまうため、代わりに S F -210 の表示 LED が点灯し
ます(表示機能はスキャナ本体の表示 LED と同じです)。
表示 LED
SF-210 内部のメカニズムが動作開始位置にない場合は、取り付けてから動作開始位置に
移動するまで数秒かかり、表示 LED が点滅します。表示 L E D の点滅中は SF-210 にス
・SF-210 をスキャナ本体に取り付け/取り外しする際やご使用の際は、スキャナ本体を
・SF-210 のスキャナ本体への取り付け/取りはずしは、表示 LED の点滅が終了し、点
・スキャナが SF-210 を認識したときに、SF-210 内部のメカニズムが動作開始位置に
移動します。この動作中は前面の表示 LED が点滅します。点滅が終了するまで他の操
入っていることを確認して、SF-210 をスキャナ本体に取り付けます。次にパソコンで、
NikonScan インストール先のフォルダから Windows では[FDUtility]アイコンを、
Macintosh では[Utility]フォルダから[AttachmentUtility]アイコンをダブルクリッ
• The reproduction of this ma nua l in whole or i n par t is prohibi ted save in c ases i n whi ch N ikon’s
prior permission has been obtained.
• The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
• Nikon has made every effort to produce a perfect manual, but should you fi nd any mistakes,
we would be grateful if you would kindly let us know. The address of Nikon’s representative
in your area is provided sep a rate ly.
• Nikon is not liable for damages resulting from the use of this product.
To make it easier to fi nd the information you need, the following symbols and conventions are
This icon marks warnings, information that should be read before using this Nikon product
to prevent serious injury or death.
This icon marks cautions, information that should be read before using the product to
prevent damage to the device.
This icon marks notes, information that should be read before using the product.
Trademark Information
All trade-names mentioned in this manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
re spec tive holders.
The illustrations in this manual show the SUPER COOLSCAN 5000 ED.
En- 2
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Radio Frequency In ter fer ence Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
in ter fer ence in a residential in stal la tion. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio com mu ni ca tions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
in stal la tion. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
be de ter mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is en cour aged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
Modifi cations
The FCC requires the user to be notifi ed that any changes or modifi cations made to this device that are not
expressly approved by Nikon Corporation may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Notice for customers in Canada
This class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Ca na di an Interference Causing Equipment
Reg u la tions.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur
du Canada.
Notice concerning prohibition of copying or re pro duc tion
Note that simply being in possession of material which has been copied or reproduced by means of a scanner may be punishable by law.
• Items prohibited by law from being copied or reproduced
Do not copy or reproduce paper money, coins, securities, government bonds, or local government bonds,
even if such copies or reproductions are stamped “Sam ple”.
The copying or reproduction of paper money, coins, or securities which are cir cu lat ed in a foreign country
is prohibited.
Unless the prior permission of the government has been ob tained, the copying or re pro duc tion of unused
postage stamps or post cards issued by the gov ern ment is prohibited.
The copying or reproduction of stamps issued by the gov ern ment and certifi ed documents stip u lat ed by
law is prohibited.
• Cautions on certain copies and reproductions
The government has issued cautions on copies or repro duc tion s of sec uri ties iss ued by p riv ate com pa nies
(shares, bills, checks, gift certifi cates, etc.), com mut er passes, or coupon tickets, except when a minimum
of necessary copies are to be provided for business use by a company. Also, do not copy or reproduce
passports issued by the government, licenses issued by public agencies and private groups, ID cards, and
tickets, such as passes and meal coupons.
• Comply with copyright notices
The copying or reproduction of copyrighted creative works such as books, music, paintings, woodcut
prints, maps, drawings, movies, and photographs is governed by national and international copyright
laws. Do not use this product for the purpose of making illegal copies or to infringe copyright laws.
1. Overview
Thank you for your purchase of an SF-210 slide feeder for 5000 ED (SUPER COOLSCAN 5000
ED) and 4000 ED (SUPER COOLSCAN 4000 ED) Nikon fi lm scan ners (these models of scanner are
referred to below as “the scanner”). The SF-210, which can hold up to fi fty mounts 1.5 mm in
thickness, au to mates the scan ning of con sec u tive 35 mm slides. Like the other adapters for the
5000 ED, the SF-210 can be inserted while the scanner is on and con nect ed to a computer.
This manual describes the procedures for unpacking, setting up, and connecting the feeder to
your scanner. The next chapter, “Parts and Accessories,” details the contents of the package
and the parts of the feeder. This is fol lowed by “Installation,” whi ch de scribes how to connect
the feeder to the scanner. In “Using the SF-210,” the pro ce dures for loading and removing
slides are explained. The fi nal chap ter, “Main te nance,” gi ves in struc tions on how to care for
and transport the feeder. Please read all in struc tions thor ough ly to ensure that you can get the
most from your SF-210. Information on scanning slides may be found in the User’s Manual
and Nikon Scan Reference Manual provided with the scanner.
We hope that you fi nd this manual helpful.
En- 4
2. Parts and Accessories
This chapter lists the items packaged with your slide feeder and iden ti fi es the parts of the SF-
2.1 Package Contents
Purchasers of the SF-210 should fi nd that the package contains all the items listed below.
2.2 Parts of the SF -210
Status LED
Slide insertion
Push plate
Feed mag a zine
Reference manual (this man u al)SF-210 slide feeder
Push plate
Ejection magazine
Feeder adjustment plate
Feeder adjustment dial
Load mark
attachment for round ed
slide mounts
3. Installation
Before installing the SF-210, make sure that your scanner is set up in a suitable location, as
described in the documentation pro vid ed with the scanner. The SF - 210 should not be used
• the temperature exceeds 35ºC (95ºF) or falls below 10ºC (50ºF)
• it would be subject to condensation or drastic changes in tem per a ture
• the humidity is less than 20% or exceeds 60%
• it would be exposed to direct or refl ected sunlight
• it might be subject to vibration or strong physical shocks
• there is a lot of dust
• it would be exposed to radio interference from other electronic devices
• it would be exposed to water vapor (e.g., from a humidifi er)
• it would be exposed to smoke
Warning: Failure to observe the above precautions could result in fi re or in scanner
When using the SF-210, install the scanner as shown below. There must be suffi cient space
around the scanner to allow the magazine cover to open and to ensure adequate ventilation.
There should be at least 15 cm (6”) of space above the unit and 10 cm (4”) open to the rear.
Space requirements when the SF-210 is attached are illustrated below.
En- 6
The SF-210 can be mounted on the scanner whether the scanner is off or on and con nect ed to a
computer. If the scanner is on, before mount ing the feeder check that the status LED is glowing
steadily. The SF-210 should NOT be inserted or removed while the status LED is blinking.
Install the scanner as shown below, with the side vents uppermost. Slide the SF-210 into the
scanner’s adapter slot, stopping when the feeder contacts the back of the slot. The feeder
should be oriented as shown below when inserted. Push the feeder until the con nec tor on the
rear of the feeder is seated securely in the socket at the back of the slot. The feeder is prop er ly
inserted if the status LED on the front of the feeder lights when the scanner is turned on. If the
scanner is on when the feeder is inserted, the feeder’s status LED will blink to indicate that the
feeder has been inserted cor rect ly. In all other respects, the feeder LED functions in the same
way as the scanner status LED.
Power switch
Status LED
If the feed mechanism for the SF-210 is not in the initial position when the scanner is turned
on, you will need to wait a few seconds for the feed mechanism to return to initial position
before inserting slides.
• Do not place the scanner upright when inserting, removing, or using the SF -210.
• Wait until the status LED glows steadily or the scanner is off before inserting or removing the
SF-210. Do not attempt to remove or insert the feeder while the scanner is operating.
• When the SF-210 is inserted with the power on, or the scanner turned on after the feeder
has been inserted with the power off, the feed mechanism will return to the initial position.
While this operation is in progress, the status LED on the front of the feeder will blink. Do
not perform any operations while the LED is blinking.
• If the feeder does not slide in smoothly, remove it from the adapter slot and try again. Do
not use force.
4. Using the SF-210
This chapter describes how to load the SF-210, how to remove slides, and how to deal with
4.1 Loading the feeder
Slides to be scanned are inserted in the feed magazine. To load the magazine, open the magazine cover, pull back the feed push-plate to the end of its grove, and hook it in the notch so
that it does not spring back to its original position. Place the slides in the mag a zine with the
long end of the ap er ture up and the emul sion surface facing the push plate (the images in the
slides should be reversed when viewed from the magazine side). Scanning will be considerably
simplifi ed if the slides are all inserted in the same orientation.
Magazine cover
Push plate
Feed magazine
Load mark
Slides can be loaded into the feed magazine up to the load mark. Do not attempt to fi ll the
magazine past this point. Once the feed magazine is loaded, release the push plate from the
notch and slide it back until rests against the slides.
Close the magazine cover. You are now ready to begin scan ning. For details on automatic
consecutive scanning of multiple slides, refer to the User’s Manual and Nikon Scan Reference Manual provided with the scanner.
En- 8
The Slide Feed Slot
In most cases (for example, when scanning slides with mounts of different thicknesses), the slide
feeder works best with the slide feed slot fully open.
Slide feed slot
Feeder adjustment plate
SF-210 slide feeder
(viewed from above)
The width of the slide feed slot is controlled by the feeder adjustment dial.
Feeder adjustment
Feeder adjustment dial
Scanning Slides of the Same Thickness
If the mounts are all the same thickness, the slide feed slot should be about one-and-a-half
times the thickness of the slide mount (see illustration below). This will help prevent the feeder
from jamming or feeding several slides at once
SF-210 slide feeder
(viewed from above)
• The SF-210 does not function equally well with all types of slide mount. Use 35 -mm slides
with mounts 1.0–3.2 mm thick and 49–50.8 mm wide. Other slides could cause the feeder
to jam.
• Slides with mounts that are heavily warped can cause the feeder to jam.
Warped slide mount
SF-210 (viewed
from above)
• Do not use mounts with peeling or burred edges, mounts to which seals or labels have been
affi xed, or mounts with uneven surfaces. Failure to observe this precaution could cause the
feeder to jam.
• Do not load slides into the feeder with the longer side of the aperture facing the scanner, as
this could damage the fi lm or slide mount or cause the feeder to jam. Insert slides as shown
by the insertion guide sticker next to the feed magazine.
guide sticker
To scanner ⇒
• Do not load slides in the feed magazine past the load mark, as this may cause the feeder to
• Do not move the scanner while scanning is in progress.
• Remove scanned slides from the ejection magazine before the magazine is full. Continuing
scanning when there is no room left in the ejection magazine could jam the feeder.
• Do not remove the feeder while scanning is in progress.
• Before turning the scanner off or removing the feeder, make sure that all slides have been
removed from the magazine and that the last slide to be fed has been ejected.
Slide Mounts That Can Be Used in the SF-210
• The following mounts have been tested and approved for use in the SF-210:
FUJICHROME 1.4–1.5 mm, plastic or square cardboard KODACHROME mounts the same
shape as FUJICHROME mounts, plastic or square cardboard EKTACHROME mounts the same
shape as FUJICHROME mounts, Ektachrome PROCESS, GEPE 2 mm, GEPE 3 mm, AGFA CS,
AGFA refl ecta CS, hama fi x, Kaiser USA, REVUE
• The following mounts can be used only in restricted orientations:
Insert with the photograph fac ing the push
plate. Slides can be inserted in either orientation if the feed mechanism attachment is
Insert with the photograph fac ing the push
Burred or peeling
mounts and mounts
with uneven or irregular surfaces can
cause the feeder to
jam. To help pre vent the feeder from
jamming or feeding
several slides at once,
open the slide feed
slot to about oneand-a-half times the
thickness of the slide
11- En
4.2 Removing slides
Slides will be sent to the ejection magazine after scanning. To remove slides from the ejection
magazine, pull back the push plate and remove the slides. Slides must be removed before the
ejection magazine fi lls up.
4.3 Using the Feed-Mechanism Attachment
Thick mounts (over 2 mm thick) with rounded edges may not feed properly when used with the
SF-210. A removable plastic part is pro vid ed for at tach ment to the feed mechanism, enabling
the scanner to feed such slides. A special attachment utility program, provided with the Nikon
Scan soft ware that came with your scan ner, is required both when attaching this part to and
removing it from the feed mechanism.
To attach the feed -mechanism attachment, the scanner must be connected to the computer.
Both the scanner and computer must be on and Nikon Scan must not be running. After inserting
the SF-210 into the scanner as described above, open the folder to which you installed Nikon
Scan and then double - click the FDUtility icon (Windows) or double-click the Attachment Utility icon in the Utility sub-folder (Macintosh). The attachment utility will start.
Win dowsMacintosh
The "attachment utility" (FDUtility) window will appear on the desktop. If more than one scanner is attached to your computer and powered on, select the scanner to which the SF-210 is
attached from the select a scanner pop-up menu.
Nikon Scan does not support simultaneous connection of more than one scanner.
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