Nikon FTn meter adjustment and cleaning procedure
About this document:
This document was prepared by a camera repair hobbyist as an aid to other camera repair
hobbyists. It was prepared without any information from Nikon, Inc., and is provided without
any guarantee as to completeness or accuracy.
How the Nikon FTn lightmeter works:
Refer to the schematic below. In both test and meter modes, the circuit is a voltage divider. The
meter movement is centered when it has 0.025 volts across it. When the test button is pressed,
current flows from battery negative, through test adjust trimpot, through the switch (green to
white, pushbutton down), through the meter adjust trimpot, and then through the meter to case
ground to battery positive.
With a 2.7 volt battery this results in a current of about 16 micro-amps ((2.7 - .025)/(160,000 +
6800)). This means the meter movement is about 1560 ohms (.025/.000016), and that the voltage
at the switch is about .134 volts (.000016*(6800+1560)).
Note that .025 volts at 16 micro-amps is much less than what an ohmmeter will put out. Be
careful not to put an ohmmeter across the meter even indirectly. All potentiometers and the
resistor can safely be checked with an ohmmeter if you test with the battery removed and the
switch off, and read directly across a single potentiometer. The best way to check the meter for
continuity is to check voltage from the meter lead to ground with the battery installed and the
meter switch in the battery test position. If the meter is open, full battery voltage will be imposed
on the meter with no meter movement.
In meter mode, with the pushbutton up, the switch yellow, red, and white leads connected, the
voltage divider is the two CdS photocells (60% center and 40% full frame) and the fixed 41 ohm
resistor, against the main potentiometer and the meter (with trimpot) in parallel. The meter is
centered when there is a voltage of .134 volts at the switch.
The aperture lever, which moves the wiper, and the shutter speed & ASA setting, which turns the
potentiometer resistive element, operate the main potentiometer. At somewhere around f/2, 1 sec,
ASA 100 it is approx. 370K (maximum), and at around f/16, 1/1000 sec, ASA 40 it is approx.
0.2 ohms (minimum). I'm not sure I got those settings exactly right (with the meter off the
camera), but you should be able to see the ends of the potentiometer element easily, and check
for maximum and minimum resistance at the crossover.
There are no stops, the potentiometer will wrap around from max to min at long exposures and
wide apertures, causing the meter to stop functioning (needle will drop to off position).
The photocell resistance (both cells) varies from over 4 Meg in a fairly dark room to less than
200 ohms when the meter is held about 6 inches from a 60 watt bulb.
The above measurements are from a single working meter. Small variance can be expected from
meter to meter.
Nikon FTn Meter Schematic
Check your batteries, they should be about 1.35 volts each.
Meter completely dead - check the contacts of the battery holder first. The positive connection
(tab on the side) becomes easily bent to where it will not make contact. With the battery cover
off, press the batteries in and against the side contact with your finger, if the meter can be made
to work this way (check with test button) then battery contact is the problem. Clean and slightly
bend the contact, being careful not to bend it out too far so that it catches the cap and is pushed
down too far.
With the cover removed, verify about 2.7 volts between the battery negative terminal (center)
and the ground strap (front, accessed through the round hole on the top left of meter).
Test position makes meter needle move only about half way to center position - positive battery
contact bent out too far, cap pushes it down too far connecting it to a single cell (shorting the
other one out). Disassembly may be required to straighten the contact.
Test function works but meter reads erratically or not at all - bad contact on main potentiometer
or poor connection; disassemble, inspect and clean.
Adjustment (meter on camera):
Peel off the leather meter cover and remove the 4 screws exposed. Remove the sheet metal
cover. Two trim potentiometers will be accessible, the front trim is for meter sensitivity and the