SnapBridge Connection Guide (iOS)
Read this guide for information on using SnapBridge to pair your camera with your iOS device and on what to do when the SnapBridge Wi-Fi
prompt is displayed.
Get SnapBridge Now!
Use SnapBridge to control the camera remotely from your iOS device and
download pictures from the camera.
Download It Free Today!
SnapBridge is available free-of-charge from the Apple
App Store® and from the following website:
Visit the Nikon website for the latest SnapBridge news.
Online Help
For information on using SnapBridge, select the SnapBridge Other tab and tap
Info/settings> Instructions to view online help.
To use SnapBridge, you must pair the camera with your iOS device (the
illustrations that follow show version 1.3 of the SnapBridge app). Note
that the actual camera and smart device displays may di er from those
shown below.
Before Pairing
Before pairing, confi rm that there is space available on the camera memory card. To
prevent unexpected interruptions, you should also check that the batteries in the
camera and iOS device are fully charged.
SnapBridge Connection Guide (iOS) 1

Camera: Turn the camera on. Wait for the cam-
era to display the connection wizard and then
Connection wizard
Camera: The launch prompt will be displayed.
Proceed to Step 3.
Some cameras, such as the D500 and D5600, may display
an NFC dialog. Press
Restarting Pairing at a Later Date
If you didn’t fi nish pairing the fi rst time you turned your
camera on, you can start pairing by selecting Connect
to smart device in the setup menu (digital SLR cameras) or network menu (compact digital cameras) and following the on-screen instructions until the SnapBridge
launch prompt is displayed.
and proceed to Step 3.
Launch prompt
NFC dialog
Connect to smart device
SnapBridge Connection Guide (iOS) 2

iOS device: Launch SnapBridge on your iOS de-
vice and tap the camera name.
Camera Name Not Displayed
The camera name may not be listed if SnapBridge
is started before the camera displays the launch
prompt. Confi rm that the launch prompt is displayed and then quit and restart SnapBridge.
iOS device: A con rmation dialog will be dis-
played; read the pairing instructions carefully
and tap Understood.
iOS device: When prompted to select an acces-
sory, tap the camera name again.
SnapBridge Connection Guide (iOS) 3