Nikon D7000 specifications

Nikon Digital SLR Camera D7000 Specifications
Type of ca mera Single- lens reflex digi tal camera Lens mo unt Nikon F mo unt (with AF c oupling and AF co ntacts) Effe ctive angle o f view Appr ox. 1.5 × lens foc al length (Niko n DX format)
Effe ctive pixe ls 16.2 million Image s ensor 23.6 x 15. 6 mm CMOS senso r; total pixe ls: 16.9 million
Dust-r eduction s ystem Image S ensor Cleanin g, Image Dust O ff refere nce data (opt ional Captu re NX 2 soft ware
Image si ze (pixels) 4,928 × 3 ,264 [L], 3,69 6 × 2,448 [M], 2, 464 × 1,632 [S]
File for mat • NEF (RAW ): 12 or 14 bit, los sless comp ressed or co mpressed
• JP EG: JPEG- Baseline c ompliant with ne (appr ox. 1:4), normal (a pprox. 1:8) or b asic
• NEF (RAW ) + JPEG: Single pho tograph re corded in bo th NEF (RAW) and J PEG format s Pictu re Control S ystem Sta ndard, Neu tral, Vivi d, Monochr ome, Port rait, Lan dscape; s elected P icture Co ntrol can
Stor age media SD (Secu re Digital), SDH C and SDXC memor y cards
Double slots Slot 2 can b e used for overflow or back up storage or for sep arate s torage o f copies
File sys tem DCF (De sign Rule for Cam era File Syst em) 2.0, DPOF (Dig ital Print Or der Format ), Exif 2.3
View nder Eye-le vel pentap rism single-le ns reex view nder Frame c overage Appro x. 100% horizo ntal and 100% ve rtical Magni cation Ap prox. 0.94 x ( 50mm f/1.4 lens at in nity, -1.0 m Eyepo int 19.5 mm (-1.0 m Diopt er adjustmen t -3 to +1 m Focus ing screen Type B Br iteView Cle ar Matt e screen Mark II with AF area bra ckets (fr aming grid can be
Reex mi rror Quick r eturn Depth- of-eld preview Pres sing dept h-of-eld preview button stops lens aper ture d own to value selected by
Lens ap erture Instant re turn, elect ronically c ontrolled
Compatible lenses • DX AF NIKKOR: All functions sup porte d • Type G or D AF NIKKOR: All function s
Elec tronic rang ender can be u sed if maximu m apertur e is f/5.6 or fas ter
Shut ter type Ele ctronicall y-contr olled verti cal-travel f ocal-plan e shutter
Shutt er speed 1/8,00 0 to 3 0 s in steps of 1/3 or 1/2 EV, bulb, time (requires optional Remote Control
Flash s ync speed X = 1/250 s; sy nchronize s with shut ter at 1/320 s or slo wer (ash rang e drops at spe eds
Releas e mode S (sin gle frame), CL (continu ous low sp eed), CH (co ntinuous h igh speed), Q (quiet shu tter-
Frame a dvance ra te Appr ox. 1 to 5 fps (CL) o r approx. 6 fp s (CH) (CIPA guidelin es) Self-tim er 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s; 1 to 9 ex posures at i ntervals o f 0.5, 1, 2, or 3 s Remot e release mo de D elayed remo te, quick-resp onse remot e, remote mir ror-up
Exp osure meter ing TTL ex posure me tering using 2, 016-pixel RGB s ensor Metering method • Ma trix: 3 D color matrix metering II (ty pe G and D lenses); color ma trix m etering II
Meter ing range • M atrix or cen ter-weighte d metering: 0 t o 20 EV • Spot met ering: 2 to 20 EV (ISO 100 , f/1.4 lens, 20 °C/68°F)
Exp osure meter c oupling
Exposure mode Auto (auto; au to [ash off]), Scene (P ortrait , Landscape, C hild, Spor ts, Clos e up, Nig ht
Exposure comp ensation -5 to +5 EV in inc rements of 1/3 or 1/2 E V Exp osure brack eting 2 to 3 fra mes in steps o f 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1 o r 2 EV Exp osure lock Luminosit y locked at det ected valu e with AE-L /AF-L b utton ISO sen sitivity ISO 100 to 64 00 in step s of 1/3 or 1/2 EV; ca n also be set t o approx. 0. 3, 0.5, 0.7, 1 or 2 E V
(Rec ommended E xposure In dex) Acti ve D-Light ing Can be selec ted from Aut o, Extra hi gh, High, Normal, L ow or Off ADL br acketing 2 fr ames using sele cted value f or one frame or 3 f rames using p reset value s for all frame s
Autofocus Nikon Multi-CA M 480 0DX auto focus se nsor module wit h TTL phase de tection, fine-
Dete ction range -1 to +19 EV (ISO 10 0, 20°C /68° F) Lens servo • Autofocus (AF): Single-ser vo AF (AF-S); c ontinuous- servo A F (AF-C) ; auto AF-S/AF-C
Focus p oint Ca n be selecte d from 39 or 11 focus p oints
AF-ar ea mode Si ngle-point A F; 9-, 21- or 39-po int dynamic -area AF, 3D-tr acking, aut o-area AF
Focus l ock Focus c an be locked b y pressing sh utter-rel ease butt on halfway (S ingle-ser vo AF) or by
(appro x. 1:16) comp ression (Size p riority); O ptimal qualit y compres sion available
be modi ed; storag e for custom P icture Con trols
crea ted using NEF+ JPEG; pictur es can be copi ed betwe en cards
(Exch angeable Im age File Forma t for Digital S till Cameras), Pi ctBridge
user (A an d M modes) or by c amera (other m odes)
suppo rted (P C Micro-NIKKOR does no t suppor t some functio ns); IX-NIK KOR lense s not suppo rted • Other A F NIKKOR: All func tions sup ported except 3D color matrix metering II; lenses for F3AF not supported • AI-P NIKKOR: All functions supported except 3D color matr ix meterin g II • Non-C PU: Can be u sed in mode s A and M; col or matrix m etering an d
aper ture value dis play suppor ted if user pr ovides lens d ata (AI lens es only)
ML-L3), X 250
bet ween 1/250 and 1/320 s)
relea se), (self-timer), (r emote cont rol), MUP (mirr or up)
(other CPU lense s); color ma trix met ering availa ble with n on-CPU le nses if us er provid es lens data • Center-wei ghted: Wei ght of 75% given to 8-mm circle in cen ter of frame; diamet er of circle c an be changed to 6, 10 or 13 mm, or weighting can be based on aver age of en tire fram e (xed a t 8 mm w hen non- CPU lens is used) • Spot: M eters 3. 5­mm circle (about 2.5 % of frame) centered on selected focus point (on center focus point when n on-CPU lens i s used)
Combi ned CPU and AI
portrait, Night lan dscape, Party/ind oor, Beach /snow, Sunse t, Dusk /dawn, Pe t portrait, Candle light, Blo ssom, Au tumn col ors, Foo d, Silhouet te, High key, Low key), pr ogrammed auto w ith exibl e program (P), shutt er-priorit y auto (S), a perture -priorit y auto (A), manual (M), U1 (user se ttings 1), U2 (user s ettings 2)
(ISO 256 00 equival ent) above IS O 6400; auto I SO sensitiv ity cont rol available
tuning , 39 fo cus point s (includin g 9 cros s-type sensors), and AF- assist illu minator (r ange
appro x. 0.5 to 3 m/1 f t. 8 in. to 9 ft. 10 in.)
selec tion (AF -A); pre dictive focus t racking activat ed auto matically accordin g to su bject stat us • Manual foc us (M): Electr onic range nder can be use d
pres sing AE-L/AF -L button
Built-in a sh • i , k , p , n , o , s , w : Auto ash with au to pop-up • P, S , A, M, 0 : Manual pop-up
Guide Num ber App rox. 12/39 , 12/3 9 with manual a sh (m/ft., ISO 10 0, 20 ˚C/68 ˚F ) Flash c ontrol • T TL: i-TT L balanc ed ll-ash and s tandard i-TTL a sh for digital SLR using 2,016-pix el
Flash mo de • i , k , p , n , s , w: Auto, au to with red -eye reduc tion, off; ll -ash and red- eye redu ction av ailable wi th optio nal ash units • o : Aut o slow s ync, au to slow sync wi th
Flash c ompensati on - 3 to +1 EV in increme nts of 1/3 or 1/2 EV Flash br acketing 2 to 3 fra mes in steps o f 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1 o r 2 EV Flash- ready indic ator Light s when bu ilt-in ash o r optiona l ash unit such as SB-900 , SB-80 0, SB-700 , SB-60 0
Acce ssory sho e ISO 518 hot- shoe with sy nc and data c ontacts, a nd safety l ock
Nikon Cr eative Adva nced Wirele ss Lighting s upporte d with built-in a sh, SB-90 0, SB-80 0, SB-700 or Light ing System S U-800 as c ommander an d SB-900 , SB-800 , SB-700, SB- 600 or SB -R200 as rem otes; (CLS) Auto FP high-speed sync and mod eling illumina tion sup ported with all CLS-co mpatible
Sync t erminal Sync Terminal Ad apter AS-15 (availa ble separat ely) White b alance Auto (2 t ypes), Inc andescent , Fluoresc ent (7 type s), Direct Sunlig ht, Flash, Clou dy, Shade,
Live Vi ew lens serv o • Autofocu s (AF): Single-s ervo AF (AF -S); full-time -servo AF (A F-F) • Manual f ocus (M) AF-ar ea mode F ace-prior ity AF, wide-a rea AF, normal-ar ea AF, subject-tr acking AF
Auto focus Con trast-de tect AF any where in fr ame (camera se lects focu s point autom atically wh en
Movie m etering TTL expo sure meter ing using main ima ge sensor Meter ing method Ma trix
Frame s ize (pixels) [NTSC] • 1,9 20 × 1,080 (24p); 24 (23. 976) fps • 1,280 × 720 ( 30p); 30 (29.9 7) fps • 1,280 × and fr ame rate 720 (24p); 24 (23.976 ) fps • 640 × 424 (30p) ; 30 (29.97) fps [PAL] • 1,920 × 1,0 80 (24p); 24 (23.976) f ps • 1,280 × 720 (25p) ; 25 fps • 1,280 × 720 (24p) ;
Maxim um length Appro x. 20 minutes File for mat MOV Video c ompressio n H .264/MPE G-4 Advan ced Video Co ding Audio re cording format Linear P CM Audio recordi ng device Buil t-in monaural or e xternal s tereo micro phone; sensi tivity ad justable
Monit or 7.5-cm (3 -in.), approx. 9 21k-dot ( VGA), low-temp erature p olysilicon TF T LCD with 170°
Playb ack Full-fram e and thumbnail (4 , 9 or 72 images or ca lendar) play back with pla yback zoo m,
USB Hi-Spe ed USB Video o utput NTSC, PAL ; images can be d isplayed on ex ternal de vice while cam era monitor i s on HDMI output Type C mini-pin HDMI connecto r; cam era monitor turns off when H DMI ca ble is
Acce ssory ter minal Rem ote Cord MC -DC2 (availabl e separate ly), GPS Unit GP-1 (av ailable separ ately)
Audio inp ut Ster eo mini-pin jack (3 .5-mm diame ter)
Suppo rted langu ages Arabi c, Chinese (Simpli ed and Traditio nal), Czech, Dani sh, Dutch, Eng lish, Finnish,
Bat tery One Rec hargeable L i-ion Batt ery EN-EL15 Battery pack Opt ional Multi-Powe r Battery P ack MB- D11 wit h one R echargeable Li-ion Bat tery EN -
AC adap ter AC Adapter EH -5a; requir es Power Conn ector EP-5 B (available sep arately) Tripod so cket 1/4 in. (ISO 1222) Dimens ions (W x H x D) Appro x. 132 × 105 × 77 mm (5.2 × 4.1 × 3. 0 in.)
Weight Appr ox. 690 g (1 lb. 8.3 o z.) camera bo dy only; appr ox. 780 g (1 lb. 11.5 oz.) with b atter y
Oper ating envir onment Temperat ure: 0–4 0 °C/32–104 °F; hu midity: les s than 85% (no con densation) Supplie d accesso ries R echargeab le Li-ion Bat tery EN-E L15, Batt ery Charg er MH-25, Eyep iece Cap DK-5, Ru bber
(may dif fer by count ry Eyecu p DK-21, USB Cab le UC-E4, Audio V ideo Cable EG- D2, Camera St rap AN-DC1, LCD or ar ea) Monit or Cover BM -11, Body Cap BF -1B, Acce ssory Sh oe Cover BS-1, Vie wNX 2 CD-RO M
• Micro soft and Wi ndows, Wind ows 7 are eith er register ed tradem arks or trad emarks of Mi crosoft C orporat ion in the Uni ted State s and/or othe r countrie s. • Macintos h and QuickTime ar e register ed tradem arks or trad emarks of Appl e Inc. in the Uni ted State s and/or other c ountries . • The SD, SDHC an d SDXC logos are t rademark o f the SD Card A ssociatio n. • PictBrid ge is a tradema rk. • HDMI, t he HDMI logo an d High-Deni tion Multim edia Inter face are tr ademarks or r egistere d trademar ks of HDMI Lic ensing LLC. • P roducts a nd brand name s are tradem arks or regis tered tra demarks of t heir respec tive comp anies. • Image s in viewnd ers, on LCDs and m onitors sh own in this broc hure are simula ted. • All sampl e images are ©C hase Jarv is.
with b utton rele ase
RGB s ensor are available w ith built-in ash and SB-90 0, SB-8 00, SB-700, SB- 600 or SB- 400 (i-TTL balanced ll-ash is available w hen matr ix or ce nter-weight ed meter ing is selected) • Auto aperture: Available with SB-900/SB-800 and CPU lens • Non-TTL auto: Supported ash unit s include SB-900, SB- 800, SB-28, SB-27 an d SB -22S • Distance ­prior ity manual: Av ailable with SB -900, SB -800 and S B-700
red- eye redu ction, o ff; slo w sync and slow sync with red-ey e reduc tion available w ith optio nal ash units •l , m , r, , u, v, x, y, z, 1, 2 , 3: Fill -flash and red-ey e reduc tion av ailable wit h optio nal ash units • 0: Fill -ash • P, A: Fill-ash, s low syn c, red-eye reduction, slow sync with red-eye reduction, rear-curtain with slow sync • S, M:
Fill-flash , red-eye re duction, re ar-curtain s ync
or SB- 400 is fully c harged; blink s for 3 s after  ash is red at full o utput
ash uni ts excep t SB-40 0; Flash Colo r Informat ion Communi cation and F V lock sup ported with all C LS-comp atible ash uni ts
pres et manual (up to 5 val ues can be sto red), choos e color temper ature (2,5 00 K to 10,000 K), all wit h ne tuning; w hite balance b racketing : 2 to 3 frames in s teps of 1, 2 or 3
face -priorit y AF or subject-t racking AF is s elected)
24 (23.976) f ps • 640 × 424 (25p); 25 f ps Choice o f normal and hi gh quality av ailable
viewi ng angle, appro x. 100% frame c overage, an d brightne ss adjustmen t
movie p layback, sli de show, highligh ts, histogr am display, auto im age rotati on and image
comme nt (up to 36 char acters)
Frenc h, German, Ind onesian, Itali an, Japanes e, Korean, Nor wegian, Polish , Portugue se, Russia n, Spanish, Swe dish, Thai, Turkis h
EL15 or six R6/AA s ize alkaline, NiM H or lithium bat teries
and mem ory card bu t without b ody cap
Printed in Holland Code No. 6CE10080 (1010/A)K
Inspired performance in a size that keeps you shooting
Meet the new Nikon D7000, a camera ready to go wherever your photography or cinematography takes you.
Experience stunning images with sharp resolution and smooth tonal gradation, thanks to the
tage of its wide ISO range of
sharp and accurately exposed, thanks to the camera’s
time lag
what you’re capturing with the approx.
DX-format CMOS image sensor and a powerful
100 to 6400,
and its incredibly low levels of noise. Expect your images tack-
2,016-pixel RGB matrix metering sensor.
and approx.
6 frames-per-second
100% frame coverage viewfinder,
39-point AF
And with an approx.
shooting, you won’t miss a moment. You’ll see exactly
image processing engine. Take advan-
and Scene Recognition System using
0.052-second release
and for those who want
16.2 mega-
to shoot both stills and movies, the D7000’s D-Movie capabilities now include
full-time autofocus and manual exposure.
beneath the
severely tested against moisture and dust. The D7000 is ready to shoot indoors and out, and at
lens lineup and Creative Lighting System and you have everything you need to explore your imagination to its fullest.
Where can creative freedom like this take you? Find out, with the D7000.
magnesium alloy
the camera’s durable shutter unit helps you keep shooting. Combine all this with the unmatched NIKKOR
covering the top and rear chassis of a compact body, whose sealing has been
All of this advanced imaging technology is kept safe
full HD 1080p capture with
150,000 cycles
16.2 megapixels & EXPEED 2
Rich in details and smooth tones under any lighting
• Lens: AF- S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR • Image quality: 12-bit R AW (NEF) • Exposure: [M] mode, 1/160 second, f/4.5 • W hite balance: Direct sun light • Sensitivity: ISO 640 • Picture Control: Neut ral ©Chase Ja rvis
Stunning image details: 16.2 effective megapixels
Whether you want to make large prints or crop tightly in an image, the D7000 delivers the resolution you need. At its heart is a DX-format CMOS image sensor with 16.2 effective megapixels, optimally engineered to gather more quality light through sharp NIKKOR lenses. Coupled with 14-bit A /D conversion (12-bit select­able), the D7000 produces stunning images that are richer in tone and detail than previously possible in DX format. The A/D conversion happens within the sensor, thereby maintaining exceptional image integrity without sacrificing shoot­ing speed or energy efficiency. Combine these with the agile DX format and its sig­nature 1.5x focal length telephoto potential and you can begin to see where this kind of shooting power can take you.
Improved image quality and speed: EXPEED 2 image processing engine
Sometimes you want to capture the subtle tones of a sunset. Other times you want to freeze the action. The D7000 delivers both, thanks to the newest generation of image processing engine, EXPEED 2, which per­forms multiple tasks with more speed and power. Expect smoother tonal gradations, even in difficult shadows and highlights,
for a greater sense of depth in your images. Shoot continuously at approx. 6 frames per second so you can cap­ture the action you’ve been missing.
Standard ISO 100 to 6400, expandable to ISO 25600 equivalent
With improved pixel quality of the image sensor comes a wider ISO range from the DX-format — ISO 100 to 6400 has now become standard with the D7000, enabling you to handle a wider range of lighting situ­ations: from the bright and sunny outdoors to low-lit evenings and interiors. Nikon’s renowned noise reduction technology has been upgraded even further. Throughout the range, the D7000 delivers sharp images with minimized color noise. And thanks to the higher processing speed, you can keep shooting continuously without stress, even when high ISO noise reduction is activated. Quality high-ISO performance can also enhance a lot for movie shooting, allowing you to capture the mood of a scene using only available light.
Capture full HD 1080p D-Movie with full-time autofocus and manual exposure
The D7000 welcomes in a new era of movie capture: Full HD 1080p and movie editing functions for exceptional cinematic reproduction and quality. In addition to smooth-moving images, the camera can compensate for distortion and other image-degrading problems. Besides auto exposure mode, the D7000 offers manual exposure mode, which locks in the ex­posure value when shooting scenes with varying contrast levels, such as when panning from a bright window to a dark interior. Aside from a built-in monaural microphone, the D7000 incorporates an external microphone jack for high-quality stereo sound recording options.
Improved quality in highlight and shadow: Active D-Lighting
Nikon’s exclusive Active D-Lighting offers the ability to preserve details in the high­lights and shadowy areas of images shot in high-contrast scenes. Whether you’re dealing with bright skies and a dark fore­ground or deep shadows where you can’t use a flash, the EXPEED 2 image processing engine renders those scenes with smoother tones — even at its highest settings. Simply select Auto in Active D-Lighting mode and the camera can adjust to the scene’s contrast levels or bracket them into three frames of varying strength levels. Even when Active D- Lighting is acti­vated, you can still maintain the continuous shooting rate.
ISO 100 ISO 6400
Active D -Lighting of f
Active D -Lighting E xtra High
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