Nexo NEMO User Manual

NXAMP Remote Control

User Guide v1.3

© NEXO SA. Last revision: 24 February 2014
NEXO NeMo User Guide v1.3


NEXO NeMo is the remote control app for mobile terminals of a set of NEXO NXAMP powered TD-controllers. It allows you to control from an Apple iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch and through a Wi-Fi network one or many NXAMPs. Managing and positioning amplifiers, monitoring their parameters (levels, etc.), and setting new values (volume, delay, setup, etc.) is made possible thanks to an attractive and intuitive user interface.
Its main functionalities include:
Visualizing and positioning the connected NXAMPs within a 2D space. Quickly muting, soloing and monitoring the status, including peak and
protect, for the entire network.
Adding background pictures from your library. Grouping amplifiers for multi-device control, and visualizing groups on the 2D
Muting and soloing, and monitoring the status of groups of NXAMPs. Quickly muting and soloing individual channels of a group of NXAMPs. Monitoring and controlling simultaneously parameters of several amplifiers,
among which mute-solo, input and output levels, and volume, delay, gain, array-EQ and headroom of each output channel.
Patching input channels to output channels. Selecting setups from the standard library, and building custom setups. Saving and recalling scenes. Undoing and redoing every control step. Copying and pasting parameters and scenes from one to many NXAMPs. Saving and sharing user configurations, thanks to Sessions (.nemo
A configurable way of managing alerts of different levels. Visualizing and exporting a log of all the values of the NXAMPs (including
temperature, voltage, current…) that you can record when NeMo is connected.
A fully configurable Live mode. A Demo mode to test the app. A use in portrait on iPhone and iPad, and in portrait or landscape mode on
Requires AVS-Service and NXES104 or NXDT104 remote control cards in the NXAMPs. No theoretical limit on the supported numbers of NXAMPs, neither on the number of connected NeMos. Compatible with AVS-Monitor.

What’s new v1.3

Ready for iOS 7! New improved style and performances. Introduction of .nemo, a new file format to save and share (mail, AirDrop…)
your sessions.
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Caution: NEXO NeMo usage
Only use this application during a live event with an extreme care. In particular, you should activate the safe mode.
Please equip your NXAMPs and iDevice with the latest firmware update, and your computer with the latest version of AVS-Service and AVS-Monitor.
The good functioning of NeMo depends on the one of the wireless network and of AVS-Service.
Caution: before updating
Before updating NeMo, if need be, please export the log file (see Error! Reference ource not found.), since the internal log database is likely to be updated and all its
items to be removed.
As this version introduces a new way of handling sessions, your configuration will be lost. You can save the file savedParameters.plist (NeMo v1.0 to v1.2) not to lose it.
Undo/Redo: now, it is possible to undo and redo every control step you make. Copy/Paste: it is possible to copy parameters from one NXAMP to one or
several NXAMPs. With Load 3.16, scenes can also be shared between NXAMPs.
Improved log, introduction of Log Records: select the one you want to record
on, and press [R]. As many Log Records as wanted can be created (e.g. one per session).
New Events menu (prev. Alerts & Tasks), grouping alerts in sets, with
improved tasks display, and with a System Status section.
New way of accessing the Live mode (prev. long press gesture), with a button
at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Pull to Refresh functionality in the Groups & Devices menu. Smart Sliders in the control page: in case of multiple values, sliders become
green and have marks for all the different values.
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Presentation........................................................................................................................ 2
What’s new v1.3......................................................................................................................... 2
Preliminary .......................................................................................................................... 6
Network .................................................................................................................................... 6
iDevice ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Getting started.................................................................................................................. 10
Starting a new session .............................................................................................................. 10
General points.......................................................................................................................... 11
The Network tab ............................................................................................................... 12
Map of the devices, map of the groups ........................................................................................ 12
Selection ................................................................................................................................. 12
Positioning cells ........................................................................................................................ 12
Groups .................................................................................................................................... 13
A device cell ............................................................................................................................ 13
A group cell ............................................................................................................................. 15
Zoom in and out ....................................................................................................................... 16
Scrolling .................................................................................................................................. 16
Locking the map ....................................................................................................................... 16
Background images .................................................................................................................. 16
The Quick Mute/Solo view ......................................................................................................... 17
The Groups & devices menu ....................................................................................................... 18
The control tab ................................................................................................................. 22
Setting parameters ................................................................................................................... 22
Multiple values ......................................................................................................................... 24
Setting parameters of several channels ....................................................................................... 24
Copy/Paste .............................................................................................................................. 25
Undo/Redo .............................................................................................................................. 25
Reset all .................................................................................................................................. 25
The Setup tab ................................................................................................................... 27
Displaying the toolbar (iPhone users only) ................................................................................... 27
Loading standard and custom setups .......................................................................................... 27
Standard and custom setups ...................................................................................................... 27
Current setup ........................................................................................................................... 27
Recalling a standard setup ......................................................................................................... 28
Building a custom setup ............................................................................................................ 28
Multiple values ......................................................................................................................... 29
Unknown value ........................................................................................................................ 29
The Scene tab ................................................................................................................... 30
Reading scenes ........................................................................................................................ 30
Current scene .......................................................................................................................... 30
Saving a scene ......................................................................................................................... 30
Recalling a scene ...................................................................................................................... 30
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Multiple values ......................................................................................................................... 30
Copy/Paste .............................................................................................................................. 31
Deleting a scene ....................................................................................................................... 31
Closing a session .............................................................................................................. 32
Session .............................................................................................................................. 32
The Sessions menu ................................................................................................................... 32
Creating a session .................................................................................................................... 33
Editing a session ...................................................................................................................... 33
Exporting a session ................................................................................................................... 33
Importing a session .................................................................................................................. 34
Deleting a session .................................................................................................................... 34
Other saved data .............................................................................................................. 35
Setup libraries.......................................................................................................................... 35
AVS-Service settings ................................................................................................................. 36
Network update ................................................................................................................ 36
Security ............................................................................................................................. 37
Accessing the Live mode ........................................................................................................... 37
Configuring the Live Mode ......................................................................................................... 37
Log, alerts and tasks ........................................................................................................ 38
Log ......................................................................................................................................... 38
Alerts, Tasks and System Status ................................................................................................ 43
Red alerts ................................................................................................................................ 45
Error alerts ........................................................................................................................ 46
Appendix A: Accessible NXAMP’s parameters ................................................................ 47
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Every NEXO NXAMP has to be equipped with an NXES104 or NXDT104 card, and has to be linked, directly or through other networking devices (switches, etc.), to a local network. The device(s) at the top of chain (called Primary Masters) should be connected to the network via the Primary or Remote port of the EtherSound or Dante card.
It is highly recommended to keep the NXAMPs updated with the latest firmware version, available at:

Wi-Fi access point

A Wi-Fi access point has to be connected to the NXAMPs' local network, and
configured following the manufacturer’s instructions. The following points
might help you to get an optimal configuration in terms of rapidity and robustness:
Preferably choose a router that supports 802.11n. It is recommended to
activate the support of all the modes (802.11n/a for the 5 GHz band,
802.11n/b/g for the 2.4 GHz band). The 5 GHz band is more robust to interferences than the 2.4 GHz band, but the range is generally shorter. Select a bandwidth of 20 MHz for the 2.4 GHz band, or of 20 and 40 MHz for the 5 GHz band.
For a robust and large-coverage Wi-Fi network, preferably use
professional routers with adaptive antennas and beam emitting (e.g. Ruckus Wireless).
Use DHCP rather than static IP address assignation. There should be only
one DHCP server on the network. In order to give a static address to one of the devices (e.g. the computer running AVS-Service), go to the settings interface of your router.
Check that the firmware of the access point is up-to-date. Give the wireless network a unique SSID name. Choose a security mode, preferably WPA2-Personal (AES), or, at least,
Disable the parameter Hidden network of the Wi-Fi access point, and MAC
(Media Access Control) address filtering, security being guaranteed by the
point above.
If possible, choose Auto Channel Selection, else, make sure that the
chosen channel is free from other routers and potential interference sources (microwave ovens, cable of satellite dishes, power lines and other electrical
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sources, phones, video senders, wireless speakers and other wireless devices operating within the 2.4 or 5 GHz bands). To that purpose, you can use a Wi­Fi scanner software.
In case of high latency while using NeMo, you can reboot the router.
For more information, please consult the router manual, and Apple articles about recommended settings1.


AuviTran’s AVS-Service must run on a host PC (or Virtual Machine on a Mac). For this purpose, you need to:
1. Install AVS-Monitor
on a computer;
2. Link this computer, preferably with an Ethernet link, to the NXAMPs and
router’s network (a Wi-Fi connection is however possible);
3. Launch AVS-Control Panel (available at Start/All
Programs/AuviTran/EtherSound Monitor/);
4. In the Status tab, select the adequate EtherSound and Dante Adapters
(the ones leading to the NXAMPs’ network);
5. Select All in the Software client Adapter list;
6. If needed, check Enable Dante Control in the AVS-Service tab.
7. Start the service by pressing [Turn ON].
Apple, iOS and OS X: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points,, iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks,, AirPort and Bluetooth: Potential sources of interference,
AVS-Service is included in AVS-Monitor's download package, available at
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Primary master
AVS-ESServices host
Other devices
You can find more details in the documentation of AVS-Service and AVS­Monitor.
In case of high latency while using NeMo, you can:
Go to the Status tab, and press [Turn OFF] then [Turn ON];
Try another value for the Network timeout (AVS-Service tab), 5 ms by


The following figure shows the optimal configuration. It is possible to connect the Primary Master device directly to the computer (if this computer has two network adapters). It is possible to have several Primary Masters thanks to a switch. Other devices than NXAMPs can be connected to the network (consoles, toolboxes, Stage Boxes, etc.). It is strongly not recommended to have a wireless link between the host computer (where AVS-Service is running) and the NXAMPs. Generally speaking, mind separating the audio network and the network with the Wi-Fi access point. Also, you might need to separate other proprietary networks (Lake, etc.).


The iDevice (iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad) should be equipped with iOS 7 or later, and with the NeMo app.
Wi-Fi should be activated on the iDevice. For that purpose, go to Settings. Disable the Plane mode if needed. Select Wi-Fi, and choose the correct network. Authenticate yourself if the network is secured.
If you are using static IP, tap on , choose Static, and type in an IP Address for the iDevice (similar to the router address, but with a different last
number), a Subset Mask (generally, and the Router address (usually printed on the bottom of the router, or manually defined when setting the router up). But again, DHCP is preferred, since it ensures more stability.
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In case of frequent disconnections of NeMo, go to Settings>Wi-Fi, tap on near to your network, and then [Forget this Network]. Start again the
operations above. If you are using DHCP (recommended), you can also press [Renew Lease].
If Wi-Fi signal is surprisingly low on old iDevices, you can disable automatic setting of luminosity and set luminosity to its maximum level, and avoid holding your iPad by the right (if portrait) or down (if landscape) part of the main button (« death grip »).
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Tip : import from AVS-Monitor
If you are a user of AVS-Monitor, you can import your configuration (alias of the devices and groups). To do so, go to the section Import from AVS-Monitor.
Config Mode
Configuration mode. All settings are enabled.
Live Mode
Safe mode. This mode can be configured from the Settings menu. A setting can be disabled or enabled after confirmation. Cf. Security.
Demo Mode
This mode can be used without any network connection, to test the app on virtual amplifiers. It can be a good way to learn how to use it.


Starting a new session

1. Launch NeMo by tapping on the app icon.
2. You are invited to choose an IP address. It is the address of the
Ethernet (or Wi-Fi if need be) network adapter of the host computer (where AVS-Service is running). You can find it using a Wi-Fi Scanner on your iDevice (e.g. Fing). Alternately, you can go to Windows' Control Panel>Network and Internet>Network and Sharing Center. There, choose your network (named for instance Local Area
Connection). In the new window, press [Details…] and note the IPv4 Address.
3. Choose the session you want to open (cf. Sessions). When you launch
NeMo for the first time, an empty session is created for you by default.
4. Tap on [Config] or [Live] to open the session, or on [Demo]. Connecting
can take a few moments. You can cancel the connection at any time by tapping on [Cancel].
5. If the access to AVS-Service is restrained (see AVS-Control Panel, tab
Security), you are invited to enter a login and password.
6. The status of the connection is displayed. When it is “Loading
devices…”, the connection with AVS-Service is engaged, you may have to be patient!
If an error message is displayed, maybe:
Wi-Fi connection cannot be achieved. Please refer to the Preliminary
section of this document to solve this problem.
The given IP address is not the good one. AVS-Service is not working correctly.
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Network, the default tab: global view of the network;
Control: control of the selected amplifiers' parameters and levels;
Setup: control of the selected NXAMPs' setups;
Scene: control of the selected NXAMPs' scenes;
Disconnect: a simple button to close the session.
A navigation and tool bar, from where it is possible
to trigger many actions on the main view.
A main view, where monitoring and controlling
A tab bar, to change the main view.
The Groups &
menu to
select objects to
A button to toggle
Config and Live mode
(long press).
A button to record
to view Alerts,
Tasks, and System

General points

When a new session is opened, the view is made of:
and view the Log
The Events
There are five tabs, for each one of the main functionalities of the app:
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iPhone users only
On iPhone, the Network tab is made of the Groups & devices menu (see The Groups & devices menu). All the following paragraphs apply to iPad users only.
iPad users only
The main view shows the connected devices (NXAMPs and devices from other manufacturers), as rectangular cells. Blue links between cells represent the physical connections between EtherSound (only) devices. A link is oriented from a master to its slaves thanks to an arrow.
To show or hide links, tap on or in the toolbar.

Map of the devices, map of the groups

The map of the main view can show either the devices (NXAMPs and other devices) or the groups (see further how to create groups). To activate the map of the devices or of the groups, tap on [Devices] or
[Groups] in the toolbar.


The control of the NXAMPs3 (see following tabs) is achieved with a system of selection.
Double tap to select a cell. Its color is then shinier.
Double tap to deselect a cell. Its color is darker.
To select all the cells, tap on in the toolbar.
To deselect all the cells, tap on in the toolbar.
A group cell (iPad only) can be partially selected, if only part of its devices is selected. If so, it has slanted strips of bright and dark color.
The number of selected cells is displayed at the bottom of the main view. To locate the selected cells on the screen, tap on .
It is also possible to select or deselect NXAMPs and groups from the menu [Groups & devices...] (see The Groups & devices menu below).
Even if any cell can be selected, only NXAMPs are controllable.

Positioning cells

You can arrange cells as you like. To do so, tap and hold to drag one or many cells with your fingers. When two cells are close enough, magnets allow the constitution of stacks, like racks: you can reproduce the
From now on, « NXAMP » and « amplifier » are equally used.
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Tip: align on a grid
You can align cells on a grid. To do so, go to the Preferences menu from the welcome page, and activate the switch Align on a grid.
arrangement of devices as it is in reality.
When two cells overlap each other, the lowermost is moved down to reach a better configuration.
Two cells are completely tied when they share a full edge with each other. Then, if you move the one, the other will follow. To untie cells, put a finger on each cell, and move them away.
To move simultaneously cells that are not tied, you have to select them. If you move a selected cell, all the other selected cells will move as well.
If many cells are selected, and you drag a cell that is not selected, then
only the later will move.
To automatically place cells on the map, tap on in the toolbar. You can then choose between placing them hierarchically (masters above slaves, only for EtherSound) or as tiles.


NeMo makes it easy for you to manage NXAMPs, offering you the possibility of grouping them. For instance, if you want to perform an operation on several devices at once, you can group them together. Groups can also make it easy to identify amplifiers, for instance belonging to a same rack or dealing with the same cabinets. A group has a name, and is associated with a color. Cells from a same group are colored with the group's color.

Creating a group:

1. Tap on [+] in the tool bar ;
2. In the displayed popover, tap on [Add] and select the devices of your
choice. By default, the devices that are selected on the map are selected here.
3. Adding devices to a new group: NeMo suggests a name and a color for
the new group. Tap on the “Group XX” text field to change its name. Tap on a color icon to change its color. Validate by pressing the [Done]
button of the keyboard or the [Create group] button.
Adding devices to an existing group: Locate the group of your choice in the list and tap on it.
Groups can also be created and edited from the Groups & devices menu (see The Groups & devices menu).

A device cell

A cell has two sides. Tap on [ i ] to reveal the reverse side. To go back to
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A mute button, to cut the output sound of an amplifier (function "overmute": mute all channels). When an
NXAMP is effectively muted, the button is blue.
A solo button, to mute all amplifiers, except the soloed ones. When solo is active, the button is blue.
A label with the alias of the device, or the Dante ID (if applicable). Tap to display the one or the other.
Four LEDs for the status of each channel.
The channel is muted, or the NXAMP is over-muted if the four LEDs are on.
The channel is in protection mode, or the NXAMP is in protection mode if the four LEDs are on.
The channel is in peak limiter mode.
There is current through the channel.
Default LED.
A green border surrounds a LED when there are multiple values (e.g. the LED is for ch. 1 of amp. A and ch. 1 of amp. B, and the first one is muted whereas the second one is not, or sense, peak, etc.).
the front, tap on the [Done] button.

On the front, you will find:

Here is the meaning of the LEDs:
Remark: When the device is not an NXAMP or if a NXAMP is not responding, LEDs and mute/solo are not displayed. When an NXAMP is in
stand-by mode or is not responding, a button allows you to awake it.

On the reverse side, you will find:

The alias of the device, by default the type of product and the end
of the MAC address. When you change it in AVS-Monitor or in NeMo, the new name is not passed on. Tap on the field to edit it, and on [Done] when finished;
The MAC address of the amplifier (that can be read on the network
card of the device);
The load of the amplifier (the version of the firmware and setup
The current setup, denoted by its number or name (when library
has been loaded);
An icon telling whether the device has a Dante or an
EtherSound card. In case of a Dante™ card, the Dante ID is
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To monitor the levels of the inputs of the NXAMPs of the group. The displayed level for an input is the maximum of this input’s levels for the NXAMPs of the group.
To monitor the output currents and voltages of the processing channels of the NXAMPs of the group. Again, the displayed levels are the maximum through the devices of the group. VU-Meters
To see some details about the group (setup, load, Dante or EtherSound), and change its name.
XX device(s)
Tapping on this button will display the Quick mute/solo view of the group (cf. The Quick Mute/Solo view).
View alerts!
Tapping on this button will display the Events menu, filtered so only the alerts about this group are displayed (cf. Alerts and tasks).
Hold of the maximum value (glowing)
Short-term hold of the maximum displayed value
Current value
Hold of the minimum value (glowing)
A device that is not an NXAMP has a cell with the alias only.

A group cell

A group cell has three panes:
And two buttons:


A VU-meter displays:
You can reset the hold values by tapping on any VU-meter.
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