New Holland TS-100A, TS-115A, TS-135A, TS-125A, ts110 Assembly Manual

New Holland - Cab 2 WD / 4 WD
TS-100A, TS-115A, TS-125A, TS-135A
Published 01-05 Part No. 02982279
Tractors equipped with additional options, special equipment, tractor manufacturer modifications, new tractor models, or Customer alterations may prevent this Mount Kit from being properly mounted to the tractor. Alamo Group is not responsible for modifications to the MountKit to accommodate these differences.
1502 E. Walnut Seguin, Texas 78155 210-379-1480
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
All implements with moving parts are potentially hazardous. There is no substitute for a cautious, safe-minded operator who recognizes the potential hazards and follows reasonable safety practices. The manufacturer has designed this implement to be used with all its safety equipment properly attached to minimize the chance of accidents.
BEFORE YOU START!! Read the safety messages on the implement and shown in your manual.
Observe the rules of safety and common sense!
Read and understand the complete Warranty Statement found in this Manual. Fill out the Warranty Registration Form in full and return it within 30 Days. Make certain the Serial Number of the Machine is recorded on the Warranty Card and on the Warranty Form that you retain. The use of "will-fit" parts will void your warranty and can cause catastrophic failure with possible injury or death.
The intent of this publication to provide the competent technician with the information necessary to perform the CORRECT Assembly to the Alamo Industrial Product. This will, in turn provide for complete customer satisfaction
It is hoped that the information contained in this and other Manuals will provide enough detail to eliminate the need for contact of the Alamo Industrial Technical Service Dept. However, it should be understood that many instances may arrive where correspondence with the Manufacturer is neces­sary.
CONTACTING MANUFACTURER: (Please help us Help You! Before You Call! )
Alamo Industrial Service Staff Members are dedicated to helping you solve your problem, or your customer’s service problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, we receive entirely to many calls with only a minimum amount of information. In some cases, the correspondent has never gone out to look at the equipment and merely calls inquiring of the problems described to him by the operator or customer.
Most calls received by Alamo Industrial Service can be classified into approx. 6 general categories.
1. Hydraulic or Mechanical Trouble Shooting.
2. Request for Technical Information or Specifications.
3. Mounting or Fitting Problem.
4. Special Service Problem.
5. Equipment Application Problems.
6. Tractor Problem Inquiries.
Make sure the call is necessary! Most of the calls received may not be necessary if the Dealer Service Technician would do the following.
1. Check the Service Information at your Dealership provided by Alamo Industrial, This would include, Service Bulletins, Information Bulletins, Parts Manuals, Operators Manuals, Assembly Manual or Service Manual, many of these are available via the Alamo Industrial Internet site (www.Alamo­Industrial.Com). Attempt to diagnose or repair problem before calling.
2. If a call to Alamo Industrial is needed, Certain Information should be available and ready for the Alamo Industrial Service Staff. Such information as, Machine Model, Serial Number, Your Dealer Name, Your Account Number and Any other information that will be useful. This information is vital for the development of a prompt and correct solution to the problem. This will also help to develop a database of problems and related solutions, which will expedite a solution to future problems of a similar nature.
3. The technician may be asked to provide detailed information about the problem including the results of any required trouble shooting techniques. If the information is not available, The technician may be asked to get the information and call back. Most recommendations for repairs will be based on the procedures listed in the Service Manual / Trouble Shooting Guide and Information provided by customer.
Alamo Industrial, 1502 E. Walnut St. Seguin TX. 78155, Technical Service Dept. PH: 830-379-1480
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A, 125A, 135A, Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Index -1
Manual Introduction............................................................................Index-1
Section 1 - Model Specifications
DO NOT DO LIST (IMPORTANT).....................................................1-2
Maverick Boom Specifications...........................................................1-3 to 1-6
Hose Fitting Torque Chart..................................................................1-6
Bolt Torque Chart...............................................................................1-7
Section 2 - Tractor Preparation
General Information........................................................................... 2-2 to 2-8
Section 3 - Pump & Driveshaft Installation
Remove Engine Guards for Access to engine compartment........... 3-2
Pulley Adapter Installation..................................................................3-2
Install Shaft Half of Driveshaft............................................................3-3
Install Tank Mount Rails.................................................................... 3-4
Install Pump....................................................................................... 3-4 to 3-7
Reinstall Engine Guards & Covers................................................... 3-8
Section 4 - Hydraulic Tank & Control Valve Installation
Install Hydraulic Tank to Tank Mount Rails........................................4-2
Tank Hose Routing............................................................................ 4-2 to 4-3
Control Valve Fitting Identification......................................................4-4 to 4-5
Head Tilt Lock Valve.......................................................................... 4-5
Valve Hose Marking Codes............................................................... 4-6
Diverter Valve.................................................................................... 4-6 to 4-8
Oil Cooler & Cooling Fan Assembly.................................................... 4-9
Section 5 - Battery, Exhaust, Fuel Tank Modification & Main Frame Installation
Battery Relocation / Modification....................................................... 5-2
Exhaust relocation / Modification....................................................... 5-3
Fuel Tank Installation / Modification................................................... 5-4 to 5-5
Under Mount Component Information................................................5-6 to 5-7
Frame Installation.............................................................................. 5-8 to 5-11
Boom Rest Installation.......................................................................5-11
Frame Counter Weight Installation....................................................5-12
Boom Turret Assembly Installation................................................... 5-13 to 5-14
Front Axle Stabilizer Kit..................................................................... 5-15
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© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Index -2
Section 6 - Lexan Door Installation
Lexan Door Installation...................................................................... 6-2 to 6-4
Section 7 - LH Wheel Weights
Standard Wheel Weight.................................................................... 7-2 to 7-3
Auxiliary Wheel Weight......................................................................7-4
Section 8 - Joystick / Wire Harness / Valve Installation
Wire Harness tractor Preparation......................................................8-2
Replace Tractor Seat Arm Rest........................................................8-3
"E"-Stop Switch Installation............................................................... 8-4
Joystick Installation............................................................................ 8-4 to 8-6
XS Module Installation........................................................................8-6 to 8-8
Interior Wire Harness Installation.......................................................8-7 to 8-10
Exterior Wire Harness Installation..................................................... 8-11 to 8-13
Diverter Valve Harness Connections................................................... 8-14 to 8-16
Cab Decals........................................................................................8-17
Section 9 - Boom / Head Installation
Boom Mounting.................................................................................. 9-2 to 9-5
Boom Lift Cylinder Pin Installation..................................................... 9-2 to 9-3
Boom Cylinder Schematic.................................................................9-6
Valve Hose Schematic.......................................................................9-6
Hose Routing and Connecting...........................................................9-2 to 9-12
Hydraulic Hose Color Identification Codes...................................... 9-8 to 9-12
Tank Hose to Boom Connections......................................................9-10 to 9-12
Tank Hose Schematic / Routing........................................................9-11 to 9-12
Section 10 - Fill Oil Tank / Setting Electronic Display Controls
Fill Unit with Oil...................................................................................10-2 to 10-3
Prime Pump.......................................................................................10-3
Setting Electric Display Control Box..................................................10-4 to 10-11
Joystick Operation............................................................................. 10-12
front Pump & Tank Cover Installation............................................... 10-13
Section 11 - Mounting Specification / Component Identification
Mount Kit Components...................................................................... 11-2 to 11-37
Component Parts Identification / Descriptions..................................11-2 to 11-37
Section 12 - Pre-Delivery Inspection Check List
Check List.......................................................................................... 12-2 to 12-3
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© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Index -3
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A, 125A, 135A, Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Index -4
Section 1
Maverick Boom
24' & 30'
Maverick (NH TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 1 - 1
The Maverick has computerized electronics. The electronic
components can be damaged if care is not taken when performing repairs, testing and/or during assembly.
1. DO NOT short any wires across or allow them to be shorted out.
2. DO NOT attempt to jump across any wires or supply them with alternate power
3. DO NOT install higher rated fuses than are recommended by manufacturer.
4. DO NOT do any welding on unit unless the computer modules are unplugged first, this
is to prevent a power surge going into modules (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT). This could also apply to the tractor components. Check Tractors repair guide for specific instruction about tractor model and type.
5. DO NOT attempt to repair or adjust a component that is not intended to be repaired,
example sealed components as there are no serviceable components inside.
6. DO NOT let anyone attempt any testing or repairs unless they are an experienced
and qualified technician. Technicians must have proper tools, gauges, meters etc. to perform proper diagnosis and/or repairs.
7. DO NOT perform any repairs with dirty tools or in dirty area. When working on hydraulic
components keeping system clean and free of contamination is important.
8. DO NOT start or engage system if the oil level is not at the proper level or condition. Never
start or run unit low or out of oil.
9. DO NOT install / add any oil unless you know it is the correct type and the container is
clean. Make certain the oil is not contaminated with dirt or any liquid.
Maverick (NH TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 1 - 2
Hyd. Pump Speed (Front Aux Pump)...................................1950 RPM
Hyd. Motor Speed..............................................................1220 RPM
Hyd. Motor Rated HP.........................................................199 HP
Hyd. Motor Rotation
Relief Valve Setting At Motor............................................. 4000 PSI
Relief Valve Setting At Pump............................................ 4500 PSI
Hyd. Pump Flow
Hyd. Oil Operating Temperature @ 100° F Ambient........ 155 - 165 ° F.
Hyd. Oil Filtration,
Hyd. Tank Capacity........................................................... 17-1/2 Gal.
Hyd. Motor Start Stop Time (Approximate)....................... 6 Seconds
Cutting Diameter, (Rotary Head).......................................58 Inch
Spindle...............................................................................4.5 “ by 9” Heat Treated Alloy
Blade Bar Type..................................................................Stacked 3 Leaf
Blade Bar Size...................................................................1-1/4” Thick X 5" Wide (Ea. Leaf)
Blade Bar Material............................................................. T1 Steel
Blade Swing.......................................................................360 Deg Swing
Blade Material....................................................................High Carbon Alloy Steel
Cutter Weight. (Approximate w/ Rotary Head)..................950 lbs.
Cutter Deck Opening & Closing........................................Hyd. Operated Door
Recommended Hydraulic Oil............................................ ISO AW Hyd. Oil (See decal below)
Fluid Cleanliness level.......................................................ISO 16/14/11
(as viewed f/ Top of the Deck)................CW (Clockwise)
(Front Pump @ 1950 RPM)........................25.3 GPM
(Discharge f/ Charge Pump)..................... 10 Micron
(bottom) & HRFB Steel (top & Middle)
The correct hydraulic fluid is dependent upon ambient temperature. Refer to chart when selecting proper grade
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© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
40°F 60°F 70°F
Section 1 - 3
Boom Reach 24 Foot Boom......................................................... Out 24'
Boom Reach 30 Foot Boom......................................................... Out 30'
Frame............................................................................................Manufactured Box Sections
Pins................................................................................................Chrome Plated Alloy
Weight, 24' Boom..........................................................................1250 lbs.
Weight, 30' Boom..........................................................................1450 lbs
Boom Rest.................................................................................... Tractor Axle Mounted
Boom Mounting..............................................................................ROPS or CAB Tractor Optional
Control Valve Functions: Control functions include All Hydraulic Cylinders used to manipulate the
Maverick Boom. The boom and frame cylinders are powered by a self contained hydraulic system. The pump is loctated on the front of the tractor. There is an in-line pressure filter (P/N 02981371) between the closed center load sense pump and cylinder control valve. There is a return filter (P/N 02981391) mounted to the tank that filters the fluid returning from the control valve to the tank. Filter change recommended for every 200 to 250 hours. An electronic monitoring system monitors element back pressure for indication of clogged filter prior to element change.
Mower Head Functions: Mower Head Functions are operated by Pump, which is mounted to the
front of the Tractor Engine. This will have an in-line Filter installed into hydraulic circuit, This filter should be changed on a regular maintenance schedule. Filter are rated by Micron size (10 Micron), Filters should be replaced with original Alamo Industrial Replacement Filters to make certain the correct rated filter element is installed at all times. (Pressure Filter is P/N 02968922 and Return Filter Replacement Element is P/N 02968923)
Cutter Head Pump Circuit Spec's:
Pump Type...............................................................Piston Type
Pump Speed (Front Engine Mounted)......................Run Engine to 540 PTO Speed
Relief Setting at the Pump........................................4500 PSI
Pump Flow (Front Engine Operating Speed)...........25.3 GPM
Boom Cylinder Pump Circuit Spe'c's:
Pump Type...............................................................Piston Type
Pump Speed............................................................ 1800 RPM
Pump Flow (Front Engine Operating Speed)...........15.6 GPM
Low Pressure Standby.............................................250 PSI
High Pressure Comp................................................3000 PSI
Horse Power at 1850 RPM (Engine Speed)............ 28.5 HP
Hydraulic Hose Band Mark Color Codes:
Hose's and/or fittings are marked with a Color Coded Plastic Band around it. Some Bands are a solid Color and some have a Colored with a Stripe. The purpose of the colored bands are to provide a quick reference for hose and port connection. A metal band is also attachted to the hose, on that band is an Alamo Industrial Part Number for reference if needing a replacement hose. Always Check Hose Size, Color Code & Part Number
Maverick (NH TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 1 - 4
Boom Cylinder Circuit Hoses:
Color Tie (Code) Hose Size Hyd. Function
Green G SAE # 6 Swing, Back (Rod End) Green / White G/W SAE # 6 Swing, Forward (Base End) Orange OR SAE # 6 Lift, Down (Rod End) Orange / White OR/W SAE # 6 Lift, Up (Base End) Blue B SAE # 6 Dipper, In (Rod End) Blue / White B/ W SAE # 6 Dipper, Out (Base End) Yellow Y SAE # 6 Telescope, In (Rod End) Yellow / White Y/W SAE # 6 Telescope, Out (Base End) Red R SAE # 6 Head Tilt, Up (Rod End) Red / White R/W SAE # 6 Head Tilt, Down (Base End) Green G SAE # 4 Swivel, CW (Rod End) Green / White G/W SAE # 4 Swivel, CCW (Base End) Yellow Y SAE # 4 Door, Open (Rod End) Yellow / White Y/W SAE # 4 Door, Closed (Base End)
Motor Circuit Hoses:
Color Tie (Code) Hose Size Hyd. Function
Red R SAE # 16 Pressure Flow to Motor Orange OR SAE # 16 Return Flow From Motor Blue B SAE # 8 Case Flow From Motor to Boom Blue B SAE # 12 Case Flow at Boom to Tank
Cylinder Type....................................................... Welded Cylinders
Cylinder Working Pressure................................... 3000 PSI
Hydraulic Cylnder Repair Specs:
Cylinder Cylinder Piston Nut Gland Seal Kit Part No. Function Torque ft. lbs. Torque ft. lbs. Part No.
02981275 Swing 400-500 80-120 (Head) 02982066 02981278 Lift (30 ft.) 400-500 80-120 (Head) 02982069 02981279 Lift (24 ft.) 400-500 80-120 (Head) 02982070 02981277 Dipper 400-500 80-120 (Head) 02982068 02981280 Tilt 400-500 80-120 (Head) 02982071 02961480A Door (Rotary) 150-250 80-120 (Head) 02975528 02970710A Door (Flail Axe) 40-60 80-120 (Head) 02975532 02971423 Slide (Timber Cat) 400-500 50-60 (Tie Rod) 02973505 02811000A Door (Ditcher) 150-250 80-120 (Head) 02975528 02981316 Stabilizer 40-60 80-120 (Head) 02982073 02981315 Swivel (Rotary) 300-400 80-120 (Head) 02982072 02981276 Extension 300-400 80-120 (Head) 02982067
Maverick (NH TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 1 - 5
Valve Type: Multi-Section, Load Sense, Pressure Compensated, Directional control Valve.
Features electro-hydraulic spool actuators for proportional characteristics.
Valve Construction: Multi-Section, Individual Spool, with electro-hydraulic solenoids. Tie rod
bolt together type.
Valve Controller: Mechanical over Electric. 3-axis, multi-function, lever-type joystick. Valve Porting and Hose Connections: Hoses connect to valve as shown by color code. See
Decal P/N 02981986 below, Electrical connections connect as shown, Reference label on connector and corresponding solenoid.
8. Valve Spool Functions & Spec's (Boom Feature):
Main Relief at Inlet 3335 psi - Valve Spool Functions & Specs:
Band Spool Cyl. Travel Port Work Port Pressure Color No. Function Direction Relief Rating
G/W 1 Swing Forward B 3045 psi. 2.0 G 1 Swing Back A 3045 psi. 2.0 OR 2 Lift Down B 1160 psi. 7.92 OR/W 2 Lift Up A Plug 7.92 B/W 3 Dipper Out B Plug 3.17 B 3 Dipper In A 1160 psi. 3.17 Y/W 4 Telescope Out B 2030 psi 3.17 Y 4 Telescope In A Plug 3.17 R/W 5 Tilt Up A Plug 3.17 R 5 Tilt Down B 2030 psi 3.17 G 6 Swivel CW (top) A 2755 psi 6.60 G/W 6 Swivel CCW (top) B 2755 psi 6.60
Valve Spool Functions & Specs: The Cylinder Cycle has adjustable settings, slow, medium
and fast, Time Cylinder cycle of unit, Time indicates the time for the Cylinder to travel the full amount of its extension or retraction. The lift times up and down are taken with the dipper fully extended and begin with the Deck flat on the ground. All Cycle times are measured at the rated Tractor RPM. Test Times should vary as according to the setting being used.
Valve Leakage: Maximum internal Valve Leakage from the Cylinder. Ports to Tank at any Valve
Segment, Oil Pressure at 1450 PSI and Oil Viscosity at 102 SSU = 1.25 Cubic Inch / Minute
Standby (Pilot) Pressure: Standby (Pilot) Pressure = 200 to 250 PSI.
Maverick (NH TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 1 - 6
Hose End Type: 37 Degree Angle End Steel Hose End Fittings*
Dash Nominal Cyl. Torque Torque Size Size (in.) in. lbs. ft .lbs.
-4 1/4" 140 12
-6 3/8" 230 19
-8 1/2" 450 38
-10 5/8" 650 54
-12 3/4" 900 75
-16 1" 1200 100
-20 1-1/4" 1600 133
-24 1-1/2" 2000 167
-32 2" 2800 233 * Straight Threads do not always seal better when higher torques are used. Too much torque causes distortion and may lead to leakage. DO NOT over torque fittings and DO NOT allow any contaminants to enter system through fittings when installing them.
10. Special Torque Specifications (Rotary Heads)
Motor to Spindle Housing...........................................................100 ft. lbs.
Spindle to Deck..........................................................................425 ft. lbs.
Spindle to Adjusting Nut (Bearing Preload)............................... 25 in. lbs. Rolling Torque
Blade Bar Leaf Bolts ( 1-1/4" Bolts)....................................... 2000 ft. lbs.
Blade Bar to Spindle Bolts.........................................................400 ft. lbs.
Blade Bolts................................................................................ 400 ft. lbs.
Motor Plate............................................................................. See Set Up Instructions
11. TORQUE VALUES - BOLTS: Recommended Torque, Ft. lbs. & (Nm)
Application Torque will vary depending on what is bolted down and the type material (Metal) that is being bolted together. Thread condition and lubrication will vary Torque settings.
Bolt Dia.
1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-1/4
Inche Sizes
2 (B)
Plain Head
ft. lbs (*N-M) ft. lbs (*N-M) ft. lbs (*N-M)
Not Used Not Used Not Used
35 (*47) 55 (*75)
75 (*102) 105 (*142) 185 (*251) 160 (*217) 250 (*339) 330 (*447) 480 (*651)
5 (D)
3 Dashes
10 (*14) 20 (*27) 35 (*47) 55 (*75)
85 (*115) 130 (*176) 170 (*230) 300 (*407) 445 (*603) 670 (*908)
910 (*1234)
1250 (*1695)
8 (F)
6 Dashes
14 (*19) 30 (*41) 50 (*68)
80 (*108) 120 (*163) 175 (*230) 240 (*325) 425 (*576) 685 (*929)
1030 (*1396) 1460 (*1979) 2060 (*2793)
Bolt Dia. mm
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36
Metric Sizes
ft. lbs (*N-M) ft. lbs (*N-M)ft. lbs (*N-M)
5 (*6) 11 (*15) 20 (*27) 37 (*50) 60 (*81)
92 (*124) 118 (*159) 160 (*217) 215 (*291) 285 (*386) 450 (*610) 600 (*813)
800 (*1084) 900 (*1220)
7 (*9) 20 (*27) 40 (*54) 70 (*95)
100 (*135) 155 (*210) 216 (*292) 270 (*366) 330 (*447) 500 (*678)
875 (*1186) 1200 (*1627) 1600 (*2169) 2100 (*2847)
12 (*16) 25 (*33)
58 (*78) 105 (*142) 140 (*189) 200 (*271) 280 (*379) 355 (*481) 430 (*583) 700 (*949)
1000 (*1355) 1700 (*2304) 2300 (*3118) 3000 (*4067)
Maverick (NH TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 1 - 7
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© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 1 - 8
Section 2
Maverick Boom
New Holland Tractor
TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A
Tractor Preperations
Maverick (NH TS-115A, 125A, 135A, Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 2 - 1
General Information / Installation Requirements
The tools you will need at the assembly site are as follows:
1. Impact wrench or socket and ratchet set.
2. Rubber mallet.
3. Box-end, Allen, and adjustable wrenches.
4. Alignment pins.
5. Forklift or hydraulic floor jacks with rolling back boards.
6. Small chain hoist or block-and-tackle.
7. Multidirectional Levels.
8. Hydraulic Filter Buggy or Cart.
9. Safety shoes, safety glasses, and gloves. A hard hat should be worn by anyone working under any raised component.
Remember to follow each step closely and cautiously. Be aware of all support personnel at all times. Keep the assembly area as clean as possible; clean up all spills when they occur. An uncluttered assembly area and a crew that is sensitive to the hazards involved in putting this implement together will help prevent accidents. Keep all unauthorized personnel from the area. Do not allow children near the assembly site nor allow them on or near the tractor after assembly. There is no safe place for anyone except the operator on the tractor and those assisting with the assembly.
To help you assemble your new Machete Boom and mount it to your tractor, a detailed assembly instruction Manual is being provided with the mount kit to provide detailed instructions and part numbers. Please consult this document for specific information. When needed, you can get additional information or clarification from Your Dealer or Alamo Group Customer Service.
This publication provides general information not specifically for your case or tractor, but, in connection with the drawings, this publication offers you some valuable assistance - please read it thoroughly.
These mount kits are made for selected tractors with standard configurations. Only the noted options and tire sizes listed in the Mounting Specifications will work with these mount kits. Other options, front axles, or different tire sizes may prevent the mount kit from fitting your nonstandard tractor. Alamo Group cannot take responsibility for these problems or any modifications made to the unit.
Throughout these instructions, references are made to right or left directions. Right and left are determined by sitting on the tractor seat and facing the direction of travel forward always.
This is the Safety-Alert symbol. When you see this symbol on your machine or in these instructions, be alert to the potential for personal injury. Follow recommended precautions and safe operating practices.
DANGER! A signal word - DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION - is used with the Safety Alert
symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards.
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A ,125A,135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 2 - 2
General Information / Installation Requirements
WARNING! Safety signs with signal word WARNING are typically used to point out more
serious hazards.
CAUTION! General precautions are listed on CAUTION safety sign. CAUTION also calls
attention to safety messages in these instructions.
The tools you will need at the assembly site are as follows:
1. Welding equipment (including correct head gear, eye shields, and protective clothing.)
2. Impact wrench or socket and ratchet set.
3. Rubber mallet.
4. Box-end, Allen, and crescent wrenches.
5. Alignment pins.
6. Phillips and plain-head screwdrivers.
7. Forklift or hydraulic floor jacks with rolling back boards.
8. Over head hoist and floor jacks
9. Jack Stands and/or other support devices that are strong enough to support tractor and components
10. Multidirectional Levels.
11. Paint Scraper.
12. Hydraulic Filter Buggy or Cart.
13. Safety shoes, safety glasses, and gloves. A hard hat should be worn by anyone working under any raised component.
Remember to follow each step closely and cautiously. Be aware of all support personnel at all times. Keep the assembly area as clean as possible; clean up all spills when they occur. An uncluttered assembly area and a crew that is sensitive to the hazards involved in putting this implement together will help prevent accidents. Keep all unauthorized personnel from the area. Do not allow children near the assembly site nor allow them on or near the tractor after assembly. There is no safe place for anyone except the operator on the tractor and those assisting with the assembly.
Maverick (NH TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 2 - 3
General Information / Installation Requirements
Disconnect the negative lead (ground) from the battery terminal to prevent any damage to the electrical system.
TRACTOR MUST be on level ground before assembly is begun. The tractor must be level, All tires
must have the proper amount of air in them as per tire and/or Tractors manufactures recommendations.
DO NOT level tractor by over inflating tires. The tractor can be leveled by jacking it up and putting it on
jack stands if needed.
Replacement Oil Filter
Included in the packing box of this unit is a replacement filter element for filter assembly in the tank. This Mower unit's hydraulic components have been carefully cleaned and packaged at the factory to prevent contamination from entering the system. However, dust and dirt particles may enter into the sealed components through transportation, handling, rain, or just sitting in a dirty or harsh environment. Therefore to assure that the hydraulic system is properly clean, please prepare the area where the unit is to be assembled. The area should be on a hard concrete floor that has been swept clean of all dust and contaminants. Unpacked the Mower unit carefully so that the seals on the hydraulic components are not broken or pulled off.
Before attempting to assemble the mower to the tractor, move the tractor to a clean solid surface, preferably a concrete shop surface with an over head crane. The crane should have a rated capacity to lift the heaviest component or assembly. A 5-ton crane is recommended for the assembly work. If a smaller crane is used, be sure not to exceed the rated capacity of the crane. Q Always follow all OSHA crane operating and inspection rules, regulations,
inspection requirements, and recommended practices when using the crane.
Q Never work under any component that is lifted by the crane.
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A ,125A,135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 2 - 4
General Information / Installation Requirements
Wear personal protective equipment when assembling the mower. As a minimum that should include:
Q Safety Glasses Q Safety Shoes Q Gloves Q Hard Hat Q Hearing Protection Q Welding Helmet
Before attempting to assemble ensure that the tractor engine is off and the tractor transmission is in the park position with the parking brake engaged.
Q Remove the engine key and keep it in your pocket to prevent inadvertent
starting or movement of the tractor.
Q Place wheel blocks in front and behind the tractor wheels to prevent the tractor
from moving.
Q Never attempt to start the tractor unless properly seated in the tractor seat
with the seat belt fastened around you.
Q Never attempt to operate the tractor and mower controls unless seated in
the tractor seat with the seat belt fastened around you.
Securely block up and support the tractor before attempting to loosen and move the tires. Failure to properly block up the tractor can result in the tractor to suddenly move or fall, crushing you or another worker. Q Never work under any raised component or any component that is not
securely blocked up or supported.
Many components of this mower are very heavy and must be handled by proper material handling equipment. Do not lift components that weight over 50lbs by yourself. Q Use an overhead crane, forklift, or other coworkers to lift heavy items. Ensure
lifted components are securely supported.
Q Never walk or work under a lifted component.
Use extreme care when moving, handling or adjusting the tractor tires. The tires are extremely heavy and could fall and crush you
Q Use an overhead crane or forklift to move the tires. Q Properly fasten the tires to the material handling equipment to prevent the tire
from falling. The hydraulic oil is under high pressure and a hydrauli leak can cause oil to be injected under the skin.
Q Before starting the tractor ensure all hydraulic connections have bee tightened Q Never check for leaks with your hands. Use a piece of wood or cardboard to
check for the leak making sure your hands and face are kept away from the
leak area.
Q Repair any leaks before operating the equipments Q Clean up all oil that has leaked according to the requirements of the oil supplier.
Oil residue on the ground can result in unjury from slipping or falling.
Maverick (NH TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 2 - 5
General Information / Installation Requirements
1. Temporally remove ROPS and fenders from tractor axle. Move left rear tire out so that it is 50 inches
from the outside of left rear tire to the center of tractor. Then move the right rear tire out so that it is 96 inches between the outside of the left and right rear tires. Refer to your tractor’s Operator’s Manual for instructions on Rear Wheel Adjustment for your particular tire. FIGURE 1. Hydraflate rear left tire as much as needed for stability but stay in factory-recommend limit.
WARNING: Never operate the tractor with a loose wheel rim or disc. Always tighten nuts
to the specified torque and at the recommended intervals.
2. Extend front wheels out so that it is 55" inches between the inside of the tires. This will allow no interference between tire and front mount bracket. FIGURE 2.
Tractor, Area Cleanliness
The Tractor, all tools and work area must be clean of dirt and debris when assembling any hydraulic components. DO NOT leave any hydraulic component open to the elements. DO not use any containers for fluids that are not clean and free of any other liquids. DO NOT use rags/cloth that has lint or fuzz on them when working on hydraulic components. Keep all hoses capped until you are ready to connect them.
Maverick Cleaning
The Maverick Components are designed to be water resistant. But the sealing can be damaged by Pressure Washers, Steam Cleaners, Solvents or any other harsh chemical that would be used to clean the units components. It is important to keep all electrical connections and components sealed and dry. When washing and cleaning this unit it should be done with a non corrosive soap and low pressure spray of water. It is recommended that all exposed electronic components be covered and protected from excess moisture.
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A ,125A,135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 2 - 6
General Information / Installation Requirements
Lay Out Components in Display. It is helpful to lay out the component in as neat a display
as possible. Lay out the Bolts according to size and length. Lay out the Nuts and washer by size. This will allow you to see how many of each part as you use them and help to identify any missing parts. (See figure 6) See Mount Kit Specification and Component Identification Section to help ID Components.
All the component that are received should be check and sorted as to what they are. Shown below is a general example of the components laid out, this is not a lay out of the components in this mount kit.
DO NOT WELD On This Unit During or After Installation:
DO NOT WELD any components or items on this unit after the installation of the maverick Boom has begun. The Maverick Boom uses electronic modules and compo­nents that could be damaged by welding. Before doing any welding ALL ELEC­TRONIC MODULES AND DISPLAY COMPONENTS MUST BE UNPLUGGED. Check the Tractors Opertion, Repair, Service or any other manual from the tractor manufac­turer of the tractor to find any special electronic or special proedures about the tractor electronics. Taking a few minutes to check could save you from a major damage to the electronics.
Maverick (NH TS-100A, 115A, 125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 2 - 7
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A ,125A,135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 2 - 8
Section 3
New Holland Tractor
TS-100A,1 15A,125A & 135A
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A,125A,,135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Pump & Driveshaft
Inst allation
Section 3 - 1
Pump / Drive Assembly Instructions
Installing Pump, Pump Drive Components and Hydraulic Tank:
This Section covers the installation of Pump Drive Components, Pump Assembly and the Hydraulic Tank. Some precautions must be followed during the Assembly Process and before unit is ever started for the first time.
1. Tractor must be disabled to prevent accidental engine start and prevent damage to components.
2. All Fittings, Hose, Cylinders, Tank must be kept plugged at all times, No part of the Hydraulic
System can be left open at any time during mounting process, this will keep system clean.
3. All Tools, Work Area, Components and Workers Hands must remain Clean when working on
any part of the Hydraulic System.
4. All components should be rechecked for tightness at least twice, Hose routing also double
Preparing Tractor Front Plate (Bolster) to Slide Driveline in From Engine Side :
1. Preparing Tractor, On the Left side of Tractor there are some engine protective shields that will
have to be removed to install pulley adapter and driveshaft half (See Figure 2). The shaft half of driveline will have to be slid down and through the bolster from the engine side of radiator. The driveshaft has to slide in from the engine side because the hole (2 holes) in bolster are to small for driveline flange yoke to slide through. There is a plate that is bolted under the After Cooler that will have to be removed
to gain access to inner hole, when the four bolts that retain after-cooler are removed the plate will slide out. While this plate is out check the hoses for the Oil Cooler and Air Conditioning condenser, these hoses need to be tied up in such away that they will not rub on driveshaft after it has is installed.
Installing Pump Drive Components:
1. With Front Bolster as shown (See Figure
1), Remove any plastic plugs that are located in the threaded holes in the front and discard them, they will not be needed. The Casting will have two Driveline Hole in it. (See Figure 1).
Installing Pulley Adapter:
1. Install Pulley Adapter. The Pulley adapter
(P/N 02980699) is a round plate with 4 threaded holes and four non-threaded holes in it. Notice this pulley adapter will not have a center hole in it (See Figure 3). The four non-threaded holes are used to mount the Adapter to the Crankshaft Pulley using bolts (P/N 02980967) 12 mm X 60 mm long and lockwashers (P/N 00754566) 12 mm that are supplied in mount kit. The four threaded holes are used to install the flange yoke of driveline to pulley adapter Do not use longer bolts to mount Pulley Adapter to Pulley or Flange yoke to adapter than are supplied with mounting kit, if longer bolts are used they could go through adapter and pulley causing damage. Tighten the four bolts that retain the pulley adapter to the pulley now, it will be easier than trying to tighten them later. (See Figure 3 & 3A)
Cover removed
LH Side Engine
Guards Removed
From Tractor
Air After-Cooler
Tractor Bolster
Figure 1
Figure 2
Existing Holes
have rubber
Plugs in them
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A,125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 3 - 2
Pump / Drive Assembly Instructions
2. Install Shaft Half of Driveline with Flange Yoke. Note the driveline universal joints should be timed
(See Figure 4). Slide the two driveline half assemblies apart and lay the tube half aside for now. Make certain that the four retaining bolts for the Pulley adapter to the crankshaft pulley have been tightened.
3. Check the length of the spline shaft of the driveline is a must. The shaft should be 12-1/
2" long (Measure Shaft Only). on some drivelines this shaft will have to be cut. The correct way to cut this shaft is with a saw, after cutting use a file & grinder to chamfer the cut end and clean the splines.
DO NOT cut shaft with a Torch as this will change the hardness of the shaft.
4. From the side of the tractor (LH side) slide the Shaft Half of driveline shaft end first down into the
opening below the radiator from engine side, insert it through the existing hole and/or cut hole combination until the shaft is pointed toward the front of the tractor, and the flange yoke is over far enough to align with the four threaded pulley adapter holes.
5. Align the four holes in the flange yoke of driveline with the four threaded holes in the pulley adapter.
Install the four retaining 7/16" X 1-1/4" long bolts (P/N 02976344) and 7/16" lockwasher (P/N 00022200) into flange yoke into adapter, tighten them at this time. These four bolts can be tightened by using a long socket extension run through along side the driveline shaft.
6. Set the tube end of driveshaft aside for now as it will be installed later. But always remember the
driveline universal joint must be aligned (timed) when assembling the driveline halves.
4 Non-Threaded Holes
Pulley Adapter
Figure 3
P/N 02980699
4 Threaded
Splined Clamp Yoke
/ Tube End
Figure 4
Flange Yoke
/ Shaft End
Drive Shaft
Figure 3A
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A,125A,,135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Figure 4A
Section 3 - 3
Pump / Drive Assembly Instructions
Install Tank Rail Weldments:
1. Install Tank Rail Welments . P/N 02981405 LH
and P/N 02981404 RH. These will bolt on using the two holes to the front of the frame rail supports. This will need to be done so the hydraulic tank can be mounted.
RH Side Shown,
tighten these two bolts (two each side) now. NOTE: There is a left hand and a right hand weldment, the best way to determine which is LH and RH is theway they fit. The bend is bolted on to make the distance between the two tank rails the same as the width of the hyd tank.
Installing Pump Mntg Weldment :
1. Install Pump Mounting Weldment. The Pump
Mount Weldment (P/N 02980719) bolts to the front of the tractor bolster using four 20 mm X 45 mm long bolts (P/N 02975959) and 20 mm lockwashers (P/N 02971158) . Install the Pump Mounting Weldment (P/N 02980719) with the opening for the driveline cover up. Tighten the four mounting bolts now. (See Figure 8)
Bolt on Cover on
Figure 5
RH Tank Rail
LH Tank Rail
Figure 6
Figure 7
2. Remove Bolt on Cover In front of After Cooler.
This is an important step. The Air Conditioner Hoses and the Oil Cooler Hoses are under this cover (See Figure 6 & 11). These hoses must be tied and routed so the driveshaft will not rub them when engine is running. The hose can be tied with a sturdy plastic tie or other means sufficient to hold the hoses away from driveshaft
3. Remove Pump Shipping Bracket. The pump
is shipped using a bracket that bolts to the pum and the tank assembly. Before pump can be installed it will have to be unbolted from pump and tank. The shipping bracket is for shipping only and will not be used. When unbolting pump from tank assembly there are hoses that will have to be disconnected from pump as tank to pump hoses (filters are connected when assembly is shipped. Caution must be taken when disconnecting these fittings and/or hoses to keep the capped to keep contamination out of them.
Pump Shipping
Figure 8
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A,125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 3 - 4
Pump / Drive Assembly Instructions
Installing Driveline Half to Pump :
1. Install Driveline Half to Pump. Install the clamp yoke of the tube half of driveline onto the
pump, slide the clamp yoke on pump shaft until you have about 1/8" to 1/4" gap between yoke and pump. Do not install yoke so far on pump shaft that yoke will rub against pump in anyway. Tighten the two bolts and nuts on clamp yoke at this time. (See Figure 9 & 14)
Figure 9
Driveline Tube Half with
Clamp Yoke
Installing Pump to Pump Mount Weldment :
1. Install Pump to Pump Mount Weldment. The Pump has the tube half of driveline attached
and clamp yoke tightened. To install the pump and driveline half it is best to use an assistant or overhead hoist to help you align the drivelines halves as they are slid together, the Driveline must be timed (universal joints aligned the same) as shown in the pump & driveline schematic on (See Figure 10 thru 17). Slide Driveline half and pump together until the shoulder on the pump slide in the hole on the pump mount weldment.
When installing the pump always keep ports sealed to keep them clean and free of contamination. The pump MUST be turned correctly. This can be done by making certain that the pressure filter that is mounted on top of the pump is up.
Install the two 1/2" X 1-1/2" long pump mount bolts (P/N 02892000) and two 1/2" lockwashers (P/N 00001300). Tighten the two pump mounting bolts.
Install Pump Driveline cover here
P/N 02980666 Pump Mount Weldment
Figure 10
Pump Mntg Bolts
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A,125A,,135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Mounting Bolts
Section 3 - 5
Bolts To Tractor Bolster
Mounting Bolts
Pump / Drive Assembly Instructions
Driveshaft & Pump
Mount Weldment
Figure 11
Align Splines on Pump Shaft
with Driveshaft clamp yoke.
Pump Shipped w/ Hyd. Tank, Valve
is bolted to Tank
Figure 12
Tighten Clamp Yoke, leave
1/8" to 1/4" gap btween
yoke & pump
Figure 13
Push Pump into Pump
Mount until flush
Figure 15
Maverick (NH TS-100A,115A,125A, 135A Asy. Man) 01/05
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Figure 14
Install Pump
Mounting Bolts
Figure 16
Section 3 - 6
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