M4300 Intelligent Edge Series
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the M4300 series?
The M4300 Stackable L3 Managed Switch Series come with 40G, 10G and 1G models in a variety of form factors and PoE+ full provisioning. All
10 Gigabit ports are independent and 1G backward compatible for progressive transition to 10G speeds. The M4300 Switch Series delivers L2/
L3/L4 and IPv4/IPv6 rich services for mid-enterprise edge and SMB core with unrivalled ease of use: 10/40 Gigabit models can seamlessly stack
with 1 Gigabit models, enabling line-rate spine and leaf stacking topologies. Non-stop forwarding (NSF) virtual chassis architecture provides
advanced High Availability (HA) with hitless failover across the stack. Dual redundant, modular power supplies equipping full width models
contribute to business continuity management. M4300 is ideal for server aggregation with Auto-iSCSI prioritization: two half-width M4300
switches can be installed in a single rack space for redundant Top of Rack installations. Layer 3 feature set includes static and policy-based
routing, RIP, VRRP, OSPF, and PIM dynamic routing – as standard. Perfect for wireless access, unified communications and IP video, the NETGEAR
M4300 Switch Series is also ready for the future, with Soware-defined Network (SDN) and OpenFlow 1.3 enabled for your network.
2. What are the available M4300 models?
Model Name M4300- 8X8F M430 0-12X 12F M4300 -24X M4300 -24X24F M4300-48X M4300 -96X
Model Number XS M4316S XSM 4324S XSM 4324C S XSM4348S XSM4348CS
10G BASE -T RJ45 8 ports 12 p or t s 24 po rts 24 po rts 48 ports Up to 96 por ts (up to 48xPoE+)
1G/10G SFP+ 8 ports 12 p or t s 4 shared po rts 24 po rts 4 shared ports Up to 96 por ts
40G QS FP+ Up to 24 ports
Form Factor Half-width Full width Modular
Rack Mount 1- or 2-unit 1U 1-u ni t 1U 1-unit in 2U
Power Supply Modular 1 bay Modular 2 bays
Included PSU
Fans Front-to-back
No ise @25°C 36.9dB 36.9dB 37dB 35.8d B 40.3dB Without PoE - 35.8dB
Max Power
PoE+ Budget 1xAPS60 0W - 0W
Management Ethernet: Out-of-band 1G port Console: RJ45 RS232 and Mini-USB Storage: USB
49 Watts 97 Wat ts 125 Wa tt s 161 Wa tts 237 Watts
(1) A PS2 50W
XSM4396K0 (Em pty Switch)
XSM4396K1 (Starter Kit)
XSM4396K0 - no PSU
XSM4396K1 - (1) APS600W
Max PoE load - 66.8d B
Withou t PoE - 566 Watt s
With 1,440W PoE - 2,006 Wat ts
2xAPS600W shared - 634W
1xAPS1200W - 720W
2xAPS1200W redundant - 720W
APS600W+APS1200W shared - 1,084W
2xAPS1200W shared - 1,440W
Model Name M4 30 0-2 8G M4300-52G M4300 -28G- PoE+ M4300-52G -PoE+
Model Number GSM 4328S GSM4352S G SM4328PA GSM 4328P B GSM4352PA GSM4352PB
10/100/10 00 RJ 45 24 po rts 48 ports 24 ports PoE+ 48 ports PoE+
10G BASE -T RJ45 2 ports 2 ports 2 ports 2 ports
1G/10G SFP+ 2 ports 2 ports 2 ports 2 ports
Form Factor Full width
Rack Mount 1-u ni t 1U
Power Supply Modular 2 bays
Included PSU (1) A PS15 0W (1) A PS550 W (1) APS1000W (1) A PS550 W (1) APS1000W
Fans Front-to-back
No ise @25°C 30.3dB 31.5dB 39.8dB 39.8dB
Max Power Consumption 34.5 Watts 4 7.4 W atts 797 Watt s 833.2 Watts 865 Watts 1,628 Wat ts
PoE+ Budget
@110V AC
PoE+ Budget
@220V AC
Management Ethernet: Out-of-band 1G port Console: RJ45 RS232 and Mini-USB Storage: USB
With 1 PSU, o r 2 PSUs Redundant Mode:
With 2 PSUs Shared Mo de:
With 1 PSU, o r 2 PSUs Redundant Mode:
With 2 PSUs Shared Mo de: 720 Watts 720 Watt s 720 Watts 1,440 Wa tt s
480 Watt s 630 Wat ts 480 Watt s 591 Watts
720 Watts 720 Watt s 720 Watts 1,010 W at ts
480 Watt s 720 Wat ts 480 Watt s 860 Watts

3. The M4300 comes with half-width 10G models: how
does it work?
M4300 half-width models come with two rack-mount kits: 1-unit and
2-unit kits. To install a single half-width switch in a single rack space,
you will find one regular short bracket and one long mounting bracket.
To install two half-width switches in a single rack space, you will find a
pair of inside and outside middle mounts. Aer installing these middle
mounts, you can slide the inside middle mounts on the le switch into
the outside middle mounts on the right switch. Then you can attach
the supplied short mounting brackets to the le side of the le switch
and to the right side of the right switch to rack them into a single U.
4. Are the 10G copper/fiber ports “Combo”?
All 10G ports are fully independent on M4300-8X8F, M4300-12X12F,
M4300-24X24F, M4300-96X, M4300-28G, M4300-52G, M430028G-PoE+ and M4300-52G-PoE+ models.
Only M4300-24X and M4300-48X show 4-port SFP+ combo (shared
with 4 10GBASE-T copper ports).
5. Are there any pre-configured stacking ports?
No, all 40G and 10G ports are configured in Ethernet mode by
default. Any 40G or 10G port (copper, fiber) and any media type
(RJ45, SFP+, DAC) can be used for stacking on any M4300 model.
Port configuration can be easily changed to Stack mode in Web GUI
(System/ Stacking / Advanced / Stack-port Configuration) or using
CLI command <<#stack-port unit/slot/port stack >> in Stack Global
Configuration section.
6. The M4300-96X is modular: how does it work?
As a new member of the M4300 Layer 3 Stackable Family, the
NETGEAR M4300-96X is a 2RU modular switch that comes
either empty or pre-populated with 48 SFP+ ports, supporting
1.92 terabits per second (Tbps) of bandwidth across 96-port
100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10GBASE-T (RJ-45) with first 48 ports capable
of PoE+, 96-port 1G/10GBASE-X (SFP+), 24-port 40GBASE-X
(QSFP+), or a combination. The M4300-96X scales up to 96 ports
of 10G Ethernet by multiple of 8 ports, or up to 24 ports of 40G
Ethernet by multiple of 2 ports. With 12 open slots and two redundant
power supplies, the 96X allows for granularity between copper and
fiber and headroom for organizations who buy infrastructure for the
long term. You may configure the M4300-96X online at
7. What are the ports and power supply options for
XSM4396K0 is the ordering SKU number for the M4300-96X empty
switch (no PSU) and XSM4396K1 is the starter kit including the
switch, 48-port SFP+ and one 600W PSU. All 12 slots for the port
cards run horizontally across the front of the switch. APM408C port
card features 8-port 100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10GBASE-T (copper RJ45).
APM408P port card features 8-port 100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10GBASE-T
with PoE+ (copper RJ45). APM408F port card features 8-port
1G/10GBASE-X (fiber SFP+). APM402XL port card features 2-port
40GBASE-X (QSFP+). The 2 slots for the power supplies are on the
switch rear and can receive APS600W PSU for non-PoE operations
or APS1200W for PoE applications. PoE over 10G is supported up
to 48 x 10G PoE+ 30W per system: only the first 6 slots (top) can
deliver power to the APM408P port cards. When inserted in last slots
(bottom), the APM408P behave like APM408C. The various PoE
budgets are as follows: 634 Watts PoE budget with 1 x APS600W
PSU; 634 Watts PoE budget with 2 x APS600W PSUs in shared EPS
mode; 720 Watts PoE budget with 1 x APS1200W PSU; 720 Watts
PoE budget with 2 x APS1200W PSUs in redundant RPS mode; 1,084
Watts PoE budget with APS600W + APS1200W PSUs in shared EPS
mode; 1,440 Watts PoE budget with 2 x APS1200W PSUs in shared
EPS mode.
8. Are the M4300-96X port cards “hot plug” or
“hot swap”?
When the M4300-96X is up and running, any new port card inserted
in one empty slot gets instantly provisioned by the system and
operational. As such, APM port cards can be considered “hot plug”.
When the M4300-96X is up and running, it is possible to remove
one port card from one slot and replace it by a new one from same
model. In this case, the APM port card is “hot swap” and the new
one is operational immediately. When the M4300-96X is up and
running, when one port card is removed from one slot and replaced by
another model, the new port card isn’t operational until the previous
port card gets un-provisioned by the system. The previous port card
can be removed in M4300-96X Web GUI, or using the CLI in Global
Config mode. If this the unit 1 and the slot number 8, you can use the
command (M4300-96X) (Config)#no slot 1/8. Aer the previous
port card is removed in the soware, the new port card model is
operational in this slot, but please note that the previous port-related
configuration was removed from this slot as well. If you don’t want to
lose the previous port-related configuration for this slot, you shouldn’t
remove the port card from the system using GUI or CLI – you should
reboot the M4300-96X switch instead. During the boot, the system
will detect the new port card in this slot and provision it, letting the
port-configuration for this slot untouched in startup-config and
running-config configuration files.
9. Which 40G QSFP+ transceivers and DAC should be
used with APM402XL port card?
The APM402XL is a 2-port QSFP+ port card for M4300-96X modular
switch. The APM402XL port card supports third-party QSFP+
transceivers and QSFP+ DAC passive/active cables if they are QSFP+
MSA compliant. The following list shows third-party modules that
NETGEAR successfully tested as interoperable with APM402XL port
card and M4300-96X switch on the date of 01/30/2018:
Cisco® modules:
•Cisco 40GBASE-SR4 QSFP+ transceiver module for MMF, 4-lanes,
850-nm wavelength, 12-fiber MPO/MTP connector (QSFP-40G-SR4)
•Cisco 40GBASE-SR4 (IEEE 802.3ba Spec.) QSFP+ transceiver
module for MMF, 4-lanes, 850-nm wavelength, 12-fiber MPO/MTP
connector (QSFP-40G-SR4-S)