NERO INCD User Manual

User manual
Ahead Software AG

Table of contents

1 About InCD....................................................................................... 4
1.1 What is InCD?................................................................................. 4
1.2 Remarks about working with InCD............................................... 4
1.2.1 Operating systems ........................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Available packet-writing software..................................................... 5
1.2.3 CD-MRW (Mount Rainier)................................................................ 5
1.2.4 UDF Reader..................................................................................... 6
1.3 Update............................................................................................. 6
1.3.1 Tips for the InCD 1.3 user................................................................ 6
2 Installation ....................................................................................... 8
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 8
2.2 Installation ...................................................................................... 8
2.3 Uninstalling................................................................................... 12
3 Working with InCD......................................................................... 14
3.1 Program start................................................................................ 14
3.2 Inserting the medium................................................................... 14
3.3 Formatting with InCD................................................................... 15
3.3.1 Formatting CD-RW and DVD-RW media.......................................15
3.3.2 Formatting CD-MRW media........................................................... 19
3.3.3 Formatting DVD+RW media........................................................... 23
3.4 Reformatting with InCD ............................................................... 27
3.4.1 Reformatting CD-RW and DVD-RW media....................................27
3.4.2 Reformatting a CD-MRW medium.................................................. 30
3.4.3 Reformatting a DVD+RW medium.................................................33
3.5 Ejecting the medium.................................................................... 36
3.5.1 Ejecting CD-RW and DVD-RW media............................................ 36
3.5.2 Ejecting CD-MRW media ............................................................... 37
3.5.3 Ejecting DVD+RW media............................................................... 37
3.6 Copying onto a medium formatted with InCD...........................38
3.6.1 Copying onto CD-RW and DVD-RW media...................................38
3.6.2 Copying onto CD-MRW media....................................................... 39
3.6.3 Copying onto DVD+RW media....................................................... 39
3.7 Deleting data................................................................................. 40
3.8 Exiting InCD.................................................................................. 41
InCD Table of contents 2
4 Commands..................................................................................... 42
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 42
4.2 Properties ..................................................................................... 42
4.2.1 InCD information ............................................................................ 42
4.2.2 InCD settings.................................................................................. 44
4.3 Ejecting ......................................................................................... 46
4.4 Formatting..................................................................................... 46
4.5 Version information ..................................................................... 47
5 Index............................................................................................... 48
InCD Table of contents 3
1 About InCD

1.1 What is InCD?

InCD is a program that formats rewritable media (CD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RW)
in such a way that they can be used like hard or floppy disks, i.e. so that data files can be saved on the media from any application.
InCD only works with rewritable media (CD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RW). Thus

1.2 Remarks about working with InCD

CDs and DVDs, which can only be written on once (CD-R, DVD-R or DVD+R) cannot be written on using InCD.
1.2.1 Operating systems
The following preconditions have to be met before InCD can be used: Hardware Recorder (CD or DVD)
Software Windows 95 (from Version B / Service Release 2)
Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 4.0, including Service Pack 6 Windows 2000, including Service Pack 2 Windows XP
Disk type Rewritable media (CD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RW)
Windows 95/98/Me users should note that InCD is not compatible with the 'Adaptec CD-Burning Plug-in' that comes with Windows Media Player 7.x. Please uninstall the plug-in first, using the 'ADD/REMOVE SOFTWARE' control panel option.

1.2.2 Available packet-writing software

InCD is not compatible with other packet-writing software - so any othe application of this type present must be removed before InCD can be installed. Prior to installation, InCD will check which applications have already been installed, and close the setup process if a different packet-writing software package is found. If this happens, a window will appear to draw your attention to the fact.
1.2.3 CD-MRW (Mount Rainier)
It is only possible to format media in the Mount Rainier format when using recorders that support the format.
In order to format media in the so-called CD-MRW (Mount Rainier) format, the corresponding check box must first be selected when formatting with InCD. This turns a CD-RW medium into a CD-MRW one. Drives without CD-MRW support can only use these media with the aid of a 'remapper’ (see also the following Section 'Remappers'). The check box is located on the 'InCD Page Settings' card and is only visible if the recorder supports this function. It is described in detail in the 'CD-MRW' section.
You can also find out more about Mount Rainier at Remappers
In order to be able to read CDs written with Mt. Rainier drives on drives that do not support this format (CD-MRW), a so-called 'remapper' is needed. This is installed automatically during the installation of InCD. The 'remapper' has to be appropriately installed later on other PCs. Depending on the operating system used, InCD has to be additionally installed.
Details are provided in the following table: Windows 98
Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
Windows 95 Windows NT
1.2.4 UDF Reader
CD-MRWs need the 'remapper' in order to be rendered legible. The remapper can also be downloaded from
CD-MRWs cannot be read with the 'remapper' alone. With these versions of Windows, the InCD program has to be installed as well.
A UDF read driver is required so that a disk formatted using InCD can also be read on a PC on which the program is not installed. This driver can be downloaded free of charge from the Ahead Software AG website
InCD must be installed on a system in order to read a DVD-RW or DVD+RW (if not finalized) medium.
The current version of the UDF reader is not supported by Windows NT4. InCD has to be installed instead.
1.3 Update
InCD can only be upgraded to its current version if a registered version of InCD
1.6x (or later) or Nero is installed.

1.3.1 Tips for the InCD 1.3 user

InCD does not support the format used by InCD 1.3. In other words CD-RWs
which have been formatted with InCD 1.3 cannot be used with InCD 2.x (or any later version).
1. Copy all the data which you have stored with InCD 1.3 onto a hard disk.
2. Uninstall InCD 1.3.
3. Install InCD 2.x. or any later version. (see section 2, 'Installation').
We recommend you follow the following procedure when you have a disk formatted with InCD 1.3 and you would like to reformat later with InCD 2.x (o any subsequent version).
Using Nero, fully erase the CD-RW. The contents of the CD-RW can be
quickly and thoroughly deleted without any difficulty.
(In order to do so, select
the Erase ReWritable command from the Recorder menu and activate the 'Full-erase rewritable media' option.
Next, format the CD-RW with InCD 2.x. (or any later version.) See section
'Formatting with InCD'.
2 Installation
2.1 Introduction
InCD is installed using a multi-installer. This means that the installation process
is begun by clicking on the corresponding InCD area on the start window. The 'Setup.exe' data file required for installing InCD can be found in the
CD\InCD\ directory.
2.2 Installation
In order to begin installation using Windows NT 4.0 / Windows 2000 / Windows XP, you will need to have administrator rights.
1. Close any Windows programs not currently needed and switch off any virus scanner that may be active.
2. Insert the CD with InCD into the DVD/CD-RW drive.
3. Click on the InCD area of the start window.
4. In order to install the software, click on the Next button.
If InCD recognizes that a version has already been installed, the 'Update' option will be activated. Click on Next to update.
5. Read the provisions contained in the license carefully, and activate the 'I accept the terms in the license agreement' option if you accept them; then click on the Next button.
You will not be able to install InCD if you do not accept the terms of the license.
6. Enter your own name in the 'User Name' field and (assuming that InCD has been installed on a company computer) enter that of the company in the 'Company name' field. Because 'Company name' is a mandatory entry (this field has to contain something) we recommend that private users repeat their user name at this point. The preset installation directory is 'C:\Program files\Ahead\InCD'. You may change this directory by clicking on the Change button and by indicating the directory you wish to use. Once all the details are correct, click on the Next button.
InCD Installation 10
7. The computer must be restarted before InCD can be used.
You can restart the computer by clicking on the Reboot button. To bring the installation process to an end, click on Finish. Do note
however that you will only be able to use InCD after you have rebooted.
InCD Installation 11
2.3 Uninstalling
The uninstall screen varies depending on the operating system being used.
2. Proceed in the following manner when Windows 95/98/Me is being used: Highlight InCD (Ahead Software) and click on the Add/Remove button. InCD will be uninstalled immediately.
Proceed in the following manner with Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP: Highlight InCD (Ahead Software) and click on the Remove button. InCD will now be uninstalled automatically without any further prompting. This will delete all the drivers from your PC after you have rebooted.
The Windows 2000 uninstall screen looks like this:
InCD Installation 12
The Windows XP uninstall screen looks like this:
3. Close both 'Software properties (or software)' and 'Control panel' windows.
InCD Installation 13

3 Working with InCD

3.1 Program start
Once the computer has been rebooted, InCD will be launched automatically and will indicate that it is loaded by displaying a splash screen and a symbol in the System Tray. The section 'Options' tells you how to disable the splash screen if desired. The InCD icon is located in the System Tray in the bottom right corner of the screen. The InCD icon provides information on the CD in the disk drive, or to the disk drive itself.
There is no medium or no UDF-formatted medium in the DVD/CD-RW drive.
There is a UDF-formatted media mounted in the DVD/CD-RW drive. No DVD/CD-RW drive could be found that is supported by InCD.
If a UDF-formatted disk is to be found in the drive during the boot process, a InCD window will appear with the message that InCD has successfully mounted the disk in the drive.
This message will only appears if the function for 'mounting messages' has not been disabled. Section 'Options' explains how to disable the mounting messages.

3.2 Inserting the medium

1. In the built-in recorder, click on the corresponding key. The tray will open.
2. Insert the medium into the disk drive.
3. In order to close the tray, click on the corresponding key in the recorder.
InCD Working with InCD 14

3.3 Formatting with InCD

InCD handles CD-RW, CD-MRW, DVD-RW and DVD+RW media in different
ways. Please refer to the table below for details and read the sections concerned:
CD-RW With high speed media (burning speed 4 to 10x) the formatting and
reformatting will take about 20 minutes, and approx. 40 minutes with low speed media (1 to 4x). See section 'Formatting CD-RW and DVD-RW media'.
CD-MRW The medium can be written on after just 1 to 2 minutes of formatting,
in other words it is possible to store data on the medium while it is being formatted 'in the background'. See section 'Formatting CD­MRW media'.
DVD-RW Formatting and reforma tting take around 120 minutes. See section
'Formatting CD-RW and DVD-RW media'.
DVD+RW The medium can be written on after just 1 to 2 minutes of formatting,
in other words it is possible to store data on the medium while it is being formatted 'in the background'. See section 'Formatting DVD+RW media'.
Please note that no high speed medium (4 to 10x) can be used in a low speed RW recorder (1 to 4x).

3.3.1 Formatting CD-RW and DVD-RW media

Before being used for the first time, a CD-RW or DVD-RW medium must be formatted like a hard disk. The medium can be given a name; this name may comprise at most 11 characters.
If you have also installed Nero and an unformatted medium is present in the recorder when the computer is being booted, a window will appear in which you will be able to choose the program to be started.
InCD Working with InCD 15
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