Nedap N V TF2 Users Manual

Hardware components for VC4/VC5
Twin Feeder 2
CONTENTS page 1 General 2
2 Operation 2 3 Installation 3 4 Set address 4 5 Adjust antenna with EWA transformer 7 6 Airflow Installation 8 7 Adjustment weigh computer 9 8 Display values 11 9 Internal test menu 12
10 Software settings 14 11 Trouble shooting 15 12 Spare part list 16 Enclosure : Figures 17
4 - 2012 Nedap Agri D300X.eng version 0.8
This documentation is part of the service manual VC4 CattleCode D300.
Documentation version 0.2, first edition. Documentation version 0.3, weighing added Documentation version 0.4, Eprom version 0.13 added Documentation version 0.5, Welvaarts weighbridge added Documentation version 0.6, Eprom version 4.00 added Documentation version 0.7, Figure 2 : sensors connected to M+ instead of +23V Documentation version 0.8, FCC text added
PROM overview CPT4SBS
TwinFeeder CPT4SBS 0.10 First field version CPT4SBS 0.11 Weighing option added CPT4SBS 0.12 Internal test menu : ROM/RAM test was not displayed CPT4SBS 0.13 Identification : responder valid time shorter CPT4SBS 4.00 - Suitable for TF model 2 and 4
- 2 hour activity added (Lacitvator, VC5 only)
Compliance statements (Part 15.19)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and to RSS210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Cet appareil se conforme aux normes RSS210 exemptés de license du Industry Canada. L'opération est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit causer aucune interférence, et (2) cet appareil doit accepter n'importe quelle interférence, y inclus interférence qui peut causer une opération non pas voulu de cet appareil.
Warning (Part 15.21)
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This in particular is applicable for the antenna which can be delivered with this System.
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______________________________________________________________________________________________ D300X T/R Twin Separation - 2 - Version 0.8
The name
of the EPROM is CPT4SBS x.xx.
Operation sequence
Operation sequence cow with no respon
1 General
This document contains the description of the software CPT4SBS in combination with
the T/R-Twin hardware for a separationbox. The Transmitter/Receiver Separation Box Standard is used for identifying, separating
or separating/weighing of cows. The separation system uses one antenna.
Poiesz Twin VC4 Separation Box Standard.
Description of the code : Cattlecode
2 Operation
Every cow is stopped at the hold-gate
After identification of the responder the T/R sends a request for separation-data
If weigh computer is connected, wait for weigh data
When weigh data is received and separation data is received the separation gates
are set, the hold gate will open
After hold gate is open the twin is waiting for IR2 (only if responder is out of the antenna)
As long as IR2 is activated the hold gate will not close
When IR2 is free the hold gate will close
When IR2 is free, IR3 is already activated
Station is ready for the next cow as soon as IR3 is free
Cow is stopped at the hold-gate
IR1 is activated, twin remains waiting for responder number
After maximum ID time the cow will be sent to the default exit
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- never change a PROM when the power to the T/R is still switched on !
Antenna construction
Jumper settings
ng the T/R
Max. cable
lengths, wire
ø's and cable colours
1.5 x
2.0 x
Shielding, grounding
Transmitter / Receiver
3 Installation
The Nedap guarantee-regulations are only valid when the T/R is mounted and
installed as indicated in this chapter. The following is important :
The antenna must be installed around the station (see figure 5). When the HF-field is
To install the T/R Twin correct, some jumper settings must be checked or changed.
Figure 2 shows an overview of the T/R-Twin cable-connections.
The cable-overviews in the figures all show Lmax. at wire-ø = 0.8 mm. C white The values for Lmax at ø=1.0 and ø=1.2 : D yellow
In order to protect the VC-System for over-voltages, due to severe thunderstorms,
N.B. All T/R electronics must be isolated from the parlour. This implicates that also
• Due to guarantee-regulations, the entire T/R PCB (incl. metal plate) must be
operating temperatures -10ºC .... +40ºC
storage temperatures -25ºC .... +70ºC
tightness IP 65, cover and cables mounted correctly
input voltage 28 VDC +10% / - 20%, power supply at least 40 W (continuous)
abs. max. voltage (+/-) 40 V DC, 35 V RMS, protected against reverse polarity
- shut off the power when service is needed for the station !
adjusted correctly, the cows inside the station must be identified easily when they are walking through the station.
Jumper J7 must be set to the left (LED is ON) Jumpers J1 – J6 must be set to the right (brake off) Antenna jumpers must be set to the lowest position (external adjust)
Cable C = coax, in this case it is important the shielding is connected to HF-
Lmax.(ø=1.0) = Lmax.(ø=1.2) =
cable A in figure 2 must be a shielded cable. The cable-shield however may not used as a wire for current-supply. The cable-shield of cable A is as follows :
the T/R bottom has to be isolated from the T/R ground-terminal.
For continued protection against fire, always replace with same type and rating of fuse.
Lmax.(ø=0.8) Lmax.(ø=0.8)
- black
+ red
connected to ground-terminal
______________________________________________________________________________________________ D300X T/R Twin Separation - 4 - Version 0.8
Changing addresses
set decimal
set unit
The following points should be noted
Show addresses
4 Set Address
The address setting concerns the following menus and procedures (see figure 3):
For communication the Transmitter / Receiver needs an address. Then the computer
knows where to send the information to. At the transmitter / receiver with help of the display and the push button the stations address is configured.
The two segment display and the yellow push-button must also be used for several adjustments of the Transmitter / receiver. A number of different codes will appear on the display when the push-button is pushed, these codes represent the so-called menus. Each menu on its turn is divided into a number of functions. By varying the pushing time of the push-button, you will get access to the different menus and/or functions.
The first time you switch on the power of the T/R, the display will show "0-". The Transmitter / Receiver asks now for the first address. When an address is entered the display will blank out and the transmitter / receiver returns to the normal status.
Address menu
- Set Address
- display Address The address-range of all connected peripherals on the same controller channel
is from 1-50.
Remember that the used peripheral-address has to be unique on this controller
When the display shows SA, the "Set Address procedure" is entered by pressing the button until the display blinks. The procedure is as follows :
display scrolls from display scrolls from x0 through x9
to indicate that the "Set Address procedure" has been entered, the display will
show "0-"
by pressing the button short, the next decimal will be displayed ("1-","2-"...."5-")
the displayed decimal is entered by pressing the button until the display blinks
when the decimal has been entered, the display will show "x0" (where x = entered
decimal), the unit-digit now can be entered
by pressing the button short, the next unit will be displayed ("x1", "x2", .. , "x9")
the displayed unit is entered by pressing the button until the display blinks
the "Set Address procedure" can be quit by pressing the button until the
display blanks. The entered digits then are not stored
the T/R will restart when the address is changed
When the display shows dA, the "display Address procedure" is entered by pressing the button until the display blinks. The display then shows the T/R address.
______________________________________________________________________________________________ D300X T/R Twin Separation - 5 - Version 0.8
Jumper settings on the transmitter / receiver
Responder Select
Adjust antenna
5 Adjust antenna with EWA transformer
The antenna adjustment has to be done with help of the display, push button, P1 on the T/R and the antenna transformer settings. Below you find the HF-menu, see also figure
When using an EWA antenna transformer jumpers J11 and J12 should be set to position B
HF menu
selection of responder type
adjust antenna by means of tuning capacitor Ct
adjust transmitter-power by means of potentio meter P1
adjust receiver-sensitivity (0,1,2,3)
adjust neutrodynisation
Test identification
Responder Select Adjust Antenna Adjust Power Adjust Squelch
Adjust Neutro
Identification The antenna adjustment-procedure consists of several steps. It is essential that these steps are executed in the sequence as in the manual described.
During T/R start up there is auto detect of T/R type, 120kHz (for rA and rP) or 134.2
kHz (for ri and r2) rA = AM labels, X-ponder and Respactor (default) rP = PM labels, ear button and Phase code responders ri = ISO responder types (default) r2 = Nedap 2 hour activity meter (Lactivator) Select rS on the display and select the required type, press until display blinks to store the setting.
HF menu, select H1 for antenna 1 or H2 for antenna 2
The antenna adjustment-procedure consists of several steps. It is essential that these steps are executed in the sequence as described. First "AA", then "AP" and last "AS", described in step 1, 2, 3 and 4.
While tuning Lt the following must be noted
The tuning of Lt must be done with a non-metal screw-driver (e.g. plastic)
This tuning of Lt requires a short circuit of the "Antenna adjust input" on the T/R,
see jumper settings.
It is possible that the trimmer-coil must be turned so far out of the coil housing that the transformer box does not close anymore. In that case, turn the trimmer-coil completely in the coil housing. In this way the same adjustment can be achieved.
______________________________________________________________________________________________ D300X T/R Twin Separation - 6 - Version 0.8
Step 1
Jumper setting on Antenna
NR. Combination
Antenna length
2 A0 B2
4.2 –
6.6 meters
Step 2
ratio on the Antenna
Transformer and Lt adjustment
4,8 -
6,6 m
11 : 1
measure the circumference of the antenna-loop
set jumpers to combination as described in table on Antenna-Transformer PCB, note that the highest possible number should be chosen
e.g. Antenna circumference = 6 meters. According to the table on the Antenna-Transformer PCB, 2 combinations are possible :
1 A0 B0 5.8 - 8.2 meters
In this example, the jumpers should be set to combination
2. (2 is highest number and shortest length)
The transformer-ratio determines the HF-current through the loop-antenna, which
determines the power of the HF-field. In principle the highest transformation-ratio should be selected. This however can be limited by the fact that the antenna-circuit then can not be brought in resonance anymore (= highest value on the display).
13 2 9 neutro
Z/O M (HF+/-)
9 : 1
13 2 9 neutro
Z/O M (HF+/-)
11 : 1
13 2 9 neutro
Z/O M (HF+/-)
13 : 1
13 2 9 neutro
Z/O M (HF+/-)
15 : 1
Figuur : Transformatie­verhouding aansluitingen
The following has to be done
turn the trimmer coil (Lt) completely in the coil housing.
connect HF-output of T/R (HF +/-) to input of ANT-T with the transformation-ratio according to the table below for rough adjustment.
Note : The length of the example is about 6 m
Length of Antenna Transformer ratio
till 3,5 m 15 : 1 3,6 - 4,7 m 13 : 1
6,7 or larger 9 : 1
select AA (Adjust Antenna see figure 2) on the display, then push the button until
the display starts to blink.
with P1 (figure 1) the displayed value must be set to 30
after adjusting P1, the value must be adjusted with Lt (figure 1) on the EWA
transformer to a maximum value. Tune (with plastic screw driver) the trimmer Lt on the antenna transformer until the highest point has been found (is highest display value, this means when you are turning further in the same direction the display value must go down after the highest level has been found, if not select a different transformer ratio.)
connect HF-output to the next transformer-ratio 9 : 1, or 11 : 1 (do not change HF+ and HF-), try if a higher value on the display can be found by tuning Lt.
connect HF-output to the highest transformation-ratio (with the highest value on
the display) where it is still possible to find the highest point, this is the right adjustment.
When the right transformation ratio has been found Lt must be tuned to the maximum
______________________________________________________________________________________________ D300X T/R Twin Separation - 7 - Version 0.8
step 3
Adjust power
set power
step 4
Adjust squelch procedure
Normally squelch does not have to be adjusted (default is automa
tically set
Advised and Default Squelch settings CPT4SBS
After correct processing the antenna adjustment procedure, step 1 and 2 are done and Lt is adjusted (highest value is on the display now ), P1 must be adjusted with help of AP.
When the display shows AP, the "Adjust Power procedure" is entered by pressing the button until the display blinks. The display now shows the percentage of the maximum transmitting-power of the T/R. The T/R is equipped with a power-limitter. When the transmitted HF-power exceeds a certain level, the HF-current will be limited automatically. To indicate this, the display will blink, after this point power-increase (P1) is not desirable. The tuning-procedure is as follows :
You can continue by pressing the button short
The adjusted squelch determines the sensitivity of the receiver in the T/R. In case
Twin Feeder Model 1 Squelch = 0 Twin Feeder Model 2 AM CODE Squelch = -2 Twin Feeder Model 2 PM CODE Squelch = -1
Note : AS can be used to reduce the HF-field if animals are identified outside the
e.g. calves outside the station are identified, the transmitted power can be reduced ("Adjust Power procedure") or the receiver-sensitivity can be reduced by means of the squelch-adjustment.
When the display shows AS, the "Adjust Squelch procedure" is entered by pressing the button until the display blinks. The display now shows the actual sensitivity of the receiver, a value from "-0" (most sensitive, i.e. default setting) until "-3" (least sensitive). By shortly pressing the button, the desired squelch can be adjusted. The setting can be entered by pressing the button until the display blinks.
station, check if the identification is still sufficient
tune P1 maximal until just before the point where the display starts to blink
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+ 19 hidden pages